TAA Tools
MAILADR         MAIL ADDRESS                           TAAEMLE

The  Mail Address  tool  is a  series  of commands  that  allow you  to
create and  maintain a list of  E-Mail addresses.  The  MAILADR tool is
required  to use the  SNDxxxMAIL commands.   MAILADR allows an optional
logging of anything sent by the SNDxxxMAIL commands.

Getting started with MAILADR

  **   The system documentation has  a section on 'Supporting  Internet
       addressing for  the SNDDST  command'.  The  recommended solution
       requires 2 commands:

                      USRD('Allow SNDDST to send INTERNET Mail')
                      PREFADR(NETUSRID *IBM ATCONTXT)


  **   Use  WRKDIRE to  ensure that  an entry exists  for the  user who
       will send E-Mail.


       If the  user does  not  exist, you  must add  an entry  for  the

       Ensure the 'Network  user ID' field contains  the E-Mail address
       for  the user  who will send  E-Mail.   The address of  the user
       will be used  in some error  conditions.  For  example, when  an
       invalid address is used,  the user may receive an  error message
       at  his E-Mail address.   Error  handling may vary  depending on
       your mail server.

  **   Ensure the Mail Server Framework function is active.  Enter:


       If  already active,  you should  see an  error message  that the
       Framework is  already active.   Also  see the  later section  on

  **   The  CRTMAILADR command  must  be used  to  create the  required
       files.   Each user  may have his  own version  or multiple users
       may share a version.

       To create a unique version for a user, enter:


       where xxx is the  users normal library.   The default is to  set
       mail  logging  on.   It  may  be  turned  on/off by  a  separate
       command.  See the later discussion of 'Mail Logging'.

       The files that are created by CRTMAILADR are:

             MAILADRP    Mail address physical
             MAILADRL    Mail address logical
             MAILGRPP    Mail group physical
             MAILADRL    Mail group logical
             MAILLOGP    Mail log physical

  **   Use the  WRKMAILADR command to enter some  test names and E-mail


       F6 is used  to add  records.   The NAME field  may be  up to  20
       bytes and and  may contain any  characters.  No  embedded blanks
       may  exist.   The name does  not have  to have  any relationship
       with  the user profile  name and does  not have to  exist on the

       A group  name may  be used.   See  the later  section on  'Group

       Your own naming convention may be used such as:


       By  default, the  E-Mail  address  (up to  100  bytes) that  you
       entered  is checked for  a valid  syntax.  A  'domain' check may
       be requested by  entering *INTERNET at the  top of the  display.
       If  you have  all  authority to  the MAILADRP  file  and make  a
       change  to the  domain check  value, a  prompt will  appear that
       allows you to make a permanent  change.  This allows you to  set
       the  default to  *INTERNET  the next  time  WRKMAILADR is  used.
       Using  *INTERNET  causes  a  considerably  slower check  if  the
       domain cannot be found.

       A text description may be entered to help describe the name.

  **   Once  names  are  entered  into  the  file,  the  names  may  be
       referenced on the SNDxxxMAIL commands such as:

          SNDTXTMAIL  SUBJECT(xxx) TEXT('...')

       The default for  the SENDTO parameter  is *SELECT which means  a
       subfile  display will appear  with the  names from  the MAILADRP
       file  (use WRKMAILADR to enter names) and  you may select one or
       more.  After the  Enter key is pressed,  the screen returns  and
       you may  make another selection.   The value for  recipient type
       at  the  top of  the  display  is used  for  each  set of  users
       selected.   Use  F3  to  end  the  selection  and  you  will  be
       returned  to the  SNDTXTMAIL command  prompt  with the  selected
       names filling the SENDTO parameter.

       After  entering any other  parameters, press  Enter to  send the

       The  SENDTO parameter  also allows  you to  enter either  a name
       that exists  in the  MAILADRP file or  an internet  address.   A
       specific name command would look like:


       The  SMITH  name  must  exist  in  the  MAILADRP  file  and  the
       associated E-Mail address would be used.

       To  enter  an E-Mail  address, SENDTO(*INT)  must  be specified.
       This provides the  additional parameter  INTADR when  prompting.
       The command would look like:


The INTADR parameter allows a list of addresses.

       The  SNDSPLMAIL  and  SNDIFSMAIL  commands  also  use  the  same
       SENDTO parameter.


If  a SNDxxxMAIL  command fails, there  should be  appropriate messages
from the tool describing the error.

