TAA Tools

The FTP2  (Start TCP/IP File  Transfer) command allows  the use of  FTP
without entering  the FTP subcommands.   The subcommands  are generated
internally  and used to send a  file to a remote system.   A log of FTP
subcommands,  errors,   and  information   is  kept   to  allow   error

FTP2  is restricted to  the English  language because  error conditions
from FTP must be found by scanning text.

FTP requires the proper TCP/IP connections and configuration.

A  separate command SBMFTP2 should  be used to  submit the FTP2 command
to batch (see the later discussion).

Some FTP  connections may hang  if either  or both  of the  user ID  or
password exceeds the maximum size supported by the FTP server.

For a  simple front  end to FTP2,  see the SAVSNDL  TAA tool.   SAVSNDL
allows  you to to  send an entire  library as a  save file  to a remote
system.  The  companion command  RSTSNDL restores the  library.   Using
SAVSNDL  avoids you  having  to  consider  the myriad  of  options  and
subcommands that are supported by FTP.

The system  supports a similar  function to SAVSNDL  with the SAVRSTLIB
command.  SAVRSTLIB uses APPN.  FTP2 uses TCP/IP.

For  V6R1, the system does not support the  EPSV sub command.  This can
cause an error which can be avoided with OTHERCMDS('sendespv 0)'.

A typical FTP2 command would be:

             FTP2          RMTSYS(xxx) RMTUSER(uuu) RMTPWD(ppp)
                             ACTION(*PUT) LCLFILE(xxx) RMTFILE(yyy)

This would  transfer the file  identified in  the LCLFILE parameter  to
the file  identified in the RMTFILE  parameter.  When the  FTP function
is   complete,  the  internal  log  would   be  displayed  of  the  FTP
operations.   You should  review this  to ensure  the correct  function

In V6R1,  the system  supported a  standard that  required a change  to
prevent  an  escape  message  'Subcommand  500  EPSV not  valid'  which
occurred when sending to a system prior to V6R1.

Remote secured server

FTP2 can  access secured  FTP  servers if  they are  using  SSL(Secured
Sockets  Layer) and  the  FTP  server's  digital certificate  has  been
properly imported to your system's certificate store.  This requires:

  **   Digital   Certificate  Manager  (DCM)   Option  34   feature  of

  **   IBM HTTP Server Powered by Apache of i5/OS (5761-DG1)

  **   TCP/IP Connectivity Utilities for i5/OS (5761-TC1)

  **   IBM Developer Kit for Java (5761-JV1)

  **   If  running  prior to  V5R4,  IBM Cryptographic  Access Provider
       (5761-AC3 - 128 bit)

If the  FTP server is  using the  ftps utility from  SSH (Secure  Shell
Network  Utility)  you  must  use  IBM  Portable  Utilities  for  i5/OS

If  the remote site's  FTP server is  secured by SSL, FTP  and FTP2 can
access its files specifying PORT(*SECURE)  which causes port 990 to  be
used.  SECCNN(*DFT) and DTAPROT(*DFT) should also be used.

SBMFTP2 command

The command  SBMFTP2 is intended  for use when  you want to  submit the
FTP2 command.

SBMJOB  can be used to  submit the FTP2  command, but the  value of the
RMTPWD parameter is left in  the job log of  the user that did  SBMJOB.
To avoid leaving the password in the clear, you should use SBMFTP2.

All the parameters of  FTP2 exist on the SBMFTP2 command  plus the JOB,
JOBD,  and  JOBQ  parameters.    The  additional  parameters  all  have
default values.

The  password value does not appear in the  job log of the current user
if  FTP2 is  used  interactively  or  SBMFTP2  is used.    If  FTP2  is
submitted  to batch  by either  SBMJOB or  SBMFTP2, the  password value
does not appear in the job log of the submitted job.

Using FTP2 with a job scheduler

If  you use FTP,  you must  include a password  with the  command.  The
FTP2 and SBMFTP2  commands prevent  the password from  existing in  the
job log.

However, if  you use a  job scheduler, the  command must be  entered as
data and the password would exist as data.

To prevent the display of the password, you can do the following:

  **   Place  the  FTP2 command  in a  CL  program and  enter  the CALL
       command instead of FTP2 in a job scheduler.

  **   After the program is tested, recreate the program:

         --   Specify LOG(*NO) and ALWRTVSRC(*NO) on CRTCLPGM.

