TAA Tools

The command  DMOSUBF will provide  a demonstration of  a Subfile.   The
code  provided includes comments  for how to  modify the source  to fit
your  specific  needs.   For a  simpler solution,  see CRTSFLPGM.   The
subfile application provided contains the typical functions of:

    - Display a detail record
    - Change a record
    - Copy a record with a new key
    - Rename a record with a new key
    - Delete a record (a confirmation display occurs)
    - Add mode (adding new records)
    - 'Position to' function
    - Controlling which record keys exist in the subfile
    - Alternate view capability
    - Help text

You can try out the function with the command:


You will  probably better  understand  this documentation  if you  have
used  the demonstration.   You  can try  it yourself  or see  the later

The  DMOSUBF2  command is  also  supported.   It  has an  example  of a
Subfile with only a  display option supported.   Most of the  functions
are  the same  between  the  two commands.    DMOSUBF2  is provided  to
assist you when you do not need the full range of functions.

The  intent of the source  is to allow  you to build  a subfile display
application with a minimum of effort.

All of  the  screens  support  help  text.   The  help  text  shown  is
standard for  things like  function keys  and Option  entries.   Sample
formats are provided for field help text.

Assuming you have:

      - Read this documentation
      - Used the demonstration to understand the
          screens and approach
      - Have a typical physical file definition created
      - Have worked out your design (see the later section)

and  have developed  your  first  application with  this  approach, you
should  be able to produce  a basic working subfile for  in a couple of
hours.    Specific   tailoring  for  such   things  as  specific   help
functions, elaborate  field input validation,  additional options, will
take longer.

           *                                     *
           *  Do not use SDA on the Display      *
           *  file source until you are mostly   *
           *  complete. SDA may remove the       *
           *  comments you need to make changes. *
           *  Use SEU.                           *
           *                                     *

A  data base  file also  exists which  contains demonstration  data for
the tool.   The  file contains  member information  about  some of  the
members  from TAATOOL.    This data  base  base file  is  used by  both
commands  and  is test  data  (you may  change  the data  or  delete it
without harm).  You can refresh the data with:


Differences with other DMOSUBF tools

DMOSUBF3 is a  subset of  the DMOSUBF  tool with  the major  difference
that array  data is  used to  load the  subfile rather  than data  base

DMOSUBF4  provides  the same  function  as DMOSUBF3,  but  the data  is
displayed in a window on the display.

DMOSUBF5 is like DMOSUBF3 plus a 'Position To' entry.

DMOSUBF6 is like DMOSUBF4 plus a 'Position To' entry.

Copying the source

You  can copy  the source  provided by  use of  the DUPSTDSRC  TAA Tool
command.   It  allows a  simple  copy of  each  member.   For  example,
assume you want to copy the DDS code for the display file.

                      TEXT('xxx') SRCFILE(yyy)

You  must name  the  new member  name  you want  to add.    You need  a
separate  DUPSTDSRC  command for  each  source  type that  you  want to

The following are the source types and the corresponding members:

      DMOSUBF  (Full Subfile Support)

  Type        SRCTYP     Member     File
  ------     ---------   ------     -------


      DMOSUBF2  (Display Only Subfile Support)

  Type        SRCTYP     Member     File
  ------     ---------   ------     -------


Subfile display

When you issue  the command DMOSUBF,  you will see  an initial  display
that  describes  the demonstration  and  how  to  refresh the  data  if
needed.   An option exists to allow an alternate  view.  It defaults to
Y which allows the F11 key to be used.

When the subfile display  appears, one or more  options can be  entered
and rollup  may be  used.  Any  options for  Display, Change,  Copy, or
Rename are handled in the sequence in which they are entered.

Any  options for  Delete are saved  until all  other options  have been
processed  and then  a confirmation display  appears (a  subfile of all
the records selected  for deletion).  The  user is given the  choice of
confirming the deletes or cancelling.

If a request  is made for 'Add Mode', a prompt  occurs after all option
entries  have been processed.   The user  stays in 'Add  mode' until F3
or F12 is pressed and then he returns to the subfile.

Two data base files are used:

  **   A keyed file.   This  file is 'read  only' and is  used to  fill
       the subfile.   This can  be either a  physical or  logical file.
       The relative  record number of each record  read is saved in the
       subfile as  a  hidden  field.   The  demonstration  file  has  a
       unique key of file  and member.  It is not  required that unique
       keys exist.

  **   An  Arrival Sequence  access path  file  over the  same physical
       file  as  the keyed  file.   This can  be  either a  physical or
       logical file.   This file  is used  for changes, additions,  and

Assume  your physical  file is  the keyed  file FILEA  with  the format
FILEAR.   The only DDS  you need for the  Arrival Sequence logical file

     A          R FILEAR                    PFILE(FILEA)

You can use the CRTLFSRC TAA Tool also such as:


Both data base  files may  be logical  files based on  a physical  file
which is not  described in the program.   Only a single  format logical
file may  be used for the Arrival Sequence access  path file.  The same
format should be  used for both  files.   You should not  use a  single
shared open  to cause both files  to use the  same Open Data  Path (the
cursor location of the keyed file is important).

If you  are going to  be repeatedly using  the subfile (e.g.   call it,
end  it, call it  again, etc.), you  should consider the  use of either
pre-opening the files  or the parameter  which controls the LR  setting
at the end of the program.  This subject is discussed later on.

The  DMOSUBF command  supports  the  CTLKEY parameter.    This will  be
discussed  later.  The rest of this  section assumes you are taking the
default of *ANY.

The DMOSUBF command  supports the  FILE and MBR  parameters which  both
default to blanks.   This causes the first record in the  keyed file to
be  displayed  as the  first  record in  the  subfile.   Values  can be
entered on  the command  to  start the  subfile  at a  different  keyed
record.   If values  are entered on  the command,  they will  appear at
the top of the display in the 'Position to' fields.

If  no values are  entered, the  key fields  from the first  record are
placed  in the 'position to'  fields.  If you  prefer the 'position to'
fields to be blank, instructions  exist in the source for how  to cause

The parameters  on the command are  the same function  as the 'Position
to' prompt  at the top of the subfile  display and will be described as
the 'position to' option.

The 'position to' option  allows the user  to start accessing the  data
at any point in  the file.  The demonstration allows the  user to enter
values in  the 'Position to' fields, that do not  match a record in the
data base.   If they do  not, the  first record displayed  will be  the
record just  prior to the  values entered.   (A SETLL function  is used
and if the record does not exist, a READP function is used).

There  is an  option to  control which  record keys  will exist  in the
subfile.  See the later discussion.

Once  the subfile is displayed, the user  may press rollup and the next
page of records  will be displayed.   This occurs  by returning to  the
program  and  reading  one  page  worth  of  data  base  records.    An
indication of 'More' or 'Bottom' is shown.

Options  are not processed during rollup or  rolldown.  This allows the
user to  select  multiple  options  on several  pages  of  the  subfile
before any are processed.

