TAA Tools

The Change  User Profile  3 command  is a  front end  to the  CHGUSRPRF
command that allows  a list of up to 300  user profile names or generic
names  to  be  changed.   Most  of  the parameters  from  CHGUSRPRF are
supported.   This simplifies making  mass changes  to user profiles  or
for standardizing users of a department.

For a  complete discussion of  the parameter values, see  the CHGUSRPRF

You  must  have both  *ALLOBJ and  *SECADM  special authorities  to use

A typical command would be:


The initial  program  would be  changed  for  the two  individual  user
profiles and all  user profiles beginning with the  generic name USER2.

CHGUSRPRF3 escape messages you can monitor for

None.  Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

Command parameters                                    *CMD

   USRPRF        A  list of  up to  300 user  profile names  or generic
                 names to make changes to.

   PWDEXP        Whether to  set the  password to  expired.   *SAME  is
                 the default.  *YES or *NO may be entered.

   STATUS        The  status  of  the  user  profile.    *SAME  is  the
                 default.  *ENABLED or *DISABLED may be entered.

   USRCLS        The  user class  of the  user profile.   *SAME  is the
                 default.   *USER, *SYSOPR,  *PGMR, *SECADM, or *SECOFR
                 may be entered.

   ASTLVL        The assistance level  of the user  profile.  *SAME  is
                 the   default.     *SYSVAL,   *BASIC,  *INTERMED,   or
                 *ADVANCED may be entered.

   CURLIB        The  current library  of the  user profile.   *SAME is
                 the default.   A specific  library or  *CRTDFT may  be

   INLPGM        The initial  program of  the user  profile.  *SAME  is
                 the  default.   A  specific  program or  *NONE  may be

                 The qualified  name defaults  to  *LIBL if  a  program
                 name is  entered.  A  specific library or  *CURLIB may
                 be entered.

   INLMNU        The initial  menu of the  user profile.   *SAME is the
                 default.  A specific menu or *NONE may be entered.

                 The  qualified name defaults  to *LIBL if  a menu name
                 is entered.   A  specific  library or  *CURLIB may  be

   LMTCPB        Whether the  user has limited capabilities.   *SAME is
                 the  default.  *NO, *PARTIAL, or  *YES may be entered.

   SPCAUT        The special  authorities given  to the  user  profile.
                 *SAME  is  the  default.   *USRCLS  or  *NONE  may  be
                 entered  as  single  values.    A  list  of 8  of  the
                 following may be  entered *ALLOBJ, *AUDIT,  *IOSYSCFG,
                 *JOBCTL, *SAVSYS, *SECADM, *SERVICE, or *SPLCTL.

   SPCENV        The special  environment of the  user profile.   *SAME
                 is  the  default.    *SYSVAL,  *NONE, or  S36  may  be

   DSPSGNINF     Whether  to display signon information.   *SAME is the
                 default.  *NO, *YES, or *SYSVAL may be entered.

   PWDEXPITV     The  password   expiration  interval   for  the   user
                 profile.   *SAME is the  default.  A number  between 1
                 and  366 may be entered or  the special values *SYSVAL
                 or *NOMAX.

   LCLPWDMGT     Whether the user password  is managed locally.   *SAME
                 is the default.  *YES or *NO may be entered.

   LMTDEVSSN     Whether  the  number  of  device  sessions  should  be
                 limited.    *SAME  is  the  default.   *NO,  *YES,  or
                 *SYSVAL may be entered.

   KBDBUF        Whether keyboard  buffering is  supported.   *SAME  is
                 the default.   *SYSVAL, *NO,  *TYPEAHEAD, or  *YES may
                 be entered.

   MAXSTG        The maximum  allowed storage that may be  owned by the
                 user  profile.   *SAME is  the default.   A  number in
                 kilobytes  or   the  special  value   *NOMAX  may   be

   PTYLMT        The  highest scheduling  priority limit  for the  user
                 profile.   *SAME is the default.   A number 0-9 may be

   JOBD          The job description used by  the user profile.   *SAME
                 is the  default.   A specific  job description  may be

                 The  qualified   name  defaults  to  *LIBL  if  a  job
                 description  is  entered.    A  specific  library   or
                 *CURLIB may be entered.

   GRPPRF        The group profile of  the user profile.  *SAME  is the
                 default.   A specific  group profile  or *NONE  may be

   OWNER         The  owner of the  objects created if  a group profile
                 is specified.    *SAME is  the  default.   *USRPRF  or
                 *GRPPRF may be entered.

   GRPAUT        The authority  given to the group  for created objects
                 if  a  group  profile  is  specified.    *SAME is  the
                 default.   *NONE,  *ALL, *CHANGE,  *USE,  or  *EXCLUDE
                 may be entered.

