TAA Tools
ZIP             ZIP AND UNZIP                          TAAIFSZ

The  ZIP  and  UNZIP  commands  perform  standard   PC  zip  and  unzip
functions for  compressing/decompressing data in the IFS.   This can be
used  to provide  better performance  for the  transmission of objects.
The Qshell and jar  functions are used along  with the QTOCVRT API.   A
DSPZIP command also exists.

ZIP and UNZIP require intensive CPU cycles.

The typical  use of  the ZIP command  is to first  save objects  into a
save file using the TAA Tools SAVLIBIFS or SAVOBJIFS.

            SAVLIBIFS   LIB(ABC)

By  default, the ABC  library would  be saved to  a save  file in QTEMP
and copied to the home directory  of the user using a stream file  name
of ABC.savf.

To zip the file, a typical command would be:

            ZIP         ZIPFILE(abc.zip) FROMFILE(abc.savf)

The  zipped  file  would  be  'abc.zip'   and  would  be  ready  to  be

If  you receive a  zipped file, you  may display the  contents with the
DSPZIP command.   The Qshell and  jar command are used  to process  the

            DSPZIP      ZIPFILE(abc.zip)

This would display:


You can unzip a zipped file with the UNZIP command:

            UNZIP      ZIPFIFE(abc.zip)

Because the  original  stream file  name is  known,  UNZIP creates  the
stream file:


The  stream file  can then  be restored  using  the TAA  Tool RSTLIBIFS
command such as:


ZIP/UNZIP escape messages you can monitor for

      TAA9871    Qshell or jar failed

Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

ZIP Command parameters                                *CMD

   ZIPFILE       The  zip file to  be created.  If  there is no leading
                 slash such  as 'abc.zip',  the file is  placed in  the
                 home  directory.   If  a leading  slash is  specified,
                 the    full   path   name   is    required   such   as

   FROMFILE      Used  in  combination  with  the  FROMDIR   parameter.
                 This describes  the files  to be  placed into the  zip

                 Multiple  names  are  separated  from  each  other  by
                 blanks such as 'abc.zip  def.zip'.  If  the name is  a
                 directory,   the   directory   and    any   files   or
                 directories it contains are included.

                 Any   combination  of   one  or   more   qualified  or
                 unqualified  file  names  may be  used.    A qualified
                 name includes or or more directory names.

                 Generic names  may  be used  with  * meaning  zero  or
                 more  characters (generic)  and  ?   meaning a  single
                 character.     For  example,   to  include  all  files
                 beginning with abc,  specify 'abc*'.   To include  all
                 files  containing  a  lower  case  'a'  in  the  fifth
                 position, specify '????a'

                 The  names are case  sensitive.  To  include all files
                 beginning with 'a' or 'A' would be 'a* A*'.

                 Unqualified names  should  be used  because  when  jar
                 unzips the  file, it  restores the  full path of  each

   FROMDIR       The directory  in which to  find the file  or files in
                 the  FROMFILE parameter.  *HOMEDIR  is the the default
                 for the home directory.

   ACTION        Whether the contents of  the zip file are  replaced if
                 it exists.

                 *REPLACE  is the  default to  replace the  file  if it
                 exists and to create the file if it does not.

                 *UPDATE  may  be  specified  to  ensure  the zip  file
                 exists.  Any  files that are already  in the zip  file
                 are updated and new files are added.

   COMPRESS      A  *YES/*NO  parameter  for whether  to  compress  the

                 *YES is the default to compress the data.

                 *NO  may be specified  so the data  is not compressed.

   VERBOSE       A  *YES/*NO  parameter  for  whether  verbose   output
                 should be produced.

                 *NO is  the  default to  cause output  only if  errors

                 *YES  may be  specified to  send  default information.
                 If  an interactive job  is used, a  window is used for
                 the output.  In batch, a spooled file is output.

UNZIP Command parameters                              *CMD

   ZIPFILE       The file where the  contents are to be extracted  into
                 the  TODIR  directory.    A qualified  or  unqualified
                 name  may be  used.  If  no leading  slash exists, the
                 user's home directory is searched.

   TODIR         The  directory  where  the  extracted  file  will   be
                 placed.  *HOMEDIR  is the default for  the user's home

   VERBOSE       A  *YES/*NO   parameter  for  whether  verbose  output
                 should be produced.

                 *NO is  the default  to cause  output only  if  errors

                 *YES may  be  specified to  send default  information.
                 If an  interactive job is  used, a window  is used for
                 the output.  In batch, a spooled file is output.

DSPZIP Command parameters                             *CMD

   ZIPFILE       The  file  where  the  contents  should  be  displayed
                 from.  A  qualified or unqualified  name may be  used.
                 If   no  leading   slash  exists,   the  user's   home
                 directory is searched.

   VERBOSE       A   *YES/*NO  parameter  for  whether  verbose  output
                 should be produced.

                 *NO is  the default  to cause  output  only if  errors

                 *YES  may be  specified to  send default  information.
                 If  an interactive job is  used, a window  is used for
                 the output.  In batch, a spooled file is output.




The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     CHKIFSE         Check IFS entry
     RCVLSTMSG3      Receive last message 3
     SNDCOMPMSG      Send completion message
     SNDESCINF       Send escape information
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message
     SNDSTSMSG       Send status message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   ZIP           *CMD                   TAAIFSZ       QATTCMD
   UNZIP         *CMD                   TAAIFSZ2      QATTCMD
   DSPZIP        *CMD                   TAAIFSZ3      QATTCMD
   TAAIFSZC      *PGM       CLP         TAAIFSZC      QATTCL
   TAAIFSZC2     *PGM       CLP         TAAIFSZC2     QATTCL
   TAAIFSZC3     *PGM       CLP         TAAIFSZC3     QATTCL


ZIP         Cmd
   TAAIFSZC   CL pgm
     TAAIFSZR2  RPG pgm

UNZIP       Cmd
   TAAIFSZC2   CL pgm
     TAAIFSZR2  RPG pgm

DSPZIP      Cmd
   TAAIFSZC3   CL pgm
     TAAIFSZR2  RPG pgm

Added to TAA Productivity tools August 1, 2008

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