If  rollup has  occurred,  the user  may rolldown.    Rolldown is  only
valid to  the point of the first record  displayed at the 'position to'
point.  (Rolldown occurs by using the system subfile support).

Requests to  display  or  change  a record,  do  not  cause  a  refresh
(meaning the  subfile is not  re-filled).  Any  changes to fields  that
appear  in  the  subfile  display  will  be shown  correctly  when  the
subfile  is re-displayed  (both the  data base  record and  the subfile
record are  updated on any  change request).   If a  display or  change
request occurs,  the subfile is  re-displayed with the page  shown that
had the last record for which an option was requested.

Any  add,   deletes,  copies,  or  renames  cause  the  subfile  to  be
refreshed.   An attempt  is made  to display  the page  of the  subfile
where the change occurred.

  **   If a delete  occurs, the page where the last  record was deleted
       from is displayed.

  **   If  an add  occurs, the  subfile is  re-positioned to  the added
       record if the key  that was added  is less than  the key of  the
       first record  in the subfile.   If the  key is greater  than the
       first record  in the subfile,  the last page on  which an option
       was entered is displayed or the last page of the subfile.

If  you request 'position to'  as well as a  display, change, or delete
request  and then  cancel,  the  subfile  is not  re-positioned.    The
'position  to' values  remain and  would be  used when  a  valid action
occurs.   If you request 'position to'  and Add Mode, the 'position to'
function is performed when Add Mode is ended.

Pressing the Enter  key without selecting  an option does  not end  the
program.   This technique is  used because the  first display  may take
some time  to appear and inadvertent enter  keys would end the program.
The user must press F3 or F12 to end the subfile display.

The 'Detail record display' is a  unique DDS format.  The  'Change/Add'
functions share a separate format.

The source provides  two screens each  for the 'Detail  record display'
and the  'Change/Add record display'.   This allows for  the case where
all  fields do  not fit  on a  single display.   The  default is  for a
single screen  for each  function.   Instructions exist  in the  source
for how to activate the second screen.

Your code  can control what fields  are displayed or changed.   You can
provide  defaults for certain  fields in new records.   Instructions in
the program tell you where to do this.

The demonstration assumes  that the  key fields of  an existing  record
cannot be  changed during  Change mode.   See  the instructions in  the
display file and RPG source for how to remove this restriction.

If add  mode is entered, it  is assumed the user will  want to add more
than one record.   If  the user  adds a record,  the prompt  for a  new
record continues to appear  until the user presses F3 or  F12 to return
to the subfile.

The F18  key is valid during  add mode to duplicate  the fields entered
from  the previous record.   F18 is  not valid until  a record has been
added.   The F18 key  duplicates the record  as it  was added (not  the
way it exists in the data base when F18 is used).

Alternate View

The default  in the standard  code is to  provide a single view  of the
data (the Demonstration default allows a alternate view).

You  may specify an  option for an  alternate view by  scanning the RPG
code for ALTVW and use a SETON instead of a SETOF.

This activates the F11  key to allow a  flip/flop between the main  and
alternate view.   The F11 description is  either 'View 1' or  'View 2'.
The  RPG ZZCVT  subroutine is  used  for converting  both the  main and
alternate view fields prior to display if needed.

Fields for  the alternate  view  should be  entered  in DDS  (Scan  for
ALTVW) and follow the instructions.

Help Text

Help  text  is provided  for  each  of  the displays  by  using  HLPxxx
keywords and help formats in the same display file.

Each  Help format  is defined  as a  window and  has  room for  10 text
lines  of  55 characters.    Some help  displays  say 'More...'  at the
bottom of the  help window  to allow the  user to  roll for more  text.
Function keys are provided at the bottom of each help display.

The  help window  is displayed  using  the current  cursor position  to
locate  the window  on the display.   This  allow the  user to normally
see what he requested help on plus the window.

There are no  RPG statements relative  to the display  help (it is  all
in the display file).

The  help  text  includes  standard  formats  that  relate  to  general
display  information, function  keys,  and options.   You  may  need to
tailor some of the  text that is specific  to the demonstration to  fit
your application.

There is  a sample provided to  show you how  to provide help  text for
your  fields.   The sample  is for  the  MLFILE field  ('File' prompt).
The  same  help  text is  available  from  any display  that  shows the
MLFILE value.   For example, you  can access the  field help text  from
the 'Confirm Deletes' display.

The  typical solution  would be  to get  the application  working first
and then 'fine tune' the help text at a later point.

Another  solution would be to  provide help text only  for the Options,
function keys,  and general  screen display.    Instructions exist  for
this also.

If you don't  want to provide any  help text, there is  a discussion in
the  display file  source  of how  to get  rid of  it.   See  the later
section on modifying help text.

Control key option

The  DMOSUBF  command  supports  the  parameter  CTLKEY  which   allows
options  to control  the records  which  appear in  the  subfile.   The
parameter is  provided on the command so you  can better understand how
the options work.

When  you  duplicate  the source,  the  instructions will  tell  you to
delete the  parameter from the  command and  use a literal  in the  RPG
program to  specify one of the options  (It would be possible  to use a
parameter as in the demonstration).

The  best way  to understand  the Control  Key function  is to  try the
DMOSUBF command.  See the later discussion.

The options are:

   *ANY        All records in  the file can be  displayed (the user  is
               not restricted to a key range).

               If  a  'position  to'  value is  passed  in,  the  first
               record  displayed will be  the record with  the key that
               matches the value or  the record that  is just prior  to
               a non-existent key.

               Use *ANY  when the user  should see  all of the  records
               and is not restricted in any way.

   *GENERIC    Only those  records that match the  characters keyed for
               the high order 'position to' key will be displayed.

               For   example,  if  you  specified  FILE(QATTD)  in  the
               demonstration,  only those  records  that began  with  a
               file name of QATTD would be displayed.

               If  no  records match  the  value,  a  blank subfile  is
               displayed  and the  user can add  records.   If the high
               order key is blank,  it is treated as  if *ANY had  been

               The  user   is  not  restricted  from   accessing  other
               records  if 'position  to' fields  exist  at the  top of
               the display.   Only those records  which match the  high
               order 'position  to' field  will be  displayed.  If  you
               want  to display  the  high order  'position  to' field,
               but   not  allow  the   user  to  change   it,  see  the
               instructions  in the  DDS  to  make  the  'position  to'
               field 'output only'.

               Use  *GENERIC when  you  want to  reduce  the number  of
               records that the user can see in the subfile.

   *FULLEQ     The  only  records displayed  are those  that  match the
               full key.   If no  records match, the  program is  ended
               with the return code parameter set to 'NOTFOUND'.

               Most use of  *FULLEQ or *FULLEQA will be  for files that
               do not have unique keys.

