TAA Tools
DMOSUBF4        DEMO SUBFILE 4 (WINDOW)                TAASTDE

The Demonstrate  Subfile 4  (Window) command  provides a  demonstration
of  a subfile  loaded from  array data  that will  appear in  a window.
The  code provided  includes comments for  how to modify  the source to
fit your  specific needs.   The subfile  provides an  option to  select
one  of the  entries which  causes the  value to  be passed  back  as a
parameter.  A display option is also provided.

You can try out the function with the command:


To further exercise the demonstration:

         - Try the display option
         - Rollup/Rolldown
         - Display an entry
         - Try the Help key

DMOSUBF4  is a  subset of  the DMOSUBF tool  with the  major difference
that array  data is  used to  load the  subfile rather  than data  base
records.   DMOSUBF4  is similar  to DMOSUBF3  except that  a window  is
used instead  of the entire display.   Comments exist within the source
to assist you  in re-positioning  the window  or changing  the size  of
the window.

A window  of array  data is typical  of many  applications that  have a
small number of values that the user can see.

The intent  of the source  is to allow  you to build  a similar subfile
display application with a minimum of effort.

All  of  the  screens  support  help text.    The  help  text  shown is
standard for  things like  function keys  and Option  entries.   Sample
formats are provided for field help text.

Differences with other DMOSUBF tools

The  DMOSUBF tool provides  a typical  work type  display of  data base
records in a subfile.

The   DMOSUBF2  command  (part   of  DMOSUBF)   provides  display  only
functions  (no  changes  or  additions)  of  data  base  records  in  a

DMOSUBF3  provides the  same  function as  DMOSUBF4,  but  the data  is
displayed on a full display.  DMOSUBF4 uses a window.

DMOSUBF5 is like DMOSUBF3 plus a 'Position To' entry.

DMOSUBF6 is like DMOSUBF4 plus a 'Position To' entry.

Getting started

Command  definition, CL,  DDS, and RPG  source are  provided.   You may
not want a command interface or a  CL program, but rather call the  RPG
program from  some other  program.   Or you  may decide to  use the  CL
program  only during  the testing  of the  code  and then  eliminate it
when integrating the RPG/DDS code into a full application.

The   DUPSTDSRC  command  provides  a  simple  method  of  copying  the
standard source.  The SRCTYP *SUBF4xxx must be used:

           *SUBF4CMD     Command definition source
           *SUBF4CLP     CL source
           *SUBF4RPG     RPG source
           *SUBF4DSPF    DDS Display file source

For example, to duplicate the RPG source, use:

           DUPSTDSRC   MBR(xxx) SRCTYP(*SUBF4RPG) TEXT('...')

For each source member that  you copy, some number of  required changes
are  needed.   Optional changes  may  also be  made.   The typical  use
would  be  to make  only  the required  changes and  achieve  a working
application before changing the optional statements.

As with DMOSUBF, the source  includes comments to assist you in  making
the changes.  There are 2 kinds of comments:

  **   Temporary.  These  are designed to assist you  in making changes
       to  the  source.   After  your  application  is  ready, you  may
       remove these comments with the RMVSRCCMT TAA Tool.

  **   Permanent.  These are designed to  be retained in the source  to
       document the code.

Array data

The program is  written so that the array  data is part of  the program
(compile  time array).   It could be  loaded from  a file or  from your
own code at the beginning of the program.

The  program is  written so  that only a  value and  a text description
will appear in the  subfile and the same  values appear if a  record is
displayed.   You  may have  a  more complex  set of  information to  be
displayed   in  the  subfile  as  well   as  more  detail  information.
Comments within the source will assist you in making changes.

The program assumes that when an  array element is read from the  ARVAL
array that  is blank,  'end of  file' is  sensed and  the last page  of
entries is  displayed.  You may have  a different method of determining
the 'end of file' and if so scan the RPG source for ENDFILE.

Instead of array data, your  data may be in a  data base file.  If  the
file contains  a small  number of records  (such as  100 or  less), you
may choose  to use DMOSUBF4 rather than DMOSUBF2  which deals with data
base  records.  For example,  you could read the  data at the beginning
of the  program and  place it  an  arrays or  multiple occurrence  data

Command parameters                                    *CMD



Only the first '1'  option is used to return a value.   If multiple are
entered by the user, all those after the first are ignored.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     ADJVAR          Adjust variable
     FILEFDBCK       File feedback
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   DMOSUBF4      *CMD                   TAASTDE       QATTCMD
   TAASTDEC      *PGM       CLP         TAASTDEC      QATTCL
   TAASTDER      *PGM       RPG         TAASTDER      QATTRPG

Added to TAA Productivity tools February 1, 1997

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