If a SNDxxxMAIL command  completes normally, but  no E-Mail arrives  at
the  destination, try  the  SNDDST command  by  itself (the  SNDxxxMAIL
commands generate SNDDST).  Enter the following command:

             SNDDST     TYPE(*LMSG)
                          DSTD('A test message')
                          LONGMSG('This is a test')

where xxxx is a valid E-Mail address.

If no E-Mail message is sent, the problem exists with the system.

The system mail server jobs must be active.

Depending  on your  existing use of  mail servers,  you may  try ending
the  mail  server jobs  with ENDMSF  and  then restarting  with STRMSF.
Even though  the STRMSF  command may  complete normally,  there may  be
messages in QSYSOPR relating to problems in an MSF job.

Checking E-Mail addresses

When an  internet address  is entered using  WRKMAILADR, it  is checked
according  to  the  value entered  at  the  top of  the  display.   The
default is *SYNTAX which performs a syntax check.

*INTERNET may be entered  to request a 'domain'  check.  If an  invalid
domain  is  entered,  checking  is very  slow.    The  ADDMAILADR  also
supports the CHKDMN parameter.

A batch  method to check all  domains in the MAILADRP  file exists with
the CHKMAILFLD command.


Group names

You may want to frequently  send an E-Mail to  the same list of  users.
You may  define a group  name by using  WRKMAILADR and entering  a name
such  as GROUP1  in the  name field  and *GROUP  in the  E-Mail address

The members of the group must be defined in one of two ways:

  **   Use  the WRKMAILGRP command.   One record  should be entered for
       each member of the  group.  Both the  group name and the  member
       name  must be  entered.   When adding  multiple records  for the
       same  group, the F11 key  may be used  to duplicate the previous
       record  name.     Each  member   of  the  group   must  have   a
       corresponding record  in the  MAILADRP file.   If not,  an error
       message  occurs and the record  is not added.   Up to 50 members
       may exist for a group.

  **   Use the WRKMAILADR command and F7.   This brings up a  selection
       display of  the individual members  in the  MAILADRP file.   The
       Group  name must  be entered  at the  top of  the display.   You
       then  select the members  of the group  that you want  to add by
       entering a '1'.   You can add  multiple members and change  your
       mind by  blanking out the  'X' value.   When F3 is  entered, the
       selected  members  are added  to  the  MAILGRPP file.    You can
       check the results with the WRKMAILGRP command.

The proper sequence of events is thus:

  **   Ensure that  all members  of  the group  exist in  the  MAILADRP
       file by using WRKMAILADR.

  **   Use one of the following methods:

         --   Enter a  group record using  WRKMAILADR (F6 to  add) with
              any  unique name  used as  the group  name and  *GROUP as
              the E-Mail address.

              Use WRKMAILGRP to enter a  record for each member of  the
              group.  For example, the display might look as:

                    Group name         Member

                    GROUP1             JONES
                    GROUP1             SMITH
                    GROUP2             JONES
                    GROUP2             MILLER

         --   Use  WRKMAILADR  and  F7  to   bring  up  the  SELMAILGRP
              display.   Enter the Group name at the  top and a '1' for
              each  member  of the  group that  you want.   When  F3 is
              pressed, all  the  selected members  will have  a  record
              added to the MAILADRP file.

It is not valid  to have an embedded group (a member  of the group must
have  an E-Mail  address and  cannot be *GROUP  in the  MAILADRP file).
The other way to say  this is you cannot  have a group within a  group.

Either SNDTXTMAIL or SNDSPLMAIL may be used with a group.

Mail Logging

The MAILLOGP  file is  always created  by the  use of  CRTMAILADR.   An
option  exists  on  the  command  (default  is  *ON) to  activate  mail
logging.  The CHGMAILLOG  command may also be  used to turn logging  on
or off.

If  logging  is  set   on  and  a  SNDxxxMAIL  command   is  used,  the
information  is   logged  to  the  MAILLOGP  file.     The  information
regarding  who sent the mail, the name  and E-Mail address sent to, the
date and  time,  the text,  and the  spooled file  name  (if sent)  are
written to the log.

There is one  basic record for each entry with an  MLCODE field of '1'.
The  basic  information includes  who sent  the  message, the  date and
time, the first  To User,  and the  first 50 bytes  of text.   If  more
than 50  bytes of text occurs,  additional records are written  with an
MLCODE of  '2'.  Each record contains another 50  bytes of text as well
as the basic information.

If SNDIFSMAIL is used,  the MLSPLF field will  contain *SNDIFSM in  the
basic record.   An  MLCODE of  '4' is assigned  to additional  records.
Each additional record holds 50 bytes of the IFS name used.

If more  than one Send User is sent  to, additional records are written
with an MLCODE of '3' along with the basic information.