               You  must  pass  a  'position  to'  value.    You  would
               normally not  display any  'position to'  values at  the
               top of  the  display as  the program  will restrict  the

               You  would normally  initialize  all of  the  key fields
               for  any new records  and would prevent  them from being

               Use *FULLEQ  when  the 'position  to'  value(s) you  are
               passing  requires  that  records  exist that  match  the
               full  key and you want the  user restricted to that set.

   *FULLEQA    This is the  same as *FULLEQ except  that if no  records
               exist  for  the  'position  to'   key,  the  subfile  is
               displayed and  F6 is allowed for the  user to enter 'Add

               Use *FULLEQA when  you want  to restrict the  user to  a
               set of records, but  if there are no records  that match
               the 'position  to' value, the user should  be allowed to
               add some.

   *HIGHEQ     The  only  records displayed  are  those that  match the
               high order value of a  multiple key access path.   If no
               records  match, the  program  is ended  with the  return
               code  parameter  set to  'NOTFOUND'.   You  must  pass a
               'position to' value.

               For example, the demonstration  has a multiple part  key
               of FILE  and MBR.   You could  restrict the user  to the
               QATTDDS file  records, but allow him  to position to any
               MBR within that file name.

               If you have multiple  keys that make  up the high  order
               portion and you want  to restrict the user to  that set,
               see  the later discussion  of Multiple High  Order Keys.

               You   would   normally  not   display  the   high  order
               'position to'  value at the  top of  the display as  the
               program will restrict the user.

               You  would  normally  initialize   the  high  order  key
               fields  for any new records and  would prevent them from
               being changed.

               Use *HIGHEQ when you want  to restrict the user to  work
               on  only  the  records  that  match  the  'position  to'
               value(s)  of the high order  key that you pass  in.  The
               user will have access to any low order key.

   *HIGHEQA    This is the same  as *HIGHEQ except  that if no  records
               exist  for  the  high  order   'position  to'  key,  the
               subfile is  displayed and F6 is allowed  for the user to
               enter 'Add mode'.

               Use  *HIGHEQA when  you want to  restrict the  user to a
               set of  records  based on  the high  order  key, but  if
               there  are  no  records  that match  the  'position  to'
               value, the user should be allowed to add some.

Record locking considerations

The  records are  written to  the subfile, by  reading the  keyed file.
The keyed file is opened for 'input only' so no locking occurs.

If an  option  is  specified  for a  particular  record,  the  relative
record number  file is accessed.   This file  is opened for  update and

If  a record  is requested to  be displayed,  a 'read only'  request is
made (The  'N' function  is  used on  the  CHAIN operation  to  prevent
locking the record).

If a  record is  requested to be  changed, the  record is  accessed for
'read  only' and  a  copy  of the  record  image is  stored  within the
program.   If the user  makes changes and presses  Enter, the record is
re-accessed (this time  for update) and  compared against the  original
record image.  If the two images match, the record is updated.

If the  two images do not match,  the record is unlocked  and a special
display  is shown informing the  user that the record  has been changed
since it was first  displayed.  All of  the proposed changes have  been
lost.   The current record  data is then  re-displayed.  The  user must

If  a  display or  change  request is  made  and the  record  no longer
exists, an appropriate  error message  will be displayed.   This  would
occur if  another user  had deleted a  record after  it was  written to
the subfile.

If the  record exists when  a change request  occurs, it may  no longer
exist  when the  user finally  presses Enter  to cause  an update.   If
this occurs,  a  special display  appears informing  the  user of  what
happened and that he cannot change a deleted record.

If a duplicate  key error occurs, a special  display is shown informing
the user of the error and allowing him to correct the error.

The  demonstration uses a unique keyed file  and prevents the user from
changing  the key  fields  during  a  Change  request.    Therefore,  a
duplicate key  error can  only occur  during the  demonstration when  a
new record is being added.

If  your  application requires  unique  keys, but  allows  the  user to
change existing  key fields,  the duplicate  key error  can also  occur
during a change request.   A duplicate key error could also  occur if a
separate  data base file  had specified a  unique key access  path that
is not the same as the file you are using for the keyed file.

While  the code does  not lock a  record during the  users 'think time'
(when the  record  is displayed  for  update), it  is  possible that  a
different  program could  be accessing  the  data base  for update  and
'lock out'  the user from making an update.   If this occurs, a special
display will appear  (the work is  performed by the  TAA Tool  LOCKMSG)
informing the user of the condition and allowing the user 4 choices:

     - Send a message to the user who has the lock
     - Try again
     - Send a message to the system operator
     - Cancel (return to the subfile display)

If the  user requests to  delete a record,  a confirmation  prompt will
appear.    The  user  may cancel  the  request.    If  the deletes  are
confirmed, the  records are  re-accessed for  update and  deleted.   If
the lock cannot be  achieved when the record is  re-accessed, a special
display will  appear informing the  user of the condition  and that the
delete  request  will be  bypassed.   If  the  record has  already been
deleted, a  special  display  will appear  informing  the user  of  the
condition and that the delete request will be bypassed.

Error handling

Errors are handled in different methods depending on the type.

  **   For most  errors, standard text exists.   If an  error occurs, a
       single line of text appears at the bottom of the display.

       The  message  text is  stored as  array  entries within  the RPG
       program.    The  array  data  is  moved  to  a  field  which  is
       displayed  at  the   bottom  of  the  subfile   display  or  the
       Change/Add record display.  The keyboard is not locked.

       Additional lines  of error text can exist.   If additional lines
       exist, the F23 function  key is active and  the user may use  it
       to  display the  additional text  (a  separate screen  appears).
       Up to 16 lines of additional text are provided for.

       You may  modify the standard  text so that  the descriptions fit
       your  application, but you should  not modify the internal error
       codes  (they  use  the   convention  Znn).    The   program  has
       instructions for how to modify the message text.

  **   In exceptional  error conditions (e.g.   attempting to  delete a
       record  that has just  been deleted by another  user), a special
       display format  is used.   You  may modify  the  text for  these
       formats if needed.

  **   Most  user applications  will  have  some validity  checking  of
       individual  fields for  the 'Change/Add'  record display.   Some
       samples are provided.  The typical choices would be:

         --   Use DDS validity checking such as the VALUES keyword.

         --   Use the  DDS ERRMSG  keyword.   There  is an  example  of
              this in  the sample  code provided  where the -Number  of
              records-  field  cannot  be   zero.    You  must  set  an
              indicator  in  the  RPG  program  to  condition  the  DDS
              ERRMSG keyword.

              Using  ERRMSG   causes   the  field   in  error   to   be
              highlighted and the keyboard will be locked.

         --   Use  a user  defined message  in  the RPG  program.   The
              text  for these messages  would be in the  RPG program as
              array  entries.    These  are  similar  to  the  standard
              messages provided.

              The 'RPG  text' solution does not  lock the keyboard.   A
              conditioning  indicator is set  on in the  RPG program to
              cause reverse  imaging of  the field  and positioning  of
              the cursor.