         --   Use  CHGPGM  RMVOBS(*ALL)  to  prevent  a  dump  of   the
              program and its variable contents.

         --   Change  the  source  so  your  password  does  not  exist
              within the source.

Another  alternative is  the  RTVMSKPWD tool.    It will  allow  you to
retrieve the real password from a secure file in TAASECURE.

Log file

A  data base  file is kept  to log messages  associated with  FTP.  The
default is FTPOUT in QTEMP with  a member name of FTPOUT.  The  file is
a  single field  physical that  is created  by copying  the  model file

It  would be possible  to have a single  log file for  all uses of FTP2
and have unique member  names.  You  could duplicate the TAAFTPAP  file
and change it to allow multiple members.

FTP2 escape messages you can monitor for

      TAA9877    FTP failed - see the log

Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

FTP2 Command parameters                               *CMD

   RMTSYS        The name of  the remote system.  Up  to 255 characters
                 may  be  entered.   *NETADR  may  not  be  used.   The
                 proper  TCP/IP  connections  and  configuration   must

                 In some situations the  name must be in the  same case
                 as its host table entry.

   RMTUSER       The remote  user name to be  used to run a  job on the
                 remote  system.  The  user name must  exist as a valid
                 profile on the remote  system.  A mixed case  value of
                 up to 100 bytes may be entered.

   RMTPWD        The  password  for the  remote  user.    A mixed  case
                 value of up to 100 bytes may be entered.

                 If  FTP2 is  entered interactively, the  password will
                 not appear in the job log of the current job.

                 If FTP2  is entered  using SBMJOB,  the password  will
                 not appear in  the job log of the batch  job, but will
                 appear  in the job  log of the  current job.   Use the
                 SBMFTP2 command  to avoid  retaining the  password  in
                 the current job log.

                 See  the  previous  section for  how  to  prevent  the
                 password  from being seen  if you submit  the function
                 using a job scheduler.

   ACTION        The  action  to  be  performed.    The  following  are

                 *OTHERCMDS.  Allows  no action  to be performed  other
                 than the  commands entered in  the OTHERCMDS parameter
                 to be run.

                 *OTHERCMD2.   Allows no  action to  be performed other
                 than the commands entered  in the OTHERCMD2  parameter
                 to be run.

                 *GET.  Get a single file from the remote system.

                 *MGET.  Get  a file(s) from the remote  system using a
                 generic name.

                 *PUT.  Put a single file to the remote system.

                 *MPUT.   Put a  file(s) to  the remote system  using a
                 generic name.

                 *APPEND.  Append a file on the remote system.

                 *DEL.  Delete a single file on the remote system.

                 *MDEL.   Delete a  file(s) on  the the  remote  system
                 using a generic name.

   NAMEFMT       Sets the local  and remote naming format.   The remote
                 format is  only set for an i5 System.   The default is
                 *LIB  to use the  library naming convention.   '0' may
                 also  be  entered  to  mean  use  the  library  naming

                 For example,

                     Change remote directory:
                        cd libname
                     Get file member from current remote directory:
                        get filename.mbrname
                     Get file member specifying the library:
                        get libname/filename.mbrname

                 *IFS  may   be  specified   to  use  the   IFS  naming
                 convention.   '1' may also be  entered to mean use the
                 IFS naming convention.

                 For example,

                     Change remote directory:
                        cd /qsys.lib/libname.lib
                     Get file member from current remote directory:
                        - qsys.lib/libname.lib file system
                           get filename.file/mbrname.mbr
                        - root file system
                           get filename.extension
                     Get file from named remote directory:
                        - qsys.lib/libname.lib file system
                           get /qsys.lib/mylib.lib/myfile.file/+
                        - IFS file system
                           get /dirname/filename.extension

   TFRTYPE       The file  transfer  type.    The  default  is  *BINARY
                 which   means    to   transfer   the    file   without
                 translation.    This is  required for  save  files and
                 image files.

                 *BIN may also be entered to mean *BINARY.

                 If the  system you  are  communicating to  is  another
                 System i (AS/400), use the default.

