TAA Tools
PKGSRC          PACKAGE SOURCE                         TAASRDG

The  Package  Source  tool provides  a  solution  for  users  who  make
changes  to source received  from a  vendor and  then at a  later point
receive  a revision from the vendor.   The Package Source tool attempts
to re-make the changes automatically.

To understand the Package Source  tool, there are three sets  of source
files  that   will  be  discussed  and  two   commands  (MRGPKGSRC  and
CVTPKGSRC).   The commands  copy (and  modify) source from  one file to

       *******    MRGPKGSRC    *******                 *******
       *     *  for new vers   *     *    CVTPKGSRC    *     *
       * SHP * --------------> * WRK * --------------> * RUN *
       *     *                 *     *                 *     *
       *******                 *******                 *******

    Ship file which            Work file              Run file
      contains the           where changes          which is the
     source shipped             are made            actual source
    from the vendor                                  being used
                                                 (a compiled object
                                                   version exists)

To best understand  the Package Source  tool, an example  will be  used
of the steps you would go thru.


Assume  that   you  have   received  source  from   a  vendor   for  an
application.  The source is in a file that will be called SHP.

You begin by creating two other source files:

  **   WRK source file where your changes will be made.

  **   RUN source  file where the actual  source (that which represents
       what is really being run) will be placed.

Since you have not made any  changes at this point, you would  normally
begin by  using CPYSRCF to copy  all of the  members from the  SHP file
to the  RUN file.  It  will represent what you are  actually running in
your installation.

Assume that you want to make a change to member MBRA.

When  you first make a  change, you begin by using  CPYSRCF (or the TAA
Tool DUPSRC) to copy the source  from the SHP file to the WRK  file for
MBRA.  The WRK file is where all your modifications will be made.

You then invoke  SEU to work on  the MBRA member.  The  first thing you
must   do  is  to  place  special  comments   into  the  source.    The
STROLD/ENDOLD special comments  bracket the  existing source where  the
change is to be made.

You should  always bracket a reasonable  number of statements (e.g.   a
minimum  of  5 statements)  even  if you  are  only going  to  change a
single line of source.  Bracketing  a unique set of source is  critical
to the  success of the  PKGSRC function.   See the later  discussion on
how  much you  should bracket.   The ENDNEW  special comment  marks the
end of the changes.

The source would then look like:

                            Stmt 1
                            Stmt 2
       /**PKG** STROLD                    */
                            Stmt 3
                            Stmt 4
                            Stmt 5
                            Stmt 6
                            Stmt 7
       /**PKG** ENDOLD                    */
       /**PKG** ENDNEW                    */
                            Stmt 8
                            Stmt 9

You then copy statements 3 thru 7 after the ENDOLD special comment.

Note  that you do not  change any of the  statements between STROLD and
ENDOLD (you  do not  make  comments out  of the  source  either).   The
statements must remain exactly as they were in the SHP source.

Assume a  change is needed  to Statements 3  and 4 and a  new statement
must be added.

After you make the changes, the source would look like:

                            Stmt 1
                            Stmt 2
       /**PKG** STROLD                    */
                            Stmt 3
                            Stmt 4
                            Stmt 5
                            Stmt 6
                            Stmt 7
       /**PKG** ENDOLD                    */
                     Revised stmt 3
                     New statement
                     Revised stmt 4
                            Stmt 5
                            Stmt 6
                            Stmt 7
       /**PKG** ENDNEW                    */
                            Stmt 8
                            Stmt 9

The  source as  it exists  in the  WRK file cannot  be used  to compile
against because  it  includes both  the  old  original source  and  the

You now  use the  CVTPKGSRC (Convert  Package Source)  command to  copy
the source.   You can use a  test file or go directly  to the RUN file.
The  CVTPKGSRC   command  drops   out   the  statements   between   the
STROLD/ENDOLD  brackets.   A  CRTxxxPGM is  then  run against  the  net
source.   When the source has completed testing,  the final version can
then  be copied  to the RUN  source file (if  it is  not already there)
with the CVTPKGSRC command.