              There is  an example  of this  type of  message used  for
              Add  mode to  ensure that  the  user has  entered certain
              required   fields.    This  is  designed  to  prevent  an
              inadvertent Enter key  from entering a blank  record into
              the  data   base.     You  probably  have   some  similar

              There  is  another example  of  this in  the  sample code
              where the -Type-  field has valid values  of CMD, PF,  or
              RPG.    Any other  type  is  considered invalid  for  the
              demonstration.    This message  has  additional  lines of
              text.  When the  message is displayed,  F23 is valid  for
              the user to access the additional lines.

              Follow the  instructions in  the RPG  program for how  to
              enter  message  text  and  cause  a  similar  message  to

  **   The  RPG  program specifies  the error  indicator on  several of
       the data base operations.   If an error occurs, the  status code
       is  checked for  expected error  conditions.   If  an unexpected
       error  occurs, the  RPG program  will abnormally  terminate with
       an escape  message  that will  contain  the internal  error  ID.
       This  same technique  is used  for other  internal errors  where
       unexpected conditions could occur.

How should the subfile be used

You  may  use  the  subfile  sample  code  for several  situations  (or
combinations  of  these).    There  are  source  members  provided   by
DUPSTDSRC that  make up  the DMOSUBF  and DMOSUBF2 demonstrations  that
can be used for:

    - Command definition
    - CL program
    - Display file
    - RPG program

The typical situations where you could use the source include:

  **   A  command interface.    You want  a subfile  display  to appear
       when  you  enter  a  command.   This  would  be  similar  to the
       DMOSUBF command.

  **   A menu interface.   You want a  subfile display as an  option on
       a menu.

  **   Program call.   You want to call the subfile  program from a HLL
       program.  There are several possibilities such as:

         --   In  your  HLL  program  you  want  to  invoke  a  subfile
              display  that  is  an  independent  function.    The  sub
              program would not pass back any data.

         --   Your  HLL  program  could be  a  subfile  program  itself
              (e.g.   for handling  order header  records).  You  add a
              special option  entry  to  allow  access  to  the  detail
              records subfile.   This could  be implemented by  using a
              separate  program  and  display  (also created  from  the
              sample code).

         --   Your  HLL program  could be  a subfile  that requires the
              user to  know the  record  key (e.g.   customer  number).
              If  the user  does not  know the  record key,  a Function
              key  could be  added  to the  sample code  to call  a sub
              program which  could  also  be  developed  by  using  the
              sample code,  but would  access the  data by  means of  a
              separate  access  path.    The  sub  program  would  then
              return the record key  for use by  the main program  (See
              the later discussion on Adding a 'Specify' option).

Getting familiar with the demonstration

Before  you  try  to   copy  the  sample  code  and   create  your  own
application,  you  should  be   familiar  with  the  externals  of  the
demonstration  program.   You will  be able  to more easily  tailor the
code if you have a good idea of what is being provided.

Enter the command:


Try out the functions:

          - Each of the options on the subfile display
               - Try multiples and combinations
          - The F6 key for 'add mode'
               - Enter a record and then use the F18 function
                   on the next prompt for a new record
          - The 'position to' function
               - Try a key that exists
               - Try a key that does not exist
          - Try the command with the FILE and MBR parameters
               (A later section discusses the CTLKEY parameter)
          - Rollup and rolldown of the subfile
          - Try to change an existing record with invalid data
               to check the error handling:
                  - The -Type- field must be PF, CMD, or RPG
                       - Try the F23 function
                  - The -Number of records- field cannot be 0
          - Try to add a new record without entering any data
               - Just press the Enter key after the prompt
          - Try to add a duplicate key
          - Try some of the cancel options
          - Try the help text functions (HELP key or F1)
               - Use ROLLUP to roll thru the help text
                    for the entire display
               - Try the help text for the 'File' field
                   (Active on every display which has 'File')

       You can  simulate the  unique situations where  another user  is
       using the same application and:

            - A change occurs while the first user is changing
                 the same record
            - A record is deleted while the first user is
                 changing the same record
            - A record is deleted while the first user
                 is deleting the same record

       Use  a different job  (e.g.   group job  or system  request) and
       the  same application.  For example,  have the first job request
       to change a specific record.   When the Change display  appears,
       switch to  a different  job and  change the  same record.   Then
       return  to  the  first  job  and  attempt  to make  a  different

The program also provides for the  case where a record is locked  while
the user is attempting  to delete or change the record.   This function
cannot  be simulated  using the  program because  the program  does not
lock the record during user 'think time'.

A  solution to test this problem is to  use the TAA Tool LCK1STRCD.  It
will lock the first record in the file you name.  Specify:


You will see the  first record on the  keyed access path locked.   Note
the file and member name in the record.

While the  record is  locked, access a  different job and  use DMOSUBF.
Request to  change the same record.  Enter  a different value in one of
the fields (e.g.  change the  number of records) and press Enter.   You
should timeout  after 5  seconds and  see the  TAA Tool LOCKMSG  action
which  offers a  prompt.   You  can try  the different  actions  on the

Getting familiar with the CTLKEY parameter

To  understand  the  DMOSUBF   CTLKEY  parameter,  try  the   following
examples.   If  you  have deleted  many  of the  records  in the  file,
refresh it as per the instructions on the first display.


The  first record displayed  is from  the QATTCMD  file.  Roll  all the
way through the file so you understand the records that exist.

Enter the following in the 'position to' FILE prompt:

                File = QATTD

The  first record  displayed is the  last record for  the QATTCMD file.
This occurs  because the  full 'position to'  key (FILE  and MBR)  does
not match any record so the first previous record is shown.

Blank out the  'member' value and enter the  following in the 'position
to' FILE prompt

                File = QATTDDS

The  same record is displayed.  This  occurs because the full 'position
to' key (FILE  and MBR) where MBR  is blank does  not match any  record
and the first previous record is shown again.

Enter the following in the 'position to' FILE and MBR prompt:

                File = QATTDDS   Member = TAASPLCP

You  should be  positioned  at the  record you  requested.   Since  the
record  is equal on the  entire 'position to' key,  the previous record
is not shown.

Enter the following in the 'position to' FILE and MBR prompt:

                File = QATTDDS   Member = TAASPLH

Since the  record does  not  exist, you  should  see the  first  record
prior to TAASPLJ.  Not all QATTDDS records are not shown.

Return to the DMOSUBF command and enter:

                DMOSUBF  CTLKEY(*GENERIC)

You should  see the same  display as if  you had entered  CTLKEY(*ANY).
This is a special case when no 'position to' value is entered.

Enter the following in the 'position to' FILE prompt:

                File = QATTD

You  should see  only those  records  that begin  with a  file  name of

Enter the following in the 'position to' FILE prompt:

                File = QATTDDS

You should see the same display.

Enter the following in the 'position to' FILE and MBR prompt:

                File = QATTDDS    Member = TAASPLCP

You should see the first record you requested.

Enter  the following  in the 'position  to' FILE prompt  (blank out the
member value):

                File = QATTE

Since no records match the value, you should see a blank subfile.

