TAA Tools

The Restore TAA  Stream File command  is designed to restore  the PF528
stream file  containing a library for  TAA tool source or  object.  The
stream  file  is the  standard  name used  when  revised TAA  source or
object is sent to  you via an E mail  attachment.  You must first  copy
the E mail attachment into an IFS directory.

After you  have restored  the library, follow  the directions  to apply
the fix in the E mail.

Assume  you   received  an  E  mail  with  an  attachment  named  PF528
containing the source to correct a TAA Tool.

Once the  file has been  copied into  the IFS,  the RSTTAASTMF  command
can be used to restore the library.

The  library you  intend  to restore  to  must not  exist  (it will  be
created by RSTTAASTMF).

A typical command would be:

             RSTTAASTMF    DIR(/HOME) LIB(TAAxxx)
             RSTTAASTMF    DIR(/HOME/user) LIB(TAAxxx)
             RSTTAASTMF    DIR(*HOMDIR) LIB(TAAxxx)

The  default stream file  name is  '/PF528.savf'.  RSTTAASTMF  would do
the following:

            - Ensure the library to restore to does not exist
            - Ensure the directory exists
            - Ensure the stream file exists
            - Create a save file in QTEMP
            - Copy the stream file to the save file
            - Restore the library from the save file

The directory  name must  begin with  a  leading '/'  and exist.    The
special  value  *HOMDIR may  be  used  if  you have  a  home  directory
specified  for your  user profile.   The  value  of the  STMF parameter
(default  is '/PF528.SAVF')  is concatenated  to the  directory name to
address the stream file.


The normal  use of  RSTTAASTMF is when  SAVLIB was  used to  originally
save  all  contents of  a  library.   RSTLIB  is  used  to restore  the
library and its objects.

If  SAVOBJ was used  for one or  more objects, RSTTAASTMF  may still be
used.  The command still requires  that the library to restore to  does
not exist.   If  SAVOBJ was  used, RSTTAASTMF  will create the  library
and use RSTOBJ to restore the objects.

FTP use

Assume  you received  an  E mail  with an  attachment  named PF528.STMF
containing the source to correct a TAA Tool.

If you FTP the file, you can copy  it directly to a save file.   If the
save  file does  not exist,  it  will be  created.   If  the save  file
exists, it is replaced.

From the FTP session:

       quote site namefmt 1         (changes to IFS naming convention)
       cd /qsys.lib/targetlib.lib   (changes current directory to
                                       a library)
       bin                          (changes to binary mode which
                                       is required for save files)
       put pcfilename (tosavefilename.savf)
                                    (choose a "tosavefilename")
Notes about the put:

  A)   If the  second parameter is  not specified, it is  treated as if
       it  were the same as the  first parameter.  The second parameter
       is required if:

             - The pc file's extension is not '.savf' or
             - The savefile name on the i5 System is different
                 from the pc file's name (the part to the left
                 of the period)

  B)   Assuming the  PC file  contains a valid  save file,  any of  the
       following could be used:

              put pf528.savf              (save file pf528 is written)
              put pf528.savf myfile.savf  (save file myfile is written)
              put x.y   myfile.savf       (save file myfile is written)
              put x.savf   myfile.savf    (save file myfile is written)

       The following would be invalid:

              put pf528.sav    (since the second parameter copies
                                 the first and the extension

                                 is 'sav' and not 'savf', a
                                 a data base file would be written)
             put pf528.savf x  (since the second parameter's
                                 extension is not .savf, a data
                                 base file would be written)

Once  the  data is  in  the  save file,  you  do  not need  RSTTAASTMF.
Instead, use:

                RSTLIB    LIB(TAAxxx) DEV(*SAVF) SAVF(xxx/PF528)

RSTTAASTMF escape messages you can monitor for

None.  Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

Command parameters                                    *CMD

   DIR           The   directory  where  the   PF528.STMF  stream  file
                 exists.  You  would normally  have copied  the E  mail
                 attachment to  a specific  directory in  the IFS.   Up
                 to 5000 bytes may be entered.

                 A  simple  directory  name  would  be entered  without
                 quotes,  but  containing   a  leading  /.     If   the
                 directory exists,  the name  is concatenated with  the
                 FROMSTMF  parameter  value  (default is  /PF528.SAVF')
                 and searched for.

                 The  special value *HOMDIR  may be used  if you have a
                 home directory specified in your user profile.

                 Other typical directory entries would be:


   SAVLIB        The  library where  the  TAA  source was  saved  from.
                 The library  name is normally  sent to you as  part of
                 the E mail note describing the revised TAA source.

   FROMSTMF      The  stream  file  you  want  to  restore  from.   The
                 default is '/PF528.SAVF'.

                 A different  value may  entered if  required.   Up  to
                 1000 bytes may be entered.

   RSTLIB        The library  where the TAA  source should  be restored
                 to.   The default is *SAVLIB  meaning the same library
                 as specified  in the  SAVLIB parameter.   The  library
                 must not exist as it will be created by the tool.




The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     CHKIFSE         Check IFS entry
     CHKOBJ2         Check object 2
     RTVSAVFD        Retrieve save file description
     SNDCOMPMSG      Send completion message
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message
     SNDSTSMSG       Send status message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   RSTTAASTMF    *CMD                   TAATOMG       QATTCMD
   TAATOMGC      *PGM       CLP         TAATOMGC      QATTCL

Added to TAA Productivity tools December 15, 2002

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