TAA Tools

The Retrieve Object Lock  command is designed to assist  when an object
is  locked and you  suspect there may  be a  single job holding  one or
more  locks on  the object.   If only  a single  job holds  one or more
locks, return variables  will describe the  job and the strongest  lock
to allow  a message  to be sent.   If locks  exist from  multiple jobs,
the TAA9891 escape message is issued.

If a lock is not in a 'HELD' status, it is not considered to exist.

If  no locks exist, the  command completes normally  and the JOB return
variable is set to *NONE.

If the only locks  held are by the  current job, the command  completes
normally and  the JOB  return variable  is set to  *SAME and  the other
return parameters will be blank.

When a  job requires an object that is locked,  there is often not much
that an  application can  do  other than  send  a message  saying  'Use
WRKOBJLCK to see who has  the lock'.  This is especially  true of batch
jobs which  by the time  this type of message  may be read  by a human,
it  is  too  late  to determine  the  job  that had  the  lock.   Using
RTVOBJLCK can help provide a better error message.

For data  base objects,  a single  job will  often hold  more than  one
lock on  the object.   RTVOBJLCK  does not consider  this an  error and
will  return information about the strongest  lock.  The strongest lock
is determined by the highest in ascending sequence of:


A typical series of  commands to retrieve the  lock information on  the
first member of FILEA would be:

             DCL        &JOB *CHAR LEN(10)
             DCL        &USER *CHAR LEN(10)
             DCL        &JOBNBR *CHAR LEN(6)
             DCL        &QLFJOB *CHAR LEN(28)
             DCL        &LOCK *CHAR LEN(6)
             DCL        &LOCKSTS *CHAR LEN(5)
             DCL        &LOCKTYPE *CHAR LEN(6)
                          JOB(&JOB) USER(&USER) JOBNBR(&JOBNBR) +
                          QLFJOB(&QLFJOB) LOCK(&LOCK) +
             MONMSG     MSGID(TAA9891) EXEC(DO) /* Mult locks */
                        /*                                    */
                        /*  Your handling of multiple locks   */
                        /*                                    */
             ENDDO      /* Mult locks */
             IF         (&JOB *EQ '*NONE') DO /* No locks */
                        /*                                    */
                        /*  Your handling of no locks         */
                        /*                                    */
             ENDDO      /* No locks */
             IF         (&JOB *EQ '*SAME') DO /* Same job */
                        /*                                    */
                        /*  Your handling of the same job     */
                        /*    holds the only locks            */
                        /*                                    */
             ENDDO      /* Same job */
                        /*                                    */
                        /*  Your handling of a single job     */
                        /*    (not the current job) holding   */
                        /*    one or more locks.              */
                        /*    A message could be sent to the  */
                        /*    user or QSYSOPR describing      */
                        /*    the condition or a message      */
                        /*    placed in the job log.          */
                        /*                                    */

Data Base files

When you  open a  file for update,  a specific  member is  opened which
causes two locks:

          - A lock on the member for *SHRRD
          - A lock on the member data for *SHRUPD

Therefore, the  typical use on a data base file  is to specify a member
name (or *FIRST) on RTVOBJLCK.

RTVOBJLCK escape messages you can monitor for

      TAA9891    Multiple locks exist

Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

RTVOBJLCK Command parameters                          *CMD

   OBJ           The qualified  name of  the  object to  retrieve  lock
                 information  for if  a  single  job (not  the  current
                 job) holds one or more locks on the object.

                 The qualified  library defaults to *LIBL.   A specific
                 library or *CURLIB may also be used.

   OBJTYPE       The  type of object to  retrieve information for.  For
                 the  list   of  supported  types,   use  the   command

   MBR           The member of a data base file if any.

                 *NONE  is the  default meaning  no member  exists (the
                 object  type does not have a  member) or only the file
                 object will be checked.

                 When checking  a  data  base  object,  a  member  name
                 would  normally  be  entered   or  the  special  value

   JOB           The  job name  of  the single  job that  holds  one or
                 more locks  on the  object.   If  no locks  are  held,
                 *NONE is  returned.   If the  only locks  are held  by
                 the current  job, the return value is  *SAME.  This is
                 a  required return  variable that must  be declared as
                 *CHAR LEN(10).

   USER          The user  of the  single job  that holds  one or  more
                 locks  on the  object.   This  is  an optional  return
                 variable  that  if  used  must  be  declared as  *CHAR

   JOBNBR        The job number  of the  single job that  holds one  or
                 more  locks  on  the  object.   This  is  an  optional
                 return  variable  that if  used  must  be declared  as
                 *CHAR LEN(6).

   QLFJOB        The qualified job  name of the  single job that  holds
                 one  or  more  locks  on  the  object.    This  is  an
                 optional  return   variable  that  if   used  must  be
                 declared as *CHAR LEN(28).

   LOCK          The  strongest lock that  is held by  a job that holds
                 one or more locks.   The strongest lock is  determined
                 by  the ascending  sequence  of  the following  locks:
                 *SHRRD,  *SHRUPD, *SHRNUP,  *EXCLRD,  or *EXCL.   This
                 is an optional  return variable that  if used must  be
                 declared as *CHAR LEN(7).

   LOCKSTS       The lock  status of  the strongest  lock that  is held
                 by a  job that holds one or  more locks on the object.
                 The value that will be  returned will be one of  HELD,
                 WAIT, or  REQ.   This is  an optional return  variable
                 that if used must be declared as *CHAR LEN(5).

                 Note that  locks that are  not in a  'HELD' status are
                 not considered to exist.

   LOCKTYPE      The  lock type of  the strongest lock  that is held by
                 a job  that holds  one or  more locks  on the  object.
                 The  value  is only  applicable  to  data base  files.
                 The  return  values  will  be  MBR,  DATA, or  ACCPTH.
                 This is  an  optional  return variable  that  if  used
                 must be declared as *CHAR LEN(6).


Because the  RTVOBJLCK command returns variables,  it may only  be used
in a CL program.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     CVTOBJLCK       Convert object lock
     EDTVAR          Edit variable
     RSNLSTMSG       Resend last message
     SNDESCINF       Send escape information
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message
     SORTDBF         Sort data base file


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   RTVOBJLCK     *CMD                   TAAOBMF       QATTCMD
   TAAOBMFC      *PGM       CLP         TAAOBMFC      QATTCL

Added to TAA Productivity tools July 15, 2011

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