Press F6 for  add mode.   You should  see that you  can enter both  the
FILE and MBR name for a new record.

Return to the DMOSUBF command and enter:


You should see  an error message that the full key  (FILE and MBR) does
not exist in the file.

Enter the command:


You  should see only  a single  record in the  subfile.   Note that the
FILE and  MBR  'position to'  fields  are  protected (When  *FULLEQ  is
used, it does not make sense to have 'position to' fields).

Press F6 for add mode.

You  should see  that  both FILE  and MEMBER  are  initialized and  the
fields are protected.

In the  demonstration, the file has unique  keys.  Therefore, you could
not add another  record with this  key.   The use of  *FULLEQ does  not
make a lot of sense when unique keys exist.

Enter the command:


You should  see a blank  subfile because the  full key does  not exist,
but you are allowed to add records.

Press F6 for  add mode.  You should see that  both FILE and MEMBER have
been  initialized and cannot  be changed.  Because  the file has unique
keys, you could only add a single record.

Enter the command:


You should  see the  error message  that the  high order  key does  not

Enter the command:


You should see only the QATTDDS records.

Note  that you  cannot enter  a value  in the  'position to'  field for
FILE (With *HIGHEQ you would normally not display the field).

Enter the following in the 'position to' MBR prompt:

                 Member = TAASPLCP

You should see the subfile positioned to the record you named.

Press F6 for Add mode.

You  should  see  that  the file  name  is  initialized  and  cannot be
changed, but you can enter any member name.

Enter the command:


You should see a blank subfile, but you are allowed to add records.

Comments in the source

The code  provided is  for a  demonstration  and includes  instructions
for what needs to be modified to fit your needs.

The source contains two kinds of comments.

  **   Permanent comments intended for permanent documentation.

  **   Temporary  comments  intended  to describe  how  to  modify  the
       source.     The  temporary  comments  all   have  +++  in  every

       There are two kinds of temporary comments:

         --   +++Required.   These discuss  required changes  that  you
              must make to create a working program.

         --   +++Optional.   These discuss  changes that  you may  want
              to make to tailor the program.

       The  instructions  will tell  you  to scan  for  the +++Required
       comments.   Concentrate on these first.   After you have created
       a working program, go back  and remove or add function  based on
       your specific requirements.

       Each  comment section  in the  source  ends with  a a  statement
       such as:

            F*+++ Complete = No

       The  intent  is that  if  you have  completed the  work  for the
       comment section, you would change  the 'No' to 'Yes' or a  value
       of your choice.   This provides documentation to  yourself as to
       the changes you have made.

       The best  solution is normally to leave  both forms of temporary
       comments in  the code  until you  get the  program working.    A
       special TAA  Tool RMVSRCCMT  can be  used to remove  all of  the
       +++ comments when you are ready to clean up the source.

       You would enter the command:

               RMVSRCCMT   MBR(xxx) SRCFILE(yyy)

This  will  remove all  the  temporary comments  (those  with +++)  and
leave the permanent comments.

There  are special comments  in the source  that allow you  to scan for
how to make changes to typical functions such as:

       - RMVCHG
       - RMVDLT
       - RMVCPY
       - RMVRNM
       - RVMADD
       - RMVF18
       - MULTIHI
       - NEWFKEY
       - NEWOPT

See some of the later sections for how to make typical changes.

Designing your application and displays

You need to  spend some time designing  what you want to  happen before
you start  making any changes to  the sample source.   The instructions
in  the source will  be much more  meaningful if you plan  ahead.  Here
are the things  you need to  consider and design  before attempting  to
modify any source:

  1.   How will  the subfile be  accessed?  The  source can be  used to

           - A command interface
           - A program which is called as an option from
                one of your menus
           - A program which is invoked from a main program
               - The main program could also be a subfile program

       If  you invoke the subfile  program from a main  program, do you
       want any data to be passed back?

       Determine the  naming convention  you will  use for  the  source
       members.   You  will  have at  a  minimum the  following  source

           2   Data base files (One keyed and one Arrvl Seq)
           1   Display file
           1   RPG program

       If you  have a command  interface, you will  need source members

           1   Command definition
           1   CL program

  2.   Create  the  data base  files (if  they  do not  already exist).
       Externally described  data  is required.    You need  two  files
       over the same data.

            - Keyed file. It may have a unique key.

                 - This file will be 'read only'

            - Arrival sequence access path file.

                 - This file will have updates, adds, deletions
                     If the DMOSUBF2 approach is used, this
                     file is 'read only'

       Either  file may  be the  physical file.   Both  files  could be
       logical files over the same physical.

  3.   Change  the  WAITRCD parameter  of the  Arrival  Sequence Access
       path file to a  small value (5 or 10  seconds).  The program  is
       designed  to  provide  descriptive  displays  for  the  user  if
       locked  record conditions  are found.    You normally  would not
       want the user to  wait a long time  before the timeout  occurred
       (e.g.  the 60 second default).

  4.   Determine  the   setting  for  the   CTLKEY  option.     In  the
       demonstration, the  value is passed  in as a  parameter, but you
       would normally fix it to one setting in the program.

  5.   Determine  if you want the 'Position  to' function at the top of
       the subfile display.  If you do, what fields will be used.

  6.   Determine what  the format of  the subfile will  look like.   In
       most  applications, you  can't  place all  the  fields from  the
       record  on  one  line  in the  subfile  display.    You  need to
       determine what  fields  will  be  displayed.   Do  you  need  to
       change  any   of  the   fields  (such   as  truncating  a   text
       description) in order to show some information?

       You  should  design  the  layout  of  the  subfile  display  and
       determine  what  headings  you  will  use.    Scratch  paper  is
       probably adequate.   In the  code provided, the  subfile records
       start on  line 9.   The first field  begins in position  7.  The
       width  of each subfile column should  be the longer of the field
       length or  the  column heading.    You should  have at  least  2
       blank positions between fields.

       For example, your scratch paper may look like:

             7          18      25                      47    ...
             .          .       .                       .
             .          .       .                       .
             Customer   Type    Name                    State
              XXXXX      X      XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX     XX

       With this  amount of  information, you should  be able  to enter
       the  DDS   specifications  for  both  the  column  headings  and

  7.   You should determine what fields  you want on the 'Display of  a
       record' and  the sequence of  the fields.   Do you need  to edit
       any date  or numeric fields?   Do you need to  change any of the
       values being  displayed  to make  them  more descriptive?    For
       example, you may have  a field with a C  or D in it and  want it
       to be displayed as:

               C = Credit
               D = Debit

  8.   If you  want a 'Display  only' type of  Subfile (e.g.   shown by
       DMOSUBF2),  you  need  to  access  a  different  set  of  sample
       source.   See  the later  discussion and  ignore  the points  in
       this section relative to Change/Add/Delete.

