TAA Tools
SPLDST          SPOOL DISTRIBUTION                     TAASPLX

The  Spool  Distribution  tool  provides  a  solution  for  duplicating
spooled  files  with different  attributes  and different  owners.   It
allows  the specifications  of the distribution  to be  maintained in a
data base file external to the program.

The command to  be used within  a CL program is  DUPSPLDST.  A  typical
command would be:


The SPLF  parameter identifies the spooled  file to be  duplicated.  It
must  be  a  spooled  file  within  the  current  job.    There are  no
restrictions on  the type  of spooled  file (the  TAA  Tool DUPSPLF  is
used which uses APIs for the duplication).

The SPLDSTID  parameter identifies  a record in  the SPLDSTP  data base
file  that  contains the  parameters for  the  new spooled  file.   The
library containing the  SPLDST objects is  identified by the  SPLDSTLIB

In the data  base file, each  record represents a  single distribution.
You  can  describe  a different  owner,  a  different  output queue,  a
different number of copies, etc.

The  user  who runs  the DUPSPLDST  command must  be authorized  to the
TAASPLDST authorization list.

Typical application

Assume your program outputs  a spooled file to the QPRINT  printer file
and is  directed to the  output queue of the  current job.   You want a
distribution  list  associated  with  this  spooled  file  so that  the
following would occur:

  **   A separate copy should be  owned by SMITH and duplicated to  her
       output queue with two copies.

  **   A separate copy  should be owned by JONES and  duplicated to his
       output queue.

  **   A  separate copy  should be  owned by  MILLER and  duplicated to
       her output  queue which  is printed  by a  printer which  allows
       duplex printing (both sides).

  **   A separate  copy should be  made to the  same output queue,  but
       with a different spooled file name.

A  single DUPSPLDST  command is needed  in your  program such  as shown
previously.   The data base  file would contain 4  records for the same
SPLDSTID.   Each record would  specify the  individual parameters  that
are desired on the new spooled file.

Getting started

The   CRTSPLDSTD  (Create   Spool  Distribution   Description)  command
creates  the objects  needed for  the SPLDST tool.   A  typical command
would be:

             CRTSPLDSTD  SPLDSTLIB(xxx)

The following objects are created:

        - SPLDSTP physical file
        - SPLDSTL logical file
        - SPLDST data area

You may have multiple  sets of objects, but  only one set per  library.
The  user who  runs the  CRTSPLDSTD command  becomes the  owner of  the
objects.  The authority for the *PUBLIC is set to *USE.

The   EDTSPLDSTD   (Edit   Spool   Distribution  Description)   command
maintains the SPLDSTP file.  A typical command would be:

             EDTSPLDSTD  SPLDSTLIB(xxx)

A subfile  would be  displayed  with the  typical options  of  display,
add,  change,  delete,  copy, and  rename.    Each  entry  is  uniquely
identified by  a 'Spool distribution  ID' (the name  used on DUPSPLDST)
and   a  'Spool  distribution  Sequence'.    The  Sequence  value  just
provides uniqueness within the spool distribution ID.

When a  new  record is  added,  the prompt  appears  with many  of  the
typical  spooled file  attributes as  individual parameters.    Most of
these  default  to *SAME  meaning  the corresponding  attribute  in the
spooled file to be duplicated is used.

Deleting the SPLDST objects

The DLTSPLDSTD  command can be  used by  an authorized  user to  delete
the objects created by CRTSPLDSTD.

Error Handling and Auditing

If an error  occurs during DUPSPLDST (such as specifying  a new spooled
file  owner that  does not  exist), the  default is  to send  an escape
message.  You may optionally ignore the  error and send a message to  a
specified message  queue.  The  intent of this  option is to  allow the
job to continue without duplicating the spooled file.

This  option  controls most,  but  not  all errors.    For example,  if
DUPSPLDST  cannot  find the  SPLDSTP file,  an  escape message  will be
sent regardless of how the option is specified.

An  auditing option  exists  to  send  a journal  entry  to  a  journal
whenever DUPSPLDST  is used to duplicate  a spooled file.   Any journal
may be  used.  The type sent is 'DS'  and the journal code is 'U'.  The
entry data contains text identifying the event.