Words  are not split over  the 50 byte record  unless a word exceeds 50

The formatting characters  ':/N' appear  as text and  are not used  for

Each  of  the  SNDxxxMAIL  commands  supports a  TEST  parameter.    If
TEST(*YES)  is specified,  the  mail is  not sent.   The  MAILLOGP file
will contain  the normal  entries.   The first  4 bytes  of the  MLRSVD
field will  contain the  value of  the TEST  parameter in every  record

You can display the file with the SCNMAILLOG command such as:


The SCNMAILLOG  command supports several parameters  you may specify to
select the entries  you want to  display such as the  user the  message
was sent to or a word within the text.  For example,


Would  display  all  E-Mails sent  to  the  JONES  user  regardless  of
whether he is  the only user sent to or whether he  is one of a list or
group  that was sent to.  The full  entry is displayed meaning if JONES
is the second recipient, all recipients would be displayed.



Only E-Mail  sent to  JONES that  had the  word 'PAYROLL'  in the  text
would be displayed.

The text in the log is folded to upper case before scanning.

The DSPMAILLOG  command provides a summary  of the the entries  sent by


This  would produce a  display with  a one line  summary by  day of how
many entries were sent by SNDTXTMAIL and SNDSPLMAIL.

The intent  of DSPMAILLOG  is to  provide a  review of  what exists  to
help determine when cleanup is required.

An  administrator with  *ALLOBJ authority  can use  DSPMAILLOG for  all
mail logs on the system by entering:


This  can  assist in  determining which  users  need to  clean  out old
entries in the mail log.

The MTNMAILLOG  command may  be used  to clean  out old  entries.   The
number of  days of entries  you need to  keep should be  specified such

             MTNMAILLOG  RTNDAYS(60)

All entries prior to 60 days ago would be removed from the file.

MTNMAILLOG  operates  by  creating  the  MAILLOGP2  file  in  the  same
library  as  the  MAILLOGP  file.    All  entries  are  copied  to  the
MAILLOGP2 file and  then copied  back with selection  made on the  date
the entries  were written.   Prior to  copying back, the  MAILLOGP file
is  cleared.   If the copy  back is  successful, the  MAILLOGP2 file is

If the command  or system fails during  processing, the MAILLOGP2  file
contains  the  complete set  of  entries  and  may  be copied  back  to
refresh the MAILLOGP file.

If  MTNMAILLOG is run when  MAILLOGP2 is not clear  (has some number of
records), an error  message will be  sent.  This means  that the  prior
use of MTNMAILLOG did not complete normally.

An  administrator  with  *ALLOBJ  authority  can  enforce  a  retention
period  by  using  MTNMAILLOG  for  all  mail  logs on  the  system  by


List of commands supported by MAILADR

The SNDTXTMAIL and SNDSPLMAIL commands are independent tools.

The  MAILADR tool  supports the  following commands  some of  which are
intended for internal use, but may be used in your applications.

  **   CRTMAILADR.  Creates the files used by the tool.

  **   WRKMAILADR.  Works  with the MAILADRP  file to add, change,  and
       delete entries.

  **   WRKMAILGRP.   Works with  the MAILGRPP file  to add,  change and
       delete the members of a group.

  **   DLTMAILADR.  Deletes the files created by CRTMAILADR.

  **   RTVMAILADR.   Retrieves the  E-Mail address for a  user or group
       of users.

  **   ADDMAILADR.  Provides  a batch method of  adding records to  the
       MAILADRP file instead of WRKMAILADR.

  **   SELMAILADR.   Allows  a  selection of  users  from the  MAILADRP
       file.  Used by both SNDTXTMAIL and SNDSPLMAIL.

  **   CHGMAILLOG.  Changes whether mail logging occurs or not.

  **   LOGMAILENT.   Logs the  results of SNDTXTMAIL  and SNDSPLMAIL to
       the MAILLOGP file.

  **   MTNMAILLOG.  Removes old log entries  from one or all mail  logs
       based on a number of retention days.

  **   SCNMAILLOG.    Scans  for entries  in  the  mail  log  based  on
       different selection criteria.

  **   DSPMAILLOG.   Displays a  summary of the  entries in one  or all
       mail logs.

  **   ADDMAILGRP.   Provides a  batch method of  adding records to the
       MAILGRPP file.

Security considerations

The CRTMAILADR  command AUT  parameter defaults  to *USE  to allow  the
user of the  command to create the MAILADRP and  MAILGRPP Files so that
the  data may be used by  other users, but only changed  by the user of
the command.  The AUT parameter also allows *CHANGE or *EXCLUDE.

