TAA Tools

The  RTVSPLA  command may  be  used  in  a  CL program  to  access  the
spooling  attributes  of  a   printer  device  file.    Most  of  spool
attributes  can  be returned.   Other  printer  file attributes  can be
returned using the RTVPRTFA TAA Tool command.

The command executes the DSPFD  command using a file in QTEMP  and then
returns the variables specified to the user program.

A typical use of  the command is to test the form  type being used such

        DCL         &FORMTYPE *CHAR LEN(10)
        IF          (&FORMTYPE *EQ '*STD') DO .....

The  command parameters  may  be prompted  for with  the command.   The
value in the  parenthesis for each parameter  describes the length  and
type  of field  to  be specified  in  your CL  program  to receive  the

Command parameters                                    *CMD

   FILE          The  qualified  file name.   The  library  defaults to

   RTNLIB        An optional  return  variable that  will  contain  the
                 library name  where the printer  file was found.   The
                 value may  be helpful if the printer  file is accessed
                 without  a specific  library name.   If specified, the
                 variable must be declared as *CHAR LEN(10).

   OUTQ          An  optional return  variable  that will  contain  the
                 output  queue  specified  in  the printer  file.    If
                 specified,  the  variable must  be  declared  as *CHAR

   OUTQL         An optional  return  variable that  will  contain  the
                 library where the  output queue exists in  the printer
                 file.   If  specified, the  variable must  be declared
                 as *CHAR LEN(10).

   OUTPTY        An optional  return  variable that  will  contain  the
                 output priority  specified in  the printer  file.   If
                 specified,  the  variable must  be  declared as  *CHAR

   FORMTYPE      An  optional  return  variable that  will  contain the
                 form  type  specified  in   the  printer  file.     If
                 specified,  the variable  must  be  declared as  *CHAR

   COPIES        An  optional  return variable  that  will  contain the
                 number of copies  specified in the  printer file.   If
                 specified,  the  variable  must be  declared  as  *DEC
                 LEN(3 0).

   MAXRCDS       An  optional  return variable  that  will  contain the
                 maximum number  of records  specified in  the  printer
                 file.   If specified,  the variable  must be  declared
                 as *CHAR LEN(10).

   FILESEP       An  optional  return variable  that  will contain  the
                 number  of  file separators  specified in  the printer
                 file.   If specified,  the variable  must be  declared
                 as *CHAR LEN(1).

   SCHEDULE      An  optional return  variable  that  will contain  the
                 type  of output  scheduling  specified in  the printer
                 file.  The value  returned will be *FILEEND,  *JOBEND,
                 or  *IMMED.    If  specified,  the  variable  must  be
                 declared as *CHAR LEN(10).

   HOLD          An  optional  return variable  that  will  contain the
                 value of the Hold  parameter specified in the  printer
                 file.   The value returned  will be *YES  or *NO.   If
                 specified,  the  variable must  be  declared as  *CHAR

   SAVE          An  optional  return  variable that  will  contain the
                 value of the Save  parameter specified in the  printer
                 file.   The value  returned will be  *YES or *NO.   If
                 specified,  the  variable must  be  declared  as *CHAR

   USRDTA        An optional  return  variable that  will  contain  the
                 value  of the  User  Data parameter  specified in  the
                 printer  file.   If  specified, the  variable  must be
                 declared as *CHAR LEN(10).

   STRPAGE       An optional  return  variable that  will  contain  the
                 value of  the Start  Page parameter  specified in  the
                 printer  file.   If  specified, the  variable  must be
                 declared as *CHAR LEN(10).

   ENDPAGE       An  optional  return  variable that  will  contain the
                 value  of the  End  Page  parameter specified  in  the
                 printer  file.   If  specified, the  variable must  be
                 declared as *CHAR LEN(10).

   SPLFOWN       An  optional  return variable  that  will  contain the
                 value  of  the   Spooled  file   owner  parameter   as
                 specified  in the  printer file.    If specified,  the
                 variable must be declared as *CHAR LEN(10).

   USRDFNDTA     An  optional  return variable  that  will  contain the
                 value  of   the  User   Defined  Data   parameter   as
                 specified  in the  printer  file.    If no  value  was
                 specified,  *NONE  is  returned.   If  specified,  the
                 variable must be declared as *CHAR LEN(255).

   USRDFNOPT1    An  optional  return  variable that  will  contain the
                 value  of the  User  Defined  Option  1  parameter  as
                 specified  in  the printer  file.    If  no value  was
                 specified,  *NONE  is  returned.    If  specified, the
                 variable must be declared as *CHAR LEN(10).

   USRDFNOPT2    An optional  return  variable that  will  contain  the
                 value  of  the  User  Defined Option  2  parameter  as
                 specified  in  the  printer file.    If  no value  was
                 specified, blanks  are returned.   If  specified,  the
                 variable must be declared as *CHAR LEN(10).

   USRDFNOPT3    An  optional return  variable  that will  contain  the
                 value  of  the  User  Defined  Option 3  parameter  as
                 specified  in  the  printer  file.   If  no  value was
                 specified, blanks  are  returned.   If specified,  the
                 variable must be declared as *CHAR LEN(10).

   USRDFNOPT4    An  optional return  variable  that  will contain  the
                 value  of  the  User  Defined  Option  4 parameter  as
                 specified in  the  printer  file.   If  no  value  was
                 specified,  blanks are  returned.   If specified,  the
                 variable must be declared as *CHAR LEN(10).

   USRDFNOBJ     An  optional  return variable  that  will  contain the
                 value  of  the  User   Defined  Object  parameter   as
                 specified  in the  printer  file.    If no  value  was
                 specified,  *NONE  is  returned.   If  specified,  the
                 variable must be declared as *CHAR LEN(10).

   USRDFNOBJL    An  optional  return  variable that  will  contain the
                 library  of  the  User  Defined  Object  parameter  as
                 specified  in  the printer  file.    If  no value  was
                 specified  for  USRDFNOBJ, blanks  are  returned.   If
                 specified, the  variable  must be  declared  as  *CHAR

   USRDFNOBJT    An  optional return  variable  that  will contain  the
                 object  type of the  User Defined  Object parameter as
                 specified in  the  printer  file.   If  no  value  was
                 specified  for USRDFNOBJ,  blanks  are returned.    If
                 specified,  the  variable must  be  declared as  *CHAR




None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type       Attribute      Src member     Src file
   ------        -----      ---------      ----------     -----------

   RTVSPLA       *CMD                      TAASPLK        QATTCMD
   TAASPLKC      *PGM          CLP         TAASPLKC       QATTCL

Added to TAA Productivity tools April 1, 1995

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