TAA Tools
WRKOBJTXT       WORK OBJECT TEXT                       TAAOBLC

The Work Object Text  command provides a simple means  of reviewing and
cleaning up  text for objects.  A  subfile of one or more  objects in a
library  is displayed and allows a direct  change to the text.  Various
selection criteria  exists.   Options  exist  to display,  change,  and
delete  the  objects  along  with  an  option  to  display  the  object

*OBJMGT to the object is required to change the text description.

A typical command would be:

            WRKOBJTXT    LIB(xxx)

All  objects in  the library  would be displayed  and the  current text
would appear which could be keyed over to change the value.

When the display appears,  the objects are  in sequence by name  within
the  actual object  type.    This differs  from  the  WRKOBJ or  DSPLIB
displays  which arrange the  objects by  name within the  internal code
for object  type.   The unique  approach for  WRKOBJTXT allows  you  to
position to  a name within an  object type or  at the beginning  of the
object type.

Not all object  types are supported by a DSP  command or a CHG command.
In some cases a WRK command is used if provided by the system.

WRKOBJTXT escape messages you can monitor for

None.  Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

Command parameters                                    *CMD

   LIB           The  library containing  the objects  to be displayed.

   OBJ           The object to be  displayed.  The default is *ALL.   A
                 specific  object  name  or   a  generic  name  may  be

   OBJTYPE       The  object  type to  be  displayed.   The  default is
                 *ALL  for  all  object  types.    All  of  the  values
                 supported by DSPOBJD are provided.

   BLKTXT        A  *YES/*NO value  for whether  to  select only  those
                 objects that have a blank text value.

                 *NO is the default.

                 *YES  may be  specified to  select only  those objects
                 with a blank text description.

   SCAN          Whether to scan for a  string within the current  text
                 descriptions.    The default  is  *NONE,  meaning  the
                 existing text is not changed.

                 A  string of  up  to 20  bytes  may be  entered.   The
                 existing  text will be  folded to upper  case and then


You must be authorized to change the object to change the text.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     CHGOBJ          Change object
     DLTOBJ2         Delete object 2
     DSPOBJ          Display object
     DSPOBJD2        Display object description 2
     DUPTAADBF       Duplicate TAA data base file
     RSNLSTMSG       Resend last message
     SNDESCINF       Send escape information
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message
     SNDSTSMSG       Send status message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   WRKOBJTXT     *CMD                   TAAOBLC       QATTCMD
   TAAOBLCC      *PGM       CLP         TAAOBLCC      QATTCL
   TAAOBLCC2     *PGM       CLP         TAAOBLCC2     QATTCL
   TAAOBLCR      *PGM       RPG         TAAOBLCR      QATTRPG
   TAAOBLCP      *FILE      PF          TAAOBLCP      QATTDDS

Added to TAA Productivity tools February 1, 2005

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