                 *ASCII or  *ASC may  be entered  to assume the  remote
                 system does  not support EBCDIC.   This translates the
                 data  from  EBCDIC  to  ASCII  when  sending  and from
                 ASCII to EBCDIC when receiving.

                 *EBCDIC or *EBC  may be entered  to assume the  remote
                 system has EBCDIC.  The data is not translated.

   LCLDIR        A character  2048 byte field that  describes the local
                 directory.   The default is *CURRENT  to use the job's
                 current library  (*CURLIB) if  NAMEFMT(*LIB) is  used.
                 If   NAMEFMT(*IFS)  is   used   the  default   becomes

                 *HOMDIR  may   be  entered  to  use  the  user's  home
                 directory if if NAMEFMT(*IFS)  is used.  *HOMEDIR  may
                 also be entered to equate to *HOMDIR.

                 *CURLIB  may  be  entered to  use  the  job's  current
                 library (*CURLIB) if NAMEFMT(*LIB) is used.

                 *CURDIR  may  be  entered  to  use the  job's  current
                 directory if NAMEFMT(*IFS) is used.

                 *RMTDIR  may be entered  to use the  name specified in
                 the RMTDIR parameter.

   RMTDIR        A  character  2048  byte  field  that   describes  the
                 remote  directory.    The  default  is  *RMTDFT  which
                 means  to  use  the directory  as  set  by  the remote

                 The special  value *LCLDIR  may be  used  to mean  the
                 name specified for the LCLDIR parameter.

   LCLFILE       A character  1024 byte field  that describes  the file
                 name to  be used on the local  system.  The default is
                 *NONE meaning  that  no  file is  transferred.    This
                 parameter is used  by all actions except  *DEL, *MDEL,
                 *OTHERCMDS, and *OTHERCMD2.

                 *RMTFILE  may be  specified to  mean  use the  name as
                 specified in the RMTFILE parameter.

                 If   ACTION(*MPUT)   is   used,   LCLFILE(*)   may  be
                 specified to mean all files.

   RMTFILE       A character 1024  byte field  that describes the  file
                 name to  be used  on the remote  system.   The default
                 is  *NONE  meaning that  no  file is  involved.   This
                 parameter is  used by  all actions  except  *OTHERCMDS
                 and *OTHERCMD2.

                 *LCLFILE  may be  specified to  mean use  the name  as
                 specified in the LCLFILE parameter.

                 If   ACTION(*MGET)   is   used,   RMTFILE(*)  may   be
                 specified to mean all files.

   REPLACE       A  *YES/*NO  parameter  for  whether  to  replace  the
                 existing local  file(s).  *NO  is the  default meaning
                 do not replace.

                 *YES  may   be  specified  to   replace  the  existing

   OTHERCMDS     A  255  byte  character  field may  be  used  to enter
                 other commands  that will  be executed  on the  remote
                 system.  Up  to 20 commands may be  entered.  *NONE is
                 the  default  meaning  no  other  commands  are to  be

                 If commands are specified,  the sequence of  execution
                 is 1)  all generated  subcommands except  for the  one
                 specified  by the  ACTION  parameter 2)  OTHERCMDS and
                 3) the subcommand specified  by the ACTION  parameter.

                 This parameter  is most  useful for completed  control
                 of the FTP session.

                 Note  that subcommands are  always generated  from the
                 LCLDIR     and    RMTDIR    parameters    even    when
                 ACTION(*OTHERCMDS) is specified.

   OTHERCMDS2    A 950  byte  character  field  may be  used  to  enter
                 other  commands that  will be  executed on  the remote
                 system.   Up to 20 commands may  be entered.  *NONE is
                 the default  meaning  no  other  commands  are  to  be

                 If commands  are specified, the sequence  of execution
                 is  1) all  generated subcommands  except for  the one
                 specified by the  ACTION parameter  2) OTHERCMDS2  and
                 3) the subcommand  specified by the  ACTION parameter.

                 This  parameter is most  useful for  completed control
                 of the FTP session.

                 Note  that subcommands  are always  generated from the
                 LCLDIR    and    RMTDIR    parameters     even    when
                 ACTION(*OTHERCMD2) is specified.

