TAA Tools

The Check Job Message Wait command allows you to send a notification
when a job is waiting for a response to an inquiry message (MSGW
status).  The notification can be one or more of 1) Send a break
message to a message queue on the current system, 2) Send a break
message to a workstation on a different system (using FTP), 3) Send
an Email to a user (using TAA tool SNDTXTMAIL)

A typical command would be:

            CHKJOBMSGW  SBS(xxx) WAKEUP(600) MSGQ(*YES)
                         REPEAT(1800) BRKMSGQ(yyy)

A never ending job would be submitted to the QSYSNOMAX job queue with
the name CHKJOBMSGW.  You may also specify a jobq in the JOBQ
parameter.  It would wakeup every 600 seconds (10 minutes) and check
the status of jobs in the named subsystem (or all subsystems).  By
default, only batch jobs are checked.  If a job was in a MSGW status,
a break message would be sent to the message queue named in the
BRKMSGQ parameter.

The REPEAT parameter determines how often the message will be resent.
If the same job is still in a MSGW status (with the same function
value as seen by WRKACTJOB) after the CHKJOBMSGW job wakes up at the
next WAKEUP interval, the time of the last notification plus the
REPEAT time is compared to the current time.  If the REPEAT time is
greater than the time of the last notification, another notification
is sent.  Thus the REPEAT parameter allows you to control excessive
notification.  The default is 1800 seconds or 30 minutes.

By default, the break message will be sent as soon as the wakeup
interval occurs and a job is in the MSGW status.  This could happen
within a few seconds of the job entering the MSGW status.  An option
exists with the SKP1STNDF parameter to skip the sending of the first
notification.  This may allow normal system operations to respond to
the message and prevent any notification.

Multiple CHKJOBMSGW jobs may be active for unique subsystems.  For
example, you could have a different notification type depending on
the subsystem where the job was running.  that may be sent.

The following describes the types of notifications in more detail.
You may specify one or more of the types.

FTP notification

You may send a break message to a workstation on another system if
you have an FTP connection.  The FTP2 TAA Tool command is used to
send the notification which is a SNDBRKMSG command.

The remote system must have an i5/OS operating system and the current
user must have a profile of the same name on the other system.

When FTP is used, a password must be sent for the user.  If the
source for a CHKJOBMSGW command is placed in a source file, the
password would be viewable by all users authorized to the file.  To
prevent this exposure, the RTVMSKPWD tool is used.  This allows up to
99 passwords for a specific user to be stored in a masked manner in a
file in TAASECURE.  When using CHKJOBMSGW, the MSKPWDNBR parameter
must identify which masked password should be used.  See the
discussion with RTVMSKPWD.

E-Mail notification

You may send an E-Mail to another system.  This is done via the TAA
Tool SNDTXTMAIL.  You must have a proper configuration to use
SNDTXTMAIL.  You must have a entry in a MAILADRP file for the
identified user which is used to determine the E-Mail address.  See
the discussion with the MAILADR tool.

Break message notification to a user on the current system

You may send a break message to a workstation on the current system.
The SNDBRKMSG command is used.


The ENDJOBMSGW command is also supported and allows the job to end
normally.  The command will request the specified job to end with a
delay time of 150 seconds.

The ENDJOBMSGW job wakes up every 2 minutes (or less if the WAKEUP
time is less than 2 minutes) and checks to see if a controlled cancel
is set.  If so it ends the job normally.

CHKJOBMSGW escape messages you can monitor for

None.  Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

ENDJOBMSGW escape messages you can monitor for

None.  Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

CHKJOBMSGW Command parameters                         *CMD

   SBS           The name of the subsystem to be checked.  A
                 qualified library name may be entered.  The default
                 is *LIBL.  Only the jobs in the specified subsystem
                 are considered and the subsystem must be active.

   WAKEUP        The wakeup interval for the batch job.  The default
                 is 600 seconds (10 minutes).

                 At the end of the wakeup period, the jobs in the
                 named subsystem(s) are checked for a status of MSGW
                 (message wait).

                 The text of the notification is the same regardless
                 of which notification type is used (one or more of
                 MSGQ, FTP, or EMAIL parameters must be *YES).

                 The notification would appear as follows:

                      The CHKJOBMSGW command has found job
                      xxx/yyy/zzz with a status of MSGW on system
                      xxx on mm/dd at hh:mm AM (or PM).

   EMAIL         A *YES/*NO parameter for whether E-Mail will be
                 used.  *NO is the default.

                 If *YES is specified, the EMAILUSR parameter must
                 describe the user name to send Email to.  The name
                 must be specified in the MAILADRP file (see the
                 MAILADRLIB parameter) and a valid mail configuration
                 must exist.  See the discussion with the MAILADR
                 tool.  The TAA Tool SNDTXTMAIL is used to send the

   FTP           A *YES/*NO parameter for whether FTP will be used.
                 *NO is the default.

                 If *YES is specified, the TAA FTP2 command is used.
                 The remote system must have an i5/OS Operating
                 System and the current user must have a profile of
                 the same name on the remote system.  A SNDBRKMSG
                 command will be sent if notification is needed.  You
                 must fill in the parameter for RMTSYS.

                 FTP requires that a password be sent for the remote
                 user.  Since it is expected that you will place the
                 CHKJOBMSGW command in a form where it can be re-run
                 without re-entering all the parameters (such as
                 using a job schedule entry or a CL program), it is
                 not desirable to have a password which can be

                 Instead of requiring a password, the FTP option
                 requires that the TAA RTVMSKPWD tool be used for the
                 MSKPWDNBR parameter.  You should review what is
                 required for this tool by using DSPTAA RTVMSKPWD.
                 The user of CHKJOBMSGW must have a masked password
                 by entering the CHGMSKPWD command.

