TAA Tools
EDTDBF          EDIT DATA BASE FILE                    TAADBJA

The Edit Data Base  File tool provides a simple means  of displaying or
maintaining  a data base.   A physical  file or  a logical file  with a
single  format may be processed.   The EDTDBF command allows records to
be  displayed, changed,  added,  or  deleted.   For  a  'display  only'
function, use DSPDBF2 or the EDTDBF function OPTION(*DSP).

No objects are  created.  EDTDBF/DSPDBF2 operate on  the data using the
file definition.  A typical command would be:

            EDTDBF    FILE(xxx)

Assuming  the  user is  authorized  (see later  discussion),  the first
record in the  file would  be displayed  and could be  maintained.   If
the file  is keyed, the  default provides the  first keyed record.   If
the  file  is  in  arrival  sequence,  the  first  relative  record  is

When EDTDBF is used, each function is considered a mode:

         Display mode         Only a display of the data
         Change mode          Allows updates of the data
         Delete mode          Allows deletion of a record
         Add mode             Allows a new record to be added
         Copy mode            Allows an existing record to be used
                                as a base to add a new record

The base display shows  one line per field  and allows character  field
lengths of up  to 25 bytes to be  entered or displayed.   Larger fields
can be  accessed by using the cursor  and F4.  Decimal fields  up to 23
digits or up to 9 decimal positions are supported.

The  Rollup/Rolldown keys  may be used  to access  additional fields in
the record (if more than one page exists).

The F7/F8 function keys may  be used to roll thru records in  the file.
Rolling occurs  by either  arrival or keyed  sequence depending  on the
file definition and a command parameter.

A  'Hex' option  exists to  allow  any data  value to  be entered.   If
non-displayable data  exists  (below  X'40') or  invalid  decimal  data
exists, the 'Hex' mode is forced.

The  major  displays  support  help   text  that  provides  a  detailed

Variable length fields are supported.

DSPDBF2 considerations


The  DSPDBF2 command  provides  a 'display  only' function.    The user
must have *USE authority to the file.

A subset of the EDTDBF function is  used.  Only the Function keys  that
are valid  for a 'display only'  mode are valid.   The current  mode is
not shown.  The help text is unique for DSPDBF2.

EDTDBF with OPTION(*DSP) is the same function as DSPDBF2.

EDTDBF Security considerations

EDTDBF with  OPTION(*DSP) is the same function  as DSPDBF2 and requires
*USE authority to the file.

To  prevent misuse  of changing  data, EDTDBF  ensures proper authority
to  the file  when  OPTION(*EDT)  is  specified.   Users  with  *ALLOBJ
authority can perform all functions.

EDTDBF is designed for three types of situations:

  **   For displaying data in a file.

  **   For  programmers  testing in  a  test  environment  who need  to
       create and modify test data.

  **   For  'trusted users' who need to  maintain most data base files.

To use EDTDBF, the user must have either of the following:

  **   All rights  to the file  to be  edited.   This is  typical of  a
       test  situation where  the programmer  who is  testing owns  the

  **   Have  *USE  authority to  the TAAEDTDBF  authorization  list and
       *USE authority to the  file to be edited.   This allows  Display
       mode of the data in the file.

       To use  the other modes,  the following  authority is needed  to
       the file:

       If a user  is a member of a Group  Profile and the Group Profile
       is  authorized to the TAAEDTDBF  authorization list, it operates
       as if the  individual user was  authorized to the  authorization

                                        Authority required
              Function                      to the file
              --------                  ------------------

              Change Mode               *UPD authority
              Add or Copy Mode          *ADD authority
              Delete Mode               *DLT authority

The program adopt  function is not used by EDTDBF.   Thus if a 'trusted
programmer'  (one  who  is authorized  to  the  TAAEDTDBF authorization
list) has all  data rights to  the Inventory file,  the programmer  can
use all  of the  EDTDBF functions to  maintain the  file.   However, if
the  'trusted programmer' is not  authorized to the  Payroll file, none
of the EDTDBF functions may be used.

If a programmer is a  member of a Group  profile, the Group profile  or
the  individual  programmer must  have  the  authorizations  previously
described to use EDTDBF.

There are  no objects authorized  to the TAAEDTDBF  authorization list.
It  is used at run  time to see if  the user can use  EDTDBF for a file
he is not the owner of.

EDTDBF Command parameters                             *CMD

   FILE          The qualified  name of  the file  to be  edited.   The
                 library  value defaults  to *LIBL.   *CURLIB  may also
                 be used.

   MBR           The  name  of the  member in  the  file to  be edited.
                 The default is *FIRST.   *LAST may also be  specified.

   OPTION        Whether   to  allow   full  editing   or  a   'display
                 function'  only.  The  default is  *EDT which provides
                 for full editing (add, delete, update).

                 *DSP  may   be  specified   to  provide   a   'display
                 function'  only.    This  is  the  equivalent  of  the
                 DSPDBF2 command which is part of the EDTDBF tool.