The CVTPKGSRC command would look like:


You may make  several sets of  changes to the  same MBRA source.   Each
change  should  be  bracketed  with  the  STROLD/ENDOLD/ENDNEW  special

Now  assume that the  vendor has  shipped you a  new set  of source for
MBRA.  You would  use the MRGPKGSRC (Merge  Package Source) command  to
re-make the changes to the source member.

The command would look like:


The MRGPKGSRC command  will attempt to find the same  set of statements
that you  bracketed with the STROLD/ENDOLD special  comments in the new
version of the RUN source.

  **   If MRGPKGSRC can  find a  complete match, your  changes will  be
       merged into the new source and the WRK version is rewritten.

  **   If MRGPKGSRC  cannot find  a complete  match, an  error will  be
       sent  and the  existing  WRK source  version  remains unchanged.
       The spooled file will describe the error condition.

After you have run MRGPKGSRC, here are the typical situations:

  **   If  the vendor  made no  changes in the  new version  of the SHP
       source, the  WRK source  version statements  would look  exactly
       as they did  before.  The sequence numbers  may change (based on
       what  the vendor did) and the  source change dates will probably
       be changed.

  **   If the vendor  had added  or changed statements  outside of  the
       STROLD/ENDOLD brackets, your  changes have been merged  into the
       same  place  in  the  revised  source  as they  were  originally
       (assumes what  you  had  bracketed  with  STROLD/ENDOLD  remains
       unique in the SHP source).

  **   If  the  vendor  added,  deleted,   or  changed  any  statements
       between  the  STROLD/ENDOLD   brackets,  the  MRGPKGSRC  command
       would  fail and the  WRK source version  would remain unchanged.
       A spooled file  would document what  happened and note that  you
       will have to make the changes again manually.

When  all  of the  changes  have  been  made (either  automatically  by
MRGPKGSRC  or via a  manual change), the  CVTPKGSRC command  can be run
to drop the statements between  the STROLD/ENDOLD brackets and  produce
a version  in the RUN file.   The new  version is ready to  compile and

When a  new version arrives from the vendor  you would normally use the
MBR(*ALL) function  of  both  MRG/CVTPKGSRC.   There  is  also  a  test
function (see  the RPLxxx parameters  on both  commands) that lets  you
determine what  will happen if you let the  commands update the source.


  **   The  PKGSRC  tool  will  put  discipline  into  how  changes are
       documented in vendor  supplied source.   A consistent  technique
       is required.

  **   There  are no  special requirements  for the  vendor  to follow.
       He  does  not place  any special  comments  in his  source, note
       what statements have  changed, note  what members have  changed,

  **   The  tool  is  independent   of  any  assigned  source  sequence
       numbers or date changes.

  **   Assuming a  reasonable use of the tool on  your part (e.g.  good
       bracketing)  and  that  the   vendor  has  not  made   wholesale
       changes,  most of  the  members  that  you have  changed  should
       convert automatically  without any manual changes  on your part.
       Testing is still required.

Points of interest

  **   Both  MRGPKGSRC and CVTPKGSRC allow you  to run against a single
       member, generic members,  or all members in  the file.  See  the
       MBR  parameter  on  both  commands.     If  a  generic  name  is
       specified,  the member  list for the  entire SHP  source file is
       accessed and the  member names that do  not match are  bypassed.

  **   Using MRGPKGSRC for  either 'all members' or  'generic members',
       you  do not  have to  have a member  in the  WRK file  for every
       member in the SHP file.   The SHP file  member list is used  and
       the  MRGPKGSRC  command determines  if  a  corresponding  member
       exists.   If not,  the member  is bypassed  and an entry  in the
       spooled file occurs denoting the fact.

       For  CVTPKGSRC, if a member  does not exist in  the RUN file, it
       is added.

  **   The spooled  file output will  document what  members have  been
       successful and what errors have been found.

  **   MRGPKGSRC  allows  you  to  run  without replacing  any  of  the
       source  in the  WRK  file.   This allows  you to  try out  a new
       version  without  physically  changing  any  of  the   WRK  file
       source.    The   spooled  file  will  identify   what  would  be
       successful   and  any   error  conditions.     See   the  RPLWRK

       CVTPKGSRC  has  a  similar  concept  so  that  you  can  prevent
       changing  anything  in  the  RUN  file.    This  allows  you  to
       determine  if you  have properly  entered the  special comments.
       See the RPLRUN parameter.