The default authority for  MAILLOGP allows the  *PUBLIC user to add  to
the file  to allow logging  to occur.   *USE authority is  also granted
to  the  *PUBLIC  for  MAILLOGP  which  allows  use of  DSPMAILLOG  and

You may want a  single set of  flies for your  system, one for  certain
users,  or a  combination.    Note that  the  commands search  for  the
appropriate file  name on the library list (meaning  the first one that
is  found).   No  combining  of names  occurs  from files  in different
libraries on the library list.

The  commands  allow  *PUBLIC  use.    The  authority   to  the  object
determines  if the  user  can perform  the  function.   For example,  a
*PUBLIC  user can use WRKMAILADR, but could  not add, change, or delete
a record unless authorized.

The LOGMAILENT  command (used  internally by  the SNDxxxMAIL  commands)
requires the  user to have *ADD  authority to the MAILLOGP  file (which
is why it is created so that the *PUBLIC user has the authority).

The CHGMAILLOG command requires *OBJMGT to the MAILADRP file.

The  MTNMAILLOG command requires  *ALL authority to  the MAILLOGP file.

The DLTMAILADR command  requires *ALL authority  to the MAILADRP  file.

An   *ALLOBJ   user    can   use   DSPMAILLOG   or    MTNMAILLOG   with
MAILADRLIB(*ALL) to access all mail logs on the system.

The TAAEMLEC21  program (used by CRTMAILADR and  CHGMAILLOG) adopts the
QSECOFR  profile in  order to  allow the use  of of  CHGOBJD2 to update
the user attribute  of the  MAILLOGP file.   The program is  considered
safe as  its only  function is  to change the  user attribute  field of
specific file names in a named library.

RTVMAILADR escape messages you can monitor for

      TAA9891    The name does not exist in the file.
      TAA9892    Group member name does not exist.
      TAA9893    Group name does not exist in MAILGRPP.
      TAA9894    Group member is specified with *GROUP and
                   and not an E-Mail address.
      TAA9895    More than 50 members of a group.

Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

ADDMAILADR escape messages you can monitor for

      TAA9892    The name already exists in the file.
      TAA9893    The name is blank or contains embedded blanks

Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

CRTMAILADR Command parameters                         *CMD

   MAILADRLIB    The  name of the library where  the Mail Address files
                 files will be created.

   SRCLIB        The  source  library  to  use  for  the  QATTDDS  file
                 source.   The default  is *TAAARC  meaning the  source
                 stored in the TAA Archive.

                 A specific  user library may be  named, but the source
                 file must be QATTDDS.

   MAILLOG       An  *ON/*OFF  parameter  for  whether  to  cause  mail

                 *ON is  the  default meaning  the SNDxxxMAIL  commands
                 will write logging records to the MAILLOGP file.

                 *OFF may be specified to prevent logging.

                 The CHGMAILLOG  command may be used  to change whether
                 mail logging occurs.

                 See  the  MTNMAILLOG  command  for  how  to  clear old
                 messages (past  a retention date)  from the mail  log.

   AUT           The authority  to the MAILADRP  file.  The  default is
                 *USE  which  allows  any user  to  use  WRKMAILADR and
                 RTVMAILADR.   *CHANGE authority  is required  to  add,
                 change,  or delete  records  in  the file.    *EXCLUDE
                 could also be entered.

                 If  AUT(*USE) is specified,  the MAILLOGP  file is set
                 to allow the *PUBLIC user  to add records to the  file
                 (allows logging) as well as allowing reading.

DLTMAILADR Command parameters                         *CMD

   MAILADRLIB    The name of  the library where the Mail  Address files
                 exist.   *LIBL is the default.   A specific library or
                 *CURLIB may also be entered.

WRKMAILADR Command parameters                         *CMD

   MAILADRLIB    The  name of the library  where the Mail Address files
                 exist.  *LIBL is  the default.  A specific  library or
                 *CURLIB may also be entered.

   OUTPUT        How to output  the results.  * is  the default meaning
                 if  the  command  is  entered  interactively,  a  work
                 display will appear.   If  the command  is entered  in
                 batch or *PRINT is specified, a listing is output.

RTVMAILADR Command parameters                         *CMD

   NAME          The name  of the user  to retrieve the  E-Mail address
                 for.    The name  must  match a  key  in  the MAILADRP
                 file.  It  may be a  group name.   Any characters  are

   RTVGENNAM     A  *YES/*NO  parameter  to  allow  the  name  that  is
                 entered to be treated as a generic name.

