TAA Tools
PRTBIGOBJ       PRINT BIG OBJECT                       TAAOBKW

The  Print Big  Object  tool  assists  in determining  the  large  size
objects on  your system.   This can help cleanup  of a system.   One or
more  libraries  may be  processed by  a single  command.   An optional
exception file may  be used to avoid  flagging those objects which  are
known to be large.

The advantage  of the  exception file is  that you can  specify objects
that  are known to  be large so  you can minimize the  number of listed
objects you need to review.

IFS objects are not included.   Use the TAA DSPIFS command to list  the
large IFS objects.

A typical command would be:

             PRTBIGOBJ     LIB(*ALLUSR) SIZE(10000000)

All objects  in user  libraries would  be checked  and those which  are
equal  to or  exceed 10,000,000  bytes would be  listed in  the spooled

Exception file

An optional exception file may be  used to specify those objects  which
are known to exceed the size you specify.

To create the exception file, enter:


Two files (BIGOBJP and BIGOBJL) will be created in QGPL.

After you run PRTBIGOBJ to determine the large objects, enter:


Enter the  library,  object, object  type and  optionally an  exception
size for those  objects that you do not want to  flag.  If no exception
size  is entered, the  size is considered  to be *NOMAX  and the object
will never be flagged.

If you have a large object,  but want to enter a size to  check against
instead of the  value of the SIZE parameter on  PRTBIGOBJ, you can flag
the  object  if it  grows  beyond the  size  you enter.    For example,
assume an object is  20,000,000 bytes today.   If you enter  25,000,000
as a  size, the object  will be flagged if  it exceeds 25,000,000.   If
the  object  does   not  exceed  25,000,000  bytes,  the  listing  will
optionally include the object, but the flag will not exist.

PRTBIGOBJ escape messages you can monitor for

None.  Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

CRTBIGOBJ Command parameters                          *CMD

   SRCLIB        The  source  library  to  use  for  the  QATTDDS  file
                 source.  The  default is *TAAARC.   If a  full license
                 exists, the  source is used from the  TAA Archive.  If
                 a  demonstration  license exists,  the source  is used
                 from the QATTDDS file in the TAATOOL library.

                 A specific user library  may be named, but the  source
                 file must be QATTDDS.

   AUT           The authorization  to the BIGOBJP  file in QGPL.   The
                 default   is  *USE.    *CHANGE   or  *EXCLUDE  may  be

DLTBIGOBJ Command parameters                          *CMD


WRKBIGOBJ Command parameters                          *CMD


PRTBIGOBJ Command parameters                          *CMD

   LIB           The list  of libraries  to be  processed.   Up to  300
                 libraries  may be  entered  (including generic  names)
                 or  the   special  values  *LIBL,  *USRLIBL,  *CURLIB,
                 *ALLUSR, *ALLUSR2, *ALLNONQ, *IBM, or *ALL.

                 For *LIBL and *USRLIBL,  if a current library  exists,
                 it  will be  considered before  the  libraries on  the
                 user  portion of  the library  list.   If  the current
                 library  is  also  part  of the  user  portion  of the
                 library list, it will only appear once.

                 *ALLUSR means  any  library that  was  not created  by
                 the system according to the CHKIBMLIB command.

                 *ALLUSR2  means any  library that  meets the  criteria
                 specified   for  the   SAVLIB  LIB(*ALLUSR)  function.
                 This  excludes  #  libraries   such  as  #SEULIB   and
                 includes QUSRSYS,  QGPL, etc.   See the help  text for
                 the  SAVLIB LIB parameter for  a complete description.

                 *ALLNONQ means any  library that does  not begin  with
                 the letter Q.

                 An entry of  *IBM causes all libraries to  be included
                 as per the definition of the CHKIBMLIB tool.

                 Product  libraries (those  in the  product  portion of
                 the library list) are never included.

                 You  must  have  *ALLOBJ special  authority  to  use a
                 value of *ALL,  *ALLUSR, *ALLUSR2, *ALLNONQ, or  *IBM.

   ASPDEV        Specifies  the  auxiliary  storage pool  (ASP)  device
                 name  where  storage for  the  library  containing the
                 object is allocated.   If  the library  resides in  an
                 ASP  that is  not part  of the  thread's library  name
                 space,  this  parameter must  be  specified  to ensure
                 the correct library  is searched.   If this  parameter
                 is used when  the library qualifier specified  for the
                 Object  prompt (OBJ parameter)  is *CURLIB,  *LIBL, or
                 *USRLIBL, ASPDEV(*) is the only valid value.

                 This  parameter  can be  specified  as a  list  of two
                 values  (elements)  or   as  a  single  value.     The
                 possible single values are:

                 * = The  ASPs that are currently part  of the thread's
                 library  name  space will  be searched  to  locate the
                 library.  This  includes the system  ASP (ASP 1),  all
                 defined  basic user  ASPs  (ASPs  2-32), and,  if  the
                 thread  has an  ASP group,  the primary  and secondary
                 ASPs in the thread's ASP group.

