TAA Tools

The  Retrieve  Command   Parameters  command  retrieves  an   array  of
information  where  each  element  contains  a  data structure  of  the
parameter  attributes.   The command  is intended  for use  in programs
where the attributes of the command parameters are needed.

The  source member  is  accessed  to  retrieve the  information.    The
keyword  form  of  the  source   must  be  used.    Not  all  parameter
attributes are supported.

A typical series of commands would be:

             DCL          &RTNVAL *CHAR LEN(9900)
             DCL          &ELEM *CHAR LEN(220)
             DCL          &PARM *CHAR LEN(10)
             RTVCMDPARM   MBR(xxx) SRCFILE(yyy) +
                            RTNVAL(&RTNVAL) RTNCDE(&GOOD)
                          /* Extract the first element */
             CHGVAR       &ELEM %SST(&RTNVAL 1 220)
                          /* Extract the parameter name */
             CHGVAR       &PARM %SST(&ELEM 1 10)

When  processing in an HLL, an  externally described data structure may
be used.  The name is TAACMDXP  and the field names all begin with  PM.
See the later example.

When processing in CL, the data structure layout is:

        Name        Type      Length    Str pos     Parameter name
        ----        ----      ------    -------     --------------

        PMKWD       *CHAR      10           1       KWD
        PMTYPE      *CHAR      10          11       TYPE
        PMLEN       *CHAR       5          21       LEN
        PMDECP      *CHAR       2          26       LEN dec positions
        PMRTNV      *CHAR       4          28       RTNVAL
        PMCONS      *CHAR      30          32       CONSTANT
        PMDFT       *CHAR      15          62       DFT (1st 15 bytes)
        PMRSTD      *CHAR       4          77       RSTD
        PMMIN       *CHAR       5          81       MIN
        PMMAX       *CHAR       5          86       MAX
        PMALWU      *CHAR       4          91       ALWUNPRT
        PMALWV      *CHAR       4          95       ALWVAR
        PMFULL      *CHAR       4          99       FULL
        PMEXPR      *CHAR       4         103       EXPR
        PMCHOC      *CHAR      30         107       CHOICE
        PMPROM      *CHAR      30         137       PROMPT
        PMPGM       *CHAR       4         167       PGM
        PMDTAA      *CHAR       4         171       DTAARA
        PMFILE      *CHAR       4         175       FILE
        PMKEYP      *CHAR       4         179       KEYPARM
        PMQLEL      *CHAR       1         183       Qual or Elem
        PMELEN      *CHAR       5         184       Elem length
        PMVARY      *CHAR       4         188       Vary option
        PMVAR2      *CHAR       5         192       Vary *INT2/*INT4
        Reserved               23         197

The PMQLEL  field is  blank for  a normal  parameter, Q=QUAL type,  and
E=ELEM type.

The  PMELEN field  is blank for  a normal  parameter.  It  contains the
sum of  the  ELEM statements  lengths  as will  be  passed to  the  CPP
without the 2 byte binary field.

The PMDFT field will contain  the first 15 bytes of the value  if it is
specified on  the KWD statement  (not on the QUAL  or ELEM statements).

There  is  room for  45 elements  in the  array.   This may  exceed the
maximum number of parameters that are valid on a command.

Source files up to a length of 240 bytes may be processed.


When the  MAX is  greater than  1,  a 2  byte binary  field appears  at
position 1  of the parameter  which describes the number  of parameters

QUAL and ELEM keyword use

QUAL  statements are  handled by  adding up  the lengths  from multiple
statements so  that  the KWD  parameter has  the  length that  will  be
passed to the CPP.

ELEM statements  are handled  by adding  up the  lengths from  multiple
statements  plus 2 so  that the the  KWD parameter has  the length that
will be passed to the CPP.

If QUAL  and ELEM  statements describe  TYPE(*DEC) values,  the  length
that is  added is the  packed length  not the digit  length as this  is
how the data is passed to the CPP.

If  MAX is  greater than  1, an  additional 2  bytes  are added  to the
length to account for the additional binary count.

Escape messages

   TAA9892       The  command  does  not have  any  parameters  or none
                 were found.

Calling the CPP directly

The CPP  (TAACMDXR) may  be called directly.   The  following would  be
typical RPG code.

     E                    ARR        45220               Return array
     I* Externally described data structure of each element
     C           *ENTRY    PLIST                           Parm list
     C                     PARM           ARR              Array
     C                     PARM           RTNCDE  8        Return code

Note  that an override  may be  necessary to  describe the  source file
and  member to  be processed  before calling  the CPP.   The  file name
used in the CPP is QCMDSRC.

The RTNCDE will contain:

  **   FOUND.  All keywords have been properly found.

  **   NONE.  No parameters found (see previous TAA9892 message).

Command parameters                                    *CMD

   MBR           The source member name.  It must be a CMD type.

   SRCFILE       The qualified  source file  name of  the source  file.
                 QCMDSRC is  the default  in *LIBL.   *CURLIB  may also
                 be used as a library qualifier.

   RTNVAL        The  return value with  the array of  information.  It
                 must be specified as *CHAR  LEN(9900).  There is  room
                 for 45 elements  of 220 bytes  each.  Each  element is
                 a  data structure.    See the  previous  discussion on
                 the data structure.

   NBRPARM       An  optional  return  value  which  will  contain  the
                 number of  parameters specified  on the  command.   If
                 specified, it must be declared as *DEC LEN(3 0).

Parsing technique

The  source statement may  represent multiple  source records  based on
the continuation characters.

A  restriction exists that the  keyword form of each  parameter must be
used.   The source  is scanned  for values  such as  'TYPE('.   If  the
value  exists in  a comment  before the  normal  keyword such  as in  a
comment,  incorrect data will  be returned.   If the prompter  is used,
it would be very rare if an error would occur.

The QUAL and ELEM statements  are found by scanning  for a colon.   The
ELEM statement is identified by a search for ' ELEM '.


  **   The source  member must contain  keywords.   Positional notation
       is not supported.

  **   A maximum  of 45 keywords may be  returned.  Positional notation
       is not supported.

  **   Valid command source must be used.

  **   Because  the command returns parameters, it  can only be used in
       a CL program.

  **   If QUAL and  ELEM statements  are used, they  must occur in  the
       order of  use such as  they must follow  the KWD statement.   In
       addition,  if an  ELEM statement uses  a Qualified  name for the
       TYPE  parameter,  the  QUAL  statement  must  follow   the  ELEM
       statement (it cannot precede it).

  **   See  detail  restrictions  in  the  discussion  of  the  Parsing


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     HLRMVMSG        HLL Remove message
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   RTVCMDPARM    *CMD                   TAACMDX       QATTCMD
   TAACMDXC      *PGM       CLP         TAACMDXC      QATTCL
   TAACMDXR      *PGM       RPG         TAACMDXR      QATTRPG
   TAACMDXP      *FILE      PF          TAACMDXP      QATTDDS

Added to TAA Productivity tools April 1, 1995

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