TAA Tools
SNDSTSCNT       SEND STATUS COUNT                      TAAMSIO

The Send Status Count  command provides a simple interface  for sending
a status  message describing progress after the  processing of n items.
This  allows the  user to  be informed  of progress  by a  long running
user written  function  that is  processing items  such  as members  or
objects.   Either a  count, a  percentage, or a  'progress bar'  of the
completed items may be sent.

The command  may only be used in a CL  program, but the CPP may be call
directly (see section on 'Calling the CPP')

If the function is entered in batch, no status messages are sent.

A typical series of commands to produce a 'count message' would be:

             DCL        &STSCNT *DEC LEN(10 0)
             DCL        &RUNCNT *DEC LEN(10 0)
 LOOP:       SNDSTSCNT  STRMSG('Processing objects.') OPTION(*CNT) +
                          STSFRQ(25) STSCNT(&STSCNT) RUNCNT(&RUNCNT)
                        /*                     */
                        /*   Your processing   */
                        /*                     */
             GOTO       LOOP

Note that  the STSCNT and  RUNCNT variables  must be  declared as  *DEC
LEN(10 0).   These variables  are passed  to the SNDSTSCNT  command and
are  updated in the SNDSTSCNT  command processing program.   You should
not change the values of these variables for normal use.

The STSFRQ field determines  how frequently a  status message would  be
sent (default is 25).

On the first use of SNDSTSCNT, a status message would be sent saying:

            Processing objects.

The second and third messages would appear as:

            Processing objects.  25 processed.
            Processing objects.  50 processed.

Enhancing the status message

A better status  message informs the user of  how many items are  to be
processed such as:

            Processing 300 objects.

You may  already know the  total in your program.   If not,  you may be
able  to determine  the total.   For  example if  you are  processing a
file  of records  you  could use  the  RTVMBRD  command to  access  the
number of records to be processed.

In  the following example,  an outfile  is created  by DSPOBJD  and the
object records are processed.

The following would be typical coding:

             DCLF       QADSPOBJ /* DSPOBJD outfile */
             DCL        &STSCNT *DEC LEN(10 0)
             DCL        &RUNCNT *DEC LEN(10 0)
             DCL        &CURRCD *DEC LEN(10 0)
             DCL        &CURRCDA *CHAR LEN(22)
             DCL        &STRMSG *CHAR LEN(60)
                        /* Get total number of records to process */
             CHGVAR     &STRMSG ('Processing ' *CAT &CURRCDA +
                          *TCAT ' objects.')
 LOOP:       RCVF
             MONMSG     MSGID(CPF0864) EXEC(GOTO EOF)
                        /*                     */
                        /*   Your processing   */
                        /*                     */
                          STSCNT(&STSCNT) RUNCNT(&RUNCNT)
             GOTO       LOOP

Using a percentage

You  may prefer  to  send a  status message  of the  percent completed.
You must know the total number  of items to be processed and pass  this
value in the TOTCNT parameter.

The first message  would appear with your text of  the STRMSG parameter
such as:

            Processing objects.

The second and third messages might appear as:

            Processing objects.  %10 processed.

            Processing objects.  %20 processed.

The following would be typical coding.

             DCL        &STSCNT *DEC LEN(10 0)
             DCL        &RUNCNT *DEC LEN(10 0)
             DCL        &TOTCNT *DEC LEN(10 0)
             CHGVAR     &TOTCNT nnn /* Total to be processed */
 LOOP:                  /*                     */
                        /*   Your processing   */
                        /*                     */
             SNDSTSCNT  STRMSG('Processing objects.') OPTION(*PCT) +
                          STSFRQ(25) STSCNT(&STSCNT) RUNCNT(&RUNCNT) +
             GOTO       LOOP

Using a progress bar

You  may  prefer to  send  a  status message  of  a  'progress bar'  to
provide a picture  of how much of  the total has  been completed.   You
must know  the total  amount of  items to  be processed  and pass  this
value in the TOTCNT parameter.

The first  message would appear with your text  of the STRMSG parameter
such as:

            Processing objects.

The second and third and last messages might appear as:

            Processing objects.  Progress - >>>                  End
            Processing objects.  Progress - >>>>>>>              End
            Processing objects.  Progress - >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> End

The following would be typical coding.