  **   MRGPKGSRC  allows  you  to resequence  the  sequence  numbers or
       retain the original SHP  sequence numbers as close  as possible.
       If you choose  not to resequence, new sequence  numbers are made
       by adding .01.  See the RESEQUENCE parameter on MRGPKGSRC.

       CVTPKGSRC  allows you  to resequence  the net source  written to
       the RUN file or  to retain the original  sequence numbers.   See
       the RESEQUENCE parameter on CVTPKGSRC.

  **   CVTPKGSRC allows  you to retain  or delete the  special comments
       in  the  RUN source  output.   See  the  OUTPKGCMT  parameter on

  **   To prevent  the  programmer from  making  a change  to  the  WRK
       source and forgetting  to put in  the proper brackets,  both the
       MRG  and  CVT  commands  provide  an  option which  defaults  to
       provide  checking.    See  the  later  section  on  Date  Change

How much should you bracket with STROLD/ENDOLD

You  do  not  want  to  bracket  a  single  statement  or  only  a  few
statements unless you  are assured of uniqueness.   As a guideline, try
to  bracket  at  least 5  statements  and try  to  include  some unique
comment from the vendors source.

The purpose  of bracketing  a  reasonable number  of statements  is  to
provide some  uniqueness.   When MRGPKGSRC  runs, it  is looking for  a
perfect  match  of the  statements  between STROLD/ENDOLD  and  the new
version in the  SHP file.   If the statements within  the brackets  are
not unique, MRGPKGSRC  could make a  wrong assumption about  where your
change belongs.

Conversely, you  don't want to bracket a lot  of statements because you
are  increasing the probability that the  vendor will make a change and
prevent  MRGPKGSRC  from  providing  an  automatic  solution.    It  is
considered  an  error if  you  try to  bracket  more  than one  hundred

When  MRGPKGSRC is  comparing for  the same set  of source  between the
brackets, it only  compares the data portion  of the source  statement.
It  does not  compare the  sequence numbers  or  the change  date.   In
addition  to the data  portion of the  statements, the sequence  of the
statements is also used to determine a unique set.

It is considered an  error if you do  not bracket any statements  (e.g.
STROLD immediately followed by ENDOLD).

It is  valid  not to  have any  statements between  ENDOLD and  ENDNEW.
This is  the way you  would delete a  block of statements  from the SHP

You  can have a source file  with up to 240  bytes of source data (plus
the 12 bytes for sequence number and change date).

Entering the special comments

The special  comments must be  entered correctly  or the  MRG/CVTPKGSRC
commands will not be able to find them and an error will occur.

  **   RPG and  DDS source are  fixed format languages and  the special
       comment must take a form such as:

           Pos 7
             **PKG** STROLD

       COBOL  also uses an  * in position  7 for a comment,  so it uses
       the same form.

  **   All  other  languages  (e.g.     CL,  command  definition)   are
       considered  free form  languages  and the  special comment  must
       begin in position 1 such as:

      Pos 1
       /**PKG** STROLD             */

There must  be only one space before the  type of special comment (e.g.
STROLD) begins.  Any  characters can appear after  the type of  special
comment.  In  fact, it is a good  idea to place additional  comments on
the STROLD special comment such as:

       /**PKG** STROLD    Changes on 3/1/94 for unique warehouse */

Placing the  date into the STROLD statement is  a good practice because
the  default  of  MRGPKGSRC will  change  the  SEU change  date  of the
record.  Any successful  STROLD statement is also shown in  the spooled
output as confirmation of correct handling.

MRG/CVTPKGSRC   automatically  determine   the   type   of  source   by
extracting  the information from  the member.   You do  not specify the
type of source on either command.

Date change protection

A typical  error that can  be made  using the  PKGSRC tool  is for  the
programmer  to  make  a  change  in the  WRK  file  without  using  the
brackets.   For example,  he just changes  a statement that  is outside
of the brackets.   If this occurs,  the change would  be lost the  next
time the MRGPKGSRC command is run.

