The Print Conversion Required Programs command prints a listing of
the programs that exist on a RISC system, but are not usable because
conversion to RISC is required and the programs are non-observable.
This condition can occur when a restore command is used to restore
CISC programs and conversion is not requested or cannot be achieved
because no observability exists.
A library or all user libraries may be named.
A typical command would be:
PRTCVNRQD is a slow running command and should be submitted to batch.
An option exists to print all programs that require conversion
whether observability exists or not.
If you remove your source members, but retain the source in a Source
Archive (TAA Tool SRCARC), a parameter exists to name the archive
library. If the source member does not exist in the source file, the
archive will be checked.
The CVTPGMA TAA Tool is used to access the program objects. It uses
the API (QCLRPGMI) to retrieve the program information.
Security considerations
If *ALLUSR is requested, the user must have *ALLOBJ authority.
No checking is done by the tool for a specific library or *USRLIBL.
Consequently, the system security rules apply:
** If the user is not authorized to a library, the command will
be rejected.
** If the user is authorized to the library, but not to a program
within the library, the program is bypassed when the outfile
is created. Therefore, it will not be tested.
Command parameters *CMD
LIB The library name to search. The special values
*CURLIB, *USRLIBL, or *ALLUSR may be specified. If
*ALLUSR is specified, the same rules are followed as
per a SAVLIB LIB(*ALLUSR). Therefore, if you have
programs in libraries that start with Q, you should
specifically name them.
CHKNONOBS A *YES/*NO parameter for whether to check the
programs if they are non-observable. *YES is the
default meaning only the programs that require
conversion and do not have observability will be
*NO may be specified to list all programs which
require conversion, whether they are observable or
not. The -Observable- column of information will
describe whether they are observable.
OMITLIBS Up to 40 library names that may be omitted. Use
this parameter if you know you have certain
libraries that contain programs that you know
require conversion such as a package where you do
not have the current RISC version.
The default is *NONE. You may only specify a list
of libraries if you use *USRLIBL or *ALLUSR.
SRCARCLIB The Source Archive Library name if the TAA Tool
SRCARC is used to archive the source. The default
is *NONE.
If the source member (or file) does not exist based
on the information stored with the object and an
archive library is specified, the member information
is accessed from the source archive. If it exists,
a unique note is printed in the source status field.
The following TAA Tools must be on your system:
CVTPGMA Convert program attributes
EXTLST Extract list
RPGSTSDS RPG Status Data Structure
PRTNONOBS Print non-observable programs (sub pgm is used)
RTVSYSVAL3 Retrieve system value 3
SNDCOMPMSG Send completion message
SNDESCMSG Send escape message
SNDSTSMSG Send status message
SRCARC Source archive
None, the tool is ready to use.
Objects used by the tool
Object Type Attribute Src member Src file
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