  9.   You  should determine what  fields you  want on  the 'Change/Add
       record  display' and the  sequence of the  fields.   Do you need
       to convert any of  the values before they  are displayed to  the
       user?  Do you  need to convert any of the values  after the user
       has  made changes, but  before the data  is written to  the data
       base?  For example, you  may want the user  to key *YES or  *NO,
       but you may want Y or N in the data base.

  10.  Will  you  allow  the  user to  change  the  key  fields  of  an
       existing record?

  11.  Most  applications that add  a record  will want to  ensure that
       the  user has not  pressed an inadvertent Enter  key and added a
       record with  mostly blank  fields.   You will  probably want  to
       ensure that some critical fields are not blank or zero.

  12.  You should  determine what validity  checking (if any)  needs to
       be  performed  on  the  fields  that  will  be  entered  on  the
       Change/Add display and the approach that will be used:

            - DDS validity keywords (e.g. VALUES)

            - RPG code to set an indicator for the
                 DDS ERRMSG keyword (the text of the
                 message is in DDS)

            - User defined messages kept in the RPG
                 program array

  13.  The sample code  provides for  the options  of display,  change,
       and  delete.   Do you  want all  of  these options?   Are  there
       other  options you will need?   See the later  section on adding
       and removing options.

       If  your  subfile  is  only  going  to  support  'Display  only'
       functions, then  you should use  the DMOSUBF2 approach  (see the
       later discussion).

  14.  The  sample code provides  for F6 to  enter 'Add mode'  to enter
       new  records.   Do you  want this function?   If  not, there are
       instructions in the source for how to remove the function.

       The sample  code provides for  the F18 function  in Add mode  to
       allow  duplicating the  fields from  the prior  record.   Do you
       want  this  function?   If not,  there  are instructions  in the
       source for how to prevent the function.

  15.  Are there other  command keys that  you want to  support or  not
       support?  See the later section on how to do this.

  16.  The  sample  code  provides  for 2  standard  parameters  to  be
       passed.    Additional  parameters  may  be  passed  in  for  the
       'position to' function.   See the  next section which  describes
       the parameters.

Parameters passed to the RPG program

When you call the  RPG program (either from the optional  CL program or
your own  program), you must  pass a parameter  list (It would  also be
possible  to delete  the parameter  list and  initialize default values
for the parameters).

Two  parameters   are  standard   (must  be   passed)  and   additional
parameters are optional  for the 'position to' function.   You can also
have additional parameters for your own unique requirements.

  **   First parameter ZZLRST - LR status - *CHAR LEN(8)

         --   *ON.   This sets  on LR at  the end of the  program.  The
              user ends the program by pressing F3 or F12.

         --   *ONIMMED.    This  sets  on  LR  and  ends  the   program
              immediately.    The  subfile   is  not  displayed.    Use
              *ONIMMED only if you have used *OFF prior.

         --   *OFF.    If  you are  going  to  be  calling the  program
              frequently and  want the  program  to remain  active  and
              the  files open,  specify  *OFF until  you  are ready  to
              end.  To end, you would normally use *ONIMMED.

  **   Second parameter ZZRTNC - Return code - *CHAR LEN(8)

         --   The normal returned value is GOOD.

         --   If *FULLEQ  or *HIGHEQ has been specified  for the CTLKEY
              value  and the 'position to' value  does not exist in the
              data base  file,  a value  of  NOTFOUND is  passed  back.
              The NOTFOUND  value lets you handle the  exception if you
              are calling the program from another HLL program.

  **   'Position to' parameters.

         --   The  'position to' parameters  are optional.   They allow
              you  to  pass  in  values  to  cause  the  'position  to'
              function to  be used.   This  allows you  to control  the
              first  record   that  appears  in  the  subfile  display.
              Normally, you would have one parameter per key field.

Tailoring the code

The instructions will tell you to  scan the source for +++Req and  read
what to do.   It is  not necessary that  you read the comments  that do
not have  +++Req at the  beginning of them  or the actual  source code.
You  do not  need to  understand the logic  of the  program for typical

The +++Req  comments  are what  you  should focus  on  first to  get  a
working program.  This includes:

      - The parameters to be passed in
      - The setting of the ZZCTLK field
      - 'Position to' function
      - Fields and headings for the subfile
      - Fields and descriptions for the Detail Record display
          and the Change/Add record display

After the program  is working, you can then begin to  tailor it such as
the following:

      - Remove the functions you don't need
      - Control the record keys which appear
      - Add any additional options or function keys
      - Add validity checking
      - Add help text

See  the  later  sections on  how  to  do these  functions.    When you
determine what you want,  you should be able to  scan the source for  a
scan  value  like  NEWFKEY  to  assist you  in  making  changes.    The
+++Optional comments will describe what to do.

When  you are  ready to  copy  the sample  code, perform  the following

  1.   If you don't want a command interface, skip to step 2.

       For a  command  interface,  prompt for  DUPSTDSRC  as  described

                DUPSTDSRC    MBR(xxx) SRCTYP(*SUBFCMD) ...

       If you  want  a 'Display  only' subfile,  the  SRCTYP should  be

         --   Use SEU  to display the  source that was  just generated.
              Scan  the source  for +++Req and  follow the instructions
              to tailor the command interface.

         --   Create the  command and specify  a name  of a CL  program
              (in the  PGM parameter) to  be created in the  next step.

  2.   If you don't want a CL program interface, skip to step 3.

         --   Duplicate the CL source to your member with:

                  DUPSTDSRC    MBR(xxx) SRCTYP(*SUBFCLP) ...

       If  you  want a  'Display only'  subfile,  the SRCTYP  should be

         --   Use SEU to  display the source  that was just  generated.
              Scan the  source for +++Req  and follow  the instructions
              to tailor the CL program.

         --   Create the CL program.

  3.   Duplicate the display file source to your member with:

                  DUPSTDSRC    MBR(xxx) SRCTYP(*SUBFDSPF) ...

       If  you want  a  'Display only'  subfile, the  SRCTYP  should be

  4.   Use SEU to  display the source  that was just  generated.   Scan
       the source  for  +++Req and  follow the  instructions to  tailor
       the display file.

       It is generally  a good idea to work on  the help text after you
       are  satisfied with the  function of the  application.  The help
       text provided is in two forms:

         --   Standard help  text  for  F keys,  options,  and  general
              display help.   This will require some  tailoring on your
              part for the specifics of your application.

         --   Field  help text.   A sample  is provided  for the MLFILE
              field.   The  same help  format  is accessible  from  any
              display  where the  MLFILE field  appears.   You can  use
              this as a sample for how to add your own help text.

       If you  don't want any help  text or just the  help text for the
       standard functions,  there are  instructions in  the source  for
       what you should delete.

  5.   Create the display file.

  6.   Duplicate the RPG source to your member with:

                 DUPSTDSRC    MBR(xxx) SRCTYP(*SUBFRPG) ...