To  protect  against  this  type  of  error,  the  commands  provide  a
checking technique by default.

  **   When MRGPKGSRC  is run, the default for  the USRDATCHG parameter
       is  *YES.   This means  that any  statements between  ENDOLD and
       ENDNEW will be  output with the current  date as the SEU  change
       date.    This  forces  all   of  the  user  changes  within  the
       ENDOLD/ENDNEW  brackets to appear to have  been made on the date
       that MRGPKGSRC is run.

  **   When CVTPKGSRC runs  using the default of  *YES for the  CHKDATE
       parameter, it  will ensure  that any  statement from  outside of
       the STROLD/ENDOLD  brackets is not more  current that the oldest
       change date of  a statement within  the ENDOLD/ENDNEW  brackets.

Thus if the programmer  had made a change outside of  the brackets, the
date  of the changed  source statement would  be more current  than the
oldest  date  within  the  ENDOLD/ENDNEW  brackets  and  the  CVTPKGSRC
command would fail with a date change error.

If you  specify the  MRGPKGSRC  command as  USRDATCHG(*NO), the  source
date  changes of the  modifications will  not be  changed and  you will
want  to specify  CVTPKGSRC as  CHKDATE(*NO) to  prevent an  error from

How does MRGPKGSRC work

The MRGPKGSRC command does the following:

  **   It reads the source from the WRK version of the member.

  **   When the STROLD  special comment is found,  the source from  the
       SHP  version is  read looking  for  the same  set of  statements
       that  were  included in  the  STROLD/ENDOLD brackets.    The SHP
       statements are  written to  a temporary  file until  a  matching
       set of statements is found.

  **   If  a matching  set  is found,  the  same STROLD/ENDOLD  special
       comments and  the source within  the brackets are  output to the
       temporary file.

  **   The  statements from the  WRK source member  up to and including
       the ENDNEW bracket are then output to the temporary file.

  **   The loop  begins  again  of reading  the  WRK file  for  another
       STROLD special comment.

  **   When  there  are no  more  STROLD  special  comments found,  the
       remainder  of the RUN file  is read and  output to the temporary

  **   If there are no errors,  the temporary file is then copied  back
       to the WRK source member (replaces it).

If you specify MBR(*ALL), the MRG command:

  **   Gets a list of the members in the SHP source file.

  **   Determines if the same  member exists in the SHP  file and if so
       it  starts the  processing for  that member in  the WRK  file as
       described previously.

  **   If no  corresponding member  exists  in the  WRK file,  the  SHP
       member  is ignored.    An  entry  in the  spooled  listing  will

  **   When all  members have been processed, the  list of members from
       the  WRK file is accessed and a check  is made to determine if a
       corresponding member exists in  the SHP file.  If not,  an error
       is  posted in  the spooled  file.   The intent  is that  the WRK
       file should only contain modifications to the SHP source.

If a generic member name is used:

  **   The list of member names is accessed from the SHP file.

  **   Only  members that match the generic name  are checked to see if
       a corresponding  member exists  and  processing of  that  member
       occurs as described previously.

  **   It  is considered  an error  if no  members are  found with  the
       generic  name or no corresponding  members are found  in the WRK
       file.  At least one member must be processed.

How does CVTPKGSRC work

The CVTPKGSRC command does the following:

  **   It reads the WRK  member looking for  a STROLD special  comment.
       Any statements prior to  STROLD are output to a  temporary file.

  **   If  STROLD is  found, all the  statements up  to the  ENDOLD are

  **   The  statements  between the  ENDOLD/ENDNEW brackets  are output
       to the temporary file.

  **   The special comments are  output to the temporary file  based on
       the OUTPKGCMT parameter.

  **   If the  member does not have  any errors, the  temporary file is
       used   to  replace  the  version  in  the   RUN  file.    If  no
       corresponding  member exists  in  the  RUN  file,  a  member  is

If  MBR(*ALL) is  specified,  a list  of  members in  the  WRK file  is
accessed and each is processed.