                 *ALLAVL = All available ASPs  will be searched.   This
                 includes the  system ASP  (ASP 1),  all defined  basic
                 user ASPs  (ASPs 2-32), and all  available primary and
                 secondary   ASPs,  (ASPs  33-255)  with  a  status  of

                 *CURASPGRP =  If  the thread  has  an ASP  group,  the
                 primary and  secondary ASPs in the  thread's ASP group
                 will  be searched to  locate the library.   The system
                 ASP (ASP 1)  and defined basic  user ASPs (ASPs  2-32)
                 will not be  searched.  If no ASP  group is associated
                 with the thread, an error will be issued.

                 *SYSBAS  =  The system  ASP  (ASP 1)  and  all defined
                 basic user  ASPs  (ASPs  2-32)  will  be  searched  to
                 locate  the library.   No  primary  or secondary  ASPs
                 will  be  searched  even  if  the thread  has  an  ASP

                 Element 1: Device

                 The  device name  of the  primary or  secondary ASP to
                 be searched.  The  primary or secondary ASP  must have
                 been  activated (by  varying  on the  ASP device)  and
                 have  a status  of 'Available'.   The system  ASP (ASP
                 1) and defined  user basic ASPs  (ASPs 2-32) will  not
                 be searched.

                 Element 2: Search type

                 *ASP  =  Specifies  that  only  the  single  auxiliary
                 storage  pool (ASP)  device named in  element 1  is to
                 be searched.

                 *ASPGRP =  Specifies  that  the entire  group  of  the
                 primary auxiliary storage  pool (ASP) device  named in
                 element 1 is to be searched.

   LIBTYPE       Whether  to select  all or  a specified  library type.
                 *ALL is the default to select all types.

                 *PROD  may be  used to  select only  production (PROD)

                 *TEST  may  be  used   to  select  only  test   (TEST)

   SIZE          The size  of an  object to be  flagged if it  is equal
                 to  or greater than  the values entered.   The default
                 is 5,000,000 bytes.

                 Note that  if  an exception  file exists,  the  object
                 may  be   listed  and   flagged.     See  the   ALLBIG

   ALLBIG        A  *YES/*NO option  for whether to  print all  the big
                 objects regardless of  whether there  is an  exception
                 record in the BIGOBJP file.

                 *YES  is the  default which  will  print all  objects,
                 but  only flag  those that  exceed  the SIZE  value or
                 the size entered into the exception file.

                 *NO  may be specified to  list only those objects that
                 1) Exceed  the SIZE  value  and are  not described  in
                 the BIGOBJP  file or 2)  Are described in  the BIGOBJP
                 file and exceed the exception size entered.

   OMITLIB       A  list  of up  to  300 libraries  or  generic library
                 names that should be omitted.   *NONE is the  default.

                 An omit list may not be entered for LIB(*CURLIB).

                 Any library entered is checked for existence.

                 No check occurs  to see if an omit  library would have
                 been   selected.    For  example,   if  LIB(*LIBL)  is
                 entered with OMITLIB(ABC)  and library ABC  is not  on
                 the library list, no error occurs.


You must  have  *ALLOBJ special  authority to  use a  library value  of


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     ADJVAR          Adjust variable
     CHKALLOBJ       Check *ALLOBJ special authority
     CHKDUPLST       Check duplicate list
     CHKGENERC       Check generic
     CHKGENOBJ       Check generic object
     CHKOBJ3         Check object 3
     CPYTAADDS       TAA Archive
     EDTVAR          Edit variable
     EXTLST          Extract list
     EXTLST2         Extract list 2
     HLRMVMSG        HLL Remove message
     LOCKMSG         Lock message
     RTVOBJD2        Retrieve object description 2
     RTVSYSVAL3      Retrieve system value 3
     SNDCOMPMSG      Send completion message
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message
     SNDJLGMSG       Send job log message
     SNDSTSMSG       Send status message
     UPDPFILE        Update PFILE keyword


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   CRTBIGOBJ     *CMD                   TAAOBKW       QATTCMD
   DLTBIGOBJ     *CMD                   TAAOBKW2      QATTCMD
   WRKBIGOBJ     *CMD                   TAAOBKW3      QATTCMD
   PRTBIGOBJ     *CMD                   TAAOBKW4      QATTCMD
   TAAOBKWC      *PGM       CLP         TAAOBKWC      QATTCL
   TAAOBKWC2     *PGM       CLP         TAAOBKWC2     QATTCL
   TAAOBKWC3     *PGM       CLP         TAAOBKWC3     QATTCL
   TAAOBKWC4     *PGM       CLP         TAAOBKWC4     QATTCL
   TAAOBKWR3     *PGM       RPG         TAAOBKWR3     QATTRPG
   TAAOBKWR4     *PGM       RPG         TAAOBKWR4     QATTRPG
   TAAOBKWP      *FILE      PF          TAAOBKWP      QATTDDS
   TAAOBKWL      *FILE      LF          TAAOBKWL      QATTDDS


   TAAOBKWC   CL pgm

   TAAOBKWC2  CL pgm

   TAAOBKWC3   CL pgm
     TAAOBKWR3   RPG Pgm
       TAAOBKWD    Display file

   TAAOBKWR4   CL pgm
     TAAOBKWR4   RPG Pgm

Added to TAA Productivity tools August 15, 2003

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