TAA Tools
BLDPRTLIN      BUILD PRINT LINE                           TAACLPI

The  Build  Print  Line  command formats  a  print  line  within  a  CL
program.   It is intended for use  with the TAA Tool PRINT.   When used
with the PRINT command, the advantages are:

  **   The  formatting  of the  line can  be  done by  specifying print
       positions instead of counting blanks or using concatenation.

  **   Numeric fields can be handled properly by use of edit codes.

The following shows  some typical printed  output from the  combination
of the BLDPRTLIN and PRINT commands.

*                                                                     *
*      2/27/09    11:14:09   SYSTEM1         Customer report          *
*                                                                     *
*   Number   Customer name           Owed         Sales    Last order *
*                                                                     *
*   02467    Johnson and Co.        12.00        300.15       1/26/09 *
*   37865    Miller and Sons       458.12      1,000.00       2/01/09 *
*                                                                     *
*                                  470.12      1,300.15               *
*                                                                     *
*        Records printed-     2                                       *
*                                                                     *

Note  that the  column  headings  are left  aligned  for the  character
fields  and right aligned for  the numeric fields.   You can do either.
The totals must be accumulated in CL and an extra line printed.

The following is the prompt screen for the BLDPRTLIN command:

*                                                                    *
*     LINE parm to return (132) . . . .   ___________                *
*     Format for char fields            _                            *
*       Char var or literal (up to 50)    _________________________  *
*       Print position (1 132)  . . . .   ___                        *
*       Align left or right . . . . . .   L                          *
*                           + for more  _                            *
*     Format for dec fields             _                            *
*       Dec variable or literal           ____________________       *
*       Units print position (2 131)      ___                        *
*       Number of decimals                0                          *
*       Edit code . . . . . . . . . . .   J   (J K L M W Y Z)        *
*                           + for more  _                            *
*                                                                    *

The BLDPRTLIN command  supports two lists.   One is  for the  character
fields and  one for  the numeric  fields.   The command prompt  appears
with  one character  and one  decimal field.   The  normal +  symbol is
used to request additional fields.

The following is the CL code to produce the previous report.

                        /* All numeric fields passed to BLDPRTLIN  */
                        /*   must be specified as 0 decimals. The  */
                        /*   number of decimal positions that      */
                        /*   print is controlled by a parameter.   */
             DCL        &OWED *DEC LEN(7 0)
                        /* Build and print heading */
             BLDPRTLIN  LINE(&LINE) CHARFLDS(('Number' 001) +
                          ('Customer name' 010) ('Owed' 037 R) +
                          ('Sales' 051 R) ('Last order' 065 R))
             PRINT      ACTION(*OPN) TITLE('Customer report') +
                          COLHD1(&LINE) SPLFNAME(CUSTOMERS)
              .         /* Detail print loop */
                        /* Build and print detail line */
                          010)) DECFLDS((&OWED 037 2) (&SALES 051 2) +
                          (&DATE 065 0 Y))
             PRINT      LINE(&LINE)
                        /* Add up totals */
             CHGVAR     &OWEDT (&OWEDT + &OWED)
             CHGVAR     &SALEST (&SALEST + &SALES)
                        /* Build and print total line */
                          051 2))
             PRINT      LINE(&LINE) SPCBFR(1) COUNT(*NO)
                        /* Close print file */
             PRINT      ACTION(*CLO)

The sequence of the  specifications determines the  order in which  the
data  will be  moved to  the  print line  work area.    This may  cause
overlaying of  previous entries.  In general you  should specify a left
to right order of the entries.

You  can use the multiple column  head capability of the PRINT command.
You  can  offset  the  column  heads  by   specifying  different  print
positions.  For example:

             BLDPRTLIN  LINE(&COLHD1) CHARFLDS(('Customer' 001)
             BLDPRTLIN  LINE(&COLHD2) CHARFLDS(('Number' 002)
             PRINT      ACTION(*OPN) TITLE('Customer report') +
                          COLHD1(&COLHD1) COLHD2(&COLHD2)

to produce a heading of:


When you  modify an existing  command to delete  or add a  new sub-list
(e.g.   a field in the BLDPRTLIN  command), you should consider the use
of the prompter  values > and  <.  Using  the <  symbol will cause  the
proper  deletion  of  a  sub-list.   If  you  erase  the  entries,  the
prompter may  return a null value  for one of the  sub-lists.  The null
sub-list will be bypassed  by the command  processing routine, but  the
null value will appear in your source.

Command parameters                                    *CMD

   LINE          The return variable  which will contain  the formatted
                 line.  It must be specified as 132 bytes.

   CHARFLDS      The  character fields.   This is  a list  of up  to 35
                 sub-lists.      Each   sub-list   has   the  following

        CHARVAR       The  character   variable   or  literal   to   be
                      printed.   The length of  the value can be  up to
                      50  bytes.   The  value is  aligned  according to
                      the ALIGN parameter.

        POSITION      The  position   where   the  value   will   start
                      printing.   The value  is left  or right  aligned
                      according  to the  ALIGN parameter.   POSITION is
                      entered as a numeric value.

        ALIGN         Align left  or right.   'L'  is the  default  and
                      'R' may  be specified.   Normally  you would  use
                      'L'  for  character fields  and  'R' for  numeric

   DECFLDS       The  decimal  fields.   This  is a  list  of up  to 35
                 sub-lists.     Each   sub-list   has   the   following

        DECVAR        The decimal  variable or  literal to  be printed.
                      The  length of the value can  be up to 15 digits.
                      The fields  must  be  specified  as  0  decimals.
                      The number  of decimals that print  is controlled
                      by the NBRDEC parameter.

        POSITION      The  units position  where the value  will print.
                      POSITION is entered as a  numeric value.  If  the
                      value in DECVAR  is minus, there will be  a minus
                      sign to the right of the units position.

        NBRDEC        The  number of decimal  positions in  the numeric
                      value.   The default is  0.  The DECVAR parameter
                      must always  be  specified as  0 decimals.    The
                      NBRDEC  parameter  controls   where  the  decimal
                      character will appear when edited.

        EDTCDE        The  edit code  to be  used.   The default  is J.
                      The values J K L M  W Y Z may be entered.   These
                      are   the  standard   system   values  with   the
                      following exceptions:

                         - 'W'  is  for  time  editing  and  inserts  a
                           colon (e.g.  8:15:00).

                         - The W Y and Z  edit codes require NBRDEC  to
                           be 0.

                         - A  minus  sign  will  always  print  on  the
                           right if the field is negative.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

      EDTVAR     Edit variable
      EXTLST     Extract list
      MOVCHRDEC  Move character to decimal
      SNDESCMSG  Send escape message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type       Attribute      Src member     Src file
   ------        -----      ---------      ----------     -----------

   BLDPRTLIN     *CMD                      TAACLPI        QATTCMD
   TAACLPIC      *PGM          CLP         TAACLPIC       QATTCL

Added to TAA Productivity tools April 1, 1995

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