The Print Spool Analysis command analyzes a QSPL library. A summary
by day or month may be made. The listing includes the number of
members (empty or with data) and the corresponding sizes. PRTSPLANZ
provides a summary of how much spooled data exists.
Only an *ALLOBJ user may use PRTSPLANZ.
If you have a lot of spooled files, PRTSPLANZ should be submitted to
batch such as:
A listing would be produced with summaries by day (the default)
including both empty members and members with data.
The last change date of each member is used to determine how to
summarize the data. The change date is set by either placing new
spooled data into the member or clearing the member.
System handling of spooled files
Each spooled file is placed in a member. Multiple files are used in
QSPL depending on the length of the print lines and other attributes.
The system tries to avoid adding new members because of the overhead
associated with this function. When a spooled file is no longer
needed (such as the data is printed or the spooled file is deleted),
the member is cleared. This makes the member available for re-use.
The system can reclaim members (deletes them) if the member has not
been used for the duration specified by the QRCLSPLSTG system value.
If you have a large number of spooled files, a large amount of disk
space may be consumed.
The default job attribute is for a job is SPLFACN(*KEEP). This
allows you to access the spooled file using a function such as DSPJOB
after the job has ended because the system retains the job control
block. These control blocks can consume a lot of space. The other
SPLFACN choice is *DETACH which prevents the use of DSPJOB access
after the job has ended because the job control block is deleted by
the system.
TAA Tools to reduce spool storage requirements
DLTOLDSPLF The DLTOLDSPLF tool allows you to delete old spooled
files based on a retention date. An option exists
to move the old spooled files to a centralized
output queue so you can delete them manually if
SPLARC The SPLARC tool provides a method of reducing the
amount of storage for spooled data and still allows
a re-print of the data. SPLARC uses APIs to convert
the spooled data to a data base file (one member per
spooled file) and allows you to delete the system
version of the spooled file in QSPL. Options exist
1) Leave the spooled file on line for n days.
2) Leave the converted DB file on line for n days
where the data can be re-printed from
3) Track the offline saved version for n days and
allow the media to be restored and the data
PRTSPLANZ escape messages you can monitor for
None. Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.
Command parameters *CMD
QSPLLIB The name of the QSPL library to be analyzed. The
default is QSPL.
You may have more than one QSPLn library on your
OPTION The type of summarization to be performed.
*DAY is the default meaning there will be one line
for each day based on the change date of the member.
*MONTH may be specified to mean there will be one
line for each month based on the change date of the
member. If your QRCLSPLSTG system value has a high
value, the *MONTH option may be a good choice.
Only an *ALLOBJ user may use PRTSPLANZ.
The following TAA Tools must be on your system:
CHKALLOBJ Check *ALLOBJ special authority
CVTDAT Convert date
EDTVAR Edit variable
RTVSYSVAL3 Retrieve system value 3
SNDCOMPMSG Send completion message
SNDESCINF Send escape information
SNDESCMSG Send escape message
SNDSTSMSG Send status message
SORTDBF Sort data base file
None, the tool is ready to use.
Objects used by the tool
Object Type Attribute Src member Src file
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Added to TAA Productivity tools February 15, 2006