TAA Tools
ANZFLD          ANALYZE FIELD                          TAAQRYD

The Analyze Field command  sequences an externally described file  on a
named  field  and allows  analysis  by percentiles,  ranges,  or unique
values.   For each summary line  printed, decimal fields may be summed,
averaged, the maximum and  minimum values determined, and the  standard
deviation  calculated.  Selection  criteria may  be specified  to limit
what is processed.

A  physical, logical,  or joined  logical file  may be  processed (only
single format files are valid).

A typical command  to print the  unique values for  the field CODE  and
summarize the AMT field would be:

             ANZFLD        FILE(xxx) ANZTYPE(*UNIQUE) ANZFLD(CODE)
                             SUMFLD((AMT *SUM))

The  TAA SORTDBF  command is  used to  sequence  the file  on the  CODE
field and  create a temporary file in QTEMP.   SORTDBF uses OPNQRYF for
selection and the Sort API to sort the data.

The ANZFLD program reads  the sorted file and  outputs a spooled  file.
There would be  one line for each  unique CODE value including  the sum
of the AMT  field and a count of the number of  records.  A final total
line  is also printed along with the  median value found (the record at
the 50th  percentile), and  the mode value  found (the  value with  the
most number of occurrences).

The  default  is to  display  the information.    The  spooled file  is

Up  to 30 fields may be  summarized.  The width of  the spooled file is
378 bytes (maximum supported by DSPSPLF).   If you want a hard copy  of
the  results, you  will  probably not  be able  to  request 30  summary

You  may   also  get  the  average,   maximum,  minimum,  and  standard
deviation for AMT by modifying the SUMFLD parameter:


You  may  use  different  fields  such  as  a  SUMFLD  parameter  which
specifies the SALES and COST fields:



The percentile  function allows  you to  print a  line for  a group  of
records  that  make  up one  or  more  percentiles.    The records  are
sequenced  by  the  named  field to  determine  the  percentiles.   For
example, if  there  are  1000 records  in  the  file, each  10  records
represent one percentile.

You  can print  all 100  percentiles or  a group  of percentiles.   For
example, to print a line for every 10 percentiles you would specify:

                             PERCENTILE(10) SUMFLE(...)

The  PERCENTILE(10) request provides  for 10  percentiles (1-10, 11-20,
...  91-100).  Each  number represents how many percentile groups  will
be printed.   You may request 2, 3,  4, 5, 10, 20,  or 100 percentiles.


You  may identify  groups to  be  summarized by  providing a  range for
each group.   Up to  50 ranges  may be entered.   Either  a decimal  or
character  field  may  be  used  as  the  field  name  for  the  ANZFLD

The  ranges  must  be   specified  in  ascending  sequence  and  cannot
overlap.  A typical command would be:

             ANZFLD        FILE(xxx) ANZTYPE(*RANGES) ANZFLD(CODE)
                             RANGES((AAA BBB)(CCC DDA)(DDB EEE))

The  'From value' for each  range must be less than  the 'To value' for
the  same range  and  must  be  greater  than the  'To  value'  of  the
previous range.

One line would be printed for each range that contains records.

If  any records  exist  that do  not  fall into  any  of the  specified
ranges, an 'Other' total is summarized.

When  a decimal  field is specified  for a  range of  values, a decimal
type of  comparison  is used.   Consequently,  you  may specify  a  low
value of 0 or 1 even though the field may have several digits.

Negative  values are  valid  such as  a  range of  -10  to  -2.   Since
ascending  values  are  required,  you  must  begin  with  the  largest
negative value.

Range values should be entered with  a decimal notation.  For  example,
if you have a 5  digit field with 2 decimal positions and  want a range
of 1.00  to 2.00, enter 1.00 to  2.00.  You must enter  the same number
of  digits to  the right  of the decimal  character as  are defined for
the field specified for the ANZFLD parameter.

When  a  character  field  is  specified  for  a  range  of  values,  a
character comparison  is used.  You  may use a shorter  length than the
full field,  but you must be careful to  specify the proper range.  For
example, assume  you have  a 2  byte character  field  and you  specify
ranges  of A  to B,  and  C to  D.   If the  data  in the  field to  be
analyzed is  BA, it will not  fall in either range  (it would appear as
an 'Other' value).   You could  use a range such  as A to  B9 to  allow
all data such as BA to fall into the first range.