   LOGFILE       The  qualified  file and  member  to  receive the  log
                 generated  by subcommands, errors, and  feedback.  The
                 default is  the  FTPOUT  file in  QTEMP  using  member
                 *FILE (the  name of  the file).   The file  and member
                 are created if they do not exist.

                 If  a  unique member  name is  required,  consider the
                 use of the ADDUNQMBR command.

   DSPLOGFILE    A *YES/*NO parameter  for whether to  display the  log
                 file that is  created.  *YES  is the default  to allow
                 you to review the results.

                 *NO  may be specified  to prevent  the display  of the
                 file.  The file will still exist.

   CLRLOGFILE    A  *YES/*NO  parameter for  whether  to clear  the log
                 file member when  the command  completes.  The  member
                 is automatically cleared when the command starts.

                 *NO is  the default to  not clear the member  when the
                 command  completes.    The log  may  then  be reviewed
                 with DSPPFM.

                 *YES may be  specified to  clear the  member when  the
                 command completes.

   CCSID         The ASCII  coded character  set identifier to  be used
                 for  single  byte  character  set  (SBCS)  ASCII  file
                 transfers when TYPE(*ASCII) is  used.  The default  is
                 *DFT which causes the 00819 CCSID to be used.

                 The value  is passed  thru to  the FTP  command.   See
                 the FTP command for additional information.

   TBLFTPOUT     The  qualified name  of the  table to  be used  to map
                 all  outgoing  data.   Outgoing  data  is  mapped from
                 EBCDIC to  ASCII.   The default is  *CCSID meaning  to
                 use  the CCSID  value  for  mapping.   If  a table  is
                 entered, the table is used for mapping.

                 *DFT  may also be specified which  has the same effect
                 as *CCSID.

                 The value  is passed  thru to  the FTP  command.   See
                 the FTP command for additional information.

   TBLFTPIN      The qualified  name of  the table  to be  used to  map
                 all  incoming  data.   Incoming  data  is mapped  from
                 ASCII to EBCDIC.   The  default is  *CCSID meaning  to
                 use  the CCSID  value  for mapping.    If a  table  is
                 entered, the table is used for mapping.

                 *DFT may  also be specified which has  the same effect
                 as *CCSID.

                 The  value is  passed thru  to the  FTP command.   See
                 the FTP command for additional information.

   PORT          The  decimal value  that  specifies  the  port  number
                 that is used  for connecting to the FTP  server.  *DFT
                 is the default to use the 'well known' port 00021.

                 *SECURE  may  be entered  to  use use  port  00990 for
                 secure operations.

                 The value  is passed  thru to  the FTP  command.   See
                 the FTP command for additional information.

   SECCNN        The  secure  connection  to  be used.    *DFT  is  the
                 default  to  mean use  *IMPLICIT  if  PORT(*SECURE) or
                 PORT(990) is specified.  Otherwise *NONE is used.

                 *IMPLICIT may be  entered if the  FTP client  attempts
                 to use TLS/SSL.

                 *SSL  may  be  entered  for   requesting  a  protected
                 TLS/SSL session.

                 The  value is  passed thru  to the  FTP command.   See
                 the FTP command for additional information.

   DTAPROT       Determines  the type  of data  protection to  be used.
                 *DFT is  the default meaning  if the SECCNN  parameter
                 specifies  a  protected control  connection,  *PRIVATE
                 is used.  Otherwise *CLEAR is used.

                 *PRIVATE  may  be specified  to  mean  the information
                 that is sent is encrypted.

                 *CLEAR may be specified  to mean the information  that
                 is sent is not encrypted.

   OUTQ          The name  of the output queue  to be used for  the log
                 file.   The default  is *JOB meaning  the output queue
                 of the current job.  *DEV may also be entered.

                 The value is only used if  FTP2 is running in a  batch
                 job not  initiated by SBMFTP2.   When FTP2  is running
                 as  the result  of SBMFTP2,  the value  is used  on an
                 OVRPRTF command.

                 The   OUTQ  parameter  is  intended   for  use  in  CL
                 programs that run the FTP2 command synchronously.

SBMFTP2 command parameters                            *CMD

   RMTSYS        The name of the remote  system or its IP address.   Up
                 to  255 characters may  be entered.   *NETADR  may not
                 be   used.     The   proper  TCP/IP   connections  and
                 configuration must exist.

