TAA Tools
SNDDTAQ       SEND DATA QUEUE                            TAADTQB

The Send/Receive Data Queue  commands provide front ends to  the system
supplied QSNDDTAQ  and QRCVDTAQ programs.  The  commands can be helpful
when  a minimal number of  entries needs to be  sent or received from a
data queue.

If a large volume of entries  needs to be sent or received,  the system
supplied programs should be used directly.

A typical send command would be:

       SNDDTAQ    DTAQ(DTQ1) ENTLEN(50) ENTRY('xxxxxxxx')

The RCVDTAQ  command returns  variables and  can only be  used in  a CL
program.  A typical command would be:


A WAIT  parameter is supported on RCVDTAQ.   The default is *NOMAX.  If
a wait  time  is specified  and a  timeout  occurs, the  ENTLEN  return
variable will contain 0.

Send Data Queue command parameters                    *CMD

   DTAQ          The  qualified name  of  the data  queue  to send  to.
                 The library defaults to *LIBL.

   ENTLEN        The field  length of the entry to  be sent.  The value
                 cannot exceed  the  value  specified  on  the  CRTDTAQ
                 command.  A maximum  of 5000 is allowed.   This is the
                 largest input value allowed by command definition.

   ENTRY         The data to be sent as the entry.

   KEYLEN        The key length.  The default is *NONE.

   KEY           The key value.  The default is *NONE.

Receive Data Queue command parameters                 *CMD

   DTAQ          The  qualified  name  of  the  data queue  to  receive
                 from.  The library defaults to *LIBL.

   ENTLEN        The  length  of  the  entry returned.    This  must be
                 declared as  *DEC LEN(5  0).  If  a 0  is returned,  a
                 WAIT timeout has occurred.

   ENTRY         The  data received.   This must  be declared  as *CHAR
                 LEN(512).    The entry  length can  be  less.   If the
                 entry  exceeds  512  bytes,  the  first  512  will  be

   ENTRY2        The data  received.   This must  be declared as  *CHAR
                 LEN(5000).   The  entry length  can be  less.   If the
                 entry has more  than 5000 bytes,  the first 5000  will
                 be returned.

   WAIT          The wait time in seconds.  The default is *NOMAX.

   ORDER         The order to search  a keyed data queue.   The default
                 is EQ.   If the data queue is  not keyed, the entry is
                 ignored.   Other values that  may be specified are NE,
                 GE, LE, GT, and LT.

   KEYLEN        The key length.   The  default is *NONE.   If you  are
                 using a  keyed data queue, you must  specify an entry.

   KEY           The  key  to  the  record  you  want  returned.    The
                 default is *NONE.

   RMVENTRY      A  *YES/*NO  value  for  whether  the  entry  will  be
                 removed from the data queue.

                 *YES is the default to remove the entry.

                 *NO may be specified to retain the entry.




The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

         RSNLSTMSG    Resend last message
         SNDESCMSG    Send escape message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type       Attribute      Src member     Src file
   ------        -----      ---------      ----------     -----------

   SNDDTAQ       *CMD                      TAADTQB        QATTCMD
   RCVDTAQ       *CMD                      TAADTQB2       QATTCMD
   TAADTQBC      *PGM          CLP         TAADTQBC       QATTCL
   TAADTQBC2     *PGM          CLP         TAADTQBC2      QATTCL


   TAADTQBC   CL pgm

   TAADTQBC2   CL pgm

Added to TAA Productivity tools April 1, 1995

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