Selection may  be specified,  to minimize  the number  of records  that
are to be processed such as:

             ANZFLD        FILE(xxx) ANZTYPE(*UNIQUE) ANZFLD(CODE)
                             SUMFLD((AMT *SUM))
                             SELFLD((STATE *EQ NY))

You  may select  on the  field named  for  ANZFLD or  different fields.
Multiple  selection fields  may be  named and  an *AND/*OR relationship

The typical boolean operators *EQ, *NE, etc are supported along with:

  **   The *CT  operator provides  'contains'  which causes  a scan  of
       the data.   For  example, you  may select based  on a  string of
       characters being anywhere in the field.

  **   The  *WC  operator  provides for  a  'wildcard'  function.   The
       simplest type  is  a generic  value  such  as ABC*  meaning  any
       value  beginning  with  ABC.     Other  wildcard  functions  are

Saving the ANZFLD command

The  ANZFLD  command is  typically  entered  interactively and  refined
with  multiple  iterations  until  you  achieve  the  results  you  are
looking for.   A subset of a large  file may be used to  provide better
performance until you are satisfied with the specifications.

Once  you have a  version of ANZFLD  that meets your  requirements, you
should consider saving the command for future use.

A  good tool to  consider is the FAVCMD  TAA tool.   This allows you to
store the command with an ID that may be used in the future.

To use FAVCMD, you  must first create the  required files in a  library
on your library list with the command:

             CRTFAVCMD     FAVCMDPLIB(xxx)

Then you  follow the ANZFLD command  with ADDFAVCMD and  describe an ID
such as:

             ANZFLD        ...
             ADDFAVCMD     FAVID(yyy)

ADDFAVCMD  extracts the previous  command from the  job's message queue
and places it in the FAVCMD file.

If you want to run the command at a later date, you would enter:

             EXCFAVCMD     FAVID(yyy)

There is also a shorthand version of the command:

             FV            FAVID(yyy)

The WRKFAVCMD  command will  let you  work with  your stored  versions.
You  can copy,  change,  display,  etc from  a  standard  work type  of
display.   Using FAVCMD allows  you the advantage of  having a solution
that is like  a CL  program.  You  can easily  display, rerun,  modify,
and copy to meet the same or similar requirements.

Reusing the SORTDBF results

When ANZFLD  runs, a  file named TAATMPQRY  is output  to QTEMP  as the
result  of the  internal SORTDBF TAA  command.   The TAATMPQRY  file is
processed  by  the  ANZFLD  program  to  produce  the  spooled  output.
TAATMPQRY is deleted  by default at  the end of  the command.   You can
retain the file by specifying RTNOUTFILE(*YES).

The file may be  used for your own purposes, but the  typical use is in
conjunction with another use of ANZFLD to avoid re-running SORTDBF.

When  FILE(*QTEMP) is  specified, the  SORTDBF command is  bypassed and
processing begins immediately on the TAATMPQRY file.

Thus the sequence of commands would be:

             ANZFLD        FILE(xxx) ... RTNOUTFILE(*YES)
             ANZFLD        FILE(*QTEMP) ...
             ANZFLD        FILE(*QTEMP) ...

After the first  use of ANZFLD,  the TAATMPQRY file  is used again  for
additional ANZFLD  commands.  This allows  you to vary the  ANZTYPE and
SUMFLD parameters to see different results.

When  FILE(*QTEMP) is  specified, the  TAATMPQRY file  is automatically
retained (the RTNOUTFILE parameter is ignored).

Note that when  FILE(*QTEMP) is  specified, the  library qualifier  for
the  FILE  parameter  (such  as  *LIBL)  is  ignored.    The  following
parameters  are  also  ignored because  they  are  only specified  when
SORTDBF is used:


When  FILE(*QTEMP)  is specified,  the  value of  the  ANZFLD parameter
must be the same as that used to create the TAATMPQRY file.

ANZFLD escape messages you can monitor for

      TAA9891    The member to be processed has no records
      TAA9895    No records met the selection criteria

Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

Command parameters                                    *CMD

   FILE          The qualified  name  of  the file  to  be read.    The
                 library  value defaults  to *LIBL.   *CURLIB  may also
                 be used.

                 A  physical or logical file  (including a join logical
                 file) may be  named.   Logical files may  have only  a
                 single format.