In some  situations the  name must  be in  the same  case  as its  host
table entry.

   RMTUSER       The remote user  name to be used  to run a job  on the
                 remote  system.    The user  name  must  exist on  the
                 remote system.    A mixed  case  value of  up  to  100
                 bytes may be entered.

   RMTPWD        The  password for  the  remote  user.   A  mixed  case
                 value of up to 100 bytes may be entered.

                 If  FTP2 is entered  interactively, the  password will
                 not appear in the command prompt nor the job log.

                 FTP2  is  entered  using  SBMJOB,  the  password  will
                 appear in  the  command prompt,  but  not in  the  job

                 See  the  previous  section  for how  to  prevent  the
                 password  from being seen  if you  submit the function
                 using a job scheduler.

   ACTION        The  action  to  be  performed.    The  following  are

                 *OTHERCMDS.   Allows no action  to be  performed other
                 than  the commands entered in  the OTHERCMDS parameter
                 to be run.

                 *OTHERCMD2.  Allows  no action to  be performed  other
                 than   the   commands  entered   in   the   OTHERCMDS2
                 parameter to be run.

                 *GET.  Get a single file from the remote system.

                 *MGET.   Get a file(s) from the  remote system using a
                 generic name.

                 *PUT.  Put a single file to the remote system.

                 *MPUT.   Put  a file(s) to  the remote  system using a
                 generic name.

                 *APPEND.  Append a file on the remote system.

                 *DEL.  Delete a single file on the remote system.

                 *MDEL.   Delete a  file(s)  on the  the remote  system
                 using a generic name.

   NAMEFMT       Sets the  local and remote naming format.   The remote
                 format  is only  set for  i5 System.   The  default is
                 *LIB to use  the library naming  convention.  '0'  may
                 also  be  entered  to  mean  use  the  library  naming

                 For example,

                     Change remote directory:
                        cd libname
                     Get file member from current remote directory:
                        get filename.mbrname
                     Get file member specifying the library:
                        get libname/filename.mbrname

                 *IFS   may  be  specified   to  use   the  IFS  naming
                 convention.  '1' may also  be entered to mean use  the
                 IFS naming convention.

                 For example,

                     Change remote directory:
                        cd /qsys.lib/libname.lib
                     Get file member from current remote directory:
                        - qsys.lib/libname.lib file system
                           get filename.file/mbrname.mbr
                        - root file system
                           get filename.extension
                     Get file from named remote directory:
                        - qsys.lib/libname.lib file system

                           get /qsys.lib/mylib.lib/myfile.file/+
                        - IFS file system
                           get /dirname/filename.extension

   TFRTYPE       The file  transfer type.   The  default is *DFT  which
                 means  to use  the  remote system's  default  which is
                 normally ASCII.

                 *ASCII  or *ASC  may be  entered to  assume the remote
                 system does not  support EBCDIC.  This  translates the
                 data  from  EBCDIC  to  ASCII when  sending  and  from
                 ASCII to EBCDIC when receiving.

                 *EBCDIC  or *EBC may  be entered to  assume the remote
                 system has EBCDIC.  No translation is performed.

                 *BIN or  *BINARY  may  be  entered  to  transfer  data
                 without  translation.    This  is  required  for  save
                 files and image files.

   LCLDIR        A character  2048 byte field that  describes the local
                 directory.  The default is  *CURRENT to use the  job's
                 current library  (*CURLIB) if  NAMEFMT(*LIB) is  used.
                 If   NAMEFMT(*IFS)   is  used   the   default  becomes

                 *HOMDIR   may  be  entered  to  use  the  user's  home
                 directory if if NAMEFMT(*IFS)  is used.  *HOMEDIR  may
                 also be entered to equate to *HOMDIR.

                 *CURLIB  may  be  entered  to use  the  job's  current
                 library (*CURLIB) if NAMEFMT(*LIB) is used.

                 *CURDIR  may  be  entered  to  use  the  job's current
                 directory if NAMEFMT(*IFS) is used.

                 *RMTDIR may be  entered to use  the name specified  in
                 the RMTDIR parameter.

   RMTDIR        A  character  2048  byte   field  that  describes  the
                 remote  directory.    The  default  is  *RMTDFT  which
                 means to  use  the  directory as  set  by  the  remote

                 The special  value  *LCLDIR may  be used  to mean  the
                 name specified for the LCLDIR parameter.