                 *NO  is  the  default  meaning  the specific  name  is
                 accessed.  It may be a group name.

                 *YES  may  be  specified  to  mean  the  name  entered
                 should be  treated  as a  generic name.    No *  value
                 should  be  added.    For  example,  if  NAME(ABC)  is
                 entered  with  RTVGENNAM(*YES)  and  the mail  address
                 file contains  key values  for ABCD,  ABCE, ABCF,  all
                 would be returned.

                 When RTVGENNAM(*YES)  is specified, none of  the names
                 that match the generic value can be a *GROUP type.

   RTNCNT        A   return  variable  for   the  count   of  how  many
                 addresses are  returned.   A  maximum  of 50  will  be
                 returned.   If  a single  name was  requested and  the
                 name  is not  defined as  a  *GROUP, a  single address
                 will   be  returned.    This  is  an  optional  return
                 variable  that if  used  must  be  specified  as  *DEC
                 LEN(3 0).

   RTNNAM        A return  variable for  the names associated  with the
                 addresses.   Each name  takes 20 bytes.   A maximum of
                 50 will  be  returned.   This  is an  optional  return
                 variable  that if  used  must  be specified  as  *CHAR

   RTNADDR       A  return variable  for the E-Mail  address associated
                 with each name.   A  maximum of 50  will be  returned.
                 Each address  takes 100  bytes.   This is an  optional
                 return  variable that  if  used must  be  specified as
                 *CHAR LEN(5000).

   RTNTEXT       A   return   variable   for   the   text   description
                 associated  with each  name.   Each  text  description
                 takes 50  bytes.   A maximum of  50 will  be returned.
                 This  is  an  optional return  variable  that  if used
                 must be specified as *CHAR LEN(2500).

   MAILADRLIB    The name of the library  where the Mail Address  files
                 exist.  *LIBL  is the default.  A  specific library or
                 *CURLIB may also be entered.

ADDMAILADR Command parameters                         *CMD

   NAME          The  name of  the user  to add  to the  MAILADRP file.
                 It must be a unique  character value with no  embedded
                 blanks.  Any characters are valid.

   EMAILADR      The E-Mail  address associated with  the name.   Up to
                 100  bytes  may  be entered.    The  value is  checked
                 according to the CHKDMN parameter.

   TEXT          An  optional  text description  assigned to  the user.
                 Up to 50 bytes may be entered.

   CHKDMN        The  type  of  checking  performed  on   the  internet
                 address.   *SYNTAX is the default to  syntax check the

                 *INTERNET  may be entered  to check the  domain on the
                 internet  as  well  as  syntax  checking.     Entering
                 *INTERNET  requires more  overhead  and especially  if
                 the domain does not exist.

   MAILADRLIB    The name  of the library where  the Mail Address files
                 exist.  *LIBL is the  default.  A specific library  or
                 *CURLIB may also be entered.

SELMAILADR Command parameters                         *CMD

   MAILADRLIB    The name of  the library where the Mail  Address files
                 exist.   *LIBL is the default.   A specific library or
                 *CURLIB may also be entered.

   NAMLST        The  names  of users  that were  selected.   Up  to 50
                 names will be  returned in a  single parameter.   Each
                 name  is  20  bytes  long.    The  parameter  must  be
                 specified  as *CHAR LEN(1020).   The last  name in the
                 list will be blank.

   RCPLST        The recipient type  of the  users that were  selected.
                 Up  to  50   types  will  be  returned   in  a  single
                 parameter.     Each  name  is  4   bytes  long.    The
                 parameter must be  specified as *CHAR  LEN(204).   The
                 last type in the list will be blank.

LOGMAILENT Command parameters                         *CMD

   SUBJECT       The subject  of the  E-Mail.   Up to 44  bytes may  be

   TEXT          The text  provided for the  E-Mail.  Up  to 4800 bytes
                 may be entered.

   SENDTO        A  three part  parameter for  each user  that was sent
                 to.  Up to 50 users may be entered.

                 The first 20  bytes is the  user name such as  entered
                 on SNDTXTMAIL or SNDSPLMAIL.

                 The second  part is the 'recipient type'  such as *TO.
                 *CC or *BCC may also be entered.

                 The   third   part   is   the   100   bytes   for  the
                 corresponding E-Mail address.

   SPLF          The spooled file  name.  This is  intended to be  used
                 if a  spooled file was  sent.  Up  to 10 bytes  may be

   JOB           The  job where the  spooled file  was found.   This is
                 intended to be used  if a spooled file  was sent.   Up
                 to 10 bytes may be entered.