                 The special  value *QTEMP  may be  entered if  a prior
                 use  of ANZFLD  has  specified RTNOUTFILE(*YES).   The
                 allows reuse  of  the  TAATMPQRY  file  in  QTEMP  and
                 avoids the  selection and sorting  function.   See the
                 RTNOUTFILE parameter for a complete discussion.

   ANZTYPE       The type of analysis to be performed.

                 *PERCNTILE.   One  line is  listed  for the  number of
                 percentiles  specified  for the  PERCENTILE parameter.

                 *RANGES.     One  line  is   listed  for  each   range
                 identified in the RANGES parameter.

                 *UNIQUE.     The  values  in  the   ANZFLD  field  are
                 sequenced  in ascending  order and  one line  for each
                 unique value is listed.

                 *FNLTOT.    One  line  is  listed  for   all  selected
                 records.   Fields named  in SUMFLD  will be listed  in
                 the  total  as   well  as  a  count  of  the  selected

   ANZFLD        The field  to be  analyzed.   Either a  decimal  field
                 (packed, zoned,  or binary) or  a character  field may
                 be  specified.     The  field  will  be  sequenced  in
                 ascending order.

                 The  median  value (the  value  of the  record  at the
                 50th percentile) is always  printed at the end of  the

                 The mode  value (the value  having the most  number of
                 frequencies)  is  always  printed at  the  end  of the

                 A character field  may be  up to 32  bytes in  length.
                 A decimal field may be up to 15 bytes in length.

   PERCENTILE    The  number of  percentiles to  be listed.   An  entry
                 must  be made  when ANZTYPE(*PERCNTILE)  is specified.
                 The values that  may be entered  are 2, 3,  4, 5,  10,
                 20, or 100.

   RANGES        The ranges to be  summarized.  Up to 50  ranges may be
                 entered when ANZTYPE(*RANGES) is specified.

                 Each range  is specified as  a 'From' and  'To' value.
                 The  'From value'  must be less  than or  equal to the
                 'To value' for each range.

                 Ranges  must  be  specified  in  ascending  order  and
                 cannot  overlap.   The  'From  value'  for each  range
                 must  be greater than the 'To  value' of the preceding

                 When a  decimal  field is  specified  for a  range  of
                 values,  a   decimal  type  of  comparison   is  used.
                 Consequently,  you may specify a  low value of  0 or 1
                 even though the field may have several digits.

                 Negative values are valid  such as a  range of -10  to
                 -2.   Since ascending  values are  required, you  must
                 begin with the largest negative value.

                 Range  values   should  be  entered   with  a  decimal
                 notation.   For example,  if you have  a 5 digit field
                 with 2 decimal positions  and want a range of  1.00 to
                 2.00, enter  1.00 to  2.00.  You  must enter  the same
                 number   of  digits  to  the   right  of  the  decimal
                 character as are defined  for the field specified  for
                 the ANZFLD parameter.

                 When a  character field  is specified  for a  range of
                 values, a  character comparison is used.   You may use
                 a shorter length  than the  full field,  but you  must
                 be careful to specify the proper range.

                 For  example,  assume  you have  a  2  byte  character
                 field and  you specify ranges of  A to B, and  C to D.
                 If  the data  in the  field to  be analyzed is  BA, it
                 will not fall in  either range (it would appear  as an
                 'Other' value).   You could use  a range such as  A to
                 B9  to allow  all  data such  as BA  to fall  into the
                 first range.

                 If a blank  is required for  a character field  range,
                 enter *BLANK or *BLANKS.

                 If  a zero  is  required for  a  decimal field  range,
                 enter 0, *ZERO, or *ZEROS.

   SUMFLD        Up  to  30  fields to  be  summarized.   Only  decimal
                 fields of packed, zoned, or  binary types of up to  15
                 digits in  length  may be  specified.   The number  of
                 decimal positions may not exceed 9.

                 Each field  will appear for each line  that is printed
                 along  with  a count  of  the number  of  records that
                 exist for the summary line.

                 For each  field specified,  the type  of summary  must
                 be included:

                 *SUM.  The sum of the values.

                 *AVG.  The  average of the values (the  sum divided by
                 the  number of records  making up the sum).   The same
                 number of  decimal  positions  will be  shown  in  the
                 answer as exist  in the definition of  the field being

                 *MAX.  The maximum value of the values.

                 *MIN.  The minimum value of the values.

