TAA Tools

The  Display Security  Review  command  is  designed for  the  Security
Officer  or an  auditor conducting a  security review.   It  allows the
output  from  the DSPUSRPRF  command  to be  analyzed  in a  variety of

Typical commands would be as follows:

  **   To display a basic listing of one line per user:


  **   To sequence the users on user class:


  **   To sequence the users on limited capabilities:


  **   To select those users with *ALLOBJ authority:


The command  assumes  that the  user profile  information  exists in  a
file in  TAASECURE.  The information  in the file can  only be accessed
by  a user with *ALLOBJ authority or  if specifically authorized to the
TAASECRVW authorization list.   The  file is  created with  ALWUPD(*NO)
and ALWDLT(*NO).

To authorize a user to this list, specify:


An option  on the  command allows  the user  profile information to  be
refreshed.   This  means that the  DSPUSRPRF command  OUTFILE parameter
is used to refresh the file in TAASECURE.

The command  outputs printed  output  and by  default uses  DSPSPLF  to
display the  data.   An  option exists  to  print the  data instead  of
displaying it.

Profiles from multiple systems

An  option on the  command allows  you to  have the user  profiles from
multiple  systems  stored  in  the  same  file  and  to  either process
profiles from all systems or a specified system.

If  you  are  going to  use  profiles  from  multiple  systems,  it  is
suggested  that you  store  them in  a  second file  (you  can use  the
TAASECURE  library) and  then copy the  file to  TAASECKP in TAASECURE.
This  will allow  a  recoverable  solution  if  the  TAASECKP  file  is
refreshed by DSPSECRVW.

For example, use  DSPUSRPRF with OUTPUT(*OUTFILE) on  the remote system
and  transfer the  outfile to  your system.   Copy  the file  from each
remote system to a central file.

When  you  are  ready  to  review  all  profiles,  use  DSPSECRVW  with
BASICLIST(*YES).   The  default will  initialize the  TAASECKP file  in
TAASECURE with  the profiles from  your system.  Then  copy the central
file  of profiles  from the  remote systems  to TAASECKP  in TAASECURE.
You may then analyze all system profiles.

DSPSECRVW command parameters                          *CMD

   BASICLIST     A  *YES/*NO  option  that  defaults  to  *NO.     *YES
                 specifies that  a basic  listing is produced  with one
                 line  per user profile.  There  is more information in
                 the profile than  can appear  in one  printed line  so
                 only the  critical fields  are printed along  with the
                 abbreviated text description.

   USRCLS        Whether  to sequence  on user class.   The  default is
                 *NO.  An  *ALL entry will  sequence all user  classes.
                 A specific  entry will  select only  those users  with
                 the  same  user  class.    The specific  entries  are:
                 *USER, *SYSOPR, *PGMR, *SECADM and *SECOFR.

   PWDCHGDAT     A   *YES/*NO  option  that  defaults  to  *NO.    *YES
                 specifies  that  the user  profiles  be  sequenced  by
                 oldest  password change  date  first.   User  profiles
                 which have PASSWORD(*NONE) will not be listed.

   PRVSIGNON     A  *YES/*NO   option  that  defaults  to  *NO.    *YES
                 specifies that the user  profiles are sequenced  based
                 on the  date of previous  last signon.   User profiles
                 that  have PASSWORD(*NONE) and have  never been signed
                 on to  will  not  be listed.    This  eliminates  many
                 internal  system   profiles.    The   oldest  previous
                 signon is listed first.

   PWDNONE       A  *YES/*NO  option   that  defaults  to  *NO.    *YES
                 specifies  that only  those profiles  that are  set to
                 PASSWORD(*NONE) will be listed.

   PWDEXP        A  *YES/*NO  option  that  defaults  to  *NO.     *YES
                 specifies  that only  those profiles  that are  set to
                 PWDEXP(*YES) will be listed.

   STATUS        A  *YES/*NO option that defaults to  *NO.  *YES causes
                 the sequence of  the output to be  on STATUS which  is
                 either *DISABLED or *ENABLED.

   SPCAUT        Allow selection  of those  profiles that match  one or
                 more   of  the  special  authorities   entered.    The
                 default is *NO.

                 The  special  value  *ALL   may  be  used  to   select
                 profiles that have all special authorities.

                 The   special  authorities   are   *SAVSYS,   *JOBCTL,
                 *SECADM,  *ALLOBJ,   *SERVICE,  *SPLCTL,  *AUDIT,  and

                 More  than  one  of  the  special  authorities  may be
                 entered.   For  example, if  you  request *SAVSYS  and
                 *JOBCTL  only  those  users   who  have  both  special
                 authorities will be displayed.

   OWNER         A  *YES/*NO   option  that  defaults  to  *NO.    *YES
                 specifies that  the output  will be  sequenced by  the
                 option  that  controls  who  is  the  owner  of  group
                 profile  objects which  is either *USRPRF  or *GRPPRF.

   GRPPRF        A  *YES/*NO  option  that  defaults  to  *NO.     *YES
                 specifies that  the output  will be  sequenced by  the
                 Group  Profile option.   Either *NONE  or the  name of
                 the group profile will be listed.

