The Display Last Signon command allows you to sequence user profiles
by the last signon date/time and select on a range of 'From
date/time' and 'To date/time'. All users or a generic user profile
name may be entered. This can be used to display users who have
signed on in the last n hours or have a last signon prior to n months
You must have *ALLOBJ special authority to use DSPLSTSGN.
A typical command would be:
All user profiles that have signed on since the date entered would be
listed in the sequence of signon date/time. Profiles that cannot be
signed onto or have never signed on are not listed.
To list those profiles that have signed on between 7:00 PM and 7:00
AM, you must set up a job scheduling job to run at 7:00 AM as:
If you wanted to know who had signed on over the weekend from 7:00 PM
Friday to 7:00 AM Monday, you would set up a job scheduling job to
run at 7:00 AM Monday morning as:
To list those profiles that have not signed on since Jan 1, 2009 you
would enter (assuming a job format of MDY):
Contrast with the DSPACGSGN tool
The DSPACGSGN tool uses job accounting information to determine the
signons. You must be using the JOBACG TAA Tool. The system will not
write a job accounting journal entry until a job ends (the user signs
off). Consequently, DSPACGSGN is only effective if the user has
signed off and the journal entries have been converted to the files
used by the JOBACG tool.
DSPACGSGN allows you to see multiple signons for the same user. You
may look back in time to determine when signons have occurred.
The DSPLSTSGN tool takes information from the user profile. Only the
last signon information is kept for each user. Consequently,
DSPLSTSGN is useful for determining profiles that have not signed
onto prior to some date. It may also be used in conjunction with a
job schedule entry to determine who has signed on during odd hours.
DSPLSTSGN escape messages you can monitor for
None. Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.
Command parameters *CMD
USRPRF The user profile to be listed. The default is *ALL.
A single user profile or a generic user profile name
may be entered.
FROM The 'from date/time' to select from. The default is
*FIRST for both values so any signon date would be
For the date value,
*TODAY may be entered for todays date.
*PRVDAY1 ... *PRVDAY7 may be entered to mean 1
to 7 days prior to the current date.
A specific date may be entered in job date
For the time value, a specific time may be entered
in hhmmss format.
TO The 'to date/time' to select from. Both values
default to *LAST meaning that any signon date would
be selected.
For the date value,
*TODAY may be entered to mean todays date.
A specific date may be entered in job date
For the time value, a specific time may be entered
in hhmmss format.
REFRESH An option to determine if the DSPUSRPRF OUTFILE
function is used to refresh the TAASECKP file in the
TAASECURE library. The default is *YES meaning the
file will be refreshed.
*DAYCHG may be specified which means the file will
be refreshed if the last time the file was output
was on a different day. *DAYCHG assumes that you
are using the command repeatedly on the same day,
you do not want to keep refreshing the information.
*NO may be specified to use the existing data. If
no data exists, the file is output.
OUTPUT How to output the results. * is the default to
display the spooled file if the command is entered
interactively. The spooled file is deleted after it
is displayed.
If the command is entered in batch or *PRINT is
specified, the spooled file is output and retained.
You must have *ALLOBJ special authority to use DSPLSTSGN.
The following TAA Tools must be on your system:
ADDDAT Add date
CHKALLOBJ Check *ALLOBJ special authority
CHKGENERC Check generic
CVTTIM Convert time
RTVDAT Retrieve date
DSPPWDINF Display password information
DSPSECRVW Display security review
RTVSYSVAL3 Retrieve system value 3
SNDCOMPMSG Send completion message
SNDESCINF Send escape information
SNDSTSMSG Send status message
SORTDBF Sort data base file
None, the tool is ready to use.
Objects used by the tool
Object Type Attribute Src member Src file
------ ---- --------- ---------- ----------
Added to TAA Productivity tools March 31, 2004