TAA Tools
SAVSRCF         SAVE SOURCE FILES                      TAASAWA

The Save  Source Files  command allows a  save of  all source  files in
one or more  libraries to tape or all source  files in a single library
to  a save file.  The  system save commands allow  only a save of *FILE
objects and do not allow the saving of just source files.

You must have *SAVSYS special authority to use SAVSRCF.

A typical command would be:

             SAVSRCF      LIB(LIB1 LIB2) DEV(TAP01) CLEAR(*ALL)

All source files in LIB1 and LIB2 would be saved to TAP01.

SAVSRCF escape messages you can monitor for

      TAA9891    No source files exist

Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

Command parameters                                    *CMD

   LIB           Up to 300 libraries may be specified.

                 If no source files  exist in any of the  libraries, an
                 error occurs.   If some source files are  saved, but a
                 specified  library does not  contain any source files,
                 no error occurs.

   DEV           The device  where the  save should  occur  to.   *SAVF
                 must be specified if a save file is to be used.

   SEQNBR        The  sequence number  to  start  the save  operations.
                 The default  is 1.  A specific  sequence number may be
                 entered  in   a   range   of  1-99999.      For   more
                 information,  see the  same  parameter on  the  SAVLIB

   ENDOPT        The  end operation  for the  device.   The  default is
                 *REWIND.   *LEAVE  or *UNLOAD  may also  be specified.
                 For more  information, see the  same parameter on  the
                 SAVLIB command.

   CLEAR         Whether  to clear  the files  on the  volume beginning
                 at  the  sequence  number  described.    *NONE is  the
                 default meaning  no active  data is  cleared.   If  an
                 active file  is encountered,  an inquiry  message will

                 *ALL   may   be   specified   to   clear  all   files.
                 Expiration dates will not be considered.

                 The following values  are the same  as various  SAVxxx
                 commands.    For   more  information,  see   the  same
                 parameter on the SAVLIB command.

                 *AFTER may  be specified to clear all  files after the
                 first  volume.   An inquiry  message occurs  if active
                 files exist on the first volume.

                 *REPLACE may  be  specified  to clear  all  files  the
                 same as *ALL.

   SAVF          If  DEV(*SAVF)  is  specified,  a save  file  must  be
                 named.   The library  defaults to *LIBL.   *CURLIB may
                 also be specified.

   EXPDATE       The expiration date to be  used for the output  media.
                 The  default is  *DAY3  which means  3  days from  the
                 current date.

                 *PERM may be entered to make the file permanent.

                 The  special values  *DAY1, *DAY2 ...   *DAY60  may be
                 entered to cause an  expiration date of 1,  2 ...   60
                 days from today.

                 A specific  date  entered in  job format  may also  be

   DTACPR        Whether to  use data compress.  The  values are passed
                 thru   to  the   SAVLIB  command.     For  a  complete
                 understanding  of  the   parameter,  see  the   SAVLIB

                 The default is *YES to compress the data.

                 *NO  may  be  specified   so  the  data  will  not  be

                 *LOW may be specified to compress to a low degree.

                 *MEDIUM  may  be  specified to  compress  to  a medium

                 *HIGH may be specified to  compress to a high  degree.

   COMPACT       Whether to  use compaction as  the output  is written.
                 The   default  is  *DEV   meaning  to   use  any  data
                 compression offered by the device.

                 *NO may  also be  specified.   For  more  information,
                 see the same parameter on the SAVLIB command.

   TGTRLS        The target  release  to be  used for  the  save.   The
                 default  is *CURRENT  for  the current  release.   For
                 the other options, use the command prompter.

   UPDHST        A  *YES/*NO  option  for whether  to  update  the save
                 history information for  each object  saved.  *YES  is
                 the default.

                 *NO may  be specified to  bypass updating of  the save

   SAVACT        An  option to  determine if  an object can  be updated
                 while  the save  is  running.    The  default  is  *NO
                 meaning the  objects cannot  be updated.   If  objects
                 are  locked exclusively or for  update, they cannot be

                 The  other  values  that  may  be  entered  are  *LIB,
                 *SYNCLIB, and *SYSDFN.   See the SAVLIB command  for a
                 complete description of these values.

   SAVACTWAIT    The  amount of  time to  wait  for a  commit boundary.
                 The  default is 120  seconds.  See  the SAVLIB command
                 for a complete description of the parameter.

   SAVACTMSGQ    The  qualified  name of  the  message  queue  to  send
                 messages  to  if  SAVACT(*YES)   is  specified.    The
                 library   defaults   to  *LIBL.      *CURLIB   may  be

   CHKSAVRST     A *YES/*NO option  for should  the TAA Tool  CHKSAVRST
                 command be run.   The default is *YES.   The CHKSAVRST
                 command  will  produce  a  spooled  file  of  the  S/R
                 messages which have occurred during the job.

   ERRORSONLY    A *YES/*NO  option for  should the  CHKSAVRST  command
                 ERRORSONLY  option be  used.    *YES is  the  default.
                 The default  is designed to further 'net  out' the job
                 log.   The  printed listing will  essentially take the
                 library completion  message  information and  print  a
                 summary.   If any objects  were not saved,  the detail
                 message  will  appear  in  the  job  log  if the  *YES
                 option  is   taken.     The   entry  is   ignored   if
                 CHKSAVRST(*NO) is specified.




The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     ADDDAT          Add date
     CHKDAT          Check date
     CHKOBJ3         Check object 3
     CHKSAVRST       Check save restore
     EDTVAR          Edit variable
     EXTLST          Extract list
     EXTLST2         Extract list2
     RSNLSTMSG       Resend last message
     SNDCOMPMSG      Send completion message
     SNDESCINF       Send escape information
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message
     SNDJLGMSG       Send job log message
     SNDSTSMSG       Send status message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   SAVSRCF       *CMD                   TAASAWA       QATTCMD
   TAASAWAC      *PGM       CLP         TAASAWAC      QATTCL

Added to TAA Productivity tools June 15, 2004

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