TAA Tools

The Delete  Old  Spooled files  command is  designed to  allow a  house
cleaning of  old spooled files.   A retention  date is named.   You can
either  have the  old spooled  files deleted  or have  them moved  to a
specified queue.   Moving  the old spooled  files to  a separate  queue
allows you to review them and then delete them manually.

A typical command would be entered as:


This would  cause all spooled files  on the system that  are older than
14 days to be deleted.

The  retention date may be  either the create date  of the spooled file
or the  last time  it was  used such  as by  a display  of the  spooled

DLTOLDSPLF  must  use  several   slow  running  internal  commands  and
therefore should be submitted to batch.

Command parameters  to allow a specific output queue  to be named.  The
default is to delete spooled files for all  users.  A list of up to  40
users may  be specified.   This  allows specific cleanup  of an  output
queue  such  as QEZJOBLOG  where  many system  user  profile names  are

Separate  command parameters exist to  allow a different retention date
for QPJOBLOG and QPSRVDMP files.   A single output queue or  all output
queues  may be specified.   You  may also  specify that  certain output
queues be bypassed (no files in the queue are considered).

Separate  parameters exist to  allow you to  delete a  specific user, a
specific spooled  name  (can  be  generic), a  specific  form  type,  a
specific string of user  data, or based on a status of  Held, Saved, or
Ready.   A  spooled  file must  meet all  selection data  before  it is

A printed  output report  occurs  to the  spooled file  named  SPLFILES
describing each output queue,  the number of spooled files  which exist
and the number which were deleted/moved.

Only spooled  files in the RDY, CLO, HLD  or SAV status are considered.
All   other  status   indications  are  considered   ineligible  to  be
deleted/moved.  The ineligible files are described in the report.

Security considerations

The  user  of  DLTOLDSPLF  must  be  authorized  to  the  output  queue
specified.  If  he is not the owner  of all of the spooled  files to be
operated  on, he must have  *JOBCTL special authority.   *JOBCTL may be
adopted by either program or group profile adoption.

If OUTQ(*ALL) is  specified, the user must  have *ALLOBJ, *JOBCTL,  and
*SPLCTL special  authorities.  The  special authorities may  be adopted
by either program or group profile adoption.

Contrast with the SPLARC tool

The  TAA  Tool  SPLARC  is  similar  to  DLTOLDSPLF.    SPLARC  is  the
replacement of the SPLCTL tool.

Both SPLARC and DLTOLDSPLF perform a  cleanup function.  SPLARC has  an
advantage in  that it will  save spooled files  and allow a  convenient
means  of identifying  what was  saved and  how  to reprint.   However,
SPLARC  has a disadvantage in that each  output queue to be worked with
must be  entered into a  control file.   SPLARC  also has an  advantage
that different  retention and save characteristics can  be specified by
output queue.

DLTOLDSPLF  has an  advantage that  it is  simple and  operates against
all queues without the use of any control files.

It is possible  to combine the  use of SPLARC  with DLTOLDSPLF.   Those
output  queues that  need a  re-print capability  should be  controlled
with  SPLARC.  DLTOLDSPLF  should be used  for all other  output queues
and the  LIST parameter  should exclude  those output  queues that  are
controlled by SPLARC.

Command parameters                                    *CMD

   OUTQ          The qualified name of  the OUTQ to be checked  for old
                 spooled  files.   *ALL causes  a  check on  all output
                 queues.    When a  specific  queue is  named,  a blank
                 entry  in the  library  portion  of  the  name  causes
                 *LIBL to be used.

                 A specific  library qualifier  may be named  or *LIBL,
                 *USRLIBL, *CURLIB, *ALL, or *ALLUSR.

                 See also the LIST parameter.

   FILE          The  name  of the  spooled file  to  be deleted.   The
                 default is *ALL.   A specific name  or a generic  name
                 may be entered.

   USER          The  user  (owner  of  the  spooled  file)  to  delete
                 spooled  files  for.   The  default  is  *ALL for  all

                 A list of  up to  40 specific users  or generic  users
                 may be named.

   EXCLUDEUSR    The user  (owner of the  spooled file) to  be excluded
                 so that  his spooled files  will not be  deleted.  The
                 default  is *NONE  meaning all  spooled files  will be

                 Up to 300 names or generic names may be specified.

