The Check TAA Product command will assist you in ensuring that there
are no naming conflicts on your system and in making a decision about
how to access the tools using the library list. The command is run as
part of any install of the TAA Productivity Tools and may also be run
as an option on the HELPTAA menu.
CHKTAAPRD provides the following:
- A summary of the TAALICENSE and TAACTL data areas.
- A listing of any command names that exist on your system that are
the same as TAA Productivity tool commands.
- A listing of any object names that begin with 'TAA' that exist on
your system that are not part of the TAA Productivity Tools.
- A listing of any of the special program names (e.g. HLRMVMSG and
SNDESC) that exist on your system that are not part of the TAA
Productivity Tools.
CHKTAAPRD should be submitted to batch by a user with *ALLOBJ special
authority as:
The following sections describe what you should do with the results.
First page
This describes the information from the TAALICENSE and TAACTL data
areas. It is summary information only.
If you specified LIB(*NONE), this is the only information provided.
Commands with the same name as TAA Tool commands
You can avoid potential problems and confusion if there are no
commands on your system that use the same names as the TAA
Productivity Tool commands.
If any commands appear, you should consider the following:
- If the command is an old version of a TAA Tool command (such as
from QUSRTOOL), you should delete the old version.
- If the command was developed on your system, you should consider
changing the name of your command. It is possible that the TAA
Tool command is providing the same or better function in which
case you should delete your command.
If you choose not to rename or delete the command, you should
review the 'Duplicate command name' section in the 'Library List
Requirements' information member.
- If the command is from another product, you should review the
'Duplicate command name' section in the 'Library List
Requirements' information member.
Objects that begin with TAA
You can avoid potential problems and confusion if there are no objects
on your system that begin with 'TAA' other than those provided by the
TAA Productivity Tools.
If the libraries TAAUPD or TAAUPDATE are found, these are probably
related to the QUSRTOOL TAA Tools. You may delete TAAUPD and TAAUPDATE
as they are not used by the TAA Productivity Tools product.
In most cases, the TAA Productivity Tool objects (other than commands)
are accessed using qualified library names to TAATOOL and TAASECURE.
It is unlikely that a conflict will cause problems, but if you can
cleanup your system, you may reduce space and avoid potential
If any objects appear, you should consider the following:
- If the object is an old version of a TAA Tool command (such as
from QUSRTOOL), you should delete the old version.
- If the object was developed on your system, you should consider
changing the name of your object. If you do not rename the object,
you should retain the CHKTAAPRD listing in case problems arise.
- If the object is from another product, you should retain the
CHKTAAPRD listing in case problems arise.
Programs with the same name as special TAA programs
A few TAA Tools provide special programs that are designed to be
called from a HLL program. If the same name program exists outside of
one of the TAA libraries, conflicts can occur.
The following program names are checked for existence:
Copyright TAA Tools, Inc. 1995, 2021