       If you  want  a 'Display  only' subfile,  the  SRCTYP should  be

  7.   Use  SEU to display  the source that  was just generated.   Scan
       the  source  for +++Req  and follow  the instructions  to tailor
       the RPG program.   Adding validity checking to ensure  that good
       data will  be placed in the data  base can take some  time to do
       correctly.    You may  prefer to  get  a working  program before
       concentrating on most  of the validity  checking (when your  are
       working   on  the   +++Req  functions,   you   can  modify   the
       demonstration  code to provide  a few specific  samples for your

  8.   Create the RPG program.

  9.   Give it a try.

  10.  After the program  is working,  you can  begin to  tailor it  as
       described  in later  sections.   The  display  file and  program
       source  contain 'scan  values'  in the  optional  sections which
       describe  how to  tailor the program.   When you  scan, you will
       find  +++Optional  comments  that  will  assist  you  in  making

  11.  When the program  is complete, you will probably  want to remove
       all  of the  +++ comments.   Use  the RMVSRCCMT  TAA Tool  to do

Adding or Removing options on the subfile display

In some applications you may  not want the full capability to  display,
change, delete, copy, rename,  or add.  In some cases, you  may want to
provide for additional options.

If   you  are   going  to   provide  a   'Display  only'   subfile  (no
Change/Add/Delete) then you want to  start with the DMOSUBF2 source  as
described in the previous section.

A  typical change  you  might want  to  make to  the  Change/Add/Delete
subfile  approach would be  to remove  the delete  option.  To  do this
you  should  scan  the  display  file source  and  the  RPG  source for
RMVDLT.   Then follow  the instructions.   You  can leave  most of  the
code  in the  objects (e.g.    the Confirm  Deletes subfile).   If  you
prevent the option, the associated format cannot be displayed.

You  can also remove  the Change option.   To remove  the Change option
you would scan the display file  source and the RPG source for  RMVCHG.
Then follow the  instructions.  You can  leave most of the  code in the
objects  (e.g.   the Change display).   If  you remove the  Option, the
Change format cannot be displayed.

The same concept  exists for  the Copy  or Rename options.   To  remove
these options scan for RMVCPY or RMVRNM.

If you have  an application where the  subfile is being used  to assist
in  identifying a  master record ID  (e.g.   customer number),  you may
want  to  add a  'Specify' option.   This  would  allow the  program to
return some critical  fields which identify  the selected record.   See
the later section.

You can  change or  add options  to the subfile  display, by  doing the

  **   Scan  the   display  file  source  for  NEWOPT  and  follow  the

  **   If you add an option, you  may need a new DDS format to  process
       the  option.   You may  need to  add  new help  text formats  to
       provide help text for the new display.

  **   Scan  the RPG  program source  for  NEWOPT.   This is  where the
       options are  checked.    A  SELEC  statement  is  used  for  the
       options.   Use the WHEQ  operation and EXSR  to a subroutine  to
       process the option.

       Depending  on the  type  of option  you  need, you  may  have to
       consider the following.

         --   An  F3  and/or  F12 function  key  to allow  the  user to
              cancel the option.

         --   If you are going  to call a sub program and  receive back
              a  key field  to use  for a  'position to'  function, see
              the later discussion.

Adding or Removing Function keys

You may want to add or remove function keys.

A  typical example would  be to prevent  'Add mode'.  To  do this, scan
the display file source  for RMVADD and follow  the instructions.   You
do not have  to remove all of  the code associated with  adding records
in  the display file or  RPG program.   There are no  changes needed to
the RPG program (the code would never be executed).

Another typical change  you might  want to  make is to  remove the  F18
key function (duplicate  from previous record).   To do this,  scan the
display  file source  for RMVF18  and follow  the instructions.   There
are  no changes  needed to  the RPG  program (the  code would  never be

To  add  a command  key  for  a  specific  function  (e.g.    a  search
capability)  to the  subfile display,  scan both  the display  file and
RPG  source for  NEWFKEY.   The  optional comments  will assist  you in
placing your Function key on  the correct screen and providing  prompts
and help text.

Adding a 'Specify' option

In some  applications, you  will want  to use  a sub-program to  assist
the  user in identifying the  proper record such as  a customer number,
a part number etc.

If the user does not know  the identifying number, you might provide  a
Function key  which would call  a subfile program.   The subfile  would
be  displayed  in some  order  to  assist the  search  (e.g.   customer
name).   The user should be  allowed 5=Display to assist in determining
the proper record.  You  would need to decide whether the  Change, Add,
or  Delete options  would  be valid.    If you  want  a 'Display  only'
subfile,   start  with   the  source   associated  with   the  DMOSUBF2

When the proper record is determined,  the user could enter a value  on
the  subfile display  saying  'This  is the  one  I  want'.   The  term
'Specify option' will be used for this.

Assume  you want  to add  '7=Specify' as  a new  option on  the subfile
display.   When  the  option  is selected,  the  program  would  return
immediately and  pass back identifying  fields (e.g.   customer number)
to the  main program.  The first '7'  entered would cause this function
(any additional 7s entered would be ignored).

You  would  need  some indication  that  the  user did  not  select any
record, but is returning based on F3 or F12.

Normally, you  would want  this type of  a 'search'  program to  remain
open to  avoid the overhead of  activating the program  and opening the
files.  See the later section.

To implement a 'Specify option', the typical solution would be:

  **   Add  parameters to be  passed to/from the program  that would be
       used to identify the record that was selected.

  **   Be sure  the identifying fields  are in  the subfile.   You  may
       need to make them hidden fields.

  **   Remove any  options you  don't want or  start with  the DMOSUBF2
       'Display only' type of Subfile.

  **   Add the  'Specify option' as described in  the section on Adding
       or Removing  Options.    The  instructions tell  you  to  add  a
       subroutine to process the option.

       You would probably specify something like:

       ZZOPT     WHEQ '8'
                 EXSR xxx
                 GOTO ZZEOP

       In your subroutine,  if you were  going to pass back  the MLFILE
       and  MLNAME  fields  from  the  demonstration  code,  you  would

                 MOVE MLFILE    ZKKEY1
                 MOVE MLNAME    ZKKEY2
                 GOTO ZZEOP

       The branch to ZZEOP is the normal 'end of program' function.

  **   Scan  the RPG program for  F3USE.  Insert some  code to tell the
       main  program that  the  user  did  not specify  a  record,  but
       returned with F3 or F12.

       For  example, you  might blank  out the  identifying  fields and
       use  this as a  convention that nothing  was specified.   If you
       were going to pass back  blank values for the MLFILE and  MLNAME
       fields from the demonstration code, you would specify:

                 MOVE *BLANKS   ZKKEY1
                 MOVE *BLANKS   ZKKEY2

       Another solution would  be to set a special value  in the ZZRTNC
       parameter which is always passed back.

Pre-Opening and the 'LR Status' function

To  speed up the  processing of the  program, you may  want to pre-open
the files with the  OPNDBF command or use  the 'LR status' function  in
the first parameter.

