TAA Tools

The Print  Source  Changes command  prints the  source statements  that
have  changed within a  range of  dates.   The listing can  include the
statements  that have changed or just  a summary (one line per member).
Each source  statement  is  read and  the  date  of change  is  checked
against the range of dates.

A single  member, a generic member name,  or all members in  a file may
be specified.

The  command to print the statements that  have changed since 090701 in
all members with  the generic name  PAYROLL* in the  QCLSRC file  would


The special value *CLP  can be used instead of  QCLSRC.  Spooled output
would be  printed with one line for  each statement changed between the
range of  the dates  specified and  a  summary for  each member.    The
default TODATE is *CURRENT.

A summary of  all members (one line  per member) would be  printed with
the command:

                     FROMDATE(090701) TODATE(090731)

The  summary  would include  the  total number  of  statements and  the
number of statements found within the range of dates.

Command parameters                                    *CMD

   MBR           The  member  to  be  checked.    A  single  member,  a
                 generic member name, or *ALL may be specified.

   SRCFILE       The qualified  file  name of  the  source file  to  be
                 checked.   The library value defaults to  *LIBL.  Only
                 a  source file may  be specified.   The special values
                 *CLP, *RPG, etc.  may be used.

   FROMDATE      The 'From  date'  to  be  used.   The  value  must  be
                 entered as  YYMMDD or the  the special  value *CURRENT
                 for  the current date.   A valid date  is not checked.
                 A value can  be entered  such as  090000 (all  changes
                 beginning  with  year 2009)  or  090700  (all  changes
                 beginning  with July 2009).   The  century for  the YY
                 value   follows  the  system   convention  (40-99  are
                 assumed to be the 20th century).

   TODATE        The 'To  date' to be  used.   *CURRENT is the  default
                 meaning todays date.   If a value is  entered, it must
                 be  in the  form YYMMDD.   As  with FROMDATE,  a valid
                 date is  not  checked.   The  value 099999  means  the
                 last date in 2009.

   SRCTYPE       The  source  type  to  be  processed.    *ALL  is  the
                 default for all source types.

                 A  specific source type may  be entered such  as PF to
                 process only  PF  types.   This  parameter may  be  of
                 value if a  generic value or  *ALL is entered  for the
                 MBR parameter.

   PRTSTMT       A  *YES/*NO  value for  whether  to  print the  detail
                 statements   found   within   the   range   of   dates
                 specified.    *YES  is   the  default.    If   *NO  is
                 specified,  every member  will  print  as one  summary

   MBRSUM        A  *YES/*NO  value for  whether  to print  a  one line
                 summary for  each member  whether  it has  changes  in
                 the date range or not.  *YES is the default.

                 If *NO  is specified, only  members that  have changes
                 within the date range are printed.




The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     ALCTMPMBR    Allocate temporary member
     CHKGENERC    Check generic
     RTVGENMBR    Retrieve generic member
     SNDCOMPMSG   Send completion message
     SNDESCMSG    Send escape message
     SNDSTSMSG    Send status message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   PRTSRCCHG     *CMD                   TAASRDD       QATTCMD
   TAASRDDC      *PGM       CLP         TAASRDDC      QATTCL
   TAASRDDR      *PGM       RPG         TAASRDDR      QATTRPG

Added to TAA Productivity tools April 1, 1995

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