                 *STDDEV.    The  standard  deviation  of  the  values.
                 Standard deviation allows you  to express as a  number
                 the  shape  of  the distribution  curve.    The  value
                 shown  for standard  deviation  is a  number  which if
                 added  and subtracted  from the  average would provide
                 a range  for  approximately 67%  of  the values  in  a
                 normal distribution.

                 For example,  if numbers 1,2,3...100  exist as values,
                 the  median  value is  50 and  the  standard deviation
                 would be 28.  This  means that between 22 (50-28)  and
                 78 (50+28)  you should find  approximately 67%  of the
                 values.   Of  the 100  values, 67  lie between  22 and

                 The lower the  standard deviation  value, the  tighter
                 the curve  is.   A value  of 0 means  that all  values
                 fall at the median.

                 Two    standard   deviations   should    account   for
                 approximately  95%  of  the  values.    Three standard
                 deviations should  account for  approximately 95+%  of
                 the values.

                 Standard deviation  is calculated by  using the square
                 root  of the variance.  The  variance is calculated as
                 ((b-(a*a)/c))/c where

                 a = the sum of the values
                 b = the sum of the square of the values
                 c = the count of the values

   SELFLD        The field to  perform selection on.   This is a  'list
                 parameter'  that  allows   up  to  30  fields   to  be
                 described for selection.

                 1)  Field name.   The field name  to perform selection
                 on.  The default  is *NONE.  The  field must exist  in
                 the file  unless *NONE is  specified.   Decimal fields
                 (DDS Data  types of P  = Packed, S =  Zoned decimal, B
                 =   Binary,   F   =  Floating   point)   have  certain
                 restrictions as described in the following parts.

                 You  may use  *NONE  if  you have  multiple  selection
                 fields  that are  primed  by  multiple conditions  and
                 not  all conditions have the  same number of selection
                 values.  For example  if CODE = A  you want to  select
                 on FLDB, but  if CODE = B  you want to select  on FLDA
                 and  FLDB.   You may prime  the selection  fields with
                 IF logic and then have a single ANZFLD command.

                 2) Operator.    The  type of  comparison  to  perform.
                 *EQ is  the default.   *NE,  *GT, *LT,  *GE, *LE,  *CT
                 (Contains)   and   *WC   (Wildcard)   are   supported.
                 Decimal fields do not allow *CT or *WC operators.

                 *CT  (contains) means the entire  field is scanned for
                 the value).   Only character fields  may be used  with

                 *WC (Wildcard)  causes an *EQ search  against the data
                 base   data  with  one   or  more   wildcards.    Only
                 character fields may be used with *WC.

                 Both 'fixed'  and  'floating' wildcard  functions  are
                 supported.   The  simplest  use  of wildcards  is  for
                 either  generic requests or where  a position within a
                 field should be ignored when selecting.

                 When a  generic request  is needed  such as  selecting
                 all  values beginning  with  ABC,  just enter  ABC  or
                 ABC*.    The default  floating  wildcard character  is
                 '*'.    If the  floating  wildcard character  does not
                 exist  at  the   end  of  the   value,  it  is   added
                 automatically (there  must be room  at the end  of the
                 value to add a wildcard if none exists).

                 The  fixed form of  wildcard support  allows any value
                 to exist in  the search  field at  a single  position.
                 You  would enter  A_C to  select ABC,  ADC, AEC,  etc.
                 If  the   field  is  longer  than   3  positions,  the
                 floating wildcard is  automatically added  at the  end
                 (if not  specified) so  you would  select values  such
                 as  ABC, ABCDEF, ADC,  and ADCX.   '_' is  the default
                 fixed wildcard character.

                 When  *WC is used, if the  length of the compare value
                 is equal  to  the  length of  the  field in  the  data
                 base, at  least one wild card  character (either fixed
                 or floating) must exist within the compare value.

                 Multiple  fixed  wildcards can  be  specified  such as
                 A_D_F.  Multiple floating  wildcards can be  specified
                 such  as A*A  meaning that  any number  of values  may
                 exist  between the  A's.   You  would select  AA, ABA,
                 ABBBA, etc.

                 You may  specify your  own  characters for  the  fixed
                 and  floating  wildcards.    See   the  FLTWLDCRD  and
                 FIXWLDCRD parameters.

                 For  additional  examples  and  explanation,  see  the
                 section  on  'Wildcard processing'  described  for the
                 SORTDBF command.