  **   Pre-Opening of shared files.

       If you  operate from a  menu, you could  pre-open the data  base
       files used by the program such as:

            OVRDBF   FILE(Keyed file) SHARE(*YES)
            OVRDBF   FILE(Arrival Seq file) SHARE(*YES)
            OPNDBF   FILE(Keyed file) OPTION(*INP)
            OPNDBF   FILE(Arrival Seq file) OPTION(*ALL)

       Pre-opening  a shared  file  keeps the  files open  so  that the
       subfile  program  would open  the  same shared  open  data path.
       This would improve  the performance of  the program if you  were
       going to invoke it multiple times.

       You  can  use the  same  open data  path  (ODP)  of the  Arrival
       Sequence  file with any other program within  the same job.  The
       only requirement would be that  the other program must  position
       the file  cursor before  using it.   The subfile  program always
       positions  the  cursor  by  relative  record  number before  any
       action is taken.

       The keyed file can  be shared with another  program in the  same
       job, but  not if the  other program is  called from the  subfile
       program.   The reason  for this is  that the cursor  position is
       set when the program begins and is used for rollup.

  **   Keeping the program active (LR status function)

       To  keep  the  program active  (files  open,  fields initialized
       etc.) when  it is  ended, use *OFF  as the  first parameter  (LR
       status) until  you want to  end.  This  causes a return  with LR

       If  you have a  subfile program that will  be invoked frequently
       from the same job, the  best performing solution is to call  the
       program with the first parameter set to *OFF.

       When you  want to end  the program, use  *ONIMMED.   This causes
       an immediate end of the program with LR on.

       There  is more job overhead  (e.g.  larger  PAG) associated with
       the leaving the program  active than the  use of pre-opening  of
       files.  If  your PAG is  not excessively large, it  is generally
       a good tradeoff to leave the program active.

Multiple High Order Key Fields

The  program assumes that  for the  *HIGHEQ and *HIGHEQA  settings that
you want to restrict to a single high order key field.

If  you  have multiple  high  order key  fields  that are  part  of the
restricted  set,  scan   the  program  for   MULTIHI  and  follow   the

Modifying Help Text

All of the  screens support standard help formats  to supply help text.
The  help  text  is  provided in  windows  that  will  appear  over the
display they were invoked from.

The field -File-  has sample help  text provided.   The same help  text
is accessible  from any  display where  -File- is  available.  You  can
use it as a sample of how to do help text.

There are  also two formats provided (UHDUMY  and UHDUMY20) to show how
to write help  text when the  information is greater than  the size  of
one window.  These formats  are in the source, but are not  used in the

You can  scan for DFNHELP  to assist you  in entering changes  for help

You  can  move  all  of  the help  text  formats  to  a  separate file.
Instructions exist  to assist  you.   There is  a special  TAA Tool  to
assist  you in  doing this.   The  FIXHLPRCD TAA  Tool will  update the
source  statements for the HLPRCD  keyword and allow you  to add a file
name or a qualified file name to the existing keywords.

Reducing the size of the objects

If you are not using  all of the function, you  can reduce the size  of
the objects without  a lot of effort.   The following are  gross things
you can do:

  **   If you are not using the delete function

       Delete the following formats from the display file source:


       Scan  the RPG program for  ZZDLT and delete  all the statements.
       You will  need to  determine where  the end  of  IF groups  are.
       Delete the entire ZZDLT subroutine.

Scan for ZZSFL2.  Delete the File continuation spec.

  **   If you  are not using  both Change and  Add Mode (No  changes or
       additions occur).

       Delete the following formats from the display file source:


       Scan  the  RPG program  for  the following  and  delete all  the
       statements.   You  will need  to determine  where the end  of IF
       groups are.

            ZZCOM   including the subroutine
            ZZCHG   including the subroutine
            ZZNEW   including the subroutine
            ZZVAL   including both subroutines
             91     any reference to indicator 91
             96     any reference to indicator 96

       Change the F spec for  the Arrival sequence file so that  Add (A
       in position 66) is not requested.

If you also  dropped the 4=Deletes function, the  Arrival sequence file
will  no longer be updated.   Change from Update (U  in position 15) to
I for Input.

  **   If you  don't need  the  second display  for the  Detail  Record

       Delete the following formats from the display file source:


       Scan the RPG  source for ZZDSP2.   Just prior to the  EXFMT is a
       GOTO to  ZZCOMZ.  You can delete the  GOTO and all statements to
       the end of the subroutine.

  **   If you don't  need the Copy  and Rename options  you can  delete
       some formats and subroutines.

       Delete the following formats from the display file source:


       Delete the code in the following subroutines:




Selecting records to be placed in the subfile

If  your application  should  not  place  every record  read  into  the
subfile,  the normal  solution would  be to  add selection  criteria to
the  RPG program.   Scan  the source  for SELRCD  for the point  to add
your selection criteria.

Note that  at this  point, the  program may  attempt to  read a  record
that  will not  fit  on  the page.    This is  needed  to allow  proper
positioning  of  the 'More'  and 'Bottom'  indication.   If  the record
will not  fit  on the  page,  the same  code  is executed  again  after
rollup occurs.   If you are placing  an indication in an  array of what
records  you  have  written  to  the  subfile,  you  will  need  to  be
sensitive to this double reading of the record.

Another alternative for selecting  records would be  to use OPNQRYF  in
the CL program.  OPNQRYF  could be a good choice if you  are reading by
keys  and you can  vastly reduce  the number  of records read  by using
the selection capability of OPNQRYF.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     ADJVAR       Adjust variable
     FILEFDBCK    File feedback
     HLRMVMSG     HLL Remove message
     LOCKMSG      Producing a message on a locked record
     SNDCOMPMSG   Send completion message
     SNDESCMSG    Send escape message


The  demonstration is ready  to use.   Follow the previous instructions
to copy the source and begin creating your own application version.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   DMOSUBF       *CMD                   TAASTDB       QATTCMD
   DMOSUBF2      *CMD                   TAASTDC       QATTCMD
   TAASTDBC      *PGM       CLP         TAASTDBC      QATTCL
   TAASTDBC2     *PGM       CLP         TAASTDBC2     QATTCL
   TAASTDCC      *PGM       CLP         TAASTDCC      QATTCL
   TAASTDBR      *PGM       RPG         TAASTDBR      QATTRPG
   TAASTDBR2     *PGM       RPG         TAASTDBR2     QATTRPG
   TAASTDCR      *PGM       RPG         TAASTDCR      QATTRPG
   TAASTDBK      *FILE      PF          TAASTDBK      QATTDDS
   TAASTDBA      *FILE      LF          TAASTDBA      QATTDDS


   TAASTDBC   CL pgm
     TAASTDBR   RPG pgm
       TAASTDBD   Display file

   TAASTDCC   CL pgm
       TAASTDCD   Display file

The TAASTDBC2 CL program and TAASTDBR2 RPG program
are used for
refreshing the data used by the two commands.

Added to TAA Productivity tools April 1, 1995

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