TAA Tools
WRKSPLF2        WORK SPOOLED FILE 2                    TAASPNT

The Work  Spooled  File 2  command is  similar to  WRKSPLF, but  allows
better selection  criteria.  For  example, you can select  on a generic
output  queue  name,  spooled file  size,  number of  pages,  and other
values.   You must  have *SPLCTL special  authority to  specify a  user
other than *CURRENT.

A typical command would be:

             WRKSPLF2      USER(*ALL) NBRPAGES(1000)

All spooled  files on the system  would be searched for  and those that
have more than 1000 pages would be displayed.

The  display   is  similar  to  WRKSPLF  allowing  typical  options  of
display, change, delete, etc.

WRKSPLF2 escape messages you can monitor for

      TAA9892    No spooled files met the criteria

Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

Command parameters                                    *CMD

   USER          The user you  want to  select on.   This parameter  is
                 the  same  function  as  the  USER  parameter  on  the
                 WRKSPLF  command.    You  must  have  *SPLCTL  special
                 authority to specify a user other than *CURRENT.

   OUTQ          The qualified  name of  the  output queue  to  select.
                 The output  queue name defaults  to *ALL.   A specific
                 or generic name may be entered.

                 The  qualified  library  name  defaults  to *ALL.    A
                 specific library name may be entered.

   FORMTYPE      The  form type you want to  select on.  This parameter
                 is the  same  function as  the  FORMTYPE parameter  on

   USRDTA        The user data  you want to select on.   This parameter
                 has  the  same  function as  the  USRDTA  parameter on

   FILE          The name  of  the spooled  file  to  select on.    The
                 default is *ALL for all spooled files.

   JOB           The job  name of the spooled  file to select on.   The
                 default is *ALL for all jobs.

   JOBNBR        The  job  number of  the  spooled file  to  select on.
                 The default is *ALL for all job numbers.

   NBRPAGES      The number  of pages  in the  spooled file  to  select
                 on.   The default  is *ALL  for any  number of  pages.
                 If  a number  is entered,  any  spooled files  with at
                 least that number of pages are selected.

   SPLFSIZE      The  size of the  spooled file in  bytes to select on.
                 The default  is *ALL  for any size.   If  a number  is
                 entered,  any spooled  files with  at least  that size
                 in bytes are selected.

   PGM           The  name of the  program and library  that opened the
                 spooled file to  select on.  The  default is *ALL  for
                 both  the program  and library  name.   If  a name  is
                 entered  in  either  or  both  parameters, only  those
                 spooled files that  were opened by  that program  name
                 and library will be selected.

                 Each  part  of   the  qualified  name   is  considered
                 separately.    For  example,  if  a  program  name  is
                 entered  with  a library  value  of *ALL,  any spooled
                 file opened  by  that program  name  will be  selected
                 regardless of the library the program exists in.

   HOLD          Whether  to  select  on  the spooled  files  that  are
                 held.   The  default is  *ALL for whether  the spooled
                 file is held or not.

                 If *YES  is entered,  only  those spooled  files  that
                 are held will be selected.

                 If *NO is  entered, only those spooled  files that are
                 not held will be selected.

   SAVF          Whether  to  select  on  the  spooled  files that  are
                 saved by  the SAVE(*YES)  parameter.   The default  is
                 *ALL for whether the spooled file is saved or not.

                 If  *YES is  entered, only  those  spooled files  that
                 are saved will be selected.

                 If *NO  is entered, only those spooled  files that are
                 not saved will be selected.

   PERIOD        The Begin/End Date/Time values to select on.

                 The   'Beginning  time'   value  defaults   to  *AVAIL
                 meaning the Begin  Time value is  not considered.   If
                 a  time is  entered, it  is used  in  conjunction with
                 the 'Beginning Date' to determine selection.

                 The   'Beginning  Date'   value  defaults   to  *BEGIN
                 meaning the Begin  Date value is  not considered.   If
                 a  date is  entered, it  is used  in conjunction  with
                 the  'Beginning  Time' to  determine  selection.   The
                 special value *CURRENT may  be entered to mean  todays

                 The 'Ending  time'  value defaults  to *AVAIL  meaning
                 the End  Time value is  not considered.  If  a time is
                 entered,  it is  used in conjunction  with the 'Ending
                 Date' to determine selection.

                 The 'Ending Date'  value defaults to *END  meaning the
                 End  Date value  is  not  considered.   If  a date  is
                 entered,  it is used  in conjunction  with the 'Ending
                 Time' to  determine  selection.    The  special  value
                 *CURRENT may be entered to mean todays date.

   EXPDATE       The  expiration  date  of  the   spooled  file.    The
                 default  is *ALL  to select those  with or  without an
                 expiration date.

                 A specific  date  may  be entered  in  job  format  to
                 select  any   spooled   files  based   on  the   EXPOP
                 parameter.    When  a  date  is entered,  any  spooled
                 files   that  do  not  have  an  expiration  date  are
                 implicitly bypassed.

   EXPOP         The expiration date operator.   *EQ is the default  to
                 select any  spooled files  equal to the  EXPDATE date.
                 This   parameter  is   ignored  if   EXPDATE(*ALL)  is

                 The other operators  are *NE, *GE,  *GT, *LE, or  *LT.


You must have *SPLCTL  special authority to use a  USER name other than


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     ADJVAR          Adjust variable
     CHKSPLF         Check spooled file
     CVTDAT          Convert date
     CVTTIM          Convert time
     DSPERRMSG       Display error message
     DSPSPLFA        Display spooled file attributes
     EDTVAR          Edit variable
     RTVDAT          Retrieve date
     RTVSPCAUT       Retrieve special authority
     RTVSPLFA        Retrieve spooled file attributes
     CVTWRKSPLF      Convert work spooled file
     SNDESCINF       Send escape information
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message
     SNDJLGMSG       Send job log message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   WRKSPLF2      *CMD                   TAASPNT       QATTCMD
   TAASPNTC      *PGM       CLP         TAASPNTC      QATTCL
   TAASPNTC2     *PGM       CLP         TAASPNTC2     QATTCL
   TAASPNTR      *PGM       RPG         TAASPNTR      QATTRPG

Added to TAA Productivity tools December 1, 2004

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