   SEQ           The  sequence in which  the file should  be processed.
                 The  default  is  *FILE meaning  the  sequence  of the

                 For example, if  the file is  keyed, the first  record
                 displayed  is the  first  record on  the access  path.
                 If  the file has an arrival  sequence access path, the
                 first  record  displayed  is  the  first   non-deleted
                 record with the lowest relative record number.

                 *RR may be  entered to force a keyed  sequence file to
                 be processed by relative record number.

DSPDBF2 Command parameters                            *CMD

   FILE          The qualified  name of the file to  be displayed.  The
                 library value  defaults to  *LIBL.   *CURLIB may  also
                 be used.

   MBR           The name of  the member in  the file to  be displayed.
                 The default  is *FIRST.  *LAST may  also be specified.

   SEQ           The  sequence in  which the file  should be processed.
                 The default  is  *FILE  meaning the  sequence  of  the

                 For example,  if the file  is keyed, the  first record
                 displayed  is  the first  record on  the  access path.
                 If the file has an  arrival sequence access path,  the
                 first  record  displayed  is   the  first  non-deleted
                 record with the lowest relative record number.

                 *RR may  be entered to force a  keyed sequence file to
                 be processed by relative record number.


  **   DDS validity checking  is not  used.   Any data  may be  entered
       into character  fields.  Any  valid digits  may be entered  into
       numeric fields.

  **   A maximum record size of 9999 bytes is supported.

  **   A maximum number of 998 fields may exist in the file.

  **   The maximum  length character field supported is  800 bytes, but
       the first 800 may be displayed (not updated).

  **   The  largest field that  can be worked  on in Hex  is 400 bytes,
       but the first 400 may be displayed (not updated).

  **   The maximum length decimal field supported is 23 bytes.

  **   The maximum number  of decimal field  positions supported is  9.

  **   Files with null capable fields are not supported.

  **   Date  type fields must  be valid  and have  a year  between 1600
       and  4000.    A  default  date  field  or  time  stamp  date  of
       0001-01-01 is considered valid to be read or as a new value.

  **   When using F14 to  prompt for a new key  to 'position to', 1)  a
       maximum of  14 key  fields can be  entered, 2)  a maximum  of 25
       bytes may  be displayed or entered for  any key field (Timestamp
       key fields are  assumed to  be zero  in position 26),  and 3)  a
       maximum  key  length   of  128  bytes  is  supported   for  'key


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     CHKDAT3         Check date 3
     CHKOBJ3         Check object 3
     CHKTIMSTM       Check timestamp
     CVTHEX          Convert to hex
     CVTFRMHEX       Convert from hex
     DSPFLDA         Display field attributes
     DSPWINDOW       Display window
     HLRMVMSG        HLL Remove message
     LOCKMSG         Locked record message
     RTVDBFA         Retrieve data base file attributes
     RTVFLDA         Retrieve field attributes
     RTVFLDARR       Retrieve field array
     RTVKEYLST       Retrieve key list
     RTVOBJAUT       Retrieve object authority
     RTVSYSVAL3      Retrieve system value 3
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   EDTDBF        *CMD                   TAADBJA       QATTCMD
   DSPDBF2       *CMD                   TAADBJA2      QATTCMD
   TAADBJAC      *PGM       CLP         TAADBJAC      QATTCL
   TAADBJAC2     *PGM       CLP         TAADBJAC2     QATTCL
   TAADBJAC3     *PGM       CLP         TAADBJAC3     QATTCL
   TAADBJAC4     *PGM       CLP         TAADBJAC4     QATTCL
   TAADBJAC5     *PGM       CLP         TAADBJAC5     QATTCL
   TAADBJAC6     *PGM       CLP         TAADBJAC6     QATTCL
   TAADBJAC7     *PGM       CLP         TAADBJAC7     QATTCL
   TAADBJAR      *PGM       RPG         TAADBJAR      QATTRPG
   TAADBJAR2     *PGM       RPG         TAADBJAR2     QATTRPG

  **   TAADBJAC is  the CPP for  EDTDBF.  It calls  the main processing
       program  TAADBJAR  which uses  TAADBJAD.   Several  sub programs
       are called.

         --   TAADBJAC3 converts to/from hex.

         --   TAADBJAC4 uses DSPWINDOW  to describe  a record that  was
              deleted by another user.

         --   TAADBJAC5  accesses   authority  information   about  the

         --   TAADBJAC6  determines the number of  records in the file.

         --   TAADBJAC7  accesses  the  key  list  information  on  the
              first use of F14.

         --   TAADBJAR2 is the  RPG program that displays  the key list
              and  gets the  data  ready for  OVRDBF which  is  used to
              position  for  random  key  access.    The  display  file
              TAADBJAE is used.

  **   TAADBJAC2 is the  CPP for DSPDBF2.   It also calls TAADBJAR.   A
       few   unique  displays   are   used  in   TAADBJAD   along  with
       conditioned  Function  keys  to prevent  access.    TAADBJAR has
       switches set to ensure a 'display only' function.

Added to TAA Productivity tools February 28, 2000

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