TAA Tools

The Send User Break  Message command allows a break message  to be sent
to  a user  profile name, a  generic name,  or all  active users.   The
workstation  where  the  user  is  signed  onto  will  receive  a break
message.  The system commands  SNDBRKMSG and SNDMSG do not  support the
function.   SNDUSRBRK determines  if the user  is active and  sends the
same message to every workstation where the user is signed on.

Two commands are supported:

  **   SNDUSRBRK  is a  public command, but  can only  be used  in a CL
       program.  This allows the  programmer to place the command in  a
       program  being  run  by   any  end  user  without  authorization
       considerations,  but prevents the public  user from entering the
       command on a command  line.  One of  the major advantages is  to
       be able  to  interrupt the  current user  with  a break  message
       from a batch program.

  **   SNDUSRBRK2  can be  run from  a command  line, but  requires the
       user to be authorized to the TAASNDBRK authorization list.

Both  commands have  an identical syntax  and both invoke  the same CPP
(Command Processing Program).

A typical message would be:

             SNDUSRBRK     MSG('...') USER(xxx)

If  the user  is  signed  on, a  break  message  will be  sent  to  the
workstation message queue where the user is signed onto.

Because the  default is MULTSGNON(*YES),  the message would be  sent to
each workstation  the user is signed onto.   If the user has Group Jobs
or System Request jobs at  the same workstation, only a single  message
is  sent.    Some  devices  support  'Jump  Key'  jobs  which  cause  a
different device  name to be used which  would cause a separate message
to be sent for each 'Jump Key' job.

An option exists for the situation where  the user is not active.   The
default is  to use SNDMSG  and send a  non-break message to  the user's
message queue.  The alternative is to receive an escape message.

Sending to a generic user name or *ALL workstations

A generic name may be used such as:

             SNDUSRBRK     MSG('...') USER(ABC*)

All  user names  beginning with  ABC that  are active  would be  sent a
break  message.   If an  ABC user  is not  active, no message  would be
sent to their user message queue.

You may also send to all users with:

             SNDUSRBRK     MSG('...') USER(*ALL)

As with generic, if  a user is not active,  no message will be sent  to
the user's message queue.

Security considerations

SNDUSRBRK is  authorized to  the public, but  may only be  run in  a CL

SNDUSRBRK2  may  be run  from  a command  line,  but the  user  must be
authorized to the TAASNDBRK authorization list.

To  send  a  break  message,   the  user  must  have  *JOBCTL   special
authority.   The intent  of SNDUSRBRK  is to  allow usage from  typical
application programs.

To  allow for this,  the TAAMSHJC program  adopts the authority  of its
owner  (QSECOFR)  to   avoid  the  requirement   of  granting   special
authority to users.

The TAAMSHJC  program uses qualified  commands or  calls to ensure  the
program cannot be used to subvert the security of the system.

SNDUSRBRK or SNDUSRBRK2 Command parameters            *CMD

   MSG           The text of  the message to be sent.   Up to 256 bytes
                 may be entered.

   USER          The  user profile  name to send  the message  to.  The
                 default is  *CURRENT meaning the  current user of  the
                 job.   The intent  of the default  is to allow  use in
                 batch  to send a message to  the user who's profile is
                 being used for the batch job.

                 A specific user name may  be used, a generic name,  or
                 *ALL for all users.

   MULTSGNON     A  *YES/*NO  parameter  for   whether  the  user  will
                 receive the message for each signon.

                 *YES  is  the  default.    The  user  will  receive  a
                 message at  each  job he  is  signed onto  except  for
                 system request and group jobs.

                 *NO may  be specified to  send only  to the first  job
                 where the user is signed onto.

   NONACTIVE     How  to handle  the situation  where  the user  is not
                 signed  on (not-active)  to an  interactive job.   The
                 default is *USERMSGQ which  means SNDMSG will be  used
                 to  send  a non-break  message  to  the users  message

                 *ERROR  may  be  specified  to  cause  the  command to
                 abnormally   terminate   with   the   TAA9893   escape

                 This parameter  is ignored if  a generic user  name or
                 *ALL is specified.


The SNDUSRBRK  command is arbitrarily restricted to  operate only in CL
programs to reduce the exposure  of a non-authorized user from  sending
a break message.

The SNDUSRBRK2 command  may be run from a  command line, but only  by a
user who is authorized to the TAASNDBRK authorization list.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     CVTWRKACT       Convert work active jobs
     EDTVAR          Edit variable
     SNDCOMPMSG      Send completion message
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   SNDUSRBRK     *CMD                   TAAMSHJ       QATTCMD
   SNDUSRBRK2    *CMD                   TAAMSHJ2      QATTCMD
   TAAMSHJC      *PGM       CLP         TAAMSHJC      QATTCL
   TAAMSHJC2     *PGM       CLP         TAAMSHJC2     QATTCL
   TAAMSHJR      *PGM       RPG         TAAMSHJR      QATTRPG

Added to TAA Productivity tools December 1, 1996

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