The parameters ERRMSGQ  and AUDJRN exist on  the CRTSPLDSTD command  to
allow  you to  specify the  options.   The  options are  stored in  the
SPLDST   data  area  created   by  CRTSPLDSTD.     A  separate  command
CHGSPLDSTD  (Change  Spool  Distribution  Description)  allows  you  to
change the options in the data area.

Security considerations

The user  of  the DUPSPLDST  command must  have *USE  authority to  the
TAASPLDST  authorization list.   If authorized,  the CL  program adopts
the  Security Officer profile  and runs the DUPSPLF  TAA Tool.  DUPSPLF
requires authorization  to the  TAADUPSPLF authorization list.   It  is
not necessary  for the  DUPSPLDST user to  be authorized  to TAADUPSPLF
because program adoption is used within DUPSPLDST.

The  other commands are  all available to  the *PUBLIC.   However, when
CRTSPLDSTD  is  used,  the  objects  are  created  with  *PUBLIC   *USE
authority so  that by  default, only  the owner  or an authorized  user

Spooled file ownership

The  API QSPCRTSP is  used by  the TAA Tool  DUPSPLF to create  the new
spooled file.

The API requires  that if a  different owner is  named, the owner  must
be a  valid user profile  on the  system.  An  internal job QPRTJOB  is
created when  a new owner is named and  becomes the controlling job for
the spooled file.

CRTSPLDSTD command parameters                         *CMD

   SPLDSTLIB     The    library   which   will    contain   the   spool
                 distribution objects.

   SRCLIB        The source  library of  the  DDS source.   *TAAARC  is
                 the  default  to  access   the  source  from  the  TAA
                 Archive.   A specific library may  also be used if you
                 have first  copied  the  source from  the  Archive  to
                 your library.   QATTDDS must be the  source file name.

   ERRMSGQ       The  error message  queue to be  used if  errors occur
                 when DUPSPLDST is  used.  The  default is *NONE  which
                 means an  escape message is  sent if  DUPSPLDST fails.

                 A  qualified name of  a message  queue may  be entered
                 to  receive  messages  for  error  conditions.    This
                 parameter controls  most,  but not  all  errors.   For
                 example, if  DUPSPLDST cannot  find the  SPLDSTP file,
                 an  escape  message will  be  sent even  if  a message
                 queue is specified.

                 This  parameter   may   be  changed   by   using   the
                 CHGSPLDSTD command.

   AUDJRN        The  journal  to  be  used   if  a  journal  entry  is
                 required  each  time  DUPSPLDST  duplicates a  spooled
                 file.  The  default is *NONE  meaning that no  journal
                 entry is sent.

                 A  qualified name  of  a  journal  may be  entered  to
                 cause a  journal entry to be sent.   Any journal (user
                 or system) may be used.

                 This   parameter   may   be  changed   by   using  the
                 CHGSPLDSTD command.

EDTSPLDSTD command parameters                         *CMD

   SPLDSTID      The spool  distribution ID to  be positioned  to.   If
                 not  entered, the  first name  in the  data  base file
                 will appear at the top of the subfile.

   SPLDSTSEQ     The  spool distribution sequence  within the  ID to be
                 positioned to.   If  not entered,  the first  sequence
                 number within  the spool  distribution ID  will appear
                 at the top of the subfile.

   SPLDSTLIB     The  library  which  contains  the spool  distribution
                 objects.   *LIBL  is  the default.    *CURLIB  may  be

DUPSPLDST command parameters                          *CMD

   SPLF          The name of  the spooled file  to be duplicated.   The
                 spooled file  must be within the same  job and must be
                 the  last (or  only) spooled  file with  the specified

   SPLDSTID      The  spool distribution  ID  to  be used.    The  name
                 entered  must exist as  a record  in the  SPLDSTP data
                 base file.

   SPLDSTSEQ     The  spool distribution sequence  within the  ID.  The
                 default is *ALL  meaning all  records that exist  with
                 the same SPLDSTID will be used.

