TAA Tools

The Retrieve System  Value Attributes command retrieves  the attributes
of  a system  value including the  group (such  as *SYSCTL),  the type,
the length, and decimal positions.

A typical command would be:

             DCL           &GROUP *CHAR LEN(10)
             RTVSYSVAL     SYSVAL(xxx) GROUP(&GROUP)

RTVSYSVALA may only be used in a CL program.

RTVSYSVALA escape messages you can monitor for

      TAA9891    The system value does not exist.

Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

Variable length system values

The  following  system values  may  be returned  in  different lengths.
RTVSYSVALA can  only  return  a specific  length  so the  most  typical
version is returned.

       System value    Return lengths     RTVSYSVALA length
       ------------    --------------     -----------------

         QDATE            5 or 6               6
         QDAY             2 or 3               2
         QTIME            6,7,8, or 9          9

Command parameters                                    *CMD

   SYSVAL        The  name   of  the  system  value   to  retrieve  the
                 attributes for.

   GROUP         The  return value  for the  group the system  value is
                 in such as *SYSCTL or  *SEC.  These are the groups  as
                 defined  by WRKSYSVAL.    If  specified, the  variable
                 must be declared as *CHAR LEN(10).

   TYPE          The  return  value  for  the  type  of  system  value.
                 Either  *CHAR   or  *DEC   will  be   returned.     If
                 specified,  the variable  must  be declared  as  *CHAR

   LENGTH        The return  value for the length of  the system value.
                 The  value is returned right  adjusted.  If specified,
                 the variable must be declared as *CHAR LEN(5).

   DECPOS        The number of  decimal positions in the  system value.
                 The  value  will  be  blank  for  *CHAR  values.    If
                 specified,  the  variable must  be  declared  as *CHAR


Because the  command  returns values,  it  may only  be  used in  a  CL


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   RTVSYSVALA    *CMD                   TAASYSY       QATTCMD
   TAASYSYC      *PGM       CLP         TAASYSYC      QATTCL

Added to TAA Productivity tools November 15, 1999

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