TAA Tools
TAA Archive
The TAA Productivity Tools are shipped in both object and source form.

-   The object form includes various object types such as commands,
    programs, and display files. Most of the objects exist in the
    TAATOOL library. A few security sensitive objects exist in the
    TAASECURE library.

-   The source is stored in the TAA archive in TAATOOL. The archive is
    a series of data base files. A similar concept (but not the same
    details) exists with the SRCARC tool.

    You must have *USE authority to the TAASRCACC authorization list
    to display source (non-text) from the TAA Archive. You must also
    have *USE authority to copy any member from the archive or to use

    The TAA Archive requires must less space on your system than
    normal source members. You can display the information that exists
    in the archive. You can also copy out the source for a single
    member, a single tool, or all of the source.

The archive also includes members which are the text documentation for
all of the tools (no external manual exists).

The basic way to use the Archive is to use the command:


This provides a subfile of tools/members. From the subfile display,
you can:

-   Position to a tool

-   Print or display the tool documentation

-   Copy out a tool (copy to a normal source member)

-   Display heading information about the tool including a one
    paragraph description

-   Display or print the source members that make up the tool

Each of the options is a separate command that can be run directly.

In addition, there are other commands that let you access the member
attributes or scan the source that exists in the archive.

The DSPTAA command is the command you should be familiar with to
display or print any tool or source member. For example, to see the
tool documentation for the ADDDAT tool, you would specify:


To print the tool, you would specify:


If you display the tool, the F6 function key is available to 'Print
and return' so that you do not have to issue another command to print
the data you are displaying.

To understand more about the archive and how to copy source out of the
archive, do


Copyright TAA Tools, Inc. 1995, 2021

Added to TAA Productivity tools April 1, 1995

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