   SPLDSTLIB     The  library  which contains  the  spool  distribution
                 objects.    *LIBL  is the  default.    *CURLIB may  be

CHGSPLDSTD command parameters                         *CMD

   SPLDSTLIB     The library  which  contains  the  spool  distribution
                 objects.  When  the command is used  interactively, it
                 is  only  necessary  to  name  a  library.   A  prompt
                 override   program  exists  to  extract  the  existing
                 values  from the  data  area  to  fill  the  following

   ERRMSGQ       The  error message queue  to be  used if  errors occur
                 when  DUPSPLDST is used.   The default  is *NONE which
                 means an escape  message is  sent if DUPSPLDST  fails.

                 A qualified  name of  a message  queue may  be entered
                 to  receive  messages  for  error  conditions.    This
                 parameter controls  most, but  not  all errors.    For
                 example, if  DUPSPLDST cannot  find the SPLDSTP  file,
                 an  escape message  will  be  sent even  if  a message
                 queue is specified.

   AUDJRN        The   journal  to  be  used  if  a  journal  entry  is
                 required  each time  DUPSPLDST  duplicates  a  spooled
                 file.   The default is  *NONE meaning that  no journal
                 entry is sent.

                 A  qualified  name  of a  journal  may  be  entered to
                 cause a journal entry to  be sent.  Any journal  (user
                 or system) may be used.

DLTSPLDSTD command parameters                         *CMD

   SPLDSTLIB     The  library  which contains  the  spool  distribution
                 objects to be deleted.


The user must be authorized to the TAASPLDST authorization list.

Not  all spooled file parameters  are supported.  However,  about 20 of
the most common parameters may be specified.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     CHKOBJ2         Check object 2
     DUPSPLF         Duplicate spooled file
     EDTVAR          Edit variable
     FILEFDBCK       File feedback
     HLRMVMSG        HLL Remove message
     LOCKMSG         Locked record message
     RTVPGMNAM       Retrieve program name
     SNDCOMPMSG      Send completion message
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message
     SNDSTSMSG       Send status message
     TAAARC          TAA Archive
     WRTSRC          Write source


The tool is ready to use, but  the SPLDST objects must be created  with
CRTSPLDSTD.    The  user  of  DUPSPLDST  must   be  authorized  to  the
TAASPLDST authorization list.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   EDTSPLDSTD    *CMD                   TAASPLX       QATTCMD
   CRTSPLDSTD    *CMD                   TAASPLX2      QATTCMD
   CHGSPLDSTD    *CMD                   TAASPLX3      QATTCMD
   DUPSPLDST     *CMD                   TAASPLX4      QATTCMD
   DLTSPLDSTD    *CMD                   TAASPLX5      QATTCMD
   TAASPLXC      *PGM       CLP         TAASPLXC      QATTCL
   TAASPLXC2     *PGM       CLP         TAASPLXC2     QATTCL
   TAASPLXC3     *PGM       CLP         TAASPLXC3     QATTCL
   TAASPLXC4     *PGM       CLP         TAASPLXC4     QATTCL
   TAASPLXC5     *PGM       CLP         TAASPLXC5     QATTCL
   TAASPLXC10    *PGM       CLP         TAASPLXC10    QATTCL
   TAASPLXC13    *PGM       CLP         TAASPLXC13    QATTCL
   TAASPLXC14    *PGM       CLP         TAASPLXC14    QATTCL
   TAASPLXR      *PGM       RPG         TAASPLXR      QATTRPG
   TAASPLXR4     *PGM       RPG         TAASPLXR4     QATTRPG
   TAASPLXP      *FILE      PF          TAASPLXP      QATTDDS
   TAASPLXL      *FILE      LF          TAASPLXL      QATTDDS


   TAASPLXC2  CL pgm

   TAASPLXC    CL pgm
     TAASPLXR    RPG Pgm
       TAASPLXD    Display file
       TAASPLXC10  CL Pgm

   TAASPLXC3  CL pgm
     TAASPLXC13  CL prompt override pgm

   TAASPLXC4  CL pgm
     TAASPLXR4  RPG pgm
       TAASPLXC14  CL pgm

   TAASPLXC5  CL pgm

Added to TAA Productivity tools August 1, 1996

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