                 The MSKPWDNBR parameter defaults to 1.  An error
                 will occur if there is no masked password for the
                 MSKPWDNBR of the current user.

                 If the workstation on the remote system is not
                 signed on, no error occurs.  The message will remain
                 in the message queue.

   MSGQ          A *YES/*NO parameter for whether a message queue on
                 the current system will be sent a break message.
                 *NO is the default.

                 If *YES is specified, a message queue must be named
                 in the BRKMSGQ parameter.

                 If the workstation is not signed on, no error
                 occurs.  The message will remain in the message

   REPEAT        The number of seconds to delay before an additional
                 notification is sent for the same condition.  The
                 default is 1800 seconds (30 minutes).  Using the
                 default, a notification will only occur at a maximum
                 of once every 30 minutes.  Because of the time delay
                 in the WAKEUP parameter and the time to run
                 CVTWRKACT, the time delay will probably be somewhat

   SKP1STNDF     A *YES/*NO parameter for whether to skip the first

                 *NO is the default meaning the first notification
                 will occur as soon as a wakeup interval is reached
                 and a job is recognized as in a MSGW status.  This
                 could be a matter of seconds depending on the timing
                 of when the job enters the MSGW status and when the
                 next wakeup point occurs.

                 *YES may be specified to skip the first
                 notification.  This may allow normal system
                 operations to answer the message and prevent a
                 notification.  If *YES is specified, the REPEAT
                 parameter determines when the first notification
                 will occur.

   JOBTYPE       The job type to convert.  B is the default and means
                 only batch jobs.  B = Batch includes job types of
                 BCH, BCI, PJ, and other batch types as seen on
                 WRKACTJOB.  The other supported values are *=ALL,
                 A=Autostart, I=Interactive, M=Monitor, R=Spool
                 reader, S=System job, X=Start CPF, and W=Spool

   JOB           The job name to be used for the submitted job.  The
                 default is CHKJOBMSGW.  Two jobs of the same name
                 may not be active.

                 By entering a subsystem name for the SBS parameter
                 and a unique job name you may have different
                 notifications sent depending on the subsystem.

   EMAILUSR      The name of the E mail user to send a notification
                 to if EMAIL(*YES) is specified.  The name must exist
                 in the MAILADRP file as specified for the MAILADRLIB
                 parameter.  See the discussion with the MAILADR

   MAILADRLIB    The name of the library where the MAILADRP file
                 exists.  *LIBL is the default.  See the discussion
                 with the MAILADR tool.

   RMTSYS        The remote system name to be used if FTP(*YES) is
                 specified.  A valid FTP configuration must exist.

   MSKPWDNBR     The RTVMSKPWD tool is used by FTP(*YES) to prevent
                 having a source member with an actual password
                 included.  A single user may have up to 99 passwords
                 for different systems.  The number represents which
                 masked password will be used.  See the RTVMSKPWD for
                 how to enter a masked password.

   BRKMSGQ       The workstation message queue to send a break
                 message to if MSGQ(*YES) is specified.

   JOBQ          The name of the job queue where the job will be
                 submitted.  It defaults to QSYS/QSYSNOMAX.

ENDJOBMSGW Command parameters                         *CMD

   JOB           The name of the job that was submitted by CHKJOBMSGW
                 that will be ended.  CHKJOBMSGW is the default.  A
                 DELAY time of 150 seconds (2 1/2 minutes) is used.
                 The specified job will end normally within this


Several restrictions are discussed in the previous documentation.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     ADDTIM          Add time
     CHKJOBCTL       Check *JOBCTL
     DUPTAADBF       Duplicate TAA data base file
     FTP2            FTP 2
     RSNLSTMSG       Resend last message
     RTVDAT          Retrieve date
     RTVJOBSTS       Retrieve job status
     RTVMAILADR      Retrieve mail address
     RTVMSKPWD       Retrieve masked password
     RTVSBSD         Retrieve subsystem description
     RTVSYSVAL3      Retrieve system value 3
     RTVTIMSTM       Retrieve time stamp
     SNDCOMPMSG      Send completion message
     SNDESCINF       Send escape information
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message
     SNDTXTMAIL      Send text mail


You must fulfill the requirements for the individual options as
described earlier.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   TAAJOEZ       *CMD                   TAAJOEZ       QATTCMD
   TAAJOEZ2      *CMD                   TAAJOEZ2      QATTCMD
   TAAJOEZC      *PGM       CLP         TAAJOEZC      QATTCL
   TAAJOEZC2     *PGM       CLP         TAAJOEZC2     QATTCL
   TAAJOEZC11    *PGM       CLP         TAAJOEZC11    QATTCL
   TAAJOEZC12    *PGM       CLP         TAAJOEZC12    QATTCL
   TAAJOEZR      *PGM       RPG         TAAJOEZR      QATTRPG
   TAAJOEZP      *FILE      PF          TAAJOEZP      QATTDDS


   TAAJOEZC   CL pgm Submits TAAJOEZC11
     TAAJOEZC11  CL pgm to use CVTWRKACT
       TAAJOEZC12  CL pgm to read CVTWRKACT and notify
         TAAJOEZR    RPG pgm to store job names and times

   TAAJOEZC2   CL pgm

Added to TAA Productivity tools July 15, 2009

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