   LMTCPB        A   *YES/*NO  option  that  defaults  to  *NO.    *YES
                 specifies that the profiles  will be sequenced by  the
                 value  of the  LMTCPB (limited  capability) parameter.
                 See  also  the CHKLMTCPB  tool.   User  profiles which
                 are PASSWORD(*NONE) will not be listed.

   LMTDEVSSN     A  *YES/*NO  option  that  defaults  to  *NO.     *YES
                 specifies that the  profiles will be sequenced  on the
                 LMTDEVSSN  (limit  device sessions)  parameter.   User
                 profiles  which  are   PASSWORD(*NONE)  will  not   be

   MAXSTG        A  *YES/*NO  option  that  defaults   to  *NO.    *YES
                 specifies  that  the  profiles  will be  sequenced  in
                 descending  order  of  the MAXSTG  value  in  the user
                 profiles.   This is  the maximum  storage allowed  for
                 each user  profile.  Profiles  with a value  of *NOMAX
                 appear last.

   STGUSE        A  *YES/*NO   option  that  defaults  to  *NO.    *YES
                 specifies that the profiles  will be sequenced on  the
                 amount  of  storage  used  field.   This  is  not  the
                 MAXSTG  parameter on the  CRT command,  but rather the
                 total storage  used  by the  profile  as kept  by  the
                 system.   The  sequence  is  descending order  so  the
                 profile  with the most  storage used is  listed first.

   INLPGM        A   *YES/*NO  option  that  defaults  to  *NO.    *YES
                 specifies that the profiles  will be sequenced on  the
                 INLPGM  (initial   program)  parameter.     The  fully
                 qualified  value  is used.   User  profiles  which are
                 PASSWORD(*NONE) will not be listed.

   INLMNU        A  *YES/*NO  option  that  defaults  to  *NO.     *YES
                 specifies that the  profiles will be sequenced  on the
                 INLMNU   (initial   menu)   parameter.     The   fully
                 qualified value  is used.    User profiles  which  are
                 PASSWORD(*NONE) will not be listed.

   JOBD          A  *YES/*NO  option  that  defaults   to  *NO.    *YES
                 specifies that  the profiles will be  sequenced on the
                 JOBD   (job   description)  parameter.      The  fully
                 qualified value is used.

   ACGCDE        A  *YES/*NO  option  that  defaults  to   *NO.    *YES
                 specifies that  the profiles will be  sequenced on the
                 ACGCDE (accounting code) parameter.

   LSTUSE        A  *YES/*NO   option  that  defaults  to  *NO.    *YES
                 specifies that the profiles  will be sequenced on  the
                 last use date information.

   PTYLMT        A  *YES/*NO  option  that  defaults   to  *NO.    *YES
                 specifies that  the profiles will be  sequenced on the
                 highest schedule priority limit.

   LANGID        A  *YES/*NO  option  that  defaults  to  *NO.     *YES
                 specifies that the  profiles will be sequenced  on the
                 language ID value.

   CNTRYID       A  *YES/*NO  option   that  defaults  to  *NO.    *YES
                 specifies  that the profiles will  be sequenced on the
                 country ID value.

   CCSID         A  *YES/*NO  option  that  defaults  to  *NO.     *YES
                 specifies that  the profiles will be  sequenced on the
                 CCSID value.

   REFRESH       An  option  to  determine  if  the  DSPUSRPRF  OUTFILE
                 function is used to refresh  the TAASECKP file in  the
                 TAASECURE library.   The  default is *YES  meaning the
                 file will be refreshed.

                 *DAYCHG  may be  specified which  means the  file will
                 be refreshed  if the  last time  the file  was  output
                 was on  a  different day.   *DAYCHG  assumes that  you
                 are  using the  command  repeatedly on  the  same day,
                 you  do not  want to keep  refreshing the information.

                 *NO may  be specified to  use the  existing data.   If
                 no data exists, the file is output.

   SYSTEM        Whether to  process all profiles or  the profiles from
                 a  specific system.   The default is  *ALL which means
                 to process all  profiles found in the  file.  See  the
                 previous  discussion on  how to  handle profiles  from
                 multiple systems.

   OUTPUT        The *  value default means to  display the information
                 using   DSPSPLF    if   the    command   is    entered
                 interactively.   If entered in  batch, a  spooled file
                 by  the name  of USRPRF  is output.   *PRINT  means to
                 just spool the information.


The user must be authorized to the TAASECRVW authorization list.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

          EXTLST       Extract list
          SNDESCMSG    Send escape message
          SNDSTSMSG    Send status message


The  tool  is ready  to use,  but the  user must  be authorized  to the
TAASECRVW authorization list.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type       Attribute      Src member     Src file
   ------        -----      ---------      ----------     -----------

   DSPSECRVW     *CMD                      TAASECK        QATTCMD
   TAASECKP      *FILE         PF          TAASECKP       QATTDDS
   TAASECKC      *PGM          CLP         TAASECKC       QATTCL
   TAASECKR      *PGM          RPG         TAASECKR       QATTRPG
   TAASECKR2     *PGM          RPG         TAASECKR2      QATTRPG

The TAASECKP file is  also in the TAASECURE  library.  The source  uses
the  FORMAT keyword to  identify the  same file  used by  the DSPUSRPRF
command.   This allows the  output file to  be created with ALWUPD(*NO)
and ALWDLT(*NO).

Added to TAA Productivity tools April 1, 1995

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