The Check Command Default command checks commands in one or more
libraries to determine if the system supplied CHGCMDDFT command was
used. If a command cannot be checked, it is flagged.
The user of the command must be authorized to the TAADSPADP
authorization list.
A typical command would be:
All libraries would be processed with the exception of the QSYSV*
libraries (used for command definitions of previous versions). A
DSPOBJD outfile would be created for all commands in the libraries to
be processed.
The ODAPAR field would be examined and if it contains CHGDFT, an
exception line would be printed on the spooled output. If the field
value is not blank and is not CHGDFT, the command is flagged.
Any proxy commands are noted along with the library of the actual
The TAATOOL library has two exceptions where command objects are
duplicated from QSYS and then changed by CHGCMDDFT.
Detection technique
When CHGCMDDFT is run, the ODAPAR field is updated in the object
description with the value 'CHGDFT'. This can be seen with DSPOBJD
using the Service option for the information labeled 'APAR ID'.
If a mistake was made and the default was put back to its original
value, the object description still indicates 'CHGDFT'.
CHKCMDDFT only checks the ODAPAR field to determine if CHGCMDDFT was
For system supplied commands, the use of CHGCMDDFT also changes the
field ODUMOD to '1' indicating a user change has been made. For user
commands, ODUMOD is always set to '1' when a command is created. The
value for ODUMOD can be seen with the Service information with the
information labeled 'User modified'.
For system supplied commands, it does not appear that there is any
method for the user to change the ODAPAR value. If a PTF was applied
that affected the command, the CHGDFT information would probably be
For user commands, the ODAPAR value can be changed by the QLICOBJD
API to any value desired. The TAA command CHGOBJD2 simplifies the
changing of this field.
The reason a system supplied command cannot be changed by the API is
that the API supports an option that will prevent any further changes
using the API. After a command (or any object) is created, you can
run the API to state that the API cannot be used again. This option
is also supported by the TAA CHGOBJD2 command.
The option that 'Allows a QLICOBJD change' cannot be seen with
DSPOBJD, but the outfile field ODAAPI describes the setting.
If you use CRTDUPOBJ to create a duplicate of a command, it retains
the setting of the ODAAPI value.
CHKCMDDFT escape messages you can monitor for
TAA9891 No libraries were found to check.
TAA9892 No command objects were found to check
Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.
Command parameters *CMD
LIB The library to be processed. A list of up to 50
library names, generic names, or the special values
be entered. The default is *ALL.
For *LIBL and *USRLIBL, if a current library exists,
it will be processed before the records for the user
portion of the library list. If the current library
is also part of the user portion of the library
list, it will only appear once (it is removed from
the user portion list). Product libraries are never
If you are checking *ALL libraries, and are not
using the previous definition of commands found in
the QSYSVnRnMn libraries, omitting QSYSV* will avoid
checking many commands.
An entry of *IBM causes any library defined to be a
system library according to the CHKIBMLIB tool to be
LIBTYPE Whether to select all or a specified library type.
*ALL is the default to select all types.
*PROD may be used to select only production (PROD)
*TEST may be used to select only test (TEST)
OMITLIB A list of up to 50 libraries or generic library
names that should be omitted. *NONE is the default.
An omit list may not be entered for LIB(*CURLIB).
Any library entered is checked for existence.
No check occurs to see if an omit library would have
been selected. For example, if LIB(*LIBL) is
entered with OMITLIB(ABC) and library ABC is not on
the library list, no error occurs.
** See the discussion on why the check cannot be 100% accurate.
** The user of the command must be authorized to the TAADSPADP
authorization list.
The following TAA Tools must be on your system:
CHKDUPLST Check duplicate list
DSPADP Display adopt
EDTVAR Edit variable
EXTLST Extract list
EXTLST2 Extract list 2
RTVSYSVAL3 Retrieve system value 3
SNDCOMPMSG Send completion message
SNDESCMSG Send escape message
SNDSTSMSG Send status message
None, the tool is ready to use.
Objects used by the tool
Object Type Attribute Src member Src file
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