TAA Tools

The  Retrieve  Message  Description command  differs  from  the  system
RTVMSG command  in that the system command  returns a formatted message
with  substituted message variables.  The  TAA Tool RTVMSGD returns the
message as  it exists  as a message  description with  & values  shown.
The API QMHRTVM is used to retrieve the information.

RTVMSGD is designed  for the case where you want to  see the message as
it  exists in the  message file and not  the way it  appears in the job
log with message variables included.

Only the first  and second level  text parameters are  supported.   For
the other  values of a  message description  (such as LOGPRB),  use the
system RTVMSG command.

A typical series of commands would be:

            DCL        &FSTLVL *CHAR LEN(132)
            DCL        &SECLVL *CHAR LEN(3000)

The message file defaults to QCPFMSG in *LIBL.

The  FSTLVL variable must be  declared as 132 bytes  (the largest first
level text that may be entered  in a message description).  The  SECLVL
variable must be declared as 3000 bytes.

In most cases, the text  you may be interested in will be  80 bytes for
FSTLVL  and   some  smaller  value  for  SECLVL.     You  must  declare
additional   variables  for  the  length  desired  and  then  move  the
returned values to your specific length variables.

Command parameters                                    *CMD

   MSGID         The message ID to be retrieved.

   FSTLVL        An optional return  variable for the first  level text
                 of  the message.   If  used,  it must  be declared  as
                 *CHAR  LEN(132).  In many cases  you will want to move
                 the  data  to  an   80  character  variable  as   most
                 messages do not exceed 80 bytes.

   SECLVL        An  optional  return  variable for  the  second  level
                 text  of the message.   If  used, it must  be declared
                 as *CHAR LEN(3000).

                 If the  message exceeds  3000  bytes, only  the  first
                 3000 are  returned.  In  most cases  you will want  to
                 move the data to a shorter variable.

   MSGF          The  qualified  name of  the  message  file where  the
                 message  exists.   The message  file name  defaults to
                 QCPFMSG and the  library defaults  to *LIBL.   *CURLIB
                 may also be used.

   FMTCTLCHAR    Whether  to  retrieve  the format  control  characters
                 (&N  &P  &B).   The  default  is *NO.    A  *YES entry
                 returns the control characters.


Only 3000 bytes of second level text are returned.




None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   RTVMSGD       *CMD                   TAAMSHC       QATTCMD
   TAAMSHCC      *PGM       CLP         TAAMSHCC      QATTCL

Added to TAA Productivity tools May 1, 1996

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