The Display User Commands command displays the audit records for
commands run by a user that is specified with CHGUSRAUD AUDLVL(*CMD).
DSPUSRCMD is intended for use on critical security profiles such as
QSECOFR and QSRV to allow a review of the commands that were entered.
The Journal Code T (Audit) records with an Entry Type of CD (command
was run) are processed using the CPYAUDJRNE outfile.
You must have *ALLOBJ authority to use DSPUSRCMD.
If you have not already setup the QAUDJRN journal, see the tool
AUDITING for a discussion.
Assume you want to check the commands entered by the QSECOFR user
profile. Begin by ensuring the audit level is set correctly.
Roll to the value 'Action auditing values'. It should at least
specify '*CMD'. If not, enter the following:
After some commands have been entered by QSECOFR, you may review the
commands with:
A listing would be displayed of all the commands entered for all
existing journal entries in QAUDJRN.
The profile QSECOFR is used in several system jobs such as QSRVMON.
You can eliminate the commands run in specifically named jobs or
using a generic name to eliminate system jobs by entering Q*.
However, this would not find the commands entered by a user who
signed on as QSECOFR and submitted a job name that began with Q.
Options also exist to:
** Process based on a start date/time and an end date/time.
** List the commands run in CL programs if called from a command
line or run via a command processing program (either by a
system or user command).
** Scan for the use of a command such as CRTUSRPRF whether it is
run on a command line or via a CL program.
Using a different Security Officer profile
Because the system use of QSECOFR complicates the use of reviewing
commands, some users may prefer to use a separate profile when acting
as the Security Officer.
For example, you could create the QSECOFR2 profile and cause auditing
TEXT('Second security officer')
This would allow secure commands to be entered using QSECOFR2 and
displayed with DSPUSRCMD.
You cannot set the QSECOFR password to *NONE. However, you could
prevent the interactive use of QSECOFR. You should not do this
unless you have another profile that can reset the profile if needed.
To prevent the use of QSECOFR from signing on, enter:
While this will make the use of DSPUSRCMD for a profile such as
QSECOFR2 easier to review, it is not a perfect solution to ensure a
check of all commands run as a Security Officer.
For example, there may be pre-existing programs that adopt the
QSECOFR profile, that run various functions. There are several such
programs within TAATOOL and the system also uses this technique.
While TAATOOL and system functions offer security control of these
types of functions, user written programs may not be so secure.
In addition, any *ALLOBJ user can bypass many of the security
checking functions provided by the system.
The use of a second Security Officer will not eliminate the need for
good system security.
DSPUSRCMD escape messages you can monitor for
TAA9892 The user profile is not specified to audit commands
TAA9893 There were no audit records for the selection criteria
TAA9893 is sent either because the use of CPYAUDJRNE found no records
(no spooled file will exist) or because the selection processing
after the use of CPYAUDJRNE did not find any entries to list (a
spooled file will exist).
Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.
DSPUSRCMD Command parameters *CMD
USRPRF The user profile to list audit records for. The
user must be specified using CHGUSRAUD AUDLVL(*CMD)
to create audit records for commands entered.
FROMDATE The From date and time to select journal entries.
Both values default to *FIRST for the first audit
entry found in QAUDJRN. A specific date (in job
format) or the special value *TODAY may be entered.
A specific time in HHMMSS format may be entered.
TODATE The To date and time to select journal entries.
Both values default to *LAST for the last audit
entry found in QAUDJRN. A specific date (in job
format) or the special value *TODAY may be entered.
A specific time in HHMMSS format may be entered.
CLPGM A *YES/*NO value for whether the commands run from a
CL program should be listed. The CL program could
be called directly or called via a command
processing program from a system or user command.
*NO is the default to not list these commands.
*YES may be specified to list the commands. Only
the object name, type, and library (not the full
command that was run) are listed.
SCANVAL The value to be scanned for in either the commands
that were run from a command line or the object and
library names of the commands run in a CL Program
(requires CLPGM(*YES)). For example, this would
allow the scanning for the use of a command such as
CRTUSRPRF or the keyword PASSWORD.
*NONE is the default meaning no scan occurs.
A string of up to 20 bytes may be entered. Note
that scanning the commands run in a CL program is
only effective on the command name and library.
Both the SCANVAL and the command are translated to
upper case before comparing.
BYPJOB A list of up to 300 job names or generic job names
that will be bypassed.
*NONE is the default meaning all jobs are processed.
When a user profile such as QSECOFR is used, the
system runs several jobs under this profile such as
QSRVMON. Bypassing specific jobs names or a generic
name such as Q* can reduce the size of the listing,
but does not prevent a QSECOFR user from submitting
a job name beginning with Q from being bypassed.
See the previous discussion about how to use a
different profile for entering secure commands.
OUTPUT How to output the results. * is the default to
display the spooled file if the command is entered
interactively. The spooled file is deleted after it
is displayed.
If the command is entered in batch or *PRINT is
specified, the spooled file is output and retained.
You must have *ALLOBJ authority to use DSPUSRCMD.
You must have the QAUDJRN operational.
The user profile specified, must be set to at least AUDLVL(*CMD).
The following TAA Tools must be on your system:
CHKALLOBJ Check *ALLOBJ special authority
CHKGENERC Check generic
CVTTIM Convert time
EDTVAR Edit variable
EXTLST Extract list
EXTLST2 Extract list 2
RTVDAT Retrieve date
RTVSYSVAL3 Retrieve system value 3
SCNVAR Scan variable
SNDCOMPMSG Send completion message
SNDESCINF Send escape information
SNDESCMSG Send escape message
SNDSTSMSG Send status message
TRNVAL Translate value
None, the tool is ready to use.
Objects used by the tool
Object Type Attribute Src member Src file
------ ---- --------- ---------- ----------
The TAASEINP file is created by duplicating the QASYCDJ5 model file
in QSYS.