   JOBUSR        The  user  of  the job  where  the  spooled  file  was
                 found.   This  is  intended to  be used  if  a spooled
                 file was sent.  Up to 10 bytes may be entered.

   JOBNBR        The  job number of the job  where the spooled file was
                 found.   This  is intended  to be  used  if a  spooled
                 file was sent.  Up to 6 bytes may be entered.

   SPLNBR        The  spooled file number  of the  spooled file.   This
                 is  intended to  be used if  a spooled  file was sent.
                 Up to 6 bytes may be entered.

   CYMD          The date the entry was logged in CYMD format.

   TIME          The time the entry was logged in HHMMSS format.

   TEST          A *YES/*NO option  for whether  this is a  test.   *NO
                 is the default.

                 *YES may  be specified  to indicate a  test.   If *YES
                 IS  specified, an X is  placed in the  MLLSTR field of
                 every record.

   IFSNAME       The IFS name  used by  SNDIFSMAIL.  Up  to 5000  bytes
                 may be entered.

   MAILADRLIB    The name of  the library where the Mail  Address files
                 exist.   *LIBL is the default.   A specific library or
                 *CURLIB may also be entered.

MTNMAILLOG Command parameters                         *CMD

   RTNDAYS       The  number of  days of  log entries  to retain.   The
                 default is  60 meaning  that  any log  entries with  a
                 date prior  to 60  days ago will  be deleted  from the

   MAILADRLIB    The  name  of  the library  where  the  Mail  Log file
                 exists.  *LIBL  is the  default.   A specific  library
                 or *CURLIB may also be entered.

                 *ALL may be  entered by a user  with *ALLOBJ authority
                 to maintain all mail log files on the system.

CHGMAILLOG Command parameters                         *CMD

   MAILLOG       An   *ON/*OFF  parameter  for   whether  mail  logging
                 should be set on or off.

                 *ON may be specified to turn mail logging on.

                 *OFF may be specified to turn mail logging off.

   MAILADRLIB    The name  of  the library  where  the Mail  Log  files
                 exist.  *LIBL is  the default.  A specific  library or
                 *CURLIB may also be entered.

WRKMAILGRP Command parameters                         *CMD

   MAILADRLIB    The name  of the library where the  Mail Address files
                 exist.   *LIBL is the default.   A specific library or
                 *CURLIB may also be entered.

   OUTPUT        How to output the  results.  * is the  default meaning
                 if  the  command  is  entered  interactively,  a  work
                 display  will appear.   If  the command is  entered in
                 batch or *PRINT is specified, a listing is output.

DSPMAILLOG Command parameters                         *CMD

   MAILADRLIB    The name  of  the  library  where the  Mail  Log  file
                 exists.   *LIBL is  the default.   A specific  library
                 or *CURLIB may also be entered.

                 *ALL may  be entered by a  user with *ALLOBJ authority
                 to display  a summary  of all  mail log  files on  the

   OUTPUT        How to output the  results.  * is the  default meaning
                 if  the command  is entered  interactively,  a display
                 will  appear.  If  the command is  entered in batch or
                 *PRINT is specified, a listing is output.

SCNMAILLOG Command parameters                         *CMD

   PERIOD        A 4  part  parameter to  describe  the date  and  time
                 range to select.

                 Part 1  is the beginning time that  defaults to *AVAIL
                 meaning   whatever  is  available  for  the  beginning

                 Part  2  is  the  beginning  date  that   defaults  to
                 *CURRENT meaning the current date.

                 Part  3 is  the ending  time that  defaults to  *AVAIL
                 meaning whatever is available for the ending date.

                 Part  4  is  the ending  date  that  defaults to  *END
                 meaning the date of the last entry.

   SNDRUSR       *ALL is  the default  to select  all user  names  that
                 sent an entry.   A specific user name may  be entered.

   SNDRJOB       *ALL is  the default to  select all jobs  that sent an

   SUBJECT       *ALL  is  the default  to  select all  subjects.   Any
                 characters  may be  entered  to  scan for  a  subject.
                 Both  the value  entered  and the  value  in the  data
                 base are converted to upper case before scanning.

   TEXT          *ALL  is   the  default  to  select  all  text.    Any
                 characters may be entered to  scan for a value in  the
                 text that  was sent.  Both  the value entered  and the
                 value  in the  data base are  converted to  upper case
                 before scanning is used.

   SENDTO        *ALL is  the default  to select  all users  that  were
                 sent to.  A  specific name may be entered.   All users
                 are  scanned for regardless  of whether they  were the
                 primary, copied, or a blind copied recipient.