   GRPAUTTYP     The type of  authority given to the  group for created
                 objects  if a  group profile is  specified.   *SAME is
                 the default.  *PRIVATE or *PGP may be entered.

   SUPGRPPRF     A list  of  up  to  15  supplemental  group  profiles.
                 *SAME is the default.  *NONE may be entered.

   ACGCDE        The  accounting code  assigned  to the  user  profile.
                 *SAME  is  the  default.   *BLANK  may  be entered  to
                 cause a blank value.

   DOCPWD        The  document password  assigned to  the user profile.
                 *SAME is the  default.  A  specific password or  *NONE
                 may be entered.

   MSGQ          The  message  queue  assigned  to  the  user  profile.
                 *SAME  is the default.   A specific  message queue may
                 be entered.

                 The qualified  name  defaults to  *LIBL if  a  message
                 queue is entered.   A specific library  or *CURLIB may
                 be entered.

   DLVRY         The  delivery status of  the message queue.   *SAME is
                 the default.  *NOTIFY, *BREAK,  *HOLD, or *DFT may  be

   SEV           The  severity  code filter  assigned  to  the  message
                 queue.   *SAME is  the default.   A value of  0-99 may
                 be entered.

   PRTDEV        The   print  device  assigned  to  the  user  profile.
                 *SAME is  the default.    A specific  print device  or
                 the  special   values  *WRKSTN   or  *SYSVAL   may  be

   OUTQ          The  output   queue  assigned  to  the  user  profile.
                 *SAME is the  default.   A specific  output queue  may
                 be entered.

                 The  qualified name  defaults to  *LIBL  if an  output
                 queue is  entered.  A specific  library or *CURLIB may
                 be entered.

   ATNPGM        The attention program  assigned to  the user  profile.
                 A  specific attention  program,  or the  below  values
                 may be used:

                    *SAME     (default) The value does not change.
                    *SYSVAL   The system value QATNPGM is used.
                    *NONE     No ATTN Key handling program
                              is used by this user.
                    *ASSIST   The Operational Assistant ATTN
                              key handling program, QEZMAIN, is used.
                 The qualified  name defaults to *LIBL  if an attention
                 program  is entered.   A  specific library  or *CURLIB
                 may be entered.

   SRTSEQ        The  sort  sequence  assigned  to  the  user  profile.
                 *SAME  is  the  default.   A  specific  sort  sequence
                 table may be entered.

                 The  qualified  name  defaults  to  *LIBL  if  a  sort
                 sequence is entered.   A  specific library or  *CURLIB
                 may be entered.

   LANGID        The language ID  assigned to the user  profile.  *SAME
                 is  the  default.   See  the CHGUSRPRF  command  for a
                 list of values.

   CNTRYID       The country ID  assigned to the  user profile.   *SAME
                 is  the default.    See the  CHGUSRPRF  command for  a
                 list of values.

   CCSID         The   coded  character  set   assigned  to   the  user
                 profile.   *SAME  is the  default.   A specific number
                 or  the  special  values  *SYSYVAL  or   *HEX  may  be

   CHRIDCTL      The  character   ID  control  assigned   to  the  user
                 profile.   *SAME is  the default.   *SYSVAL, *DEVD, or
                 *JOBCCSID may be entered.

   SETJOBATR     A list of  the locale job  attributes assigned to  the
                 user  profile.   *SAME  is the  default.   0  *SYSVAL,
                 *NONE,  *CCSID,  *DATFMT,  *DATSEP, *DECFMT,  *SRTSEQ,
                 or *TIMSEQ may be entered.

   USROPT        A list of the user  help options assigned to the  user
                 profile.    *SAME  is the  default.    *NONE,  *CLKWD,
                 *EXPERT,  *ROLLKEY, *NOSTSMSG,  *STSMSG,  *HLPFULL, or
                 *PRTMSG may be entered.


You   must  have   *ALLOBJ  and   *SECADM  special   authority  to  use


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     CHKALLOBJ       Check *ALLOBJ special authority
     CHKGENERC       Check generic
     CHKSECADM       Check *SECADM special authority
     EDTVAR          Edit variable
     EXTLST          Extract list
     EXTLST2         Extract list 2
     FMTLIN          Format line
     RSNLSTMSG       Resend last message
     RTVOBJLST       Retrieve object list
     SNDCOMPMSG      Send completion message
     SNDESCINF       Send escape information
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message
     SNDLNGMSG       Send long message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   CHGUSRPRF3    *CMD                   TAASEGZ       QATTCMD
   TAASEGZC      *PGM       CLP         TAASEGZC      QATTCL

Added to TAA Productivity tools June 30, 2007

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