                 3) Compare value.   The compare value (literal)  to be
                 used  to select  data.   Up  to 32  characters may  be
                 entered.    The  length of  data  may  not  exceed the
                 length of  the field  length in  the data  base.   See
                 the  Translate option  and  *WC  operator for  special

                 For decimal  data types, enter a  value left adjusted.
                 For example,  to select  on  a 5  digit field  with  a
                 value of  10, enter  10.   If the field  to select  on
                 has  decimal positions, you  can select using  a whole
                 number   (such  as  10)  or   a  number  with  decimal
                 positions (such as  10.5).   The decimal notation  (US
                 = '.') should be entered in job decimal format.

                 A  compare value  must be  entered (a  blank  value is
                 invalid).   The special values  *BLANK or *BLANKS must
                 be used  for  character  fields to  specify  a  'blank

                 The special  values *ZERO  or *ZEROS  may be  used (or
                 enter  a  0) for  decimal  fields to  specify  a 'zero

                 Another field name in the  same data base file  cannot
                 be used as a compare value.

                 4)  Translate.   Whether to  translate  the values  in
                 the   data  base  to   upper  case  before   making  a
                 comparison.    The default  is  *XLATE.   Translate is
                 ignored for Decimal  fields.  If  *XLATE is used,  any
                 character  fields  in  the  data base  are  translated
                 using  a translate  table (see the  TRNTBL parameter).

                 For example, if  you enter a  compare value of  'ABC',
                 the data  will match  in the data  base for  ABC, abc,
                 Abc,  AbC, etc.    Note that  the default  is  for the
                 situation where you  want any  'ABC' value  regardless
                 of the case (upper  or lower) of the data  in the data
                 base.   Just enter any case (upper  or lower) into the
                 command  prompt  without  surrounding  it  with quotes
                 (the command  prompter will  fold the  value to  upper

                 Note  that translation  operates  on the  data in  the
                 data base and not on the compare value.

                 If  you enter a compare  value with surrounding quotes
                 such as 'Abc'  and take  the default for  translation,
                 you will  not find any values  in the data base.   All
                 the  data base  values have  been translated  to upper
                 case by default before the comparison is made.

                 If you  only  want the  'Abc'  values and  not  values
                 like  'ABC' or  'AbC',  enter a  value  of 'Abc'  (use
                 quotes  surrounding  the  compare value)  and  specify
                 *NOXLATE for translation.

                 There   is  some  performance   degradation  by  using
                 translation.   In most applications  this is of  minor
                 concern.   If  your data  base  data is  all the  same
                 case,  you   can  save  some  overhead  by  specifying

                 5) And/Or.   The  relationship  of this  select  field
                 with the next  select field.  The entry  allows you to
                 have  one  or more  fields  that form  a  group.   All
                 fields  in  the   group  must   match  the   selection
                 criteria to select the record.

                 *AND  is the  default meaning  the  next selection  is
                 considered  part  of the  same  group.   The  value is
                 ignored for the last select field.

                 *OR   may  be  specified  to  start  a  new  group  of
                 selections.   For example,  you may  specify FLD1  and
                 FLD2  as one  group  and  FLD3 and  FLD4  as a  second
                 group.   All And/Or  values would  specify *AND except
                 for FLD2 which would specify *OR.

                 If you  want  either FLDA  or  FLDB equal  to  certain
                 values as  long as  FLDX is  greater than  some value,
                 you  must specify  two groups  (FLDA  and FLDX  is one
                 group, FLDB and FLDX is a second group).

                 For  more  details,   see  the   section  on   'And/Or
                 Relationships' described for the SORTDBF tool.

   OUTPUT        How to  output the results.   *  is the default  which
                 displays  the  spooled  file  if  the command  is  run
                 interactively.    The spooled  file  is retained.   If
                 the command  is  run in  batch,  the spooled  file  is

                 *PRINT  may be  specified to  just output  the spooled
                 file.     The   spooled  file  is   not  automatically

   MBR           The member to  be processed.   The  default is  *FIRST
                 for the first member of the file.

   RTNOUTFILE    Whether  to  retain  the   TAATMPQRY  outfile  created
                 internally  into QTEMP.   The default  is *DFT meaning
                 the file  is  not  retained  unless  FILE(*QTEMP)  was
                 specified.  If  you are doing  a single ANZFLD  and do
                 not need the outfile, take the default.