If  a generic member name  is specified, a  list of members  in the WRK
file is accessed and only the matching generic names are processed.

Error conditions

Several error conditions are checked for such as:

  **   The  MRG/CVTPKGSRC  commands  rigorously  check  the  source  to
       ensure that  the special  comments are  paired correctly and  in
       the  correct sequence.   For  any change,  you must  always have
       the  STROLD,  ENDOLD, and  ENDNEW  special comments  and  in the
       correct sequence.

  **   If  the  MRGPKGSRC  command  does  not  find  a  STROLD  special
       comment anywhere in the source, it is considered an error.

  **   You  must have  at least  one statement  between the  STROLD and
       ENDOLD special comments.

  **   If  the MRGPKGSRC  command does  not find  a complete  match for
       the statements  between the  STROLD/ENDOLD  brackets, it  is  an

  **   If you  specify a single member  for MRGPKGSRC, a member  of the
       same name in both the SHP and WRK source files must exist.

  **   When  MRGPKGSRC  is requested  for  MBR(*ALL),  the member  list
       from the  SHP file  is accessed  and a  corresponding member  is
       looked  for  in the  WRK  file.    If  none exists,  it  is  not
       considered an  error and the  member is bypassed.   When the SHP
       member  list is complete,  the WRK file  member list is accessed
       and a check is made  to see if there is corresponding  member in
       the SHP file.  If not, it is considered an error.

  **   Before  changing any  members,  the  corresponding member  types
       are checked.  If they differ, an error will occur.

  **   If  the member to be written to  cannot be allocated to an *EXCL
       lock state, it is considered an error.

Compiling from test source or the RUN source

The PKGSRC tool does  not provide for any CRT  steps.  It only  handles
the process of changing the source.

The TAA  Tool EXCSRC can  be used to handle  the create step.   Neither
EXCSRC  nor PKGSRC have  any dependencies on  each other.   They can be
used independently.

EXCSRC allows you to  define one or more  commands for each object  you
want  to create.    The commands  are  placed in  a  source member  and
identified with a  beginning label.  You can  have one or more commands
for  each object  that needs  to be  created and  you can  use variable
values for  such things  as the source  file, source  library, and  the
library to create the object in.

You can make EXCSRC a user defined option for PDM.

Thus it  is possible  with EXCSRC to  specify that a  CVTPKGSRC command
be  run to place  the output in  a test library and  that the CRTxxxPGM
command also  be  run  using the  test  library  as input  and  a  test
library for the  created object.  This  could be the default  if EXCSRC
was executed  from PDM.  A  unique version of the  EXCSRC command could
be used when the source was  ready for production that would output  to
the RUN file and create the object in the production library.

The EXCSRC source might look like:

                              RUNFILE(&PRMSRCLIB/QCLSRC) +
                 CRTCLPGM   PGM(&PRMOBJLIB/MBRA) +

The &  names represent  values that  would be specified  on the  EXCSRC
command.   When EXCSRC executes  the statement, it  will substitute the
command values.

For  a full explanation of  EXCSRC and how to  create a PDM option that
will allow a  simple create for  the programmer, see the  documentation
for the EXCSRC tool.

MRGPKGSRC Command parameters                          *CMD

   SHPFILE       The  qualified file  name of  the file  containing the
                 source  shipped  by  the vendor.    The  library value
                 defaults to *LIBL.

   WRKFILE       The qualified  file name  of the  file containing  the
                 source  as  modified  by   you.    The  library  value
                 defaults to *LIBL.

   MBR           The member  to be converted.   A specific member name,
                 a generic  name,  or the  special  value *ALL  may  be
                 used to process all members.

   RPLWRK        A  *YES/*NO value  that determines  if  the source  in
                 the WRK  file will be replaced.   The default is *YES.
                 *NO   should  be  used  when  you  want  to  test  how
                 successful  the  function will  be.    If  any  errors
                 occur,  the source  will  not be  written  to the  WRK
                 file for the member in error.