   TOINTADR      *ALL   is   the   default  to   select   all  internet
                 addresses.   Up  to 100  bytes  may be  entered  which
                 will  be  scanned   against  the  internet  addresses.
                 Both  the  entered value  and  the  internet addresses
                 will be folded  to upper  case before  scanning.   All
                 internet  addresses  are  scanned  for  regardless  of
                 whether  they  were the  primary, copied,  or  a blind
                 copied recipient.

   SPLF          *ALL is the  default to  select all  spooled files  or
                 all entries sent  with or without  a spooled file.   A
                 specific  name may  be entered  to select  the entries
                 that match.

   MAILADRLIB    The  name  of  the  library where  the  Mail  Log file
                 exists.   *LIBL is  the default.   A specific  library
                 or *CURLIB may also be entered.

   OUTPUT        How to output  the results.  * is  the default meaning
                 if  the command  is  entered interactively,  a display
                 will appear.   If the command is  entered in batch  or
                 *PRINT is specified, a listing is output.

ADDMAILGRP Command parameters                         *CMD

   GROUP         The group  name.   The name  must exist  as a name  in
                 the MAILADRP file and be defined as a *GROUP.

   MEMBER        The member  of the group.  The  member must exist as a
                 name in the MAILADRP  file and may  not be defined  as
                 a *GROUP.

   MAILADRLIB    The name  of  the library  where the  Mail Group  file
                 exists.   *LIBL is  the default.   A  specific library
                 or *CURLIB may also be entered.




The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     ADDDAT          Add date
     ADJVAR          Adjust variable
     CHKACTOBJ       Check active object
     CPYTAADDS       Copy TAA DDS source
     CVTDAT          Convert date
     EDTVAR          Edit variable
     FILEFDBCK       File feedback
     RPGSTSDS        RPG status data structure
     RSNLSTMSG       Resend last message
     RTVDAT          Retrieve date
     SNDCOMPMSG      Send completion message
     SNDDIAGMSG      Send diagnostic message
     SNDESCINF       Send escape information
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message
     SNDSTSMSG       Send status message
     UPDPFILE        Update PFILE keyword


None, the tool is ready to use.

Files used

    Object        Type     Source       Description
    ------        ----     ------       -----------

    MAILADRP       PF      TAAEMLEP     Mail address physical
    MAILADRL       LF      TAAEMLEL     Mail address logical
    MAILGRPP       PF      TAAEMLEQ     Group address physical
    MAILGRPL       LF      TAAEMLEM     Group address logical
    MAILLOGP       PF      TAAEMLES     Mail log physical

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   CRTMAILADR    *CMD                   TAAEMLE       QATTCMD
   DLTMAILADR    *CMD                   TAAEMLE2      QATTCMD
   WRKMAILADR    *CMD                   TAAEMLE3      QATTCMD
   RTVMAILADR    *CMD                   TAAEMLE4      QATTCMD
   ADDMAILADR    *CMD                   TAAEMLE5      QATTCMD
   SELMAILADR    *CMD                   TAAEMLE6      QATTCMD
   LOGMAILENT    *CMD                   TAAEMLE7      QATTCMD
   MTNMAILLOG    *CMD                   TAAEMLE8      QATTCMD
   CHGMAILLOG    *CMD                   TAAEMLE9      QATTCMD
   SCNMAILLOG    *CMD                   TAAEMLE10     QATTCMD
   WRKMAILGRP    *CMD                   TAAEMLE11     QATTCMD
   DSPMAILLOG    *CMD                   TAAEMLE12     QATTCMD
   ADDMAILGRP    *CMD                   TAAEMLE13     QATTCMD
   SELMAILGRP    *CMD                   TAAEMLE14     QATTCMD
   TAAEMLEC      *PGM       CLP         TAAEMLEC      QATTCL
   TAAEMLEC2     *PGM       CLP         TAAEMLEC2     QATTCL
   TAAEMLEC3     *PGM       CLP         TAAEMLEC3     QATTCL
   TAAEMLEC4     *PGM       CLP         TAAEMLEC4     QATTCL
   TAAEMLEC5     *PGM       CLP         TAAEMLEC5     QATTCL
   TAAEMLEC6     *PGM       CLP         TAAEMLEC6     QATTCL
   TAAEMLEC7     *PGM       CLP         TAAEMLEC7     QATTCL
   TAAEMLEC8     *PGM       CLP         TAAEMLEC8     QATTCL
   TAAEMLEC9     *PGM       CLP         TAAEMLEC9     QATTCL
   TAAEMLEC10    *PGM       CLP         TAAEMLEC10    QATTCL
   TAAEMLEC11    *PGM       CLP         TAAEMLEC11    QATTCL
   TAAEMLEC12    *PGM       CLP         TAAEMLEC12    QATTCL
   TAAEMLEC13    *PGM       CLP         TAAEMLEC13    QATTCL
   TAAEMLEC14    *PGM       CLP         TAAEMLEC14    QATTCL
   TAAEMLEC21    *PGM       CLP         TAAEMLEC21    QATTCL
   TAAEMLEC31    *PGM       CLP         TAAEMLEC31    QATTCL
   TAAEMLEC33    *PGM       CLP         TAAEMLEC33    QATTCL
   TAAEMLEC34    *PGM       CLP         TAAEMLEC34    QATTCL
   TAAEMLEC38    *PGM       CLP         TAAEMLEC38    QATTCL
   TAAEMLER3     *PGM       RPG         TAAEMLER3     QATTRPG
   TAAEMLER4     *PGM       RPG         TAAEMLER4     QATTRPG
   TAAEMLER5     *PGM       RPG         TAAEMLER5     QATTRPG
   TAAEMLER6     *PGM       RPG         TAAEMLER6     QATTRPG
   TAAEMLER7     *PGM       RPG         TAAEMLER7     QATTRPG
   TAAEMLER10    *PGM       RPG         TAAEMLER10    QATTRPG
   TAAEMLER11    *PGM       RPG         TAAEMLER11    QATTRPG
   TAAEMLER12    *PGM       RPG         TAAEMLER12    QATTRPG
   TAAEMLER13    *PGM       RPG         TAAEMLER13    QATTRPG
   TAAEMLER14    *PGM       RPG         TAAEMLER14    QATTRPG