                 *YES  may be  specified to  retain  the outfile.   The
                 purpose  of retaining the outfile  is to allow the use
                 of  multiple  ANZFLD  commands  that  reuse  the  file
                 output by  the TAA SORTDBF  command.  This  provides a
                 faster  solution in  that no  selection or  sorting is

                 To reuse  the  TAATMPQRY  file  in  subsequent  ANZFLD
                 commands, specify  FILE(*QTEMP) and use the  same name
                 for  the ANZFLD that  was used to  create the outfile.
                 You may specify a  different ANZTYPE value,  different
                 ranges, percentiles, summary fields, etc.

                 When reusing  TAATMPQRY  (by specifying  FILE(*QTEMP),
                 the  SELFLD  parameter and  other  parameters such  as
                 TRNTBL,  and  SORTTBL  which  relate  to  SORTDBF  are
                 ignored.   The RTNOUTFILE  parameter is also  ignored.

   TRNTBL        The   translate   table   to   be   used   for   field
                 translation.   *DFT is the default  meaning to use the
                 translate table  defined in  the TAATRNTBL  data  area
                 in  TAASECURE.    The shipped  default  is  QSYSTRNTBL
                 (the  system supplied translate  table for translating
                 lower case US English letters to upper case).

                 The  data  area  may  be  changed  with  the   command
                 EDTCONARR  DTAARA(TAASECURE/TAATRNTBL).     For   more
                 information  about  this function,  see  the TAA  Tool

   FLTWLDCRD     The  Floating  Wildcard  character to  be  used.   The
                 default is  '*'.   A blank  is  not valid.   For  more
                 information,  see  the   discussion  with  the  SELFLD
                 parameter and/or the SORTDBF command.

   FIXWLDCRD     The  Fixed   Wildcard  character  to  be  used.    The
                 default is  '_'.   A blank  is not  valid.   For  more
                 information,  see  the  discussion   with  the  SELFLD
                 parameter and/or the SORTDBF command.

   SORTTBL       The  qualified name  of the  sort table  to use.   The
                 default is *JOB  meaning to use  the sort sequence  of
                 the job.

                 *LANGIDUNQ may  be entered  to mean the  unique-weight
                 sort  sequence  table  that  is  associated  with  the
                 LANGID parameter.

                 *LANGIDSHR  may be  entered to  mean the shared-weight
                 sort  sequence  table  that  is  associated  with  the
                 LANGID parameter.

   CCSID         The  sort sequence  CCSID to  be used  along  with the
                 LANGID  value  for  retrieving  the national  language
                 sort sequence table for  sorting character data.   The
                 default is *JOB  meaning to use the CCSID  of the job.
                 A  specific CCSID in  the range of  1 to 65535  may be

   LANGID        The language  ID  to  be used  to  obtain  a  national
                 language  sort sequence  table  for sorting  character
                 data.    The  default  is  *JOB  meaning  to  use  the
                 language ID of the job.

   OPNQRYFCMD    A  *YES/*NO parameter for  whether the SORTDBF command
                 that is  generated  and the  OPNQRYF command  used  by
                 SORTDBF should be sent as messages.

                 *NO is the default.

                 *YES may  be specified to assist  in understanding how
                 SORTDBF operates or for problem determination.


The maximum record length supported is 9999.

The maximum printer width supported is 378 bytes.

The  maximum number of fields that  may exist in a  file to be analyzed
is 999.

Character  fields  to  be  analyzed  or  summarized  cannot  exceed  32

Decimal fields  to be  analyzed or summarized  cannot exceed  15 digits
nor 9 decimal positions.

When  a field is  summed, 3 extra  digits are added  to the  value to a
maximum of 15 digits.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     CHKOBJ2         Check object 2
     CHKOBJ3         Check object 3
     EDTVAR          Edit variable
     EDTVAR2         Edit variable 2
     EXTLST          Extract list
     HLRMVMSG        HLL Remove message
     RTVDBFA         Retrieve data base file attributes
     RTVFLDA         Retrieve field attributes
     RTVSYSVAL3      Retrieve system value 3
     RTVTRNTBL       Retrieve translate table
     RTVVALA         Retrieve value attributes
     SCNVAR          Scan variable
     SNDCOMPMSG      Send completion message
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message
     SNDSTSMSG       Send status message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   ANZFLD        *CMD                   TAAQRYD       QATTCMD
   TAAQRYDC      *PGM       CLP         TAAQRYDC      QATTCL
   TAAQRYDR      *PGM       RPG         TAAQRYDR      QATTRPG

Added to TAA Productivity tools August 15, 2003

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