TAA Tools
PRTCLPDO        PRINT CLP DO GROUPS                    TAACLQA

The  Print CLP  Do Groups  command  prints an  indented  listing of  CL
source  to  describe where  the  DO  groups are.    The  intent of  the
command  is to  provide a  visual picture of  what the  code looks like
which can  be helpful  when attempting  to  understand the  logic of  a
program.    The  command is  also  useful  when  CRTCLPGM fails  on  an
unmatched DO group.

A typical command would be:

          PRTCLPDO     MBR(xxx)

The  member from the default QCLSRC source  file would be printed.  The
output spooled file would have the same name as the member.

By default,  the  spooled file  is  immediately  displayed based  on  a
command parameter.

The printed output is divided into three areas.

  **   Label area

  **   Command area

  **   Parameter area

The source is shifted  to match these areas.   Within the command area,
the   commands  are  offset  to   the  right  and   indicated  with  an
indentation character  (default  is *)  to  show  the DO  groups.    By
default, 2 spaces are  used for each indication group  (you may specify
3 or 4).  Unmatched ENDDO commands are indicated.

Most  DO commands  are  found regardless  of  whether they  occur  as a
separate  command or  embedded within an  ELSE, MONMSG,  or IF command.
See the later section.

The command differs  from the tool DSPCLPDO  in that it indents  the DO
groups rather than just numbering them.

Command parameters                                    *CMD

   MBR           The member  to be printed.   It must be a  CLP or CLLE

   SRCFILE       The  qualified  file name  of  the source  file.   The
                 file name  defaults  to  QCLSRC.   The  library  value
                 defaults to *LIBL.  *CURLIB may also be specified.

   INDCHR        The character  to be used  to display indentation.   *
                 is the default.

   INDSPC        The  number of spaces  to indent.   2 is  the default.
                 3 or  4  may  be specified.    Increasing  the  number
                 provides better  readability, but  reduces the  number
                 of indentation levels that may be seen.

   FROMSTMT      The  From  statement  to  print source  records  from.
                 *FIRST  is  the default  for the  first record  in the
                 member.   A  source  sequence number  may  be  entered
                 such as 100 or 100.00.

   TOSTMT        The To  statement to print  source records to.   *LAST
                 is  the default for the last record  in the member.  A
                 source sequence number may be  entered such as 110  or

   DSPSPLF       An  option  to  determine whether  DSPSPLF  should  be
                 used at the completion of the command.

                 *YES  is the default  and uses DSPSPLF  to display the
                 spooled  file.    No  page  headings  occur  to  allow
                 better viewing of  indentations.  The spooled  file is
                 automatically  deleted  when  you  end  DSPSPLF.    If
                 specified in a batch job, *NO is assumed.

                 *NO  causes the  spooled file  to be  output for later
                 printing  or  displaying.   Page  headings  occur  for
                 each page.

Identifying DO Commands

A comment  that exists before a  command must end prior  to position 14
of  the source record.   Otherwise the command will  not be recognized.

Any  DO  groups  as  separate  commands  (not  embedded  commands)  are
correctly  identified.     DOWHILE,   DOFOR,  and   DOUNTIL  are   also

The following describes the checking when the DO is embedded.

   ELSE          A  DO is checked for  by scanning for  CMD(DO), DO, or
                 (DO).   No comment  can appear  between the  ELSE  and
                 the  DO.   The  DO  must  appear in  the  same  source
                 record as the ELSE.

   MONMSG        A  DO is checked  for by  scanning for EXEC(DO).   The
                 keyword  form  must  be  used.    Because  the  MONMSG
                 command  has  other  parameters  that   appear  before
                 EXEC, it is normal to code the EXEC keyword.

   IF            A DO  is only checked  if the combination of  left and
                 right  parenthesis balance.  At that  point a check is
                 made for THEN(DO), DO, or (DO).

                 A parenthesis within  quotes such as  ')' will not  be
                 counted  to  determine  if  the  parenthesis  balance.
                 This  allows programs that  scan for  a parenthesis to
                 be properly evaluated.


See the previous comments on identifying DO commands.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     HLRMVMSG        HLL Remove message
     RTVSYSVAL3      Retrieve system value 3
     SNDCOMPMSG      Send completion message
     SNDSTSMSG       Send status message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   PRTCLPDO      *CMD                   TAACLQA       QATTCMD
   TAACLQAC      *PGM       CLP         TAACLQAC      QATTCL
   TAACLQAR      *PGM       RPG         TAACLQAR      QATTRPG

Added to TAA Productivity tools May 1, 1996

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