TAA Tools
CHKIBMLIB       CHECK IBM LIBRARY                      TAASAVL

The Check  IBM Library  command allows  you to determine  if a  library
will  be  saved by  a  SAVLIB  command.   Different  request types  are
supported  such as  *NONSYS, *IBM, or  *ALLUSR.  The  command returns a
value of *IBM or *USER depending on the library name.

The  command allows  a  CL  program  method of  determining  where  the
library  appears in  the  chart  provided in  the  Backup and  Recovery
Guide.   This determines if a  library will be saved  based on the type
of SAVLIB command requested.

A typical series of commands would be entered as:

        DCL         &SAVBYCMD *CHAR LEN(4)
        IF          (&SAVBYCMD *EQ '*YES) DO ...

If the library does  not exist, CPF9898 is  sent as an escape  message.

The  command provides  a return  variable  for whether  the library  is
considered  *IBM or *USER.   CHKIBMLIB  follows the definition  used by
the SAVLIB command.   This includes any library  beginning with Q  plus
a few specific libraries beginning with # (e.g.  #RPGLIB).

CHKIBMLIB also  provides a return  variable for  the user that  created
the  library.   System  libraries  are  not-consistent  on who  creates
them.    You will  find such  user profile  names as  *IBM, QLPINSTALL,

The QUSRVxRxNx  libraries used  for  user objects  to be  created on  a
different release  are tested  by comparing for  QUSRV*.  If  found, it
is considered a user library.

Command parameters                                    *CMD

   LIB           The library name to be checked.

   RQSTYPE       The  type  of request  to  be  made.   The  default is
                 *NONSYS meaning you  will receive  a determination  in
                 the  SAVBYCMD  parameter  as to  whether  the  library
                 would be saved by a SAVLIB LIB(*NONSYS) command.

                 A   value  of  *IBM   will  return   in  the  SAVBYCMD
                 parameter if the  library will  be saved  by a  SAVLIB
                 LIB(*IBM) command.

                 A  value  of  *ALLUSR  will  return  in  the  SAVBYCMD
                 parameter  if the library  will be  saved by  a SAVLIB
                 LIB(*ALLUSR) command.

                 A  value  of  *SAVLIB  will  return  in  the  SAVBYCMD
                 parameter if  the library  can  be saved  by a  SAVLIB
                 LIB(xxx) command.

   RTNTYPE       A  return  variable  that   must  be  coded  as  *CHAR
                 LEN(5).     It  will  contain  either  *IBM  or  *USER
                 according to the  name of the  library (Any Q  library
                 and specific # libraries are considered *IBM).

   SAVBYCMD      A  return  variable  that   must  be  coded  as  *CHAR
                 LEN(4).   It  will  contain a  value of  *YES  or *NO.
                 See the RQSTYPE parameter.

   CRTUSER       A  return  variable  that  must  be  coded  as   *CHAR
                 LEN(10).  It  will contain the  name of the  user that
                 created the  library.  System libraries do  not have a
                 consistent  user profile  name that is  used to create
                 the libraries.

   TEST          Whether to  test for  libraries that do  not exist  on
                 the  current  system.   The  default  is  *NO.   If  a
                 library  is  specified  that  does  not  exist on  the
                 current system, an escape message is sent.

                 *YES may be  specified to  allow testing of  libraries
                 that do  not exist on the  current system.   The words
                 'Non   exist'  will  exist  for   the  CRTUSER  return


  **   Because the command returns one  or more variables, it can  only
       be entered in a CL program.

  **   You  must  be  authorized for  *USE  authority  to  the  library
       specified to use CHKIBMLIB.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

        SNDESCMSG     Send escape message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   CHKIBMLIB     *CMD                   TAASAVL       QATTCMD
   TAASAVLC      *PGM       CLP         TAASAVLC      QATTCL

Added to TAA Productivity tools April 1, 1995

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