TAA Tools
EDTSRC          EDIT SOURCE                            TAASREJ

The Edit Source  tool is a subset of  an SEU (PDM) like function.   The
intent of  the tool is to  provide a simple source editor  for a system
that  does not  have the  STRSEU command or  a similar  function.  This
would be  typical in  some remote or  small installations.   which  may
need to compile  CL and DDS source.  See also  the WRKSRC command which
provides a WRKMBRPDM like function.

While  any  source type  may be  edited  (with some  restrictions), the
following are the intended use:

              CLP, CLP38, CLLE  F4 is valid for prompting
              CMD               F4 is valid for prompting
              PF, PF38
              LF, LF38
              DSPF, DSPF38
              PRTF, PRTF38

Windowing of the source  is not supported  (only the text that  appears
in the 70  byte window).  If  the source type allows  F4 for prompting,
the  source  can  normally be  edited  by  prompting  which forces  the
statement to fit in the supplied window.

If a  source  statement  has  data beyond  position  70  and  prompting
cannot be used  (or is not used), it  is possible that the line  can be
changed so that it will be invalid for a create function.

Because the  system supplies commands such as  CRTPF and CRTCLPGM, many
applications   may  be  written  using  system  function  (not  program
products) and TAA Tools.

CL Compiler  support restricts the  use of data  base support to  input
only and does not support printing.  However, the TAA Tools:

               CLPDBR       Allows data base add, update, delete
               BLDPRTLIN    Builds a print line with editing
               PRINT        Prints from CL

can be used to build many applications.

A typical command to edit an existing member would be:

             EDTSRC   SRCFILE(xxxx) SRCMBR(yyyy)

A display  similar to the  SEU display would  appear and source  may be
edited.   This  includes updating,  adding, deleting,  moving, copying,
scanning, etc.  Prompting exists for CLP, CLLE, and CMD source.

When exiting the editor, an  Exit display is provided which is  similar
to SEU.   If changes have been  made, an option defaults  to update the
member.   This  causes the  member to be  cleared and  the new  data is
written back.

Not all  of  the SEU  functions  are  provided.   The  following  major
functions are included.

  **   Updating or adding a member.

  **   Rollup, rolldown, position by sequence number.

  **   Updating statements.

  **   Basic operations can be entered in positions 1-2:

           I      Insert one line
           M      Move one line
           C      Copy one line
           D      Delete one line
           MM     Move a set of lines (must be paired with an MM)
           CC     Copy a set of lines (must be paired with a CC)
           DD     Delete a set of lines (must be paired with a DD)
           A      The location for insertion after the line
           B      The location for insertion before the line

       Note that several functions  that are not valid in  the sequence
       columns such as  W, In, Mn, RPn, CRn, CCR,  COLS, F, IF, IP, +n,
       or -n.

The following major differences exist

  **   The source file length must be between 92 and 112.

  **   Source  statements that go  beyond position 70  of a single line
       may not be accessed.   If the prompter is used, all  source will
       remain within the 70 byte window.

  **   No  prompting exists  other than  for CL,  CLLE, and  CMD source

  **   The  browse/copy   function  is  a  full  screen  (not  a  split

  **   Several functions such as 'In'  or 'RPn' are not supported  (See
       the previous list of supported functions).

  **   Many SEU  Function key  options are not  supported such  as F10,
       F13, F14, F15, F17

  **   Syntax  checking is not  as good as  SEU.  When  the prompter is
       used, checking is  the same.   Without the  prompter, EDTSRC  is
       not as effective.

  **   Lower case is assumed.   Upper case may be entered  by using the
       shift key.

  **   There  is no dummy  record before  the first statement  or after
       the  last  statement.   Therefore,  to insert  before  the first
       record,  insert at  another  location  and move  the  statement.
       You cannot  copy the  last statement after  itself.  If  this is
       needed,  copy   the  last  statement  after  the  next  to  last

  **   A maximum of 9997 records  may exist in the internal array  used
       to hold the source.

  **   The  storing  of defaults  in  the  interactive profile  is  not

EDTSRC escape messages you can monitor for

None.  Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

EDTSRC Command parameters                             *CMD

   SRCFILE       The  qualified name of  the source file  to be edited.
                 The library  value defaults  to  *LIBL.   *CURLIB  may
                 also be used.

   SRCMBR        The source member  to be edited.   If the  member does
                 not exist, NEWMBR(*YES) must be entered.

   TYPE          The  type of source  to be edited.   Any value  may be
                 entered,  but it  is intended for  the standard values
                 such as CLP,  RPG, PF,  etc.  Only  CL and CMD  source
                 types allow  prompting.  The  default is *SAME  to not
                 change  the existing value.   A value  must be entered
                 if the member does not exist.

   OPTION        The option to be performed.   *EDIT is the default  to
                 edit the source.

                 *DSP  may  be  entered  to provide  a  'display  only'

   NEWMBR        A  *YES/*NO option for whether  a new member  is to be
                 entered.  The default is  *NO for an existing  member.

                 If no member exists, *YES must be entered.

   TEXT          The text  description of  a new  member.  The  default
                 is *BLANK  meaning no text is assigned  to the member.

                 The  text is not  changed for an  existing member.  To
                 change the text, end  EDTSRC with F3 and enter  a text
                 description in  the 'Edit Source -  TAA Exit' display.


See the previous comments.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     EDTVAR          Edit variable
     PRTSRCF         Print source file
     RSNLSTMSG       Resend last message
     RTVDBFA         Retrieve data base file attributes
     SNDCOMPMSG      Send completion message
     SNDESCINF       Send escape information
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   EDTSRC        *CMD                   TAASREJ       QATTCMD
   TAASREJC      *PGM       CLP         TAASREJC      QATTCL
   TAASREJC2     *PGM       CLP         TAASREJC2     QATTCL
   TAASREJC11    *PGM       CLP         TAASREJC11    QATTCL
   TAASREJC12    *PGM       CLP         TAASREJC12    QATTCL
   TAASREJC13    *PGM       CLP         TAASREJC13    QATTCL
   TAASREJC15    *PGM       CLP         TAASREJC15    QATTCL
   TAASREJR      *PGM       RPG         TAASREJR      QATTRPG
   TAASREJR11    *PGM       RPG         TAASREJR11    QATTRPG
   TAASREJR12    *PGM       RPG
   TAASREJR15    *PGM       RPG         TAASREJR15    QATTRPG

TAASREJR11  is the  main program.   The source  is also  used to create
TAASREJR12 which is used for the Browse/Copy function.

TAASREJR is used  as the first RPG  program.  It  allows the CPY  array
to  be  passed to  TAASREJR11.    This array  is  too  large for  a  CL
variable so an RPG program is used.


    TAASREJR    Calls TAASREJR11 to allow large array
      TAASREJR11  RPG  Main program
        TAASREJC2    CLP  Clears member for update
        TAASREJC11   CLP  CL functions during F15
        TAASREJC12   CLP  Syntax check
        TAASREJC13   CLP  Used for F4 lists
        TAASREJR12   RPG  Used for copy/browse
        TAASREJR15   RPG  Used to copy all of a member

Added to TAA Productivity tools October 15, 2009

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