TAA Tools
RTVDAT3         RETRIEVE DATE 3                        TAADATS

The Retrieve Date  3 command allows you  to request a date such  as the
first  Monday in  October of  a specific  year  and returns  the actual
date  in CYMD format.   A specific week  or the last  week of the month
may be specified.  The command is helpful when scheduling events.

A typical command would be:

             DCL          &RTNDATE *CHAR LEN(7)
             RTVDAT3      DAY(*MON) MONTH(*OCT) RELDAYMTH(1) +

This would return the date in CYMD format for the current year.

Numbers may be used in place of the * values such as:

             RTVDAT3      DAY(1) MONTH(10) ...

To determine the  date of  the last Friday  of July  in the year  2009,
you would specify:

             RTVDAT3      DAY(*FRI) MONTH(*JUL) RELDAYMTH(*LAST) +
                            YEAR('2009') RTNDATE(&RTNDATE)

Years 1940 - 2039 are supported.

If RELDAYMTH(5)  is specified, there may not  be a 5th day  of the week
for  the specified day.  If  so, TAA9891 is sent  as an escape message.

Command parameters                                    *CMD

   DAY           The day  of  the  week requested.    A number  1  -  7
                 (Sunday =  1) may be  specified or the  special values
                 *SUN ...  *SAT.

   MONTH         The  month requested.   A  number 01  - 12  (January =
                 01) may be  specified or the  special values *JAN  ...

   RELDAYMTH     The relative  day of  the month.   A  value 1  - 5  or
                 *LAST  may be  specified.   For example,  to determine
                 the  second  Monday  of  the  month,  specify  2.   To
                 determine  the  last  Monday  of  the  month,  specify

                 If RELDAYMTH(5)  is specified, there may not  be a 5th
                 day  of  the  week  for the  specified  day.    If so,
                 TAA9891 is sent as an escape message.

   YEAR          The year requested.   The default is *CURRENT  meaning
                 the  current  year.     Years  1940  -   2039  may  be

   RTNDATE       The  return  date  in the  format  CYMD.   The  return
                 variable must be specified as *CHAR LEN(7).


Only the years 1940 - 2039 are supported.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     RTVDAT          Retrieve date
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   RTVDAT3       *CMD                   TAADATS       QATTCMD
   TAADATSC      *PGM       CLP         TAADATSC      QATTCL

Added to TAA Productivity tools March 1, 1998

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