TAA Tools

The  Retrieve Spooled  File  Override  command  allows you  to  name  a
spooled  file and  retrieve an  OVRPRTF command  that contains  most of
the  attributes of the existing spooled  file.  The returned command is
then ready to be  executed using QCMDEXC.   The intended use is when  a
spooled file will be read and re-printed.

A typical series of commands would be:

             DCL        &RTNCMD *CHAR LEN(1000)
                        /* Some output occurs to spooled file XXX */
             CALL       QCMDEXC PARM(&RTNCMD 1000)
                        /* PGM1 reads from the file name DBFSPLF  */
                        /*   and outputs to the printer file      */
                        /*   QPRINT.                              */
             CALL       PGM1

Most  of the  parameters from  the original  spooled file  are accessed
and  specified on the OVRPRTF generated by  RTVSPLFOVR.  For a complete
list, see the RTVSPLFA TAA Tool.

Command parameters                                    *CMD

   FILE          The spooled file name to be retrieved.

   JOB           The qualified  job name.    An *  is the  default  and
                 means the current job.

   SPLNBR        The  spooled  file  number.   *ONLY  is  the  default.
                 *LAST  may  be specified  or a  specific  spooled file

   RTNCMD        The returned  OVRPRTF command.   It  must be  declared
                 as *CHAR  LEN(1000).   The command  is intended to  be
                 executed by using CALL QCMDEXC PARM(&RTNCMD 1000).

   OVRSPLF       The name  of the spooled  file to be  overridden.  The
                 default is *SAME.

                 For  example,  if  you want  to  reprint  the QPDSPSTS
                 output from  WRKSYSSTS, the name  of the spooled  file
                 is  QPDSPSTS.   The name  QPDSPSTS would  be specified
                 for  the SPLF  parameter, but  if you  are re-printing
                 to the file QPRINT, you  would specify QPRINT for  the
                 OVRSPLF parameter.   This  causes the  OVRPRTF command
                 to be generated with the value FILE(QPRINT).

   NEWSPLF       The  name of the new  spooled file to be  output.  The
                 default is *FILE or to use  the same name as the  FILE

                 For  example,  if you  are  re-printing  the  QPDSPSTS
                 spooled  file  from WRKSYSSTS,  the  name  of the  new
                 spooled  file will  default to  be QPDSPSTS regardless
                 of what is specified for the OVRSPLF parameter.

   USRDTA        The value  of  the user  data to  be  specified.   The
                 default  is  *SAME  which  causes the  same  value  as
                 retrieved from the spooled file.

   OUTQ          The  qualified name  of the  output queue to  be used.
                 The default is  *SAME which causes  the same value  as
                 retrieved  from the  spooled  file.   A blank  library
                 name is assumed to be *LIBL.

   COPIES        The  number of copies  to be  output.  The  default is
                 *SAME which causes the  same number as retrieved  from
                 the spooled file.

   EXPDATE       The  expiration date  of  the file.    The default  is
                 *SAME.   A date may be entered in  job format to cause
                 the  spooled file to  be deleted by  the system at the
                 end of the date specified.


Most of  the parameters  from the  original spooled  file are  accessed
and specified on  the OVRPRTF generated by RTVSPLFOVR.   For a complete
list, see the RTVSPLFA TAA Tool.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     RTVSPLFA        Retrieve spooled file attributes


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   RTVSPLFOVR    *CMD                   TAASPLU       QATTCMD
   TAASPLUC      *PGM       CLP         TAASPLUC      QATTCL

Added to TAA Productivity tools May 1, 1996

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