TAA Tools

The Print  Last Changed command  prints a listing  of the objects  that
have not  been changed for  a specified number  of days.   It is useful
for understanding how your system is being changed.

A typical command is entered as:

        PRTLSTCHG     LIB(xxxxx) OMITDAYS(100)

This  prints a  listing of  all objects  in the specified  library that
have not  been changed  in the last  100 days.   You  can also  request
only those objects that have been changed in the last N days.

Various options exist for sorting and selection.

If  a  data  base  file  is  shown with  TYPE(*OBJ),  the  change  date
reflects  the  last  time the  object  level  information  was changed.
This includes such changes  as caused by  CHGPFM, adding or removing  a
member,  etc.   Changes to  the data  are  not recorded  in the  object
level  information,   but  rather  in  the  member  level  information.
Member level  information  is  updated  when the  file  is  opened  for
update  and then  closed.   It  is  also changed  by  grant and  revoke
operations.   To  understand when  the data  was last  changed, specify

The  usage count is also shown.  The  usage count can be misleading for
multi-member files  such as  source files.   The system  does not  keep
track at  an object level, but rather  at a member level.   When object
level  information is shown, the  usage count is the  sum of the member
usage  counts.     To  see  the   member  level  information,   specify

For source  files, the system  keeps two last  change dates.   The date
used  to  reflect the  last  SEU change  is  not shown.    Instead, the
normal member change date is used.

PRTLSTCHG is a slow running command  and should be submitted to  batch.

There are companion  commands PRTUSECNT, PRTLSTUSE, and  PRTCRTDAT that
allow operations  by the usage  count value, last used  date and create

Command parameters                                    *CMD

   LIB           A  single  library  may be  specified  or  the special
                 values *LIBL, *USRLIBL, *CURLIB or *ALLUSR.

   OMITDAYS      The  number of  days  you  want  to  omit  before  the
                 object was  changed.   The default is  *NONE.   If you
                 specify  100 and  the object  has been changed  in the
                 last 100  days,  it will  not  appear in  the  report.
                 This is  the 'omit  before' date.   It  allows you  to
                 avoid  seeing  any  objects  that  have recently  been

   OMITDAYSA     The number of days you  want to omit after the  object
                 was changed.   The default is  *NONE.  If  you specify
                 100  and the  object was  last  changed over  100 days
                 ago,  it will not  appear in the report.   This is the
                 'omit after' date.   It allows  you to see only  those
                 that have recently changed.

                 Both  OMITDAYS and  OMITDAYSA cannot  be specified  on
                 the same use of PRTLSTCHG.

   TYPE          The  type of report  *OBJ or *MBR.   TYPE(*OBJ) is the
                 default and shows  each object  and it's change  date.
                 Members  are   not  considered.    See   the  previous
                 comments on  the use of this  parameter with data base

                 TYPE(*MBR)  shows   only  members   which  have   been
                 changed.     See  also   the  SRCFILES  parameter   to
                 determine  if  you want  source  files  or data  files

   SEQUENCE      A  *YES/*NO value with *NO  as the default which means
                 the objects  will appear name  within type.   If  *YES
                 is  specified,  the  objects   will  appear  with  the
                 oldest last changed date first.

   SRCFILES      Whether  source files should be included  or not.  The
                 default is *INCLUDE.   The other  values of *OMIT  and
                 *ONLY can only  be specified when TYPE(*MBR)  is used.

                 *OMIT  should be  specified when  you want  to include
                 data files and exclude source files.

                 *ONLY should  be specified  when you  want to  include
                 source files and exclude data files.

   PRTFILE       The qualified  name of  the printer  file to be  used.
                 The  default is  QPRINT in  *LIBL.   The  spooled file
                 name is the name of the LIB parameter.




The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

         ADDDAT        Add date
         RTVSYSVAL3    Retrieve system value 3
         SNDCOMPMSG    Send completion message
         SNDESCMSG     Send escape message
         SNDSTSMSG     Send status message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type        Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----        ---------      ----------    ----------

   PRTLSTCHG     *CMD                       TAAOBJI       QATTCMD
   TAAOBJIC      *PGM           CLP         TAAOBJIC      QATTCL
   TAAOBJIR      *PGM           RPG         TAAOBJIR      QATTRPG

Added to TAA Productivity tools April 1, 1995

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