             DCL        &STSCNT *DEC LEN(10 0)
             DCL        &RUNCNT *DEC LEN(10 0)
             DCL        &TOTCNT *DEC LEN(10 0)
             CHGVAR     &TOTCNT nnn /* Total to be processed */
 LOOP:                  /*                     */
                        /*   Your processing   */
                        /*                     */
             SNDSTSCNT  STRMSG('Processing objects.') OPTION(*BAR) +
                          STSFRQ(25) STSCNT(&STSCNT) RUNCNT(&RUNCNT) +
             GOTO       LOOP

Bypassing the SNDSTSCNT command until it is time to send

The  normal use  for SNDSTSCNT  is to run  the command  within the loop
being processed.    It  would be  more  efficient  to only  invoke  the
command when it needs to send a message.

The following  code is a  revision of the  previous example to  use the
*BAR  function.  The  code updates  the RUNCNT and  STSCNT variables if
the STSCNT is not  equal to one less  than the requested STSFRQ  value.
When  the 'one  less count'  is met,  SNDSTSCNT runs  and updates  both
variables which causes the appropriate message.

             DCL        &STSCNT *DEC LEN(10 0)
             DCL        &RUNCNT *DEC LEN(10 0)
             DCL        &TOTCNT *DEC LEN(10 0)
             DCL        &STSFRQ *DEC LEN(5 0) VALUE(25)
             DCL        &STSFRQ2 *DEC LEN(5 0)
             CHGVAR     &STSFRQ2 (&STSFRQ - 1)
 LOOP:                  /*                     */
                        /*   Your processing   */
                        /*                     */
             IF         (&STSCNT *NE &STSFRQ2) /* Not one less */
             CHGVAR     &STSCNT (&STSCNT + 1)
             CHGVAR     &RUNCNT (&RUNCNT + 1)
             ENDDO      /* Not one less */
             IF         (&STSCNT *EQ &STSFRQ2) DO /* One less */
             SNDSTSCNT  STRMSG('Processing objects.') OPTION(*BAR) +
                          STSFRQ(25) STSCNT(&STSCNT) RUNCNT(&RUNCNT) +
             ENDDO      /* One less than STSFRQ */
             GOTO       LOOP

Message text length

The maximum length of the STRMSG parameter is 60 bytes.

You may  also specify the ending ending  text for the ENDMSG parameter.
The default is 'processed.'.  The maximum length is 60 bytes.

The length  of the  number of  processed items  in the  status  message
will vary.   At a maximum  it will be x,xxx,xxx,xxx  or 13 bytes.   Two
blanks will appear before the number and one blank after.

The total  maximum of text that can  be sent on a status  message is 80
bytes.  For OPTION(*CNT) or OPTION(*PCT) the combination of:

                 STRMSG  (length of the value)
                 Number processed or percent
                 Inserted blanks
                 ENDMSG  (length of the value)

cannot  exceed  80  bytes.   You  must  specify the  STRMSG  and ENDMSG
values accordingly or an escape message will occur.

For OPTION(*BAR), the ENDMSG  parameter is ignored.  The length  of the
progress bar  is 80 minus  the length of  the STRMSG value  plus spaces
and the words 'Progress - ' and 'End'.

SNDSTSCNT escape messages you can monitor for

None.  Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

Command parameters                                    *CMD

   STRMSG        The  beginning message  text.  Up  to 60  bytes may be
                 specified.  You must ensure  that the total amount  of
                 status  text will  not exceed  80 bytes  or an  escape
                 message will occur.

                 For  OPTION(*CNT) or  OPTION(*PCT), the length  of the
                 total message is  a combination of  the length of  the
                 STRMSG value,  the length of  ENDMSG value,  the count
                 or percentage to be shown, plus a few spaces.

                 For  OPTION(*BAR)  the  ENDMSG parameter  is  ignored.
                 The  length  of the  bar  is determined  based  on the
                 length of the STRMSG  value plus spaces and  constants
                 ('Progress - '  and 'End'.  The length  of the message
                 will  never  exceed 80,  but you  should  minimize the
                 value of STRMSG to ensure  a meaningful length of  the
                 'progress bar'.

   OPTION        The type of status message to be sent.

                 *CNT is the  default meaning a count of  the number of
                 processed  items  will  be  included  in  the  message

                 *PCT may  be specified  to mean  a percentage  of  the
                 the total  items processed  is placed  in the  message
                 text.    To use  *PCT,  you  must  specify the  TOTCNT
                 parameter  and  pass the  total  number of  items that
                 exist to be processed.

                 *BAR may  be specified  to  mean a  'progress bar'  is
                 shown  in the  message text.   To  use *BAR,  you must
                 specify  the  TOTCNT  parameter  and  pass  the  total
                 number of  items that  exist to  be  processed.   When
                 *BAR is  specified, the  ENDMSG parameter  is ignored.

   ENDMSG        The  ending  message text.    Up to  60  bytes  may be
                 specified.  The default is 'processed.'.

