TAA Tools
MOVTODEC        MOVE TO DECIMAL                        TAACLPQ

The 'Move to Decimal'  and 'Move to Character' commands  perform an RPG
type of  MOVE operation where  no decimal alignment is  performed.  The
normal CHGVAR command always performs decimal alignment.

MOVTODEC  is intended for those situations  where a variable or literal
contains an  implied  decimal  point and  needs  to  be placed  into  a
decimal field which  is defined with decimal positions.   CHGVAR cannot
be  used because it  will place  all of the  digits to the  left of the
decimal position.

An example  of the  use of  MOVTODEC is  where a  literal  needs to  be
defined with digits to  the right of the decimal  point and the program
is intended  to operate in different countries.   If a decimal point is
used, the character is  misinterpreted in countries  which use a  comma
as the decimal point notation.

For  example,  assume  you  wanted to  multiply  by  10%.    You  would
normally specify:

          CHGVAR     &RESULT (&AMOUNT * .10)

To avoid  specifying the decimal point, you define  a variable and then
use MOVTODEC to initialize the value:

          DCL        &PERCENT *DEC LEN(15 5)

The  TODEC variable must be  defined as *DEC LEN(15  5).  The character
value you define is moved  from the right so that you must  provide for
the 5 decimal positions.  Any blanks are bypassed.

If you wanted the value 1234.567 you would specify:

          DCL        &XX *DEC LEN(15 5)
          MOVTODEC   TODEC(&XX) FROMCHAR(123456700)


The Move  to Character command  is intended for those  situations where
you  have a  decimal field  with some number  of decimal  positions and
want it to be moved to a character field without the decimal point.

For example, assume  you have a  decimal field declared  with LEN(5  2)
and it  has a  value of 123.45.   You  want to move  it to  a character
field  so that the value  will be 12345  without a decimal  point.  The
CHGVAR command cannot be  used because a decimal  point will appear  in
the result.

Any  decimal field  passed  to  a  command decimal  parameter  will  be
decimal   aligned.    Therefore,   the  MOVTOCHR  command   provides  6
different  input fields  (FROMDEC1 ....   FROMDEC6).  You  must use the
proper command parameter and declare which of the 6 you are using.

The character  field you  move to  must be  declared as  LEN(15).   The
value  will be  right adjusted.   You  may need  to substring  into the
result field to work with it.

To move a LEN(5 2) field to a character field you would specify:

          DCL        &CHARX *CHAR LEN(15)
          DCL        &DEC *DEC LEN(5 2)

If  &DEC  has  a  value  of  123.45,  the  &CHARX  field  will  contain
000000000012345.   You may  have to  substring the  value  out to  work
with it.

MOVTODEC Command parameters                           *CMD

   TODEC         The  decimal variable  to be  moved  to.   It must  be
                 declared as *DEC LEN(15 5).

   FROMCHAR      The  character  field  which  contains  the  value  to
                 move.   The variable  must be  declared as  *CHAR  and
                 can be  any  length up  to 15.   The  value is  always
                 moved  from the  right.    Blanks are  bypassed.   You
                 must  provide for  the 5  digits to  the right  of the
                 decimal point.

MOVTOCHR Command parameters                           *CMD

   TOCHAR        The character  variable to be  moved to.   It must  be
                 declared as  *CHAR LEN(15).   The value will  be right
                 adjusted.   If  the value  is negative, the  low order
                 position  will have  a  D  zone.    You  may  have  to
                 substring the result to work with the value.

   DECPOS        The number  of decimal  positions in  the FROM  field.
                 An  entry of *1,  *2 ...   *6 must be  specified.  The
                 appropriate FROMDECn field must be used.

   FROMDEC1      A from  decimal field  that  has 1  decimal  position.
                 The number of  digits in the  total length may  be any
                 number from 1 to 15.

   FROMDEC2      A  from decimal  field that  has 2  decimal positions.
                 The  number of digits  in the total  length may be any
                 number from 2 to 15.

   FROMDEC3      A from  decimal field  that has  3 decimal  positions.
                 The number  of digits in  the total length may  be any
                 number from 3 to 15.

   FROMDEC4      A  from decimal  field that  has 4  decimal positions.
                 The number of  digits in the total  length may be  any
                 number from 4 to 15.

   FROMDEC5      A from  decimal field  that has  5 decimal  positions.
                 The  number of digits in  the total length  may be any
                 number from 5 to 15.

   FROMDEC6      A from  decimal field  that has  6 decimal  positions.
                 The number of  digits in the  total length may  be any
                 number from 6 to 15.






None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type        Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----        ---------      ----------    ----------

   MOVTODEC      *CMD                       TAACLPQ       QATTCMD
   MOVTOCHR      *CMD                       TAACLPQ2      QATTCMD
   TAACLPQR      *PGM           RPG         TAACLPQR      QATTRPG
   TAACLPQR2     *PGM           RPG         TAACLPQR2     QATTRPG

Note  that  the  RPG  programs  are the  command  processing  programs.
There are no CL programs.




Added to TAA Productivity tools April 1, 1995

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