The Replace Duplicate Object command provides a method of refreshing
a set of objects that are duplicates in one library from a second
library. For example, if one library has a subset of the objects in
a product library and the product library is replaced, RPLDUPOBJ can
refresh the subset library.
A typical use would be if you have a library containing TAA command
objects that are intended for end user use (as opposed to programmer
use), but do not represent all of the TAA commands. When a new
release of the TAA Productivity Tools occurs, you want to refresh the
subset library for those commands you have selected for end user use.
A typical command to do this would be:
A list of command objects would be created from the To library
(USERTAA). The list would be read and checked against the
corresponding object name in the From library (TAATOOL). If the
corresponding object exists, the To library version is deleted and
CRTDUPOBJ is used to create a new version in the To library from the
From library object.
Options exist for who the owner of the new object should be and which
object should be used to establish authority to the new objects. The
defaults retain the ownership and authority as described by the To
A listing will occur for each object duplicated and any error
You must have *ALLOBJ special authority to use RPLDUPOBJ.
Most typical object types will be processed successfully. However,
not all object types are supported by the system for CRTDUPOBJ. The
TAA Tool DLTOBJ2 is used to delete objects which also has some
Comparison with the MRGOBJ tool
The MRGOBJ tool is designed for changes being shipped to other
systems. All objects in the From Library would be merged into the To
Library (either replacing or adding). Special functions exist to
allow existing data in the To library to be mapped into a new version
of the file.
The RPLDUPOBJ tool will only replace objects that exist in both
libraries. No attempt is made to save any data that exists in the To
Command parameters *CMD
FROMLIB The library containing the From version of the
object to be duplicated. This would normally be a
production library. An object must exist in this
library to perform any duplication.
TOLIB The library where the existing objects will be
replaced. This would normally be the subset library
containing old versions of the production library.
TOOBJ The object name in the To library to be replaced.
The default is *ALL. A specific name or a generic
object name may also be used.
TOOBJTYPE The object type in the To library to be replaced.
The default is *ALL. A specific object type may be
DATA A *YES/*NO parameter that is passed thru to the
CRTDUPOBJ command if an object is to be replaced.
The default is *NO meaning that objects containing
data (physical file objects) will not have the data
duplicated. Members will be duplicated.
*YES may be specified to duplicate the data.
OWNEROPT A *YES/*NO parameter that determines if the current
ownership of the To objects is retained. *YES is
the default meaning to retain the same owner as
exists for the To object that is replaced.
*NO may be specified to cause the new object to be
owned by the same owner as in the From object.
AUTOPT A *YES/*NO parameter that determines if the current
authorities to the objects in the To library should
be retained. *YES is the default meaning to retain
the authorities as they were for the To objects.
*NO may be specified to cause the replaced object to
be authorized in the same manner as the object in
the From library.
See previous comments.
The following TAA Tools must be on your system:
CHKALLOBJ Check *ALLOBJ special authority
CHKOBJ3 Check object 3
DLTOBJ2 Delete object 2
DUPAUT Duplicate authorizations
RTVSYSVAL3 Retrieve system value 3
SNDCOMPMSG Send completion message
SNDESCMSG Send escape message
SNDSTSMSG Send status message
None, the tool is ready to use.
Objects used by the tool
Object Type Attribute Src member Src file
------ ---- --------- ---------- ----------
Added to TAA Productivity tools August 1, 1998