   RESEQUENCE    A  *YES/*NO   value  that  determines  if  the  source
                 written  to  the  WRK   file  will  have  the   source
                 sequence  numbers resequenced.   The  default is  *NO.
                 Using  the  default, any  inserts  from  the WRK  file
                 member  are  written  by   adding  .01  to  the   last
                 sequence number  output.  If  *YES is  specified, each
                 statement is incremented by 1.00 as it is output.

   USRDATCHG     A   *YES/*NO  value  that   determines  if   the  user
                 modified  source  (the statements  between  ENDOLD and
                 ENDNEW)  should  be  output  with  the  current  date.
                 *YES  is  the  default   and  is  used  to  assist  in
                 preventing  the programmer  from changing  a statement
                 outside of  the brackets.   See  the previous  section
                 on Date Change Protection.

CVTPKGSRC Command parameters                          *CMD

   WRKFILE       The qualified  file name  of the  file containing  the
                 source  as  modified including  the  special comments.
                 The library value defaults to *LIBL.

   RUNFILE       The qualified  file name  of the  file containing  the
                 net source  that  you want  to compile  against.   Any
                 statements between STROLD/ENDOLD are removed.

   MBR           The member  to be converted.  A  specific member name,
                 a  generic  name, or  the  special value  *ALL  may be
                 used to process all members.

   RPLRUN        A *YES/*NO  value  that determines  if  the source  in
                 the RUN file  will be replaced.  The  default is *YES.
                 *NO  should   be  used  when  you  want  to  test  how
                 successful the  function  will  be.    If  any  errors
                 occur,  the source  will  not be  written  to the  RUN
                 file for the member in error.

   RESEQUENCE    A  *YES/*NO   value  that  determines  if  the  source
                 written  to  the  RUN   file  will  have  the   source
                 sequence numbers  resequenced.   The  default is  *NO.
                 Using  the default, the  existing sequence  numbers in
                 the  WRK file are  used when writing  to the RUN file.
                 If *YES  is specified, each  statement is  incremented
                 by 1.00 as it is output to the RUN file.

   CHKDATE       A   *YES/*NO  value  that   determines  if   the  date
                 checking  protection  should  be used.    *YES  is the
                 default.    *NO  should  be  used  to  turn  off   the
                 checking.   If  you have  specified USRDATCHG(*NO)  on
                 the  MRGPKGSRC  command,  you  will  need  to  specify
                 CHKDATE(*NO).    See  the  previous  section  on  Date
                 Change Protection.

   OUTPKGCMT     A  *YES/*NO  value  that  determines  if  the  special
                 comments  should  be included  in  the output  source.
                 The  default  is  *YES.    If  you  specify  *NO,  the
                 special comments will be dropped.


The PKGSRC tool  uses a convention that  must be followed for  the tool
to be successful.

  **   You must properly bracket any changes.

  **   You must bracket a unique set of statements.

  **   You cannot make changes outside of the brackets.

The  success of  automating  the re-making  of  your changes  to a  new
version  is highly dependent on what the  vendor does to the source and
what you bracketed.

The PKGSRC tool is not a  perfect solution, but if used correctly,  you
should be able to automate most of the re-making of changes.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     ALCTMPMBR    Allocate temporary member
     CHKGENERC    Check generic
     HLRMVMSG     HLL Remove message
     RTVDAT       Retrieve date
     SNDCOMPMSG   Send completion message
     SNDESCMSG    Send escape message
     SNDSTSMSG    Send status message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   MRGPKGSRC     *CMD                   TAASRDG       QATTCMD
   CVTPKGSRC     *CMD                   TAASRDG2      QATTCMD
   TAASRDGC      *PGM       CLP         TAASRDGC      QATTCL
   TAASRDGC2     *PGM       CLP         TAASRDGC2     QATTCL
   TAASRDGC9     *PGM       CLP         TAASRDGC9     QATTCL
   TAASRDGR      *PGM       RPG         TAASRDGR      QATTRPG
   TAASRDGR2     *PGM       RPG         TAASRDGR2     QATTRPG


   TAASRDGC   CL pgm
       TAASRDGC9   CL pgm

   TAASRDGC2  CL pgm

Added to TAA Productivity tools April 1, 1995

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