TAA Tools

The  Print   ASP  Overflow  command   prints  the  objects   that  have
overflowed in  a specified ASP (Auxiliary Storage Pool).   Both the new
and  old style  ASPs are  supported.   You must  know the ASP  that has
overflowed.  This can be determined by using STRSST.

You must  be authorized to  the TAADSPADP  authorization list (or  have
*ALLOBJ authority) to use PRTASPOVF.

A 'new  style' ASP allows  a library and  its associated objects  to be
placed in an ASP.

An  'old style'  ASP was the  original implementation  and allowed only
journals, journal receivers,  and SAVFs to  be placed in  an ASP.   IBM
recommends that you do  not use the old style  ASPs because it requires
a more complex recovery than the new style ASPs.

You can  have both new and  old style ASPs on the  same system, but the
same ASP cannot be used for both new and old.

A typical command to check the overflow of an ASP would be:

            PRTASPOVF   ASP(2)

The command determines the type of  ASP used by attempting to create  a
library in the ASP or  a SAVF into QTEMP and specifying  the ASP number
on each command.

For new  style ASPs, all  libraries are checked  and a list  of objects
within  the libraries specified  for the ASP is  accessed.  Each object
is checked for  overflow.  A  spooled file would  be produced with  one
line for each overflowed object.

For  old  style  ASPs,  all  eligible object  types  (journal,  journal
receiver,  and SAVFs) are  checked.  A  spooled file  would be produced
with one line  for each  overflowed object  within any ASP.   Thus  you
may see  objects for  ASPs that  have overflowed  that are  not in  the
requested ASP.

Determining an ASP overflow status

The  system  sends  the  CPI0954  message  every  hour  to  QSYSOPR  to
describe any overflowed ASPs.

You  can  also  determine  if  an  ASP  has  overflowed  by  doing  the

  **   Enter STRSST

  **   Use the option work with disk units

  **   Use the option to work with disk configuration

  **   Use  the option  to  display  disk  configuration capacity.    A
       column  of  information  exists  for  each  ASP  that  describes
       whether overflow has occurred in the ASP.

Command parameters                                    *CMD

   ASP           The  ASP  to be  checked  for overflow  objects.   The
                 value  must  be a  number  between  2  and  16.    The
                 command  will determine whether  the ASP  is a  new or
                 old style ASP.

                 For   new  style  ASPs,   only  the   objects  in  the
                 libraries  within   the   designated  ASPs   will   be

                 For  old  style  ASPs,  only the  valid  object  types
                 (journal,  journal receiver,  and SAVFs)  are checked.
                 The listing  will include  any of  these object  types
                 that have overflowed regardless of the ASP.


The user must be authorized to the TAADSPADP authorization list.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     DSPADP          Display adopt
     EDTVAR          Edit variable
     RTVSYSVAL3      Retrieve system value 3
     SNDCOMPMSG      Send completion message
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message
     SNDSTSMSG       Send status message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   PRTASPOVF     *CMD                   TAALICB       QATTCMD
   TAALICBC      *PGM       CLP         TAALICBC      QATTCL
   TAALICBC2     *PGM       CLP         TAALICBC2     QATTCL
   TAALICBR      *PGM       RPG         TAALICBR      QATTRPG
   TAALICBR2     *PGM       RPG         TAALICBR2     QATTRPG

The TAALICBC and  TAALICBR programs are used  for new style ASPs.   The
TAALICBC2 and TAALICBR2 programs are used for old style ASPs.

Added to TAA Productivity tools November 1, 1997

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