   LCLFILE       A  character 1024 byte  field that describes  the file
                 name  to be used on the  local system.  The default is
                 *NONE  meaning that  no  file  is transferred.    This
                 parameter is  used by all actions  except *DEL, *MDEL,
                 *OTHERCMDS and *OTHERCMD2.

                 *RMTFILE  may be  specified  to mean  use the  name as
                 specified in the RMTFILE parameter.

                 If  ACTION(*MPUT)   is   used,   LCLFILE(*)   may   be
                 specified to mean all files.

   RMTFILE       A character  1024 byte field  that describes  the file
                 name  to be used  on the  remote system.   The default
                 is *NONE  meaning  that no  file  is involved.    This
                 parameter is  used  by all  actions except  *OTHERCMDS
                 and *OTHERCMD2.

                 *LCLFILE  may be  specified to  mean  use the  name as
                 specified in the LCLFILE parameter.

                 If   ACTION(*MGET)   is   used,   RMTFILE(*)   may  be
                 specified to mean all files.

   REPLACE       A  *YES/*NO  parameter  for  whether  to  replace  the
                 existing local  file(s).   *NO is the  default meaning
                 do not replace.

                 *YES   may  be  specified   to  replace  the  existing

   OTHERCMDS     A 255  byte  character  field  may be  used  to  enter
                 other commands  that will  be executed  on the  remote
                 system.   Up to 20 commands may  be entered.  *NONE is
                 the default  meaning  no  other  commands  are  to  be

                 If commands are  specified, the sequence  of execution
                 is  1) all  generated subcommands  except for  the one
                 specified  by  the ACTION  parameter 2)  OTHERCMDS and
                 3) the subcommand  specified by the  ACTION parameter.

                 This parameter  is most  useful for  completed control
                 of the FTP session.

                 Note  that subcommands  are always generated  from the
                 LCLDIR    and    RMTDIR    parameters    even     when
                 ACTION(*OTHERCMDS) is specified.

   OTHERCMDS2    A  950  byte character  field  may  be used  to  enter
                 other  commands that  will be  executed on  the remote
                 system.  Up to 20 commands  may be entered.  *NONE  is
                 the  default  meaning  no other  commands  are  to  be

                 If commands  are specified, the  sequence of execution
                 is  1) all  generated subcommands  except for  the one
                 specified by  the ACTION parameter  2) OTHERCMDS2  and
                 3) the  subcommand specified by  the ACTION parameter.

                 This  parameter is  most useful for  completed control
                 of the FTP session.

                 Note that subcommands  are always  generated from  the
                 LCLDIR    and    RMTDIR     parameters    even    when
                 ACTION(*OTHERCMD2) is specified.

   LOGFILE       The  qualified  file  and member  to  receive  the log
                 generated by subcommands, errors,  and feedback.   The
                 default  is the  FTPOUT  file  in QTEMP  using  member
                 *FILE  (the name of  the file).   The file  and member
                 are created if they do not exist.

   DSPLOGFILE    A  *YES/*NO parameter  for whether to  display the log
                 file that is created.   This is the same  parameter as
                 on  FTP2, but is  ignored because  a batch  job cannot
                 display the log file.

   CLRLOGFILE    A  *YES/*NO  parameter for  whether to  clear  the log
                 file member when  the command  completes.  The  member
                 is automatically cleared when the command starts.

                 *NO is  the default to not  clear the member  when the
                 command  completes.   The  log  may  then be  reviewed
                 with DSPPFM.

                 *YES may be  specified to  clear the  member when  the
                 command completes.

   CCSID         The ASCII  coded character set  identifier to  be used
                 for  single  byte  character  set  (SBCS)  ASCII  file
                 transfers  when TYPE(*ASCII) is used.   The default is
                 *DFT which causes the 00819 CCSID to be used.

                 The value  is passed  thru to  the FTP  command.   See
                 the FTP command for additional information.

   TBLFTPOUT     The  qualified name  of the  table to  be used  to map
                 all  outgoing  data.   Outgoing  data  is  mapped from
                 EBCDIC to ASCII.   The  default is  *CCSID meaning  to
                 use  the CCSID  value  for mapping.    If  a table  is
                 entered, the table is used for mapping.

