The Retrieve System Status command retrieves system level information
such as is found on the WRKSYSSTS display along with other values
that represent the status of the system.
A typical command to retrieve the number of signed on users would be:
You can also retrieve such information as whether the system is in
the restricted state, the total amount of auxiliary storage, the
percentage of System ASP used, the percentage of temporary and
permanent addresses used.
The API QWCRSSTS is used to extract the information.
Command parameters *CMD
RESET Whether to reset the status statistics. This is the
same parameter as exists on WRKSYSSTS. The default
is *NO. *YES causes the status statistics to be
CPUPCT An optional return variable for the percent of CPU
used. If specified, the variable must be declared
as *DEC LEN(5 1).
SYSJOBCNT An optional return variable for the number of jobs
in the system. This value should match the number
seen on DSPSYSSTS. If specified, the variable must
be declared as *DEC LEN(7 0).
PRMADRPCT An optional return variable for the percentage of
permanent addresses used. If specified, the
variable must be declared as *DEC LEN(7 3).
TMPADRPCT An optional return variable for the percentage of
temporary addresses used. If specified, the
variable must be declared as *DEC LEN(7 3).
MAINSTG An optional return variable for the amount of main
storage in KB. If specified, the variable must be
declared as *DEC LEN(11 0).
SYSASPSTG An optional return variable for the amount of
storage in the System ASP storage in gigabytes. If
specified, the variable must be declared as *DEC
LEN(9 3).
SYSASPPCT An optional return variable for the percentage of
System ASP used. If specified, the variable must be
declared as *DEC LEN(7 4).
TOTAUXSTG An optional return variable for the Total auxiliary
storage in gigabytes. If specified, the variable
must be declared as *DEC LEN(9 3).
CURUNPSTG An optional return variable for the current amount
of unprotected storage in millions of bytes. If
specified, the variable must be declared as *DEC
LEN(9 0).
MAXUNPSTG An optional return variable for the maximum amount
of unprotected storage used in millions of bytes.
If specified, the variable must be declared as *DEC
LEN(9 0).
ELPTIM An optional return variable for elapsed time since
the last reset of the statistics. The elapsed time
is returned in the form HHMMSS. If specified, the
variable must be declared as *CHAR LEN(6).
RSDSTE An optional return variable for whether the system
is in the restricted state. N is returned for 'No'
the system is not in the restricted state. Y is
returned for 'Yes' the system is in the restricted
state. If specified, the variable must be declared
as *CHAR LEN(1).
SIGNONCNT An optional return variable for the number of signed
on users. If specified, the variable must be
declared as *DEC LEN(7 0).
DISCONCNT An optional return variable for the number of
disconnected users. A disconnected user is caused
by Option 80 on the System Request menu or the
DSCJOB command. If specified, the variable must be
declared as *DEC LEN(7 0).
SUSSYSCNT An optional return variable for the number of jobs
that have been temporarily suspended by System
Request jobs so that other jobs may run. If
specified, the variable must be declared as *DEC
LEN(7 0).
SUSGRPCNT An optional return variable for the number of jobs
that have been temporarily suspended by Group Jobs
so that other jobs may run. If specified, the
variable must be declared as *DEC LEN(7 0).
SIGNOFFPRT An optional return variable for the number of jobs
that have signed off, but have printer output
waiting to print. If specified, the variable must
be declared as *DEC LEN(7 0).
BATCHMSG An optional return variable for the number of batch
jobs that are waiting for a reply to a message
before they can continue. If specified, the
variable must be declared as *DEC LEN(7 0).
BATCHRUN An optional return variable for the number of batch
jobs that are currently running. If specified, the
variable must be declared as *DEC LEN(7 0).
BATCHHLD An optional return variable for the number of batch
jobs that are held while running. If specified, the
variable must be declared as *DEC LEN(7 0).
BATCHEND An optional return variable for the number of batch
jobs that are ending due to a condition such as the
job is in process of ending normally or abnormally
(the job log may be printing). If specified, the
variable must be declared as *DEC LEN(7 0).
BATCHWAIT An optional return variable for the number of batch
jobs that are waiting to run or already scheduled.
This includes those submitted for a future date or
time. Jobs on the job schedule function that have
not been submitted are not included. If specified,
the variable must be declared as *DEC LEN(7 0).
BATCHHLDO An optional return variable for the number of batch
jobs that are held on a job queue (HLDJOB was used).
If specified, the variable must be declared as *DEC
LEN(7 0).
BATCHHLDQ An optional return variable for the number of batch
jobs that are on a held job queue (HLDJOBQ was
used). If specified, the variable must be declared
as *DEC LEN(7 0).
BATCHUNASG An optional return variable for the number of batch
jobs that are on an unassigned job queue. If
specified, the variable must be declared as *DEC
LEN(7 0).
BATCHENDP An optional return variable for the number of batch
jobs that have ended, but have printer output
waiting to print. If specified, the variable must
be declared as *DEC LEN(7 0).
ACTJOBS An optional return variable for the number of active
jobs in the system. This value should match the
number seen on WRKACTJOB. If specified, the
variable must be declared as *DEC LEN(7 0).
MAXJOBS An optional return variable for the maximum number
of jobs allowed in the system. When the number is
reached, no new jobs may be started. See the
SYSJOBCNT parameter for how many jobs exist. If
specified, the variable must be declared as *DEC
LEN(7 0).
ACTTHREADS An optional return variable for the number of
initial and secondary threads that have been
started, but not ended. If specified, the variable
must be declared as *DEC LEN(7 0).
PARTITIONS An optional return variable for the number of
partitions that are powered on or off. If
specified, the variable must be declared as *DEC
LEN(7 0).
PARTNID The partition identifier of the current partition.
If specified, the variable must be declared as *DEC
LEN(7 0).
PROCESSORS The number of processors that are currently active
in this partition. If specified, the variable must
be declared as *DEC LEN(7 0).
PRCSHRATTR The processor sharing attribute in this partition.
If specified, the variable must be declared as *CHAR
0 = The partition does not share processors
1 = The partition shares processors, but is limited
to using its configured capacity.
2 = The partition shares processors and can use more
than its configured capacity.
CURPRCCAP The current processing capacity in hundredths. For
a partition sharing physical processors, this
attribute represents the share of the physical
processors in the pool it is executing. For
example, a value of 233 means that the patition's
current processing capacity is equivalent to 2.33
physical processors. If the current number of
processosrs in the partition is four, each virtual
processor has 0.58 the computing capacity of a
physical processor in the physical machine. For a
partition using dedicated processors, the value
represents the number of virtual processors that are
currently active in the partition. For example, a
partition using four dedicated processors will
return a value of 400 for the current processing
capacity. If specified, the variable must be
declared as *DEC LEN(9 2).
Because the command returns variables, it can only be used in a CL
The following TAA Tools must be on your system:
CVTSYSSTS Convert system status
None, the tool is ready to use.
Objects used by the tool
Object Type Attribute Src member Src file
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