TAA Tools
CHKTIMSTM       CHECK TIME STAMP                       TAATIMR

The Check  Time Stamp tool  provides a command  to check timestamps  as
defined by the  data base type Z fields.  The  major intent of the tool
is  to call the  processing program from  a HLL program  and pass it an
Externally  Described Data  Structure  of  information  and  receive  a
message back in the Data Structure.

Unlike most  timestamp checking functions, the  error messages describe
the  specific error  (such  as Day  31 is  not valid  for April  or the
Second portion is invalid) rather  than a general description that  the
timestamp  is  invalid.    The  error   messages  are  designed  to  be
displayed  to end users.   The  function is useful  whenever timestamps
must be validated.

A typical command would be:

             CHKTIMSTM  TIMSTM(yyyy-mm-dd-hh.mm.ss.nnnnnn)

Separator values are also checked.

An exception is made  for default timestamp values  which have a  value


CHKTIMSTM escape messages you can monitor for

        TAA9891      Bad condition (the text explains the error)
                       (Only sent if the CHKTIMSTM command is used)

If the function is  called from a HLL program, the  bad date conditions
will appear in the Externally Described Data Structure.

Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

Command parameters                                    *CMD

   TIMSTM        The  time stamp  to be  checked.   The only  format is
                 that  defined  for  Z  type  data  base  fields.   The
                 timestamp  must  be   26  characters  in   the  format

                 Time    stamps    of    0001-01-01-00.00.000000    and
                 9999-12-31- are considered valid.

   SETLR         How  to set  LR  to end  the RPG  program.   The major
                 processing  of  the  function   is  done  by  an   RPG
                 program.   The default is *ON  to end the  RPG program
                 when  the  function is  complete.    This de-activates
                 the program.   This is not  a good performance  choice
                 if you are going to iteratively use the function.

                 *OFF may  be  specified to  cause the  RPG program  to
                 return,  but the  program  remains active  and  may be
                 called  again with  better performance  results.  *OFF
                 should be used when  you are going to iteratively  use
                 the function.

                 *IMMED may  be specified to  cause the RPG  program to
                 end  without   performing  a  timestamp  check.    The
                 program is de-activated.   The  next time the  program
                 is  called, the  program  must be  activated.   *IMMED
                 should  be  used if  you have  been  iteratively using
                 the function and now want to end it.

Using the function from a HLL program

The major  intent  of  the  tool is  to  call  the  processing  program
(written in  RPG) and  communicate using  an Externally Described  Data
Structure.   The  Data Structure is  shipped as  a Physical  file which
can be displayed with the command:

              DSPFMT     FILE(TAATIMRP)

The following describes the fields:

   TMINP         The  Input  timestamp to  be checked.   The  format of
                 the date must adhere  to that defined for Z  type data
                 base fields.   The field length is 26  bytes.  It must
                 be in a format of 'yyyy-mm-dd-hh.mm.ss.nnnnnn'.

   TMLR          The  LR setting to  be used.   The values  that may be
                 entered are  the  same  as  described  for  the  SETLR
                 command parameter.   If the  value is left  blank, *ON
                 is assumed.  The value must be left adjusted.

   TMERR         The  return value  if  an error  exists.   A  one byte
                 field that  will be  blank on  the return  of a  valid
                 date check.

                 The field  will contain an  'X' if an  error occurred.
                 You may  either check TMERR  or TMMSG to  determine an
                 error exists.

   TMMSG         The  return message if  any.  The  field is defined as
                 78 bytes  so it  may fit  on  one line  of a  display.
                 The value will be blank if the date is valid.

                 If  the date  is  not valid,  the  text describes  the
                 specific  error  condition  which  is  intended  to be
                 displayed to the end user.

   TMRSV         A reserved field of 50 bytes.


The following code  would be  typical and is  in a format  that can  be
copied directly into an RPG III program.

     I* Externally described DS supplied by CHKTIMSTM
     C                     MOVELxxx       TMINP            Time stamp
     C                     CALL 'TAATIMRR'                 CHKTIMSTM
     C                     PARM           TIMDS            Time DS
     C           TMERR     IFEQ 'X'                        If error
     C*  The TMMSG field contains the error text
     C                     ENDIF                           If error


The  Time Stamp  may be  checked in  an RPG  IV program  with the  TEST
operation  code  (plus modifier  Z).    If an  error  occurs,  the only
feedback is an  error indicator  as opposed to  the CHKTIMSTM  function
which provides message text.

The following  code would be  typical and  is in a  format that can  be
copied directly into an RPG IV program.

     D* Externally described DS supplied by CHKTIMSTM
     D TIMDS         E DS                  EXTNAME(TAATIMRP)
     C                   MOVEL     xxx           TMINP
     C                   CALL      'TAATIMRR'
     C                   PARM                    TIMDS
     C     TMERR         IFEQ      'X'
     C*  The TMMSG field contains the error text
     C                   ENDIF




The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     CHKDAT3         Check date 3
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   CHKTIMSTM     *CMD                   TAATIMR       QATTCMD
   TAATIMRC      *PGM       CLP         TAATIMRC      QATTCL
   TAATIMRR      *PGM       RPG         TAATIMRR      QATTRPG
   TAATIMRP      *FILE      PF          TAATIMRP      QATTDDS

Added to TAA Productivity tools February 28, 2000

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