                 *DFT may  also be specified which  has the same effect
                 as *CCSID.

                 The value  is passed  thru to  the FTP  command.   See
                 the FTP command for additional information.

   TBLFTPIN      The qualified  name of  the table  to be  used to  map
                 all  incoming  data.   Incoming  data  is mapped  from
                 ASCII  to EBCDIC.   The  default is  *CCSID meaning to
                 use the  CCSID  value  for mapping.    If a  table  is
                 entered, the table is used for mapping.

                 *DFT may  also be specified which has  the same effect
                 as *CCSID.

                 The  value is  passed thru  to the  FTP command.   See
                 the FTP command for additional information.

   PORT          The decimal  value  that  specifies  the  port  number
                 that is used  for connecting to the FTP  server.  *DFT
                 is the default to use the 'well known' port 00021.

                 *SECURE  may  be entered  to  use use  port  00990 for
                 secure operations.

                 The value  is passed  thru to  the FTP  command.   See
                 the FTP command for additional information.

   SECCNN        The  secure  connection  to be  used.    *DFT  is  the
                 default  to  mean use  *IMPLICIT  if PORT(*SECURE)  or
                 PORT(990) is specified.  Otherwise *NONE is used.

                 *IMPLICIT  may be  entered if the  FTP client attempts
                 to use TLS/SSL.

                 *SSL  may  be  entered  for  requesting   a  protected
                 TLS/SSL session.

                 The  value is  passed thru  to the  FTP command.   See
                 the FTP command for additional information.

   DTAPROT       Determines  the type  of data  protection to  be used.
                 *DFT is the  default meaning  if the SECCNN  parameter
                 specifies  a  protected control  connection,  *PRIVATE
                 is used.  Otherwise *CLEAR is used.

                 *PRIVATE  may  be specified  to  mean  the information
                 that is sent is encrypted.

                 *CLEAR may be specified  to mean the information  that
                 is sent is not encrypted.

   JOB           The job name assigned  to the batch job.   The default
                 is  FTP2.  *JOBD  may be entered  to mean the  name of
                 the job description.

   JOBD          The  qualified  name  of  the  job  description.   The
                 default  is  *USRPRF   meaning  the  job   description
                 assigned to the current user profile.

                 If a  specific job  description is entered,  a library
                 qualifier  may be entered or  the special values *LIBL
                 or *CURLIB.

   JOBQ          The qualified name of the  job queue to be used.   The
                 default is  *JOBD meaning  the job  queue defined  for
                 the   job   description   specified   for   the   JOBD

   OUTQ          The qualified  name of  the output  queue to  be  used
                 for the  log file.   The  default is *CURRENT  meaning
                 the output queue of the remote job.

                 A specific output queue and library may be named.


The  command  is  restricted  to  the  English language  because  error
conditions from FTP must be found by scanning text.

The proper TCP/IP connections and configuration must exist.

Some  FTP connections  may hang  if either  or both  of the user  ID or
password exceeds the maximum size supported by the FTP server.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     CHKIFSE         Check IFS entry
     DUPTAADBF       Duplicate TAA data base file
     RTVHOMDIR       Retrieve home directory
     RTVSYSVAL3      Retrieve system value 3
     SNDCOMPMSG      Send completion message
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message
     SNDSTSMSG       Send message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   FTP2          *CMD                   TAAFTPA       QATTCMD
   SBMFTP2       *CMD                   TAAFTPA2      QATTCMD
   TAAFTPAC      *PGM       CLP         TAAFTPAC      QATTCL
   TAAFTPAC2     *PGM       CLP         TAAFTPAC2     QATTCL
   TAAFTPAC3     *PGM       CLP         TAAFTPAC3     QATTCL
   TAAFTPAP      *PF        PF          TAAFTPAP      QATTDDS


FTP2        Cmd
   TAAFTPAC   CL pgm
      TAAFTPAR   RPGLE pgm
      TAAFTPAR2  RPGLE pgm

SBMFTP2     Cmd
   TAAFTPAC2  CL pgm

TAAFTPAC3 is the validity checking program used by both commands.

Added to TAA Productivity tools January 15, 2004

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