TAA Tools
CPYRFMT         COPY AND REFORMAT                      TAADBMU

The Copy and  Reformat command provides better  reformatting capability
than the  system CPYF command which  supports only *MAP and  *DROP.  In
addition  to *MAP  and *DROP  functions, CPYRFMT  allows renaming  of a
field.  The To file must exist.

Typical situations

             Example 1

Assume you  have a  file  with a  field name  of AMT  and  you want  to
rename the field  to AMTOWE and increase the length.   All other fields
should  remain the same.  You  would change the DDS of  the new To file
for the AMTOWE field and create  the file in a separate library.   Then
issue the following:

             CPYRFMT    FROMFILE(xxx) TOFILE(yyy)
                          FLDLST((AMT AMTOWE))

The AMT field would be mapped to the AMTOWE field.

             Example 2

Assume you  need to  add several  new fields to  a master  file, change
the order  of the existing fields and change  the definition of 3 zoned
fields (ZON1, ZON2,  ZON3) to packed  fields (PCK1, PCK2,  PCK3).   The
ZON2 field  was  defined as  5 digits  with  2 decimals  and should  be
increased to 9 digits with 3 decimals.

You would  change the DDS of  the ZONn fields, increase  the digits and
decimal  positions for the  ZON2 field, add the  new fields and reorder
the fields as required.

The command to issue would be:

                          FLDLST((ZON1 PCK1)(ZON2 PCK2)(ZON3 PCK3)

If any fields  exist in the  To file that  do not have  a corresponding
field in  the From file or  are described in the  FLDLST parameter, you
must specify ALWDFTVAL(*YES).

The following data types for the To file are supported as follows:

   A = Char      The   From  field  must  be   A  (Character),  W  (Var
                 length), P (Packed),  S (Zoned),  L (Date), T  (Time),
                 or Z (Time Stamp).

                 If mapping  from L,  T, or  Z fields, minimum  lengths
                 are required in the To field.

                 Any  additional  length is  padded on  the  right with
                 blanks.  Truncation occurs without error.

   W = Var Len   The From  field  must  be  A  (Character)  or  W  (Var

   P = Packed    The From field must  be P (Packed) or S  (Zoned).  Any
                 additional  length is padded  on the left  with zeros.
                 Truncation occurs without error.

   P = Packed    The  From field must be P  (Packed) or S (Zoned).  Any
                 additional length is  padded on  the left with  zeros.
                 Truncation occurs without error.

   L = Date.     The  From field  may only  be an  L type  field.   The
                 DATFMT  value of the From field  must match the DATFMT
                 value of the To field.

   T = Time.     The From field may only be an T type field.

   Z = TimStm    The From field may only be an Z type field.


The major functions supported by both CPYF and CPYRFMT are:

  **   Different format names are allowed.

  **   Rearranging of the field names.

  **   Fields may be dropped in the new format.

  **   Fields may be changed in  field length or decimal positions  and
       the decimal types may be changed (eg packed to zoned).

  **   A change from a decimal field to a character field.

CPYF does not:

  **   Allow a change of field name.

  **   Describe  the  actual  length  of the  data  when  copying  from
       character  to variable length (the  full length of  the field is

CPYRFMT escape messages you can monitor for

None.  Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

CPYRFMT Command parameters                            *CMD

   FROMFILE      The qualified name of the  From file to be read  from.
                 The  library value  defaults  to  *LIBL.   A  specific
                 library or *CURLIB may also be used.

   TOFILE        The  qualified name of  the To  file to  write records
                 to.     The  library  value  defaults  to  *LIBL.    A
                 specific library or *CURLIB may also be used.

   FROMMBR       The member of the  From file.  *FIRST is  the default.
                 A specific member or *LAST may be entered.

   TOMBR         The member  of the  To file.   *FIRST is  the default.
                 A specific member or *LAST may be entered.

   MBROPT        The member option.

                 *ADD  is the  default to  add records to  the existing

                 *REPLACE may be  specified to  replace records in  the
                 existing member.

   ALWDFTVAL     A *YES/*NO  value for  whether fields  in the To  file
                 may  exist that are  not defined  in the From  file or
                 in the FLDLST parameter.

                 *NO is the  default.   If fields  in the  To file  are
                 not defined  to  allow a  copy, an  escape message  is

                 *YES  may be specified  to allow  fields that  are not
                 defined  to be  output as blanks  or zeros.   L (Date)
                 fields are  initialized to  Jan  1, 1900  in the  date
                 format specified  for the field.  T  (Time) fields are
                 initialized  to 00.00.00.    Z (Timestamp)  fields are
                 initialized to 1900-01-01-00.00.000000.

   FLDLST        The field list  parameter allows a  From and To  field
                 to be described  when a field is being  renamed in the
                 To file.

                 For  example, if the  field is  ABC in the  From file,
                 it may be copied  to the DEF field  in the To file  by
                 making the entry:

                   FLDLST((ABC DEF))

                 Up to 50 entries  may be made.  The To  field name may
                 only  be used once  in the To  entry.  The  From field
                 name may be used multiple times in the From entry.

                 For  example,  if FLD1  exists in  the From  file, the
                 data may  be replicated  to FLD8  and FLD9  in the  To
                 file with:

                FLDLST((FLD1 FLD8)(FLD1 FLD9))

                 If FLD1 also  exists in the To file,  it will have the
                 same  data.  If FLD8  or FLD9 also exists  in the From
                 file, the FLDLST  parameter takes  precedence and  the
                 fields would be filled with the FLD1 data.


Both files must be externally described.

Both files may have a maximum length of 9999 bytes.

Not all data types are supported.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     CHKDBFMBR       Check data base file member
     EDTVAR          Edit variable
     EXTLST          Extract list
     RTVFLDARR       Retrieve field array
     HLRMVMSG        HLL Remove message
     LOOKUP          Lookup
     RSNLSTMSG       Resend last message
     RTVDBFA         Retrieve data base file attributes
     RTVFLDA         Retrieve field attributes
     SNDCOMPMSG      Send completion message
     SNDESCINF       Send escape information
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message
     SNDSTSCNT       Send status count


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   CPYRFMT       *CMD                   TAADBMU       QATTCMD
   TAADBMUC      *PGM       CLP         TAADBMUC      QATTCL
   TAADBMUR      *PGM       RPG         TAADBMUR      QATTRPG

Added to TAA Productivity tools April 15, 2010

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