TAA Tools
PRTJOBSUM       PRINT JOB SUMMARY                      TAAJOCX

The Print Job  Summary command allows  an analysis of the  QHST CPF1164
messages.   Records may be selected  by date, job, user,  job type, and
completion  code.   The amount of  CPU time,  transactions, and average
response time are listed for each job.

You must  be authorized  to the  TAACVTQHST authorization  list to  use

Either  the QHST  files or  a  QHSTP file  (created from  the TAA  Tool
CVTQHST  command)  containing the  dates  you  want to  work  with must

A typical command would be:


Because all  of  the defaults  were taken,  all  of the  current  QHSTn
files in QSYS  would be converted to the  QHSTP file in QTEMP.   A line
would  be   printed  for  each  job   completion  record  (the  CPF1164

Assume you  wanted to  subset the  previous data  for a  specific  job.
You would specify:

             PRTJOBSUM     JOB(DSP01)

Because  the  defaults  were  taken  for   the  QHSTPLIB  and  RPLQHSTP
parameters,  PRTJOBSUM would check  if the  QHSTP file  already existed
in  QTEMP.    Since it  does  exist  (created in  the  previous  use of
PRTJOBSUM and  is for  the same  dates), the  same data  would be  used
(the  conversion  from  the  QHSTn  files  would not  be  done).    The
existing  data would  be checked for  the DSP01  job name  and any jobs
with that name would be listed.

The default is to list the  jobs in date/time sequence.  A total  break
occurs at the end of each date.

An option  exists to sequence  the data by job  name in which  case the
total  break  occurs at  the  end of  each  job name.    Another option
allows sequencing by  user name in  which case the  total break  occurs
at the end of each user name.

The TAA command CVTQHST  may be used independently to  create the QHSTP
file  in  a  specific  library.    To  re-use the  same  data,  specify

PRTJOBSUM escape messages you can monitor for

None.  Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

Command parameters                                    *CMD

   FROMDATE      The  From  Date of  the  QHSTn data  to  be processed.
                 Any records  for  dates prior  to  the From  Date  are
                 ignored.   The default is *BEGIN  meaning the earliest
                 date in the QHSTP file.

                 *TODAY may be entered for the current date.

                 If a date is entered, it must be in job format.

   TODATE        The  To Date of the  QHSTn data to  be processed.  Any
                 records for  dates  after  the To  Date  are  ignored.
                 The  default is  *TODAY  meaning the  current date  in
                 the QHSTP file.

                 If a date is entered, it must be in job format.

   SEQ           The  sequence of the  report.  The  default is *DATTIM
                 which lists  the jobs  in  order of  their  completion
                 date and  time.  A  total break occurs  at the end  of
                 each day.

                 *JOB  may be specified  to list  the jobs in  job name
                 order  with a  total break at  the end  of each unique
                 job name.  If  the JOB parameter is not *ALL,  the SEQ
                 value is  changed to *DATTIM and  a diagnostic message
                 occurs.   This avoids sequencing the  data when only a
                 single job name will be listed.

                 *USER may be specified to  list the jobs in user  name
                 order with  a total  break at the  end of  each unique
                 user  name.  If  the USER  parameter is not  *ALL, the
                 SEQ value  is  changed  to *DATTIM  and  a  diagnostic
                 message  occurs.   This  avoids  sequencing  the  data
                 when only a single user name will be listed.

   JOB           The  Job name  to be  selected.   The default  is *ALL
                 for all jobs.

                 A  specific  job name  may be  entered to  select only
                 jobs of that name.

   USER          The User  name to be  selected.   The default is  *ALL
                 for all users.

                 A  specific user name  may be  entered to  select only
                 jobs that were run by the user.

   JOBTYP        The  Job Type  to be  selected.   The default  is *ALL
                 for all job types.

                 A specific  job type  may be  entered  to select  only
                 jobs of that job type.

                 The other valid values are:

                    *BATCH      Batch
                    *INT        Interactive
                    *AUTO       Auto start
                    *SBSMON     Subsystem monitor
                    *SPLRDR     Spool reader
                    *SPLWTR     Spool writer
                    *SYSJOB     System job
                    *STRCPF     Start CPF

   JOBCOMPCDE    The Job Completion  code to be selected.   The default
                 is *ALL for all job completion codes.

                 A  specific completion code  may be  entered to select
                 only jobs that ended with that completion code.

                 The other valid values are:

              00    Normal completion
              10    Normal completion - controlled end (JOB or SBSD)
              20    Exceeded severity (ENDSEV job attribute)
              30    Abnormal end
              40    Job ended before becoming active
              50    Job ended while the job was active
              60    Subsystem ended while the job was active
              70    System ended while the job was active
              80    Job ended by ENDJOBABN command
              90    Job ended by ENDJOBABN command after time limit

   QHSTPMBR      The member  of  the  QHSTP  file  to  be  used.    The
                 default is *FIRST.

   QHSTPLIB      The library  where the  QHSTP file  exists or will  be
                 created in.   The QHSTn  files are not  read directly.
                 They  are converted  to the  QHSTP file.   The default
                 is QTEMP for the QTEMP library.

                 A specific library  name need only  be entered if  you
                 have  previously converted  the QHSTn  files with  the
                 CVTQHST   TAA  command  or   you  want   to  save  the
                 information after the data is converted.

   RPLQHSTP      Whether to replace  the data in the  QHSTP file.   The
                 default is *DFT  which means that if  the file already
                 exists (due  to a previous PRTJOBSUM  request) and the
                 dates requested  match  the dates  in  QHSTP,  CVTQHST
                 will not  be used to  refresh the file.   If the  file
                 does  not  exist  or   the  dates  in  QHSTP  are  not
                 current, CVTQHST is used to refresh the file.

                 The  *DFT value  is the proper  choice if  you want to
                 convert all the existing  QHST files and then use  the
                 PRTJOBSUM command  with different  selection criteria.

                 Note  that re-use of  the same data  only occurs using
                 *DFT or *NO.

                 *YES may  be  specified  to  force a  refresh  of  the
                 QHSTP file.   *YES should be specified if  you want to
                 ensure current information.

                 *NO  may be  specified to cause  the existing  data in
                 the QHSTP file  to be used.   If the  QHSTP file  does
                 not  exist in  the  QHSTPLIB  library, *NO  cannot  be


You  must be  authorized to  the TAACVTQHST  authorization list  to use

Either  the  QHST files  or a  QHSTP file  (created  from the  TAA Tool
CVTQHST command)  containing  the  dates you  want  to work  with  must

The CPF1164 message will  have a minimum of 1 second for  CPU time.  If
many  batch jobs are  run, this  can result in  a CPU  usage that would
exceed 24 hours  a day.  To  avoid this problem,  every 100 batch  jobs
that have  used 1 second of  CPU usage count  as 1 second.   Because of
the system  limitation, the amount of CPU  usage can only be estimated.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     CHKOBJ3         Check object 3
     CVTQHST         Convert QHST files
     RTVDAT          Retrieve date
     RTVSYSVAL3      Retrieve system value 3
     SNDCOMPMSG      Send completion message
     SNDDIAGMSG      Send diagnostic message
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message
     SNDSTSMSG       Send status message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   PRTJOBSUM     *CMD                   TAAJOCX       QATTCMD
   TAAJOCXC      *PGM       CLP         TAAJOCXC      QATTCL
   TAAJOCXR      *PGM       RPG         TAAJOCXR      QATTRPG

Added to TAA Productivity tools July 10, 2000

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