The Send User Group Message command sends messages to the users that
exist in a user group as created by the USRGRP TAA Tool. The user of
the command must be authorized to the TAASNDUSG authorization list.
A typical command would be:
SNDUSGMSG USG(xxxx) MSG('...')
By default, the message is sent to active users only (those that are
signed on) and is sent as a break message to the work station message
queue. Only users that are part of the specified user group would
receive the message.
Options exist to:
** Send either a break or non-break message.
** Send to the WS message queue or the users message queue. If
the WS message queue is specified and the same user profile
has signed onto multiple Workstations or has 'Jump Key' jobs
active (considered separate devices), each Workstation address
would receive a message. If the user has Group Jobs, or
System request jobs active at the same Workstation address,
only a single message is sent.
** Send to active users or all users of the group. If all users
are requested, a message may only be sent to the users message
queue (no WS message queue exists if the user is not signed
The command returns a message for each user that was sent a message
and a summary message stating how many messages were sent.
Comparison with SNDGRPPRF Tool
The SNDGRPPRF TAA Tool sends messages to the members of a system
defined Group Profile.
The SNDUSGMSG command allows you (with the aid of the USRGRP tool) to
have a separate list of users that can be sent messages.
Command parameters *CMD
USG The user group which identifies the users to send
messages to. The user group must be created by the
USRGRP TAA Tool. There is no connection between
these user groups and the system Group Profile
MSG The message text to be sent.
ACTIVE A *YES/*NO value that determines if the message is
sent to active users. The default is *YES. If the
user has multiple jobs active at the same device
address (Group jobs or System request jobs), but all
are for the same profile name, only a single message
is sent.
If the user has multiple jobs at the same device
address, but some have different profile names which
are also users within the User Group, a message is
sent for each user.
If *NO is specified, TOMSGQ(*USRQ) must be used and
a message is sent to the message queue assigned to
the user profile.
TOMSGQ The message queue to be sent the message and the
type of message.
The default is *BRKWSQ which will cause a break
message to be sent to the Workstation message queue
that the user is signed onto.
*WSQ may be specified which will cause a non-break
message to be sent to the Workstation message queue
that the user is signed onto.
*USRQ may be specified which will cause a non-break
message to be sent to the message queue specified in
the users profile.
USGLIB The library where the USRGRPx files exist. The
files must have been created by the USRGRP tool
CRTUSGOBJ command. *LIBL is the default. *CURLIB
may be specified.
A break message will only cause a break at a job which is specified
as BRKMSG(*NORMAL). It is possible for the user to use CHGJOB to set
the BRKMSG parameter so the job will not be interrupted.
The following TAA Tools must be on your system:
CVTWRKACT Convert WRKACTJOB to outfile
EDTVAR Edit variable
RTVUSG Retrieve user group (USRGRP tool)
SNDCOMPMSG Send completion message
SNDESCMSG Send escape message
SNDSTSMSG Send status message
The tool is ready to use, but a user group with a list of users must
be created by the USRGRP TAA Tool.
The user of SNDUSGMSG must be authorized to the TAASNDUSG
Authorization list. To authorize a user, use EDTAUTL or specify:
Objects used by the tool
Object Type Attribute Src member Src file
------ ---- --------- ---------- ----------
Added to TAA Productivity tools May 1, 1996