   JOB           The job name  to be deleted.   The default is *ALL  to
                 mean   all  jobs   are   included   in  the   deletion
                 considerations.   A specific  job name  may be entered
                 to allow  you  to  delete  the  spooled  files  for  a
                 specific job.

   EXCLUDEJOB    The  job  name(s) to  be  excluded.   The  default  is
                 *NONE  meaning  that no  exclusions exist.    All jobs
                 will be considered for deletion.

                 A list of up to 300  jobs or generic job names may  be
                 entered  that will  be excluded  from  deletion.   Any
                 spooled   files  for  the   specified  jobs   will  be

   FORMTYPE      The  form type  to be deleted.   The  default is *ALL.
                 A specific  form type may  be entered  or the  special
                 value  *STD.   The value  *STD is  the default  when a
                 spooled file is output.

   USRDTA        The user data to be deleted.  The default is *ALL.

                 A  name may be entered  such as ABC  or a generic name
                 such as ABC*.

                 A string  may also  be  entered which  is not  a  name
                 such as 'ABC(' 'ABC D', 'abcd', 'abc d' etc.

   STS           The status  of the  spooled file to  be deleted.   The
                 default  is  *ALL.   Only  those  spooled  files in  a
                 status of RDY,  CLO, HLD,  or SAV are  eligible to  be

                 A  specific  status  of  RDY,  HLD,   or  SAV  may  be
                 specified  to  be  deleted.    If  a  specific  status
                 condition  is specified,  all other  status conditions
                 are bypassed.

   ASPDEV        Specifies  the auxiliary  storage  pool  (ASP)  device
                 name  where storage  for  the  library containing  the
                 object  is allocated.   If  the library resides  in an
                 ASP that  is not  part of  the  thread's library  name
                 space,  this parameter  must  be  specified to  ensure
                 the  correct library is  searched.   If this parameter
                 is used when the  library qualifier specified for  the
                 Object prompt  (OBJ parameter)  is *CURLIB, *LIBL,  or
                 *USRLIBL, ASPDEV(*) is the only valid value.

                 This  parameter  can be  specified  as a  list  of two
                 values   (elements)  or  as  a   single  value.    The
                 possible single values are:

                 * = The ASPs  that are currently part of  the thread's
                 library  name space  will  be searched  to locate  the
                 library.   This includes  the system ASP  (ASP 1), all
                 defined basic  user  ASPs  (ASPs 2-32),  and,  if  the
                 thread has  an ASP  group, the  primary and  secondary
                 ASPs in the thread's ASP group.

                 *ALLAVL =  All available ASPs will  be searched.  This
                 includes the  system ASP  (ASP 1),  all defined  basic
                 user ASPs (ASPs  2-32), and all available  primary and
                 secondary  ASPs,  (ASPs   33-255)  with  a  status  of

                 *CURASPGRP  =  If the  thread  has an  ASP  group, the
                 primary and secondary  ASPs in the thread's  ASP group
                 will be  searched to locate  the library.   The system
                 ASP  (ASP 1) and  defined basic user  ASPs (ASPs 2-32)
                 will not be searched.   If no ASP group is  associated
                 with the thread, an error will be issued.

                 *SYSBAS  = The  system  ASP (ASP  1)  and all  defined
                 basic  user  ASPs  (ASPs  2-32)  will  be searched  to
                 locate the  library.   No  primary or  secondary  ASPs
                 will  be  searched  even if  the  thread  has  an  ASP

                 Element 1: Device

                 The  device name of  the primary  or secondary  ASP to
                 be  searched.  The primary  or secondary ASP must have
                 been activated  (by  varying on  the ASP  device)  and
                 have  a status of  'Available'.   The system  ASP (ASP
                 1)  and defined user  basic ASPs (ASPs  2-32) will not
                 be searched.

                 Element 2: Search type

                 *ASP  =  Specifies  that  only  the  single  auxiliary
                 storage pool  (ASP) device  named in  element 1  is to
                 be searched.

                 *ASPGRP  =  Specifies  that the  entire  group  of the
                 primary auxiliary storage pool  (ASP) device named  in
                 element 1 is to be searched.