Objects used by the tool - Continued

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   TAAEMLER30    *PGM       RPG         TAAEMLER30    QATTRPG
   TAAEMLER32    *PGM       RPG         TAAEMLER32    QATTRPG
   TAAEMLER33    *PGM       RPG         TAAEMLER33    QATTRPG
   TAAEMLER38    *PGM       RPG         TAAEMLER38    QATTRPG
   TAAEMLEP      *FILE      PF          TAAEMLEP      QATTDDS
   TAAEMLEL      *FILE      LF          TAAEMLEL      QATTDDS
   TAAEMLEQ      *FILE      PF          TAAEMLEQ      QATTDDS
   TAAEMLEM      *FILE      LF          TAAEMLEM      QATTDDS
   TAAEMLES      *FILE      PF          TAAEMLES      QATTDDS

Special switches

Special  switches are kept in the  user defined attribute of two files.

  **   MAILADRP.   If the  10th character is  I, *INTERNET  is used  as
       the default for the domain check value.

  **   MAILLOGP.   If the  10th character  is X,  mail logging  will be


   TAAEMLEC   CL pgm
     TAAEMLEC21  CL pgm - Adopts to change user attribute

   TAAEMLEC2  CL pgm

   TAAEMLEC3   CL pgm
     TAAEMLER3   RPG Pgm
       TAAEMLED    Display file
       TAAEMLEC33  CL pgm
         TAAEMLEC21  CL pgm

   TAAEMLEC4   CL pgm
     TAAEMLER4   RPG Pgm

   TAAEMLEC5   CL pgm
     TAAEMLER5   RPG Pgm

   TAAEMLEC6   CL pgm
     TAAEMLER6   RPG Pgm
       TAAEMLEE    Display file

   TAAEMLEC7   CL pgm
     TAAEMLER7   RPG Pgm

   TAAEMLEC8   CL pgm
     TAAEMLEC38    CL pgm if all libraries
       TAAEMLER38    RPG pgm for listing

   TAAEMLEC9   CL pgm
     TAAEMLEC21  CL pgm - Adopts to change user attribute

   TAAEMLEC10  CL pgm
     TAAEMLER30  RPG pgm  - Gets date of first record
     TAAEMLER10  RPG pgm

Structure - Continued

   TAAEMLEC11  CL pgm
      TAAEMLER11  RPG pgm
        TAAEMLEF   Display file

   TAAEMLEC12  CL pgm
     TAAEMLER12  RPG pgm
     TAAEMLER32  RPG pgm
       TAAEMLER33  RPG pgm

   TAAEMLEC13  CL pgm
     TAAEMLER13  RPG pgm
       TAAEMLEC31  CL pgm

   TAAEMLEC14  CL pgm
     TAAEMLER14  RPG pgm
       TAAEMLEC34  CL pgm
       TAAEMLEG    Dsp file

Added to TAA Productivity tools May 15, 2008

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