The Add Job Schedule 2 command adds one or more job schedule entries
from the JOBSCDP file created by the CVTJOBSCDE TAA Tool to the
system job scheduling function. A single job name may be added, a
set of generic job names, or all names in a file. Using both
CVTJOBSCDE and ADDJOBSCD2 allows system job schedule entries to be
transported to another system.
The user must be authorized to the TAAJOBSCDE authorization list.
A typical command would be:
The JOBSCDP file in the named library would be read. Any jobs found
with the generic name ABC would be added to the job scheduling
Prior to running ADDJOBSCD2, the CVTJOBSCDE command must have been
run to create the JOBSCDP file. For example, it could have been run
on another system such as:
This would have created the JOBSCDP data base file with the ABC job
schedule jobs. The file could then be shipped to the system where
the job schedule entries would be added with the ADDJOBSCD2 command.
Error recovery
Errors can occur when attempting to add a job schedule entry.
For example, you may have a job that cannot be added because the date
the job is scheduled to be run on has passed. If this occurs, the
system will send CPF1634 as a diagnostic (Date or Time has passed)
and CPF1633 (Job Schedule Entry not added) as an escape message.
This will be followed by a TAA job log message that begins with ***
and refers to the previous message.
You can correct the problem by changing the data in the JOBSCDP file
for the job in error and then re-running ADDJOBSCD2 for the same job.
The TAATOOL EDTDBF would be a good tool to use to correct the data.
Assume you attempt to add several jobs and have specified ADDJOBSCD2
JOB(*ALL) from a JOBSCDP file converted from another system. Assume
a job schedule entry by the name of JOBXXX could not be added. To
recover, you would do the following:
** Review the system diagnostic message for the reason. Prior to
the diagnostic, you will see the complete ADDJOBSCDE command
that was attempted.
** Use EDTDBF to the JOBSCDP file and find the record for the job
that failed. Look at the JSJOB field for the JOBXXX name.
Use F8 to roll thru the records in the file. For the JOBXXX
record, use F11 to enter Change Mode. If the error that
occurred is that the date to be run on has been passed,
correct the JSSCDD field to a date in the future (the format
** Use ADDJOBSCD2 JOB(JOBXXX) JOBSCDPLIB(yyy). This will attempt
to add only the specific job.
Command parameters *CMD
JOB The job name to search for in the JOBSCDP file. A
single name may be used, a generic name, or the
special value *ALL.
ENTRYNBR The entry number to be added. The default is *ALL
meaning only the JOB parameter controls which job
entries are added.
A specific number may be entered if a single job
name is used or JOB(*ALL) is used. This allows a
specific record in the JOBSCDP file to be added to
the job scheduling function.
A specific number may not be used when a generic job
name is used.
JOBSCDPLIB The library containing the JOBSCDP file. The
default is *LIBL. The file must have been created
by the CVTJOBSCDE command.
MBR The member containing the job schedule entries. The
default is JOBSCDP which is the default member
assigned when CVTJOBSCDE is used.
The user must be authorized to the TAAJOBSCDE authorization list.
The file to be read must have been output by the CVTJOBSCDE TAA Tool
The following TAA Tools must be on your system:
CHKGENERC Check generic
CHKOBJ3 Check object 3
EDTVAR Edit variable
SNDCOMPMSG Send completion message
SNDESCMSG Send escape message
SNDSTSMSG Send status message
None, the tool is ready to use.
Objects used by the tool
Object Type Attribute Src member Src file
------ ---- --------- ---------- ----------
Added to TAA Productivity tools January 1, 1998