                 The text  is  added to  the  STRMSG value  plus  other
                 values.     See   the  discussion   with  the   STRMSG

                 The ENDMSG value is ignored for OPTION(*BAR).

   STSFRQ        The  status  frequency.   The  frequency  in which  to
                 send  a status  message.   The default  is 25, meaning
                 every 25 times  the command is  run, a status  message
                 will be sent.

   STSCNT        The count  of items between status messages.   This is
                 a  return  variable  that  must  be  defined  as  *DEC
                 LEN(10 0).   In normal  use you would  not change  the
                 value  of  the  variable.     It  is  updated  by  the
                 SNDSTSCNT  command processing  program and reset  to 0
                 when the STSFRQ value is met.

                 It is  possible to  bypass  the running  of  SNDSTSCNT
                 until  the STSFRQ  value  is met.    See the  previous
                 section on  'Bypassing the SNDSTSCNT  command until it
                 is time to send' section.

   RUNCNT        The  running  count of  how  many times  SNDSTSCNT has
                 been used.   This is  a return  variable that must  be
                 defined as  *DEC LEN(10 0).   In normal use  you would
                 not  change the value of the  variable.  It is updated
                 by the SNDSTSCNT command processing program.

                 You can change  the value  of this  variable to  cause
                 the status  message to appear at  different intervals,
                 but  the  normal  use would  be  to  just declare  the
                 variable and  let  the  SNDSTSCNT  command  processing
                 program control the value.

                 If the  value  passed is  0, the  status message  sent
                 will be the STRMSG value.

                 If  you are processing  multiple sets of  items within
                 the  same  program,  you should  change  the  value of
                 RUNCNT to  0  for  the  first use  of  SNDSTSCNT  when
                 processing a new set of items.

   TOTCNT        If  OPTION(*PCT)  or  OPTION(*BAR) is  specified,  you
                 must  pass the total  count of items  to be processed.
                 This allows the command  processing program to  divide
                 the  RUNCNT value  by  the TOTCNT  value to  determine
                 the percentage processed.

                 You  must ensure  a proper  value  for TOTCNT  to make
                 the *PCT  or *BAR  function meaningful.   If  *PCT  is
                 used, the value  will never exceed  100%.  If  *BAR is
                 used, the  string of >'s will never  exceed the length
                 of the Bar area.

Calling the CPP

The  SNDSTSCNT CPP may be  called directly from a HLL  program.  If you
want the  STRMSG value  to  contain the  total number  of entries,  you
must  concatenate the  value  into a  string  of text.   The  following
sample RPG statements could be used:

     I* Sub program for the SNDSTSCNT tool
     I              'TAATOOL/TAAMSIOC'    C         STSCNT

     C*                                                              *
     C*     Initialize for SNDSTSCNT (run only once)                 *
     C*       - Do not place any values in FRQCNT or RUNCNT          *
     C*       - STRMSG is required and should be left adjusted       *
     C*       - OPTION must be *CNT, *PCT, or *BAR                   *
     C*           - If *CNT, TOTCNT is ignored (can be 0) and        *
     C*                ENDMSG is required.                           *
     C*           - If *PCT, a TOTCNT value is required and          *
     C*                ENDMSG is required.                           *
     C*           - If *BAR, a TOTCNT value is required and          *
     C*                ENDMSG is ignored (may be blank).             *
     C*                                                              *
     C                     MOVEL'Progress'STRMSG           Start msg
     C           'processe'CAT  'd.'      ENDMSG           End message
     C                     MOVE '*BAR'    OPTION           Set option
     C                     Z-ADD25        STSFRQ           Status freq
     C                     Z-ADDnnn       TOTCNT           Total count

     C*                                                              *
     C*     Call program for TAA SNDSTSCNT                           *
     C*                                                              *
     C                     CALL STSCNT                     SNDSTSCNT
     C                     PARM           STRMSG 60        Start msg
     C                     PARM           OPTION  4        Option
     C                     PARM           ENDMSG 60        End message
     C                     PARM           STSFRQ 100       Status freq
     C                     PARM           FRQCNT 100       Freq count
     C                     PARM           RUNCNT 100       Run count
     C                     PARM           TOTCNT 100       Total count


Because  the command requires return variables, it  may only be used in
a CL program.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     EDTVAR          Edit variable
     SNDESCINF       Send escape information
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message
     SNDSTSMSG       Send status message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   SNDSTSCNT     *CMD                   TAAMSIO       QATTCMD
   TAAMSIOC      *PGM       CLP         TAAMSIOC      QATTCL

Added to TAA Productivity tools June 15, 2004

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