   RETAINDAYS    The  number of  retention  days.   The  default is  14
                 meaning  the  spooled  files  would  be  kept  on  the
                 system  for 14 days.   If DLTOLDSPLF  is run every day
                 with RETAINDAYS(1) specified,  a spooled file  created
                 today  would not be  deleted until  tomorrow.   A zero
                 is  a valid entry to delete  any spooled files created

                 The default is  to determine  the retention days  from
                 the date the  spooled file was created.   The 'date of
                 last  use' may  also be specified.   See  the COMPDATE

   QPJOBLOG      The number  of  retention  days  for  QPJOBLOG  files.
                 The default  is to  use the  same value specified  for

   QPSRVDMP      The  number  of  retention  days for  QPSRVDMP  files.
                 The  default is  to use  the same  value specified for

   MOVTOOUTQ     The qualified  name of the  output queue  to be  moved
                 to.   The library defaults  to *LIBL.  The  default is
                 *NONE  meaning the old  spooled files  will be deleted
                 and not moved.  If  an output queue is named, the  old
                 spooled files  will be  moved to the  specified queue.

                 The intent  of this parameter is that  you may want to
                 review the spooled files  that are past the  retention
                 date  before deleting  them.   The  spooled files  are
                 moved  to  the  named  queue.    After  reviewing  the
                 contents,   the   spooled  files   must   be  manually

                 If  this  entry is  specified,  any  existing  spooled
                 files on the 'move to queue' are ignored.

   LIST          A list  of output queues  or generic output  queues to
                 be  bypassed.  This allows you  to have certain output
                 queues  where  the  spooled  files  will  be  retained
                 indefinitely  or  you  may have  a  production  output
                 queue   (e.g.     PRT01),   that  is   always  handled
                 manually.   The  output  queue entry  is  a  qualified
                 name.  Up to 90 output queues may be named.

                 The special  value *SYSBAS  may be  entered to  bypass
                 an  output queue if  it is in  the *SYSBAS ASP.   This
                 allows  cleanup of  output queues  in independent ASPs
                 and bypassing the  output queues  in the system  basic

                 The special  value *ALL  may be used  if a  library is
                 named  to allow  bypassing of  all output queues  in a
                 specific library.

                 If the library  name is blank,  the output queue  must
                 exist on the library list.

                 The  output  listing  produced  will  described  those
                 output queues which have been explicitly bypassed.

   ACTION        The  action to be  performed.  *DELETE  is the default
                 which will cause spooled files  to be deleted if  past
                 the  retention date  or moved  if  you have  specified
                 the MOVTOOUTQ parameter.

                 *CHECK may  be specified to cause a  summary report of
                 what  would  happen  if  *DELETE  is  specified.    No
                 spooled  files  will  be  deleted.     The  number  of
                 spooled  files that  would be  deleted and  the amount
                 of  space that would  be reclaimed are  shown.  *CHECK
                 may  only  be  specified  when  MOVTOOUTQ(*NONE)   and
                 SUMMARY(*YES) are specified.

   COMPDATE      The date  to be  compared for  retention.  *CRTDAT  is
                 the  default  meaning the  date the  spooled  file was

                 *LSTUSE may be  specified to  mean the  last time  the
                 spooled file was used.   The initial date is  the date
                 the  spooled file was  created.   The date  is changed
                 if  the  spooled file  is displayed,  copied, printed,
                 sent, or when the attributes are changed.

   SUMMARY       A *YES/*NO value  for whether  a summary spooled  file
                 should  be output.   *YES  is the  default.   To route
                 this   file  to   a   different  queue,   use  OVRPRTF
                 FILE(TAAPRT1) and specify the OUTQ parameter.

                 If *NO is specified and  no errors occur, the  spooled
                 file is output and then deleted.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     ADDDAT       Add date
     CHKJOBCTL    Check job control
     CVTALLOUTQ   Convert all output queues
     CVTOUTQ      Convert output queue
     EDTVAR       Edit variable
     EXTLST       Extract list
     EXTLST2      Extract list 2
     SNDCOMPMSG   Send completion message
     SNDESCMSG    Send escape message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type        Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----        ---------      ----------    ----------

   DLTOLDSPLF    *CMD                       TAASPLL       QATTCMD
   TAASPLLC      *PGM           CLP         TAASPLLC      QATTCL
   TAASPLLC2     *PGM           CLP         TAASPLLC2     QATTCL
   TAASPLLR      *PGM           RPG         TAASPLLR      QATTRPG